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The Red Sox vc. the Yankees
by Dannie and Rinny

Joey had managed to avoid Pacey so far that day, three days after their 'break up', much to her relief. Her eyes focused on the lowering sun, an early sign that the day was ending and they would soon have to finish. She grabbed another nail and banged it into the wall with more strength then necessary. Nothing better than hitting something with a hammer to let one's aggression out.

"See Andie, you're getting the hang of it," he said as he handed her a few more nails. Her smile widened at this praise. He pretended he didn't notice and made his way into the house for a soda. They'd all been working non-stop all day long. There were only a few people still hanging around.

Joey smiled at the sight of Dawson with a hammer and nails working at another corner of the room. Dawson turned, feeling her eyes on him. "What's so funny?" he asked, offering her a smile.

Joey laughed. "Nothing, I'm just remembering a similar encounter you've had with a hammer and nails."

Dawson pretended to be offended. "Hey, I did a good job on that fence." Joey just nodded, deciding to bite her tongue and headed back to work. "I saw that," Dawson said.

Joey shrugged. "Saw what?"

"That smile."

"What smile, Dawson?" she said, trying to hide her grin.

"That one. The one you're trying to hide."

She laughed. "I'm going to get a soda, want one?"

He shook his head. "Nah."

She shrugged and walked off. "And don't think I didn't see through your pathetic attempt to change the subject." She heard Dawson's voice call out.

Joey laughed.

Pacey contemplated whether he wanted a Mountain Dew or a Coke. He remembered something Joey had told him about Yellow 5 killing sperm, he smiled at that and reached for the Coke. He popped it open and guzzled the soda down. His Adams-apple bobbing provocatively up and down.

Joey froze upon spotting Pacey in the kitchen, so much for the avoidance act. She debated internally on whether she should enter or not, before deciding on the former. She confidently strode into the room and went over to the fridge. Perhaps, if she acted as if she didn't see him, he'd get the hint.

As soon as he saw her, he followed her with his eyes. Waiting for her to say something. He was a little surprised, as she looked right through him.

Joey felt his eyes on her as she grabbed a Coke. She turned around and popped it open. She tilted her head back and took a long drink of the cold soda.

Pacey watched her reverently, a drip of the drink escaped from the corner of her mouth. He had to restrain himself from wiping it away. Their eyes met and he became hypnotized by their dark brown pools. Her sheer presence made his skin tingle.

Jack chose that moment to come in. He opened the refrigerator, grabbed a Mt. Dew and left, paying no attention to his two friends. It was enough to bring the two out of paralysis though. "So... what? Are we not allowed to speak to each other now?"

Joey shrugged, not replying.

"I see." He turned to leave. However, a thought occurred to him. "Don't you think it'll appear a little off, when all of a sudden we stop talking to each other? We've been attached at the hip since November."

"So how about those Yankees?" Joey asked, attempting to appease him. She took another sip of her soda.

"You know I'm more of a Red Sox fan, Joey," he said dryly.

"All the more reason for me to be a Yankee fan," she replied.

Pacey's brow wrinkled at her icy words. "And the Ice Queen reigns again," he muttered, taking a sip from his second can of Coke.

Joey shrugged and hopped off the counter. "There. We spoke. Happy now?

"If happy means miserable then sure, I'm ecstatic!" he said, sarcasm etched in his voice. He noticed Dawson through the window. "You better hurry back to Movie-Boy, Jo. Without your ever-watchful supervision he may nail his shirt to the wall again."

"Same to you, we wouldn't want Andie to hurt herself or anything," Joey countered.

"You've never liked Andie have you? Why is that?"

Joey eyed him strangely. "I have no idea what you're talking about..."

"No, really. All the under the breath derogatory comments, blond jokes...You hate her, why?"

She frowned. "I don't hate, Andie. You're reaching."

"PACEY! I need you!" Andie's whiny voice carried inside. Joey eyed him smugly.

"I'll be right there, Andie," he said sweetness dripping from his voice.

Joey winced slightly. "Run along," she said, motioning him with her hands.

Just then, Dawson's voice rang through the house. "Hey, Jo, I changed my mind, can you bring me a soda?" Joey frowned.

"Always at Dawson's beck and call aren't you, Jo?"

Joey narrowed her eyes at him. "I am not. Besides if I were you, I wouldn't be talking, Mr. Andie McPhee," Joey countered.

"She's here to help you out Joey. She's learning how to wield a hammer to save your ass! The least you could do is be a little grateful."

"No, Pacey, you're wrong. She's hear to see your ass, she learned to wield hammer so she could be near you and whatever jaded her reasons may be, I did thank her. So you, Mr. Witter, better get your facts straight before accusing me!" Joey yelled, angrily.

"And you're reasons for wanting Dawson around are so pure," he taunted, "he's your safety, you're fall back. Huh? At least Andie isn't afraid of her emotions, unlike someone I could name who dumped a potential relationship less than 24 hours after ONE kiss."

Joey's felt herself become agitated, her blood boiling, she eyed Pacey with distaste and disgust. "Stop being so damn selfish, Pacey."

"Selfish? Me?" he asked wide-eyed with hurt. She nodded. "You know, you're right, Ms. Potter. I have been selfish. I mean, far be it for me to want to have a relationship with the object of my affection, let alone have a civilized conversation with her. In addition, hope that she'd lower herself from her Holier-than-though pedestal. It's unthinkable! I mean, how could I be so self-seeking."

That's it she'd had it with him, if that's what he wanted so be it. "Oh, yeah?" she countered. She angrily grabbed his hand. "C'mon." She dragged him to the backroom where Dawson was working. "C'mon, let's tell him now," she said angrily.

She worked her way over to Dawson. She tapped Dawson on the shoulder; he turned back startled to see her. He eyed her strangely. "Jo? Pacey?" He looked down at their interlocking hands. "What's going on?" He looked back up at them, puzzled.

"Well, Dawson, Pacey and I," she paused, "We sort of have something going here and I just wanted to inform you that we're now an item." Joey's voice was full of anger, and with that, she pulled Pacey to her and kissed him, before running out of the room and leaving him with Dawson.

Dawson started laughing. "That was a good one. Joey almost had me there." He turned back to his work.

Pacey swallowed nervously and managed to nod his head slightly. "I-I'm not quite sure what got into her." His heart was palpitating heavily and he was short of breath, but he managed to appear together. He grasped a few screws from the bag next to Dawson. "So, D...." he paused, trying to figure out how to word his next sentence. "The idea of me and Jo really is laughable." He meant it as a statement, but it came out as a question.

His friend grinned. "Totally, I mean, Joey can't stand you."

"Ya have to admit she's warmed up to me a little...we can actually hold conversations without barbed insults these days. Moreover she just kissed me, remember? A year ago, she wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole. I think we're finally friends now." Pacey waited patiently to here Dawson's response to this.

He thought about it. "True, but still...Joey you. It's just too weird for words."

The adrenalin from his fight and then kiss with Joey had yet to subside, and Pacey could feel heated anger beginning to flow through his veins again. "What exactly is it about me that's so repulsive Dawson? What, the hair? My utter lack of self-discipline? My realistic view of life? The fact that I'd rather do something than analyze it to death?" Bitterness crept into his voice. "What is it about me that makes Joey to good for me? Huh? Or is it just simply that I'm not you?"

Dawson eyed Pacey strangely. He was pretty worked up over a hypothetical situation. "Well, let's say Joey were attracted to you, and she actually entertained the idea of going out with you. I admit, that at first, I'd be angry. If Joey were about to embark on some new romantic endeavor, and if it's with you all the better. At least I know she'd be in good hands," he paused, "Keep in mind this is hypothetical," Dawson added quickly, not sure how okay he would be with the situation.

"How would it be any different if it weren't hypothetical, Dawson?"

He shrugged, looking away, "If it weren't, I might be forced to kill you." He laughed. "Besides, you guys wouldn't do that."

"Right, cause she loves you... and I love... Andie," he said lightly.

"I'm not so sure about that anymore..."

Pacey perked up. "You're not sure she loves you, or..." he trailed off.

Dawson nodded. "At least not in the same way and it's the same for me. It's just that right now, we just know." He shook his head. "You know what I mean."

"I'm afraid I don't, Daws. Nevertheless, try to explain, anything to help me better understand that woman. How did you put up with her for so long?" He asked good-naturedly.

Dawson laughed. "C'mon, Joey is not that bad." He turned serious. "I just want her friendship now more then anything." Dawson saw Andie out of the corner of his eye. "What about you and Andie?"

"God, Dawson. I don't know," he bemoaned to his friend. "I want to be her friend and help her in any way I can. But relationship wise, like I told her, I won't ever forget what she did."

"Do you love her?"

"Love is such a broad term. I love my mom, I love my friends, I love my dog, and I love Doritos. Can you rephrase the question?"

He chuckled. "It's simple, Pace, 'cause when you love someone, you don't let anything stand in your way, not even another guy. Love is to much of a valuable and precious gift, so if you find it, don't ever let it go, because you never know when it'll happen again." He paused and motioned to Andie who was sitting by herself. "Talk to her."

Pacey looked to where Andie sat on the dock, overlooking the creek. Maybe once he figured things out with her, he'd be able to clear things up with Joey. He shoved his hands in his pocket, and lumbered over to her. "Hey Andie."

Andie perked up at the sound of Pacey's voice. "Hey, Pacey." She smiled genuinely at him.

"I want to thank you for all the time you're putting in here. Helping out and all."

Andie shrugged. "I really don't mind. It's fun."

They sat in silence for a moment. "Andie, I was talking to Dawson and he's kind of got me thinking. We never really cleared the air between us after the breakup. We've been through a lot together, good times and bad. I don't want to forsake all of that." He looked at her to see her reaction. She had shifted her eyes away, but didn't say anything, and so he continued. "So, um... where exactly do we stand with one another?"

Andie shrugged and hugged her knees to her chest. "I don't know, Pacey." She laughed slightly. "It's funny, you know, I remember when I first met you. I hated you, I seriously did." She smiled softly to herself.

"How could you hate my charming smile?" She shot him a dirty look.

"It's okay McPhee, I hated you too. You were such a spoiled brat," he said fondly.

"You were an obnoxious jerk," she smiled.

"You were an overly hyper overachiever." He teased back

"You were ultimately determined to be a slacker."

"And you changed me..." Pacey said with a small smile. "... I've never really thanked you for taking me under your wing."

Andie shook her head in disagreement. "You changed me," she said softly.

"And how exactly did I do that?" Pacey asked surprised. 'The best I did for her was drive her to an insane asylum,' he thought to himself.

She laughed faintly. "You made me realize that there was more to life then work and school, and despite my, let's say, quirkiness I was actually a worthwhile person."

"You were always a worthwhile person. I, for the life of me, will never understand why you girls have such low self-esteem."

Andie smiled. "It's for a whole bunch of reasons, the carbon copy models, more then likely, suffering from anorexia. The stereo types of if you're too smart you might scare a guy off," she paused. "I could never understand where your low self-esteem came from."

He sighed. "A million places, I wouldn't know where to begin."

"You're a great person, Pacey. I don't know why you believe that you're not. I was wrong before, there's nothing about you that needed changing. You're perfect just the way you are." She grinned slightly, wondering where all these things were coming from.

"Thanks, McPhee. You don't have any idea on how much I needed to hear that right now."

Andie shrugged, secretly elated to hear him calling her by her last name. It brought back memories, good ones. It brought her back to a time when things had been simpler between them and before she went away to Mayfield. She shrugged. "I just wish I had told you that sooner."

Pacey caught her gaze out of the corner of his eye and gave her a sincere smile. "There's absolutely nothing I would change about the time we were together Andie. Nothing... except for, maybe, the ending."

She felt her pulse start to race as she noticed their proximity. "Um...Yeah, me too." She stumbled out, having no clue of what he had just said.

"That's why I came out here, I want to discuss our relationship." His voice became serious, but he was relieved that Andie seemed to be prepared to discuss things maturely.

Andie nodded. Relationship? They no longer had any relationship and that was fine with her, unless..."O-Okay.�

"I really hope you feel the way I do, Andie. We have this connection... I don't want to lose that."

Joey wandered aimlessly back to her house, wondering what had happened between Pacey and Dawson. She silently cursed herself for acting so impetuously. It was starting to get dark now and she shivered involuntarily. In her haste, she had forgotten her jacket, another brilliant move.

Sitting close together at the end of Joey's dock, Andie bit her lower lip apprehensively. This was it, the decisive moment. She leisurely pressed her lips against his, her hand instinctively reaching up to touch his cheek. She felt his warm skin under her fingertips, enjoying the slightly scratchy feel of it.

It shocked Pacey more than anything. In retrospect, he should have known his words would have been misinterpreted. The instant that her lips touched his he thought of Joey. He compared Andie's kiss to hers. He noted there was passion between him and Joey. The kiss with Andie was empty of chemistry. They were just lips touching lips. During all this analyzation, he never remembered to pull away.

Joey paused, before walking the rest of the way down her dock. She had been planning to row over to Dawson's and explain to him what had occurred earlier. She stopped, when she noticed to familiar figures sitting on her dock, kissing.



Andie and Pacey.

Andie and Pacey sitting on her dock.

Andie and Pacey sitting on her dock and kissing.


From the looks of it, they weren't planning to stop anytime soon. Therefore, this was it. The moment of truth. She had been right all along. He wasn't worth it. She wanted to cry or scream, do something. Something, which could express the anger and betrayal that she felt, but nothing. She opened her mouth, but only a cross between a cry and a choke were able to find its way pass her lips. She turned and ran. Ran, as fast her legs could carry her. She wasn't going to stay; she didn't want to see it. All that came to mind was the irony of the situation. That the same place where her and Pacey's budding friendship slash relationship had started was the same place it had ended. Her dock.

Pacey heard Joey's pounding steps as she ran away. He immediately tore himself from Andie's grasp. He jumped up in time to see her running down the driveway away from the house as if the hounds of hell were chasing her. He knew he couldn't go after her... what would he tell her. Andie was looking up at him, beseeching him to say something. "Th- that was a mistake Andie"

She looked down, unable to mask the hurt in her eyes. "Can you just leave?" she asked quietly. "Why prolong this moment of unabashed awkwardness any longer? The complete feeling of idiocy I now feel because I led myself to believe that we could actually try again, the grand delusions I've been masquerading all afternoon," she sighed, "go away, Pacey. I don't think it's possible for me to feel anymore like a fool, except now that I'm babbling like a complete and utter moron. I wish I had some venomous comment where I could counteract my actions as being anything but some lame attempt at getting you back, but I don't." She spoke bitterly and continued to stare out over the creek.

"I d- didn't mean to... We- we're not... I can't expl-...This was..." For the life of him, he wasn't able to put together a complete sentence. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "God, I'm sorry Andie."

"Not as sorry as I am."

He sighed. His life was becoming one colossal mess. "Call me when you're ready to talk, Andie," he said, his voice low. He walked down the dock, leaving her sitting there. He wasn't sure where he would go. He didn't think he could face Dawson now. He had no clue where Joey ran off. Even if he did, he wouldn't go there. He had no explanation to give her. He let his feet carry him along and let his mind wander.

Joey slowed down when she approached the familiar shack, the silhouette of the boat visible in the moonlight. It was a living testament to True Love. She scoffed at the idea, true love her ass. It didn't exist and it never would. She wanted to destroy it, some sort of vandalism, something that would hurt its silent mockery of her, but she didn't. She stood watching it for a while, a standing to memorial to what could have been instead of what was. With a resounding sigh, she turned and walked away. If that's the way he wanted it, so be it.

He should have known his traveling would bring him here. He stood 5 yards away from it.

His boat.

Their boat.

He cursed aloud to himself. He'd screwed up again. Nothing he could say could fix things between him and Joey now. Kind of like the boat. It'd been through a hurricane, and hadn't survived. He thought he'd be able to fix it, with her help... but now... True Love was doomed to forever be a testimonial that true love was bullshit. Just as he would be the living breathing epitome of it.

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