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Meaning Nothing
by Dannie and Rinny

Jack watched Joey watch Pacey as he and Shane moved her couch through the living room. It was about a month after Joey had visited Pacey, and they were finially moving into their apartment together.

"Hmm�You can put that right by the wall there," Joey directed them as she unpacked the box with her dishes.

"Okay, on three." Pacey said to Shane who nodded, "One, Two..." Shane's end of the couch came down on the wood floor with a bump. "I said on three," Pacey grumbled putting his end down gently. "That couch is a hell of a lot heavier than I thought it'd be." He directd that comment to Joey.

"Exactly," Shane said nodding his head. "I put it down on three. One, two, the couch came down."

"No, It's one, two, three, then the couch comes down." Pacey insisted.

"Noooo, then that'd be after three," Shane objected.

"But I hadn't even said three yet."

"Well, after two comes three and I did it after two," Shane said rolling up the sleeves of his blue sweater.

"I side with Shane," Jack said walking further into the room wrapping his arm around Shane's waist.

Shane smiled throwing up his hands. "See? What did I tell you?"

"Jo?" Pacey asked, sending her a pleading look.

"Shane," Joey said quickly not bothering to look up from the box she was unpacking.

Shane gave Pacey a 'Ha, what did I tell you look?"

"I can't win." He shook his head in mock despair, "You think the mother of my child would side with me at least."

"And that's exactly, where you went wrong," Joey began. "You thought." He stuck out his lower lip. Joey sighed as she set a plate down on the table. "He's pouting, isn't he?"

Jack chuckled, "You know him well."

"He's a big baby," she responded.

"Am not," he stuck his tongue out at her, "Come on, Shane, we still have the table and chairs to haul up here." He gestured for him to follow as he headed for the door.

She turned to Jack. "Point proven."

Jack chuckled as he watched them go, tilting his head to get a better view of his boyfriends behind. "Where do you want these," he held up a box of Joey's old sketchpads.

She gazed at the box thoughtfully. "Um, you can put that in my room."

"Okay," He propped the box on the counter beside where she was unloading dishes. "So, how are you doing these days?" He asked, opening the refrigerator, hoping against hope that something cold and refreshing had appeared since the last time he looked.

"Check the freezer," Joey said as she set the cups on the table. "I think Shane picked up a soda last time he was downstairs."

"Thanks," he followed her instructions and uncapped the bottle, taking a deep swallow. "So, do I get an answer?"

"Physically, I'm fine," she said walking over to him and handing him a cup. "Don't be a pig."

He rolled his eyes and poured the drink into the cup. "And everything else?"

"Everything else is okay," she said returning to the table.

"And things with Pacey?"

"They're�They're okay too."

"Joey, he makes you love him and hate him at the same time. Keep up the act with him all you want, but with me, at least, be honest."

She sighed and turned to face him. "Nothing's changed."

"How do you mean?" He asked patiently.

"I mean, nothing's changed in the situation."

"Well, have you changed?"

"I think I've lost a severe amount of brain cells because I'm moving in with him."

He gave her a hopeful look, "He seems pretty excited about it."

She shrugged. "Closer to the baby now."

"Closer to you."

"The person that's carrying his child," Joey added.

"Give yourself more credit. Joey, you have him in body. If you want to win his heart, you have to try."

She threw her hands up in frustration. "And what exactly am I supposed to do to accomplish that?"

"You are a very lovable person, Joey." Jack said calmly. "You're still as beautiful, sincere and kind as you were way back when we were all sixteen and he first fell in love with you. You haven't changed all that much. He's loved you twice just need to remind him what it is he loved then."

"You know I would do that if I actually knew what that was!"

Jack thought for a moment. "What have you tried?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. I haven't really done anything."

"Maybe that's where the problem lies." He said, putting his glass down and picking up the box again. "Nothing's going to change unless first, you do."

She raised an eyebrow. "What am I supposed to change?"

"Make a move." He suggested, "Or you know, you could just tell him. Get it off your chest and let him deal with it." He called over his shoulder, leaving her alone in the kitchen with her thoughts.

"A move? I already know he'll sleep with me. Don't know exactly what that's going to accomplish and you can't just tell someone something like that. Can you?" She muttered to herself.

"Tell who what?" Pacey asked, entering the kitchen and taking the soda from the freezer.

She shook her head quickly. "Nothing and no one."

"Ya sure?" He drank straight from the bottle.

"There are cups, you know," she said as she watched him.

"I know," he said with a devious smile.



"Bite me."

"Ask nicely."

She smirked. "Then please bite me."

He arched an eyebrow and took her hand, gently biting the tip of her index finger.

She pursed her lips together to mask her reaction and pulled her hand away. "You didn't have to actually do it."

"Hey, you asked." He shrugged.

She raised an eyebrow. "If I asked you to drop dead, you'd do that for me too?"

"I'd try," he winked at her.

She smiled. "Kiss me?"

"Really?" he asked, putting the bottle of soda down and taking a step closer to her.

She stepped back a bit. "Do you want to?"

"Do you want me to?" He replied.

Her eyes met his. "Yeah."

The corner of his mouth lifted in a smile, and he closed the gap between them. His large hand cupped her waist and drew her closer to him.

She smiled up at him wryly. "Well, what are you waiting for?"

"You to tell me to stop." He murmured.

"Not going to happen," she stated simply.

"Good," he whispered. Smiling lightly he tilted her chin up, closed his eyes and lowered his lips to hers. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck parting her lips under his. He sighed against her lips, "Like that?"

She nodded softly her eyes still closed. "Yeah."

He kissed her cheek lightly, "I like feeling close to you."

"Yeah?" She smiled.

"Yeah," he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

She smiled at the innocent gesture. "Even though I make you act like your five?"

He nodded, "Even though you make me act like I'm five."

"You and Shane finish bringing everything up?"

He smiled and looked down, "Actually, no. I was supposed to come up here and get Jack. We need help manouvering the table up the stairs."

"Some friend you are."

"Yeah, I know." He stepped back from her. "But, if anyone's to blame, it's you. You distracted me. Where is Jackers?"

"You didn't see him on your way in?"

"Nope." He turned around to leave the kitchen and found himself face to face with Jack.

"Hi, Pace." He said, an amused smile on his face.

"We are needed in the stairwell, my friend." He said to Jack, ignoring the look on the former's face. He tossed a look over his shoulder at Joey. "If we don't return in ten minutes, send a search party."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Jack arched an eyebrow at Joey as Pacey walked away.

"What's that look for?" she asked not quite able to meet his gaze.

"What's that blush for?" He countered, with a michevious smile.

She bit the inside of her cheek trying to contain her smile. "Aren't you supposed to be helping somewhere?"

His eyes drifted to the door, then back to her. "What'd he do?"

She shook her head. "Nothing�"

He shook his head, "You're so difficult."

Her mouth dropped open in surprise. "I am not--difficult."

"You tell me everything, Jo. Kissing him should be no different."

Her eyes widened. "You're terrible. You knew the whole time."

"Yep," He smiled. "So, fill me in before the two of them completely ruin your oak table."

She shrugged. "We kissed�"

"And you say you're not difficult."

She laughed. "I'm not�He did the hair thing."

"The hair thing?" He asked, a confused smile on his face.

She shook her head. "You know what forget it, it's stupid."

"Noooo," Jack shook his head, smiling widely. "I want to know. You need someone to talk to, Joey. And it sure isn't going to be Pacey."

She sighed. "You think I'm crazy for moving in with him?"

"No," he shook his head. "I'm proud of you for fighting for what you want."

She shifted awkwardly. "It's going to be strange."

"At first," he agreed. "But you need him."

She frowned faintly. "So this is a good idea?"

"Judging from what I just saw," he smiled, "Yeah, I think so."

"Let's hope you're right," she said walking over to her purse and pulling out her cell phone. "I'm hungry."

"You want to order us some pizza? I should probably go help them." He started backing out of the kitchen.

She shook her head and pointed at him as she dialed the number to the nearby pizzeria. "No, you stay here with me. You've been neglecting me for Shane lately."


"No, buts." She paused and raised an eyebrow. "Pepperoni?"

"I'll eat whatever you want." He said amiably.

She nodded. "Okay," and flipped the phone off. "Should be here in about half an hour."

"Can I go help them now?" Jack pleaded.

She pouted playfully. "You don't like me anymore?"

"No, but trying to get you to talk about him is exhausting. You know I love you."

"I'm too old to gush."

"I don't want you to gush. I want you to talk about him, so that the frustration doesn't build and you end up killing him before he actually gets the chance to see his kid."

"You'd bail me out though right?"

"I donno, I'm kinda fond of him." He shrugged.

"Hey! You're supposed to love me more."

"Oh, I do. I do."

"Good," she said making her way over to her couch and sitting down. She patted the spot next to her. "C'mon, we can pretend to watch the TV that's not up here yet."

"Fine, but I'm blaming you when Pacey and Shane complain about me abandoning them."

She shrugged. "I don't care."


Pacey decended the stairs quickly to where he'd left Shane. He found him leaning against the table that had wedged itself between the wall and the railing.

"So where's Jack? I thought he was going to come down and help."

"I told him we needed him. I don't think he loves you enough though," Pacey teased.

Shane scoffed. "Yeah, well at least he loves me."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked warily, getting a good grip on the side of the table he was closest to.

Shane shook his head grabbing the other side of the table. "Never mind."

"Pivot," Pacey advised, lifting the table higher. "If you have some thoughts on the fact that two of us are moving in together, you might as well share them, Shane."

"No thoughts," he grunted as he raised the table. "Are you sure it's the best idea?" he couldn't help but ask.

"What else would you suggest?" he asked, "I want to be with her during the pregnancy and for everything after that."

"I'm sure there's something else that could have been done," Shane said cautiously.

"Maybe," he acknowledged. "But this...This way I get to be with my child, through everything. This way I can be there for her when she needs someone." Shane gave him a look. "What do you want to hear? Yes, I feel guilty, okay. But I don't know what else to do."

Shane shrugged. "Hey, you know what's best. I'm not going to tell you what to do."

Pacey paused mid-step, "As my friend, can you give me a hint?" He asked seriously.

"Do you really think you should be that person after all that's happened before?" Shane questioned.

Pacey shook his head from side to side, "I'm not just going to abandon her. I'm the one who got her pregnant, Shane. I can't just walk away from her and our child." He started up the stairs again, keeping his eyes trained on the table. "And if you're worried about me, don't be."

"Actually I'm more worried about Joey. She just seems kind of�You don't think you're taking advantage of her feelings?"

"Yes, I do. I feel like I'm taking advantage of her in any and every way possible." He grumbled, "But what am I supposed to? I can't unpregnate her. And even if I could...I couldn't. Not after is just to precious."

"Maybe you should just back off a bit, refrain from anything that could cause Joey to misconstrue your feelings for her. Because this has the possibility of getting very ugly and I'd hate to have that happen."

"How exactly could it get ugly, Shane? It's already ugly, I've ruined her life."

"But she still has the chance to meet someone else now."

"I know you haven't dated women in a while. But a pregnant woman is just about as attractive to a single man as their mother."

"Jack told me she talked to that Kris guy, explained her situation and he said he was okay with it but Joey told him no."

"She what?" He froze.

"My point exactly."

"And you think it's because of me." He said softly.

Shane nodded. "Yeah, I honestly do."

He bit his lip, "How- what am I supposed to do with that information now?"

He shrugged. "Talk to her?"

"But you said I should keep my distance."

"Clear up any misconceptions she might have."

He frowned, thinking back to the kiss they'd shared just minutes before.

"It's the only way to avoid any problems."

"I kissed her," he blurted out.

Shane stopped himself from dropping his side of the table. "What?"

"In the kitchen," He told him. "That's part of what took me so long getting Jack."

"You're going to have to stop doing that," he said sharply.

"She asked me to."

"See? What did I tell you?"

"I don't see what the big deal is...we were sleeping together before." He tried to shrug it off.

"And look what happened," Shane said stating the obvious. "I wouldn't be surprised if she probably did this on purpose."

"Did what?"

"Came out pregnant," Shane replied with a pointed look.

Pacey froze and dropped his end of the table with a thud, "You did not just insinuate what I thought you did."

Shane let out a rushed breath at the unexpected added amount of weight to his side and carefully set his end down. "It's possible."

"No, that's where you're wrong." He shook his head. "First, the last thing Joey Potter wants are blood ties to me. Secondly, you don't know her. She would never, never try to rope me into fatherhood." He shook his head, vehemently.

"You haven't seen the woman for how long? People change. Besides," he shrugged. "Maybe she's just trying to rope you into staying with her."

"Exactly Shane, Maybe. All you have are maybes. I, on the other hand, have Joey, and a baby on the way. That's all I have."

"Well either way you have to talk to her because you do or say the wrong thing, I wouldn't be surprised if she ran off again."

"No, she wont. She promised."

"Yeah, well, just be careful."

"Why are you playing devil's advocate here, Shane? You don't see me pokeing holes in your relationship with Jack. I'm happy for you."

"Well, Jack and I have a relationship. You and Joey just have this weird situation going on."

"We have a relationship, it's classified as friendship. That's what she wanted."

"If you say so," Shane said rolling up his sleeves.

"What do you have against, Joey?"

He shook his head. "Nothing personal."

"Then what's the problem?"

"No problem. Just making observations from what I've seen and heard."

"And what exactly, have you seen and heard? You're an observant guy, what exactly do you see?"

"You're going to ruin Joey's life if you don't talk to her. She's going to want to get married because all women do eventually and she's going to want a real relationship and as you get older the people you want to do that with and who feel the same are few and far between. Joey's already thrown away whatever she could have had with that Kris guy and if she did that because of you she's only going to end up resenting you for it later on."

"I don't plan on marrying...ever. As for Joey, once the baby's a little older, she'll find someone. She's beautiful, smart, funny, considerate...she'll have no problem finding a guy who wouldn't mind a child too." He replied.

"Yeah, but do you think you're going to be able to deal with someone else raising your child?"

"I'll still be there. Nothing's going to stop me from having a part of my child's life."

"You're going to be the weekend dad."

"No, I wont."

Shane nodded. "Yeah, you are. Joey's going to be starting her family with her husband, and their going to move in to their house in the suburbs and you're not going with them."

"So what do you suggest I do, Shane? Go up there and declare my non-existant love for her?!"

He shook his head. "No. Just make sure you're going into this realistically."

"Too late for that, Shane. I'm already into it, realistically or not." He frowned, Shane was right, there were things he hadn't thought about.

"Just keep what I said in mind."

Pacey lifted the table and Shane followed suit, "So I just talk to her and it's going to be all better?"

"It's a start."

"A start to what?" He mumbled to himself.


Pacey stared up at the ceiling in what they'd decided would be the baby's room. It was the only place in the apartment empty. He and Joey had spent the remainder of the day unpacking as much of their stuff as they could. Shane and Jack had left hours ago. He sighed, laying across the floor, his arms behind his head for cushioning. He watched the dim light spill in through the single window as he thought about his talk with Shane.

He'd gotten himself in deeper than he thought. All he'd wanted before was to be with Joey, for her to have his baby. He hadn't thought beyond that, and now that he was...he was scared. He was fighting a war inside, his mind warred with his heart. All along he'd been persueing her, without a second thought. That's what he wanted, right? To be a part of her life, to be there for the pregnancy and the birth. Being there was what he wanted--needed, even. On the other side, his mind kept trying to protect him. Joey equaled hurt. Always.

But this time was different...wasn't it? She had no where to go. She turned down that Kris guy, she wanted to be with him. 'But she ran.' A nagging voice said in the back of his head. "And she came back." He said aloud. He groaned to himself, now she had him talking to himself.

"There you are," Joey said peeking her head inside the room from behind the door. She smiled. "There's pizza left if you want."

He jumped, slightly startled, his eyes shot to the silhouette of her in the doorway. "No, thanks."

"Okay," she said glancing around the room.

His eyes slowly drifted away from her and back to the window. "Boy or girl?" He asked softly.


He shrugged, "Nevermind."


There was part of him that just wanted to hear the comforting sound of her voice. The other part wanted her to leave him alone for awhile. "I...was just wondering what you were hoping for." He said after a moment of silence.

"Boy or girl. Doesn't matter," she answered after a moment. She gazed around the darkened room again. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Just thinking." He replied. "What color should we paint this room?" He asked.

"I don't know," she said glancing at the bare walls. "Maybe a yellow."

"It's kinda boring right now."

"We'll change that."

"Hmm," was his only reply.

She watched him carefully. "You sure you're okay?"

"Why didn't you tell me about Kris?" He blurted.

"What about Kris?"

"He wanted to stay with you. And you told him no."


"Why?" He asked, still not looking at her.

"Well, I'm not exactly relationship material as of now�"

"He thought so."

She brushed her hair behind her ear. "Well I didn't."

"You're not going to find many men out there willing to raise someone elses baby." He told her, keeping his eyes on the ceiling.

She shrugged. "Doesn't mean I have to take the first one that offers."

"But you liked him."

"He was okay."

"That's not what you told Jack."

She eyed him wearily. "How do you know what I told Jack?"

"He and Shane are my friends too, you know." He replied.


"We talk, and I find out these things." He swallowed and sat up, turning on the floor to face her. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know I was supposed to."

He sighed, "You weren't. I just thought maybe you should have."


"Because, you need someone to love you." He said, looking down at his hands.

Her eyes widened in surprise. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I dont know," he shook his head.

She swallowed thickly feeling suddenly uneasy. "Did Jack say something?"

Pacey shook his head, "No."

She licked her lips nervously. "Shane?"

"Yeah," he nodded and his brow furrowed, "He brought up all these...things, that I never thought about."

"Like what?" she asked curiously.

"Like you falling in love with someone, wanting to start a real family, and leaving me somewhere in the dust. Like why you're letting me in your life at all...and like why you asked me to kiss you." He added softly.

"Oh," she said quietly not quite knowing what to say.

"Mainly he wanted to know if I thought I was doing the right thing."


"I don't know," he frowned. "I want to be what you need...but I'm not."

"Why not?" The words were out of her mouth without a second thought.

"Because, Potter, you scare me." He told her, his words heavy with honesty.

"Why?" she asked cautiously and stepped inside the room.

"Are you ever going to say more than one word at a time?"

She shrugged. "If the need arises." He didn't reply. She sighed and tentatively walked further into the room. "What am I supposed to say?"

"Anything, everything, nothing." He sighed, "I hate feeling like this, too." She frowned and remained silent. "You touch me, you know," he mumbled, turning his face away from her.

The corner of her mouth turned up slightly and she walked closer to him stopping a few feet away and sitting down. "That scares me," he said after a few moments.

"I'm sorry," she said softly.

"Not your fault."

She bit her lip apprehensively and said nothing.

"It makes it really hard to have a conversation when only one person is talking."

She smiled faintly. "If it makes you feel any better I wish I didn't scare you."

"It'd sure makes things easier," he sighed and flopped onto the floor again with a thump.

Her gaze fell to her hands. "Y'know, you kind of scare me too."

"Yeah?" He paused, "Can I ask how?"

She shook her head brown hair brushing her shoulders softly. "You make me feel things."

"Not good things, I take it."

She shook her head again her eyes trained to the floor. She spoke quietly. "No."

"Then why are we doing this? Why are you letting me destroy your life?"

"It's complicated."

"Uncomplicate it for me. I need to know."

"What scares you...about me?"

He didn't say anything for a few moments, his eyes trained on the ceiling. "For the last, three or so years... I've been safe guarding myself. I didn't want to do relationships anymore, I kept getting hurt or hurting somone. Sometimes both." He spoke slowly, "So I built up defenses to keep women out...especially you." He swallowed, "Because I hurt and was hurt by you worse than anyone else."

She nodded softly. "I never meant to hurt you."

"And I you, but it happened."

She bit her lip idly tracing a pattern on the floor with her fingertip and lowered her head, her silky brown hair framing her face. "I only did what I did because I love you."

"I know, and I loved you. We were stupid and we were young and we made mistakes because we loved each other."

She nodded slowly. "Right."

"Right," he repeated. "But it doesn't change the fact that caring about you scares me."

"And I can't change that."

"Why would you want to?"

She raised her eyes to his tiredly. "Exactly." She stood up. "I'm tired."

He didn't want her to walk away from him. That was the one thing he knew in that moment. He began to stand up, "If I ask you to do something, will you?"

She stopped curious. "What is it?"

"Kiss me?"

She smiled faintly. "Are you sure?"

He nodded, the corners of his lips curling up slightly. "You make me feel, Potter." His said, his voice husky. "Even if it terrifies me."

Her face fell her eyes tearing slightly. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," he nodded, taking a step closer to her. "It's been a long time since I felt this way." He admitted.

She stepped back biting her lip, her eyes watering and she raised her hand slightly. "Don't. Please."

He took a few steps back, his eyes on the ground. "Yeah, okay. Stupid of me to ask."

"Pacey, I want to but I can't. It's not right and it's not fair."

"Not fair to who? You or me?"

She shrugged helplessly. "Both?"


"I can't kiss you and have it mean nothing," she said honestly.

"When I kiss you, it doesn't mean nothing, Joey." He told her. "I feel something and it makes me nervous, it makes me scared and it makes me never want to stop."

She drew her lips together in a tight line not sure of how to respond. It was a start. Even if he didn't want to define it, she could wait. He waited for her to reply, running his hand through his hair, making it stand strangely in places. "Say something, Jo. Please."

She smiled. "Something."

"That's not what I meant."

"It's okay," she said after a few moments of silence. "If you're scared."

"No, it's not, because this isn't- we're not in a good place to- I want-" He shook his head, "You don't need this right now." He waved his hand around. "You didn't need any of this."

"But I have this."

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be."

"Yes, I do." He shook his head, "I did this. I ruined your life. You're stuck with me...and I have nothing to offer you but fear."

"Pacey I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be," she explained calmly.

He sighed, "What do you mean? You want a guy that's scared of you?"

She shook her head. "No, but you care. You care enough that it bothers you that you can't give me more and that's okay because I'm not asking for anything but your help in raising this child and that I know you can do."

He hung his head. "But you want more?"

There was a tangible silence before she finally spoke again. "No."

"Then why do I?"

"Because you feel like you have to."

"And how do you feel?"

"I don't know. I'm kind of just making this up as I go along."

"We lack some serious communication." He muttered, "Why did you want me to kiss you, then?"

She shrugged. "Just wanted to see if you'd do it."

He frowned, "I did. Would you?"

"Would I what?"

"Never mind," he shook his head. "So what am I, Joey? To you?"

"The father of my child? My friend?"

"Right, so, I'm just someone to help raise your baby and occasionally kiss." He reiterated.

"So maybe what we have is not so easily defined," she offered objectively.

"Maybe what we have is nothing and we're both just confusing the hell out of each other for no reason." He scowled.

"Is that what you think this is? Nothing?"

"I don't know what to think."

"Well I suggest you figure it out."

"How? I can't figure anything out. Caring about you terrifies me, and at the same time I want more than anything to do it!" He pointed at her, "And you, you want a friend, and you want me to kiss you, and say you don't want it to mean nothing. Then you say you just wanted to see if I'd do it."

She frowned.

He watched her for a few seconds and she didn't say anything. He shook his head and left the room. He bit his thumbnail as he headed down the hallway. His bedroom was in no condition to be slept in so he continued into the livingroom and sat on the couch.

She stood there silently for a few minutes before walking over to her bedroom and shutting the door.

He shrugged out of his shirt with a frown and kicked his shoes off. He got up and dug through one of nearby boxes and pulled out a sheet. He shook it out, and settled into the cushions of the couch. He just wanted to sleep, he didn't want to think, he didn't want worry, he didn't want to hurt. He forced everything else ot of his mind...after all the moving they'd done that day, his body was craving to relax and it wasn't hard to fall asleep.

Joey slid out of her clothes effortlessly, letting them pool at her feet. Her hands went to her back, easily undoing the metallic clasp of her bra. She slumped her shoulders forward letting it slide down her arms and onto the floor before stepping out of the pile of clothes and walking over to her dresser. Empty boxes that she needed to get rid of in the morning still littered her room. She pulled out her favorite pair of pajamas, the silk ones Jack had bought her for her last birthday and slid them on, her mind going over her last conversation with Pacey, who was just out of her reach.

She bit her lip and gazed at her reflection making an instant decision. She wrapped her slender hand around her brush picking it up off her dresser and ran it through her hair before setting it down again and pulling her hair into a ponytail. She reached for her bottle of vanilla scented moisturizer and poured some onto her hand, massaging it onto her arms and her neck. She shut her eyes a moment inhaling the delicious scent. Her hands drifted to her breasts, silk under her fingertips. Her eyes flew open with a blush and she dropped her hands. She walked over to her bed and shut the light off before climbing in.


She was kissing him again, her fingertips grazing the skin of his neck and chest. She kept whispering his name against his lips, her voice soft, breathy and seductive. Pacey smiled in his sleep, his dream offering to him serene comfort.

Joey touched him feverishly running her fingertips over the sinewy muscles of his arms. Her lips just brushing the back of his ear, the pulse point of his neck grazing it with her tongue, he smelled and felt so good, tasted even better. Of salt and sweetness and just so...Pacey.

He mumbled something in his sleep, and shifted closer to her. His eyes remained shut, his lips barely parted as his breathing became slightly more laboured. The sheet was twisted around his torso, leaving his chest bared to her hot eyes.

Her mouth began to work on the exposed area of skin, her teeth scraping his nipples lightly, silky strands of hair brushing over places she'd just visited as she worked her way down. Her lips a soft whisper against his skin. Her tongue occasionally worked its way past her lips for a stolen taste.

"Hmmm," he moved restlessly beneath her. His body unconciously seeking out more of her touch. "Jo..." her whispered name fell from his lips.

She smiled faintly, kissing and tasting her way down his smooth stomach, pausing at the waistband to his shorts. She raised her eyelids watching the faint rise and fall of his chest. She slid her hands under the elastic and eased the material over his hips exposing him to the warm night air. She ran her tongue flat along the vein that ran the length of him, tasting him before wrapping her mouth tightly around him.

Sleep quckly left Pacey as he realized his dream wasn't so much a dream anymore. He groaned at the feel of her velvet lips around the flesh of his erection. His eyes fluttered open and he could barely make out her form in the dark. Not that he needed to see her to know what she was doing. "What are you-" He shivered and arched his hips up to her as her teeth grazed the inflamed skin of his c/ock. "-doing?" he gasped through gritted teeth.

She pulled away and swiped her tongue across the tip capturing the bit of moisture that had escaped her before. "Do you want me to stop?" she breathed huskily.

He shook his head slowly, his desire for her overwhelming. "But why?"

She didn't answer him instead taking the tip of him back into her mouth, strands of hair brushing the inside of his thigh.

He shuddered at the slight slight suction she exerted. He could feel tension building within him as she pushed his boxers down further, this time he lifted his hips to aide her. He let out a low moan as she cupped his testicals gently carressing them with the pads of her fingers.

She worked her mouth over him, her hand planted firmly at his base, focusing her attention on the tip as she increased the pressure she applied.

A groan escaped his parted lips as he arched his hips up, careful not to be too forceful. He let out a low groan as her nails grazed over him, "Ahhhh," he sighed, "Jo, you can't... I'm gonna..." He murmured thickly.

She ignored him only increasing in tandem her hands slipped behind him pulling him tighter to her. Her mouth ardent and tight around his heated skin, she sucked him down hungrily, keeping up with his erratic thrusts until they eventually died down. She pulled away licking her lips.

His fingers traced the curve of her cheek before grazing them lightly over her red lips. He waited for his breathing to slow before attempting to speak. "You didn't have to..."

Her tongue darted out to meet his finger. "I wanted to."

He sat up and urged her to join him on the couch. He gently pulled her into his lap, then laid back down, taking her with him. He kissed the curve of her shoulder lightly. "That was a nice wake up call," he said softly onces they'd settled comfortably into the plush couch.

She smiled faintly. "I try."

He ran his fingers along her side, "Why?" He asked solemnly.

"Because I wanted to," she said quietly.

"So we've graduated from the occasional kisses to mutual gratification?" he asked, arching an eyebrow at her.

"Is that going to be a problem?"

"No," he shook his head. "But weren't you the one who didn't want to kiss me if it didn't mean something?"

She shrugged. "I've changed my mind?"

He kissed her lightly, tasting himself on her lips, "Well, I don't want to kiss you and have it mean nothing."

"What do you want it to mean?"

"Something more than nothing. I care about you, Jo." He told her, "I told you everything back there. I dont want to be the warm body you use when you get horny."

"Then what do you want to be?"

He didn't say anything for a moment, he tilted her face so he could look into her eyes, "I want to be the guy who makes you feel the way you make me feel."

Her breath caught in her throat and she shifted rubbing her calves together enjoying the feel of the silk against her legs. She licked her lips. "And how do I make you feel?"

"Like I could die happy just touching you." He whispered in her ear, his fingers slipping beneath the hem of her shirt.

"Yeah?" she breathed lightly moving closer to him.

He nodded, his large hands sliding sensuously over the smooth skin of her back. "Yeah."

She grinned lopsidedly. "Anything else?"

"It's up to you." He stilled his hands. "Do you feel nothing?"

She shook her head slowly. "No," she breathed.

"What do you feel?"

"What you make me feel," she murmured.

"And how do I make you feel?" He questioned huskily.

She smiled slightly. "It depends."

"Yeah? On what?" He asked, searching out her eyes in the dark.

"On what you're doing," she answered logically.

"Hmmm, I see." He smiled. "And if I do this," he cupped her cheek and pulled her lips to his. "What do you feel?" He whispered against her mouth tracing her lower lip with the tip of his tongue.

"Like I'm going to be forced to hurt you if you don't kiss me," she breathed with a smile.

He chuckled, and kissed her fully, parting her lips beneath his. His tongue entered her mouth, he moaned, tasting the mixture of them on her tongue. She shivered kissing him back hungrily, moving against him to become more comfortable.

He sighed, feeling of her silk clad breasts move against his bare chest. His mouth left her lips to trail over her neck, lightly nipping at the soft skin. He inhaled her scent. "You smell beautiful."

"Mm�you don't smell half bad yourself," she said nuzzling his neck.

He smiled to himself, his fingers gliding over the silk of her pajamas. He shifted her so she was above him, he kissed her again, her mouth too enticing to resist. He moved his fingers up underneath her top, the pads of his fingers tracing her ribs.

She groaned softly moving against him, enjoying the friction the silk created along her heated skin.

He sat up and turned onto his side, taking her with him. He fumbled with his boxers that were left around his thighs. He pulled them off, and kicked away the sheet, leaving him pressed naked against her fully clothed body. "I feel at a distinct disadvantage." He mumbled, dropping kisses along her neck.

She smiled arching her back slightly, her nipples pressed firmly against the soft silk and his chest. "Going to do something to remedy that situation?" she asked breathlessly.

"If you want me to," he mumbled, fiddling with the first button of her shirt, but not undoing it,

"I-I think it'd helpful."

"Helpful for what?" He asked an innocent smirk on his face.

"You don't want to touch me?" She slid her hand over her stomach and under her top, moving it up to cup her breast. She brushed her thumb over her nipple feeling it harden further under the touch.

He watched her movements, feeling a wave of dizzyness come over him. He shook his head, "I think I'd rather watch you touch yourself." He mumbled, his voice raspy.

She moved her hand over to her other breast, shutting her eyes as she repeated the same motion. "Mm�yeah?" She slowly opened her eyes, dark and smouldering with desire.

He swallowed thickly, "Oh, yeah." He told her, "You are so sexy," he rested one hand on her hip, but couldn't stop himself from toying with the elastic of the bottoms.

Her eyes wavered and she dropped her hands slightly. "Yeah?" she breathed unsurely.

"Very," he kissed her softly. "So much, that sometimes I can't believe how lucky I am to be allowed to look at you." She managed a faint smile. "I'm gonna make you believe it someday," he told her wryly. He undid the top button of her pajamas, kissing the freshly revealed skin.

She shivered, her eyes fluttering shut and she licked her lips, dry from her open-mouthed breathing. His tongue snuck out to taste her skin as he worked the next button down, and then the next. She moaned quietly squeezing her thighs tightly together in hopes of warding off some of the tension.

He pulled apart the material of the shirt, and felt a rush of desire course through him at the site of her naked breasts. They'd swollen slighty with the pregnancy, something only he'd notice. His hand cupped the weight of her breast, she shivered as his thumb brushed over the erect nipple. He smiled and lowered his head to her chest, his lips teasing her flushed skin.

Her breathing labored and she sighed contentedly arching her back, furthering offering herself to him. Pacey took her offering, his lips and tongue searching out a distended nipple. He worked it to a sensitive peak, sending bolts of desire down to her stomach.

She gasped running her hands through his hair and holding him captive to her. He smiled and gently nipped at the side of her breast. She whimpered thrusting her hips up anxious for some kind of relief.

He lifted his eyes to her and arched an eyebrow, "You want to christen the couch, Potter?" He let one hand venture between them, down past the elastic of her pajama bottoms and underwear. He touched her lightly, stroking her moist outer lips.

She nodded her head eagerly, grounding her hips down to meet his hand as the coils of fire blossomed in her loins. "Y-Yes."

The wild look in her eyes hightened his own excitement, his erection having returned fully by this point. He teased her a little more, his thumb circling her clit, just as he slipped two fingers into her slick tunnel.

She bit down on her lip, digging her hands into the cushion of the couch. "Don't-Don't stop," she breathed heavily and shut her eyes, as her muscles clenched tightly.

He complied, stroking her inner walls slowly as he paid homage to her body with his lips. He quickened his pace as she met his thrusts, her thighs clenched around his hand tightly holding him within her. Her mouth fell open in a small cry and she arched up as her orgasm crested, bathing his hand.

He kissed her softly, feeling her relax against him. He brushed her hair away from her face gently. "You okay?"

She nodded exhaling slowly. "Yeah. I'm okay."

"I'd say the couch is very much christened now," he smiled softly. "What do you think?"

She smiled, stretching out her arms behind her languidly and raised an eyebrow. "When do we get started on the rest of the place?"

"Whenever you want." He nuzzled her neck, breathing in the smell of her hair.

"Mmm�" she slipped her hands between them and stroked him leisurely. "Feeling up to it?" she smirked.

"What do you think?" He asked her, her touch sending a bolts of desire through his system. "What do you want to christen?"

The corners of her mouth turned up into a lazy grin. "Hmm�I'm feeling generous. You can decide."

"I'm kinda leaning to the conventional, how about we start with your room?" He asked, his fingers trailing over her chest.

She grinned impishly, her eyes light. "My room it is." She sat up and scooted off the edge of the couch, her silk nightshirt open and her cheeks flushed. She held out a hand for him to take. Instead, he stood up, and swept her into his arms.

Joey let out a giggle and wrapped her arms around his neck, "What are you doing?"

"I didn't get to carry you over the threshold." He answered, walking with her in his arms towards the hallway.

"That's for when you get married." She toyed with the hairs at the nape of his neck.

"Getting married, moving in together. Close enough." He shrugged with a smile, cupping the back of her head, he brought her mouth to his in a heated kiss. "Besides," his eyes twinkled, "It's chivilrous." He reached her door, and kicked it open.

She rolled her eyes at his obvious show of machoism. He uncerimoniosuly dropped her on the matress with a thump. Wiping the hair out of her face, she glared up at him. "That wasn't very chivilrous."

"How would you like me to make it up to you?" He asked standing above her next to the bed. Before she could answer, he'd hooked his fingers around her pajama bottoms and underwear, pulling them off in one swift movement. She gasped as her warm skin was suddenly exposed to the cool air.

He knelt on the floor pulling her legs to the edge of the bed he settled between them. He bent his head and began tracing a sensual path over her thighs. "W-what you're doing right now'll suffice." Joey breathed. Her fingers gripped the blankets beneath her as his mouth began it's exploration over the silky flesh of her inner thighs.

Her body stiffened in anticipation as he neared the delta of curls. He kissed the rounded softness of her belly, his tounge wrecking havoc with the indent of her navel; he kissed her breasts and enticed her fingers to abandon their grip on the blankets and twine into his short hair to show him where she wanted his mouth to roam next.

Each rolling, fluttering stroke of his tongue drew a soft hiss of pleasure; each wicked pull of his lips tautened her skin and sent needles of heat slivering through her body so that she couldn't have denied him anything. His mouth took possession of the glisthening, pearly flolds of her sex, and she cried out, arching her back at the pleasurable shock of it. Her mouth fell open as the first of many sweet shimmering implosions responded to the sinful intimacy. She stared down at the top of his head, her hands threaded through his short brown hair and whispered his name. Gasped it, as she shuddered with the curling spirals of heat that relentless ravaged her body with each knowing thrust of his tongue.

The brightest peak was yet to crest within her when he slid up her body. Smaller peaks, breathless shivers were racing through her as he peeled back the silk of her pajamas, sliding the material down her arms and threw it to the side, leaving her as naked as he. She leaned forward and claimed his mouth, her tongue saught his drinking in the taste of herself on his lips. Her fingers ran over the expanse of virile male flesh that was hers to explore. She did so eagerly, restlessly, skimming ther hands over the scuplted muscles, running her fingers through the tangles of soft hair that sparcely covered his chest. She kissed him with open mouthed abandon that demanded all the expertise of his lips and tongue.

While Pacey kissed her, he manouvered them to the center of the bed settling himself half atop her, his palms smoothed over her breasts, cupping the supple flesh as he drew it into his mouth and suckled each nipple back to crinkled tautness. Joey arched her back repeatedly feeling the tug and pull of his lips all the way down to her toes. His heat was between her thighs and she moved with frantic little whimpers to entice him closer. She raised her knees and dug her heels into the bed, tiping her hips up and forward so that he slid against her, teasing them both. Again and again he simply rocked against the dense, glistening curls until she was so wet and he so hard they could have stayed apart a second longer, even if they wanted to.

"Pacey, please," Joey arched her hips violently up against the hard length of his erection.

He groaned as he bruied himself inside her. He moaned and gasped, pressing his face into the curve of her shoulder, stunned by the delicious tightness and the heat she wrapped around him. Joey's hands shook where she clutched him. She felt him plunging, stretching, pushing himself to the limit and then more...more...more until she was filled, swollen and aching with pleasure.

Her cries of awe fevered his blood and his first few thrusts were fast and powerful, more for the benefit of his sanity than anything else. Her body quickened against him in response, making his every muscle strain and beg for release. He braced himself on outstreched arms, his lips moving in silent prayer to hold on, holding back as Joey flung her arms around his shoulders, her smooth legs around his waist and stiffened convulsivly through wave after wave of intense, prolonged ecstasy.

His eyes closed, his neck arched. His breath came harsh and choppy and his body quivered under a sheen of moisture. His whole body felt like one raw, chafed nerve. The fierceness of his impending climax stole his breath away. He shuddered and rolled his hips faster into hers, letting the pleasure come, letting it overwhelm him, letting it burst, throbbing and flame-hot into the wild and violent friction of Joey's own continuing orgasm.

Flushed and panting, they rocked together in a crush of damp, steamy flesh. Joey was numb, dazed, and still beset by the tiny, shuddering burts of liquid heat that pulsated from his body to hers. She kept her legs firmly locked around his waist, kept her hips moving, arching gently to glean every last drop, every last shiver from his body. The incredible fullness diminished inside her, but she made no move to pull away, not even when he tried to ease the burden of his weight by shifting to his side.

He turned, her vice like grip on his waist keeping her close, so that there was no thinking he could leave her. Luxuriantly slippery inside and out, Joey was flushed with the knowledge that she gave as much pleasure as she garnished. She shivered with pleasure at the feel of his possessive arms holding her close. Her head found a natural, comfortable pillow in the hollow of his shoulder, her hair was stuck to the dampness of her temples and throat and she gave a quiet sigh of thanks as he gathered the damp strands into a thick tale to rest on the pillow beside them.

His hands roamed over the naked flesh of her back and shoulders and he did so until the audible pounding of her heart slowed and she could think and feel beyond the flush of carnal satisfaction. It was a soft, warm contentment that replaced the urgent need of wanting. It made her very much aware of the shape and texture of their bodies, the heat that radiated from them even now and how well they fit together. She wished they could stay like this forever. She snuggled deeper into his embrace, her legs tangled with his and let sleep slowly creep over her.

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