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The Name Game
by Dannie and Rinny

There was a short rap on the door to Joey's office, "Knock, knock." The deep male voice said through the crack, waiting politely to be invited in.

Joey pulled the straw of the juice she was drinking from her mouth, "It's open," before bringing it back to her lips as she stared at her blank computer screen.

"Hey, Joey." Shane said, closing the door behind him.

Joey looked up at him surprised. "Hey, what brings you here?"

"Well, Jack couldn't make it today. Some big deadline at work, so he sent me in his stead." He offered her a smile. "And I simply can't resist Jack when he gets that look in his eye."

She smiled in return. "Must be nice."

Shane nodded, a lock of blond hair falling into his eyes. "Yeah, it is. Better than I thought a monogamous relationship could be." He shrugged. "Not that Jack's the only driving force behind my visit."

Joey's continence faltered a bit. "Should I be worried?" she asked jokingly.

"Not unless you feel there's something to be worried about." He replied ambiguously.

She raised an eyebrow and shut off her computer screen as she got up from her chair. "So shall we lunch?"

"Yeah, you have anywhere in mind?" He rose from the seat across from her and offered his arm.

She smiled sliding her arm through his. "How do you feel about Thai?"

"Thai, I can do." He smiled.

She laughed softly her brown eyes light. "Good."

"Jack said you were a big fan of foreign foods." He held open the door for her and they continued down the hallway.

She looped her brown hair behind her ear and smiled. "Right now I'm just a big fan of food in particular."

He chuckled, "Yeah, so I've heard. You keeping most of it down now?"

"Well, it's not as bad as before."

"That's good to hear. Have you tried soda crackers? I heard those are supposed to help with the nausea."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Okay, so where to?" He asked, now that they were standing just outside the doors of the gallery. "I've got Jack's car.."

"We could just walk," Joey suggested. "Best part of this location is its proximity to all the best restaurants. Something I've come to appreciate as of late."

"Okay," He nodded, chuckling lightly.

Joey smiled falling into step beside him. "So how is Jack? He doesn't seem to have time for a best friend recently because of a certain someone, but I refuse to name names because I'm just not that kind of person."

Shane's smile widened, "He's doing wonderfully. Busy with work during the day, then keeping me and Pace company down at the club in the evenings...I'd have never pegged him for the possessive type." He added with a smile.

"I think he's a big fan of the g-string." She nudged his shoulder playfully.

He nodded, "But I don't think you'd appreciate hearing about that aspect of our relationship."

She shuddered exaggeratedly and stuck her tongue between her teeth. "Right you are. There are just some things friends don't tell other friends."

"So we're friends now?" He asked, arching an eyebrow.

"By association if by nothing else," Joey said curling her lips into a grin.

"The way Pacey talks, I thought it would be at least a few weeks to get you to warm up to me."

She smiled faintly and pulled away a strand of hair that had become matted on her lipstick. "Well, you make Jack happy. Jack is my friend. Therefore, I'm happy and consider you a friend but be warned that if you do anything to hurt him I will kick your ass."

Shane chuckled, "I'll take the into consideration. But, for the record, I have no intention of hurting him...just being with him makes me happier than I've ever been." He looked down at his feet, suddenly feeling embarrassed, "That's not something I ever want to let go of."

Joey stuffed her hands into her pocket and her grin grew wider. "Well I'm happy for the both of you. Jack is the one person I know who deserves more than anything to be happy."

"Thanks," he blushed slightly. "So Jack's the only one you know who deserves to be happy?"

She shrugged. "He deserves it the most."

"Then who deserves it the least?'

She shrugged again, uncomfortably. "I don't know." Shane nodded, a thoughtful look on his face. They were silent for a moment. She cleared her throat. "So�Lunch?"

"This it?" He asked, gesturing to the windows of the restaurant on their left.

She nodded. "Yeah." He held open the door for her, then followed her inside.

Joey kept her lips drawn as they were led to a table near the back. She sat down and smiled as Shane sat across from her. "I'd recommend N5 on the menu if you don't mind something really spicy."

He glanced down, reading the description, "Sounds good to me. I've always loved spicy foods."

Joey smiled at the waitress. "Two N5's and I'll have a diet Coke." She raised an eyebrow at Shane. "You?"

"Large sprite," he told the waitress.

Joey handed their menus over and grinned. "Surprised you trust me."

"Why wouldn't I? You've got great taste in friends, I figure food will be the same." He smiled.

She laughed. "Excellent point."

"So, how's the gallery doing?"

"It's fine and the stripping thing?"

He chuckled, taking a sip of his water, "It's going fine. Pacey twisted his ankle last night, so I have to cover for him on the stage. But other than that, it's great."

"Oh?" Her brows furrowed in concern. "Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine." He nodded his head. "He's limping around and whining like a baby. But other than that.."

She smiled wryly. "Sounds like him."

"Yeah, he's been grumpy lately." Shane shrugged, "but that's to be expected I guess."

Joey's eyes dropped to the table and she readjusted her napkin. "So um, how is he?"

"It's hard to say," he replied after a moment. "I haven't been home as often as I should be." He frowned, "I haven't exactly been the friend he deserves right now." He squinted at her, "But saying that he's hurt, Joey, doesn't even begin to cover it."

She flinched slightly. "Oh," she said lamely unsure of what else to say.

Shane shifted in his seat, "Neither Jack or I wants to get in the middle of your relationship with him. It's clearly not our place...but even more than that, I don't want to see Pacey hurting. He's been hurt enough over the years..." he watched her, as he spoke, her head was bent, and her eyes were on the table. "I know you have issues with him, and I'm not saying that you shouldn't...but isn't there some way to work through them?"

She shook her head slowly. "It's complicated."

"How well would you say you know, Pacey?" He asked seriously, his brows together.

She shrugged. "I guess pretty well, considering."

"I've spent the last three and a half years living with him, Joey. I've seen him at his worst, and at his best. A lot of his best and worst has been in the last four or so months."

She smiled half-heartedly, her eyes downcast. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"I don't know either," Shane said unhappily. "What is it about him that makes him so undesirable? I've always thought any girl would be happy to have him." He paused, "For a while, I had a crush on him."

She laughed quietly. "He seems to have that affect on people."

"Yeah, Jack shared that with me. Just one more thing we can add to the list of things we have in common." He smiled, "Which still doesn't answer my question."

"Which was?"

"Why don't you want him in your life? In your child's life?"

She frowned wringing her hands in her lap. "It's not that I don't want him in my life..."

"Then what?" He gave her a sincere look, "You don't have to worry about me telling him. Like I said, I don't want to get involved. I just don't want to see him walk away from you and his child without a good reason."

She smiled weakly. "Honestly, the truth is, I don't think I can handle him being in my life."

"Why? He's not going to be a bad father, not after the way his father treated him. And he cares about you, Joey."

"I know," she said quietly. "It's just that," she paused, "I love him, and I don't know if I can deal with being with him but not really being with him. I want the family with him, I do but I want it to be real. Not two people living together and raising a child. I just-" she rubbed at her forehead tiredly. "I don't know if I can do it."

Shane nodded, a smile playing on his lips. He was happy to hear that she loved Pacey, and not hated him, like the former seemed to think. "I may not be an expert on Pacey," he told her gently, "But I understand what drives him.

"For as long as I've known him, fear has been the driving force behind his life. Fear of becoming his father. Fear of failure. And most of all, fear of love...and I happen to believe you know what's behind that last one more than I do." He smiled softly at her. "He's pushed women away and kept his distance for the last four years all out of fear...until now. He's going to be the last to admit any of that--he may never admit it--but it's the truth. And I think that you owe him the chance to discover what the driving force in his life is now. Because I know it's not fear anymore."

She smiled faintly. "So what should I do?"

"Give him a chance," he said simply. "He needs to remember what love feels like. If I'm not mistaken, he hasn't felt it in awhile."

She folded her hands on top of the table and leaned forward. "And how am I supposed to do that?"

"That's going to be the hard part." Shane said with a sigh, taking a sip from his water, just as the waitress appeared with their food.

Joey sighed and sat back in her seat. "He's stubborn. He won't even take me to see your apartment."

"That's because it's a pig sty. Thanks," he said to the waitress as she departed.

"I don't care. I want to see it," Joey responded haughtily. "I'm carrying his child, damn it, and I should be able to see his apartment if I want to."

"Joey, you were going to move in with the guy. That's a little more intimate than just seeing his apartment. But if you want, I can take you."

She smiled. "Good."

"Okay, then." He nodded, and took another bite of his food. "You have time after lunch?"

"I know the boss, I'm sure she won't mind." Joey winked.

He laughed, "Okay. So, how about those Red Sox?" She smiled and brought her soda to her lips.

Shane turned his key in the door, knowing Pacey wasn't likely to get up and answer if he knocked. After being on his bad foot all of last night at Thunder, he'd told Shane he was planning on keeping it up until he had to work again that night.

He glanced over his shoulder at Joey. That, and he didn't want Joey to know that Pacey was actually home. That might deter her desire to see their apartment. "I'm warning you now, it's a disaster area." He said, twisting the door handle.

Joey smiled and laughed. "I guess we can add that as a difference between you and Jack. He's a complete neat freak."

He stepped back from the door, "Ladies first."

"Sure you don't have to clear a path for me?" she teased entering the apartment.

"It's not that bad," he muttered. He shut the door behind him. "Oh, Hey Pace." He said upon seeing his roommate sprawled on their couch, one foot propped up on the arm rest, the other hanging off the edge. He wore a slightly stained wifebeater and a worn pair of boxers.

"What are you two doing here?" He asked, feeling uncomfortable with the unexpected company. He hadn't spoken to Joey in almost a week, not since he'd given her the key.

Joey smiled and walked over to the couch. "See, when Shane here told me about your little accident I told him to rush me over here because," she leaned down and pinched his cheek, "I was just so worried about you."

"Were you?" Pacey asked with a puzzled frown. "It's just a sprain. I'm fine."

"Yeah." She nodded solemnly and smiled at Shane. "Are you sure you're okay? Want me to get you anything?"

His eyebrows drew together and he sat up as best he could. "Where's the sudden concern coming from?" He asked, his eyes shooting over to Shane before coming back to her.

She frowned. "Am I not allowed to be worried about you?"

Shane quietly left them and headed for his bedroom, taking their portable phone with him. He figured Jack would like to hear about the latest developments.

Pacey didn't even notice as he left. "You're allowed to, that's not something I can stop." He blinked, "It's just not something I expected."

Joey shrugged. "Well, I don't know why."

He nodded, "How ya feeling?" He asked, changing the subject

"Pregnant," she answered simply.

He chuckled, "Still nauseous?"

"Not as much."

"That's good," He smiled tightly, watching her. "Why'd you come here, Jo?" He asked quietly.

She shrugged. "Check on you. See the apartment. Shane took me out to lunch today."

"That was nice of him." He commented. "Why now? You've been ignoring the fact I'm alive for a week?"

"I'm sorry," she said softly. "I just had some issues I needed to work out."

"So they're worked out now?"

"Kind of--sort of--they will be, eventually."

He quirked an eyebrow at her, "So what's that mean...for us?"

She shrugged. "I'm not really sure."

"Okay," his eyes fluttered away from her

She frowned and walked over to him kneeling beside the couch. She brushed her fingers over his forehead wiping his furrowed brow and she smiled gently. "Look, I don't want my issues to stop this child from having the two parents it deserves."

"Yeah?" He couldn't keep the hope out of his voice. He smiled as her hand rested against the side of face.

She nodded and smiled genuinely. "Yeah."

"Thank you, Jo."

She smirked. "Besides you'll be so much better at this parenting thing considering you still act like you're five."

He gave her a wry smile, "So true."

"Plus, you've done this all before."

"Not with you, I haven't." He said softly.

"You know I always figured we'd be married when you'd knock me up," she paused and smiled. "Hell, I figured we'd even be together. But we've never been good with the conventional thing anyway."

"So you have thought about us together, then?" He said with a knowing smile.

"Like you haven't?" She stuck her tongue out at him.

"I already told you I did." He said smugly. "I was just waiting for you to admit it."

She rolled her eyes. "Okay. There. Admitted."

He crossed his arms over his chest, a smile playing at the corner of his lips. "So, should I be thanking Shane for bringing you over here?"

She smiled. "Yes. You should be on your knees thanking him."

"If it wouldn't break my ankle, I just might."

She laughed. "Good. He deserves it. Although I'm sure you can convince Jack to thank him for you�"

"What exactly did he say to you?" Pacey asked, poking her in the ribs.

She shrugged idly tracing a pattern on the floor with her fingertips. "Oh you know about how much you love me and can't live without me and all that other good stuff."

"Oh really?" Pacey said, an amused tone in his voice. "He said all that, did he?"

Joey smiled. "Yep. So you know then I told him about how I felt the same but then Ben Affleck walked in so yeah, there that went." She paused. "But that could have just been a dream."

"You have a thing for Ben Affleck?" He laughed.

"Is there something wrong with that?"

"No," he shook his head. "I just pictured you more of a Matt Damon kinda girl."

"Well, you were wrong."

"So, tall dark and handsome turns you on?"

She smirked. "Oh yeah."

"Do I sense a touch of sarcasm? Then tell me, dear Ms. Potter. What does turn you on?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Writing a book?"

"I can do that."


"You've read my book right?" he asked her, his curiosity piqued.

"I might have�"

"What 'might' you have thought of it?"

She examined her nails distractedly. "I 'might' have thought it was incredibly well written and poignant."

"And 'might' you just be trying to get on my good side?" he teased.

"Oh yeah," she said still examining her nails. "Because you turn me on."

"Well, duh." He said, keeping a straight face. "But my writing? I just thought it was my astoundingly well toned behind."

She smiled. "Oh, yeah, well there's that too."

He gave her an amused smile. "Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment. And I'm almost assured to regret asking this, but what about me is such a turn on?"

"Well, there's," she paused and crinkled her nose, "Wait, no it's not that. Then there's," she stopped again and then shook her head. "Nope not that either." She tapped her finger against her lips thoughtfully. "There has to be something."

Pacey chuckled, his eyes resting on the ceiling. "Same Potter wit," he mumbled to himself.

She smiled. "Want me to leave?"

He quirked an eyebrow at her. "No."

"Want me to stay?"

He looked warily around his trashed apartment, "No, not particularly."

"You're gonna have to help me out here." She grinned.

"Do what you want to do." He said simply.

"You're annoying you know that?"

"Learned from the best," he teased. "I wont exactly make great company. I'm not really capable of much more than lying down right now if I want to be able to stand on my foot tonight. But you're welcome to stay if that's what you want."

"Depends on how interesting sitting here with you is."

"Well, there's an abundance of things we should probably discuss, or," he suggested, he gestured to the TV, "We can just ignore those for awhile."

She raised an eyebrow. "What do you want to discuss?"

"What don't I want do discuss?" He smiled, "Not that anything needs to be talked about now, but eventually...we need to figure stuff out."

"Hmm�like what?"

"Like, living arrangements since the apartment idea didn't pan out. Medical bills. Baby names. Last names...just to name a few."

Joey ticked them off on her fingers. "Okay, the apartment's on hold. I have coverage. I'm thinking Lillian for a girl, Gabriel for a boy and Witter is fine."

He gave her a half smile. "Lillian, huh?"

"Yes, Lillian."

"That I like...but Gabriel?" He shook his head. "No son of mine is going to be named Gabriel."

"What's wrong with Gabriel?" she questioned indignantly.

"It's Gabrielle minus the last two letters. Too girly, what else you got?"

"Joel?" He thought for a moment and made a face. "Oh, yeah, well what's your suggestion?"


Joey laughed. "For a boy?"

"Yeah? Why not?" He asked.

"Sorry, but there's no way I'm going to allow you to name our son that. Next?"


She held her thumb down. "Err, wrong."


"That's kind of dorky."

"O-kay. I made a list somewhere..." He mumbled scanning the floor for the piece of paper. "What about Travis?"

"Too country." She smiled in amusement. "You made a list?"

"Yeah," He shrugged, "I got bored. Um, Oh...I liked Ryan."

She paused. "Okay, that's a maybe."

He nodded, "Landon?" he asked her skeptically, finally finding the piece of paper crumpled between the couch cushions.

Joey grimaced. "Eww, no way."


"Okay, that's another maybe."

"Okay, you're not gonna like the rest of these," he scanned down the list. "Have you thought of anymore?"

She shook her head. "Nope, I'm going to have to think about it again."

"What about middle names for Lillian?"

She shrugged. "Haven't decided."

"So you really don't have any problem with the baby taking my name?"

"Nope. Not a problem."

He smiled, "I'm surprised."

"Are you under the impression that I detest you or something?"

"Or something."

"Like what?"

"Something like detesting me."

She smiled brightly. "You are so wrong."

He smiled slowly, "So you've been telling me. I just seem to have a hard time believing it."

"So what do I have to do to convince you?"

"Tell me you'd be okay if I told you I was bisexual and that I wanted Jack and Shane to move in with us. We could all be a family together." He tried to smile, "In this day and age, no one would blink twice if our child told them he had three daddies."

She laughed incredulously.

"What?" He gave her a hurt look when she calmed down. "You don't think I'm serious?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Are you?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "I love Shane and Jack. I've already discussed it with them, they don't want to give up on me just because I'm having a child." He arched an eyebrow in her direction, "Who knows Jo, you could join in on the fun.... Have you ever had three men at once?"

She got up. "O-kay�I'll be leaving now."

"I'm kidding, Joey," He caught her arm and pulled her back so she was sitting on the edge of the couch by his waist. "As much as I love Jack and Shane...I prefer you to them."

She eyed him strangely and moved away. "Um, o-kay."

"I am not bisexual Joey." He told her as sincerely as he could. "I like women. Only women."

"You sure?"

"You want me to prove it to you?" he gave her a trusting look.


He propped himself up on his elbow and caressed her arm lightly, his eyes following his hand before rising to meet hers. "How do you think?"

She shivered slightly and smiled. "And what exactly is that going to prove?"

"Just how very much I like women." He replied, his fingers grazed her side.

She licked her lips, her eyes mischievous. "But it still doesn't mean you don't like men."

"I. Am. Not. Bi." He said clearly and definitely.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Most definitely." He nodded, "I've been living with a gay man for the last three years, I think I'd know by now."

She smiled. "If you say so..."

"I am the least gay man you'll ever meet." He told her grumpily.

She nodded patronizingly. "Of course you are."

He rolled his eyes, "Shouldn't you be at work?" He asked petulantly.

"Why?" Her grinned widened. "Am I bothering you?"

"Yes, you're purposely ignoring the facts." He pouted. "And I don't have to stand for it."

She rolled her eyes. "You're such a big baby."

"As you're so found of saying, I'd make a good father because I act like a five year old."

"Well, it's true." She smiled. "You just suck at the adult stuff."

"Hey, I don't suck at all the adult stuff." He ran his eyes over her body, "In fact, I'd venture to say that I'm pretty damn good at some of the adult stuff."

She raised an eyebrow. "So you say."

"And so you like to deny." He retorted. "But face it, Jo. I made you hot."

She placed her hand over her belly. "I think this speaks for itself."

"Right," he nodded. "I'm not bisexual."

She tilted her head slightly. "The jury's still out on that one," she teased.

"The jury's stupid."

She laughed. "It is not."

"Is to." He folded his arms across his chest.

"Is not."

"Is to."

"Is not."

"I hate it when you do this to me." He grumbled, staring at the ceiling.

"Do what?"

"Make me act like I did when we were five years old."

"Oh? I make you act like that? You do that all on your own."

"Oh no," he shook his head. "It's you. You're the only one in the entire world who drives me to act like this."

She smiled teasingly. "That's because you love me."

"Yeah, head over heels. That's why being around you makes me feel like pulling out the Play-do."

"Of course."

He tilted his head skeptically, "Then why do I constantly feel like jumping you? That's hardly childlike."

She grinned. "Because I'm simply irresistible."

He couldn't help but smile, "Yes, you are that."

She smiled sweetly. "I know."

He chuckled, the laugh rumbling through his body. "Not much for modesty today though."

�Well, what can I say?� She asked teasingly.

"Hmm, I like you in a good mood." He smiled, touching the ends of her hair.

"And I kind of like you when you're not acting like you're five."

"Really, so you like me?" He teased.

She shook her head lightheartedly. "Nope. Don't like you."

"Nooo," he shook his head, "You said you liked me."

"I said I kind of liked you. Never said I did."

"Nuh-uh. Kinda means the same thing as do."

"It does not."

"Does too."

"Does not."

"Does to."

"Does not," she replied haughtily.

"Than what does it mean?"

She considered it musingly. "It's somewhere in the middle of like and dislike."

He grinned, "You like me, Potter."

"I can honestly say that I don't."

"Then you wouldn't be here, arguing with me over what to name our child." He countered.

She nodded. "Oh, yes I would."

"If not because you like me, then why? I'm not that good in bed."

She glanced down at her watch and began to stand up. "Oh look, I have to get back to work now."

He hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her back down onto the couch, locking her at his side. "See, you do like me."

"I do not," she insisted trying to break out of his hold.

"You do to," He tightened his arm around her. "I don't know why you're in such denial. I told ya, I like you when you're in a good mood.".

She pursed her lips together trying to restrain a smile and tried to get up. "I'm not in denial."

He pulled her back down again. "Then why wont you admit you like me? I'm a likable person."

"Because I don't," she retorted.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't."

"Then what? You're indifferent? If I'm to believe, like you say, that you don't hate me."

"Yep," Joey said quickly nodding her head and attempting to stand up. "That's it. I'm indifferent."

He released her, "So that's why you were concerned for my condition? Cause you're indifferent." He said skeptically.

She nodded again lying through her teeth. "Yep, indifferent."

"But I've impregnated you."

"Your point?"

"And you're still indifferent." She nodded, "So, if I were to get up and throw myself through the window, you wouldn't care either way?"

She bit her lip and shook her head. "Nope."

"Okay," He sat up and stood, limping slightly on his bad foot, he headed for the windows.

She raised an eyebrow questioningly as she watched him. "Where are you going?"

"To jump out the window," he said simply.

She folded her arms across her chest in disbelief. "You are not."

"Watch me."

She shook her head. "No, you're not."

"Why not?'

"Because," she racked her brain for an answer, "because you wouldn't do that."

"Yeah, you're right." He shrugged, "I've got to much to live for. But, you cared, didn't you?"


He rolled his eyes, "You're impossible."

"Okay...maybe a little," she admitted reluctantly.

"There was that so bad?" He hobbled off to the kitchen.

She rolled her eyes. "Yes."

"You want anything?" He asked.

She shook her head sitting back down on the couch. "No. I'm fine."

"Okay," He riffled through the refrigerator, a small smile on his face as he pulled out some leftover pot roast. He grabbed a knife and started to cut. "Owww, fuck." He said loudly enough for her to hear. He threw the knife down with a clang and clutched at his left hand.

Joey sat up and glanced toward the kitchen worriedly at the sound. "Pacey? Are you okay?"

"Oh shit," he said, keeping his voice at a level she could hear. Then even louder, "Uh, yeah. I'm...fine."

"Are you sure?" She stood up cautiously making her way over to the kitchen.


"What happened?" she asked walking into the kitchen, concern evident in her brown eyes.

"Nothing, it's just a cut." He turned his back to her.

"Is it bad?" she asked tentatively.

"I donno."

"Let me see it."

"No," he said, turning away from her. "Remember, you don't like me."

"Pacey, just let me see it."


She clicked her tongue behind her teeth. "Would you stop acting like a baby? Just let me see it."


She released a breath of annoyance and tapped her foot against the floor impatiently. "Pacey, just let me see it already."


"So I can see how bad it is."

"Why? You don't care, remember."

She threw her hands up in frustration. "Fine. I care. I even like you. In fact, I even more than like you. So just show me your damn cut already!"

He turned around to face her, a smile on his face, "Thank you." He held out his hand to her, cut free.

She took it and examined it carefully in her hands. She raised her eyes to his. "There's no cut."

"Yeah, I know."

"Ugh, you jerk!" She dropped his hand angrily. "You lied to me!"

"A tiny bit," he held up his thumb and finger a small gap between them.

She punched him in the arm. "You stupid idiot. You had me worried for nothing."

"No, I had you worried for me." He cupped his hand over the spot she'd punched him. "There's a difference."

"Exactly my point," she retorted sharply. "Nothing."

"I think I made my point." He paused, "Look, Jo. I'm sorry."

She crossed her arms in front of her chest defensively and turned her head away. Her lower lip quivered slightly. "Jerk."

"I know, I am." His smile faded. "Makes me wonder why you cared at all."

She drew her lips together tightly, not saying anything.

"Joey, I'm sorry." He touched her shoulder, "I didn't think it'd bother you this much."

She whimpered quietly and turned to him, wrapping her arms around him and holding him tightly. "I-I hate you," she said softly.

He returned the hug immediately, surprised, but not displeased at her action. He smoothed her hair out, "I know. I'm an ass, I shouldn't have done that." He whispered against her hair."

"It's these damn hormones," she said with a small smile, her eyes tearing.

"Yeah?" He pulled away to look into her eyes. "So you don't hate me?"

She shook her head and frowned faintly. "No."

"Good," He kissed her forehead gently. "So, should I be telling Shane to start packing anytime soon, or...?" He asked, keeping his arms loosely around her.

She smiled slightly. "If you want."

"What do you want? I don't want you to feel like I'm pressuring you."

She sighed tiredly. "What I want is never going to happen but this comes second."

"And what is it that you want?" He asked softly.

She chewed on her lower lip. "It's not important."

"What you want is always important." He tried to smile, "It may be a long time before you ever get to put yourself first again."

She shook her head. "It doesn't matter."

"Okay," he let it drop.

"I-I should go now."

"Alright," he unhooked his arms from around her. "Tell Lucy I said hi."

She nodded. "Okay."

"I'll walk you out," he said stepping hard on his bad foot. "Ow! O-kay, maybe not." He said through gritted teeth.

She eyed him warily. "You okay?"

"Actually, this time, not so much." He tentatively put his weight on it again.

She wrapped her arm around his waist. "C'mon let's get you back to the couch. Have you went to see a doctor about that?"

"Yeah, he said it was just a sprain and to keep off it for a few days." He let her lead him back to the couch. "But of course, in typical Pacey fashion, I've been going to work anyway."

"Of course because you know better than the doctor. Still using that PhD you don't have."

"Of course." He sat down back on the couch. "You wouldn't mind grabbing me some ice from the freezer before you take off, do you?"

"Yes." Her smile belied her words as she headed to the kitchen

He smiled wryly after her and propped his foot up and pulled off his sock to see how swollen his ankle was.

Joey returned with a handful of ice wrapped in a clean dishcloth she had found. She handed it to him. "How did that happen?"

"I was doing my act, and I think someone saw your little improv with Jeff the last time you were there. So this chick through herself across the stage and I ended up sprawled half naked on top of her, with my ankle twisted around her arm."

She laughed in amusement. "Priceless."

"It wasn't exactly one of my most erotic moments on stage. I'll give you that." He said, applying the ice to the purplish skin.

"Too bad I missed it."

"I'm glad you missed it, I don't think I've ever been more embarrassed. Zorro doesn't fall."

Joey glanced down at his foot. "That says otherwise."

He gave her an amused look, "Thank you for pointing that out."

"No problem."

He propped his foot up on the couch again, doing his best not to disturb the ice. "I hope the swelling goes down, I need to work tonight."

"Well, if you keep walking on it, it's never going to get better. Why don't you just take the night off?"

"Need the money."

"But I think you need use of your legs more."

"I have the next two days off, after that I'll be fine."

"Hmm�You sure? It looks pretty bad."

"It's not that bad, is it?"

She shrugged. "It looks it." He shrugged. She tentatively reached her hand out and touched it. "Does it hurt?"

"That didn't." He assured her.

"Well, I guess that's good."

"It's only painful when I walk, and after tonight, I'll stay off it."


"So, you leaving?"

She straightened up. "Oh yeah, I am."

"Call me later, if you feel like it."

"Doubt it."

"Still mad?"

"Bye," she said heading for the door.

"I'll take that as a yes." He gave her a regretful smile. "Bye Potter." She returned the smile weakly and closed the door quietly behind her.

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