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Seeking Revenge
by Dannie and Rinny

Jack whistled a cheerful tune as he entered Joey's gallery. He waved at her secretary as he opened the door to he office. He found her staring off into space, her face cupped in one hand as she spaced out.

He smiled widely, "Has anyone ever told you that you work too hard?" He asked as was their custom.

Joey shook her head and blinked a few times, focusing on Jack. "What did you say?"

"What I always say." He gave her a sly look, "Though for the first time, I don't think it was merited. What's got you all head-in-the-cloudy?"

"Nothing," she answered quickly. She pushed her chair back standing up. "So ready for lunch?"

"As always." Jack replied holding the door open for her.

She grinned. "So anything new in your life?"

"No, not really." He shook his head, "I might be up for a promotion at work. But mostly I've just been either staying home and reading or going out with Pace."

Joey couldn't help the slight falter in her step at the mention of Pacey's name. "So a promotion. That's good."

"Yeah, the head of our department is retiring, so his position is up for grabs. The word around the water fountain is that I'm up for it." He smiled at her, holding open the door to the cafe next door for her.

She smiled happy for her friend. "I'm sure it's already in the bag."

"I hope so, it means longer hours, but I'll get a huge pay raise." He led her to their usual table in the corner.

She brushed a strand of brown hair behind her ear and sat across from him. "Well, it sounds wonderful."

"Yeah, I'm hoping I get it. Means I see less of you and Pacey, but," he shrugged, "what can ya do?"

Joey grinned widely. "As long as you're happy."

"I think I will be," He nodded, his eyes gleaming happily. The waitress arrived and took their orders. "So," he took a sip of his water, "what have you been up to since...yesterday?"

She shrugged. "Nothing much."

"Did that deal you were working on come through?"

Her mouth curved into a small smile. "It went through. I can expect the new arrivals tomorrow."

"That's great, Jo." He replied, "We should go out and celebrate!"

"Okay, I guess your impending promotion and the closing of one my deals does warrant a celebration."

"I'll give Pacey a call later, hopefully he can get off work tonight and join us." He smiled happily.

Joey shifted in her seat uncomfortably. "Um�okay."

Jack was oblivious, "Hey, Jo. You wouldn't happen to have a copy of his book would you? I can't find one around anywhere."

Joey raised an eyebrow curiously. "Why don't you just ask Pacey? I'm sure he must have one."

It was Jack's turn to look uncomfortable, "I, uh, don't really want him to know I want to read it. Not yet, anyway."

Joey smiled shyly. "Actually, I do have a copy at the gallery if you want it."

"You've read it? Is it any good?" Jack asked, leaning forward in his chair, just as the food arrived.

Joey took a drink of her water. "He's talented. He doesn't need to strip if you ask me."

"He told me he wasn't inspired anymore. He made it sound like his talent just up and walked away one day."

Joey shrugged. "Well, read it and judge for yourself."

He nodded, "I will, if it's really okay with you."

"Why wouldn't I be okay with it?"

"It's your book."

Joey nodded and pushed the contents of her plate around. "Okay, just um, don't say I gave it to you."

"No problem," he dug into his chicken sandwich. She sighed and began picking at her salad.

Pacey checked his watch as he hurried down the street to the restaurant Jack had chosen. He was ten minutes late, he picked up his pace. It hadn't helped that he couldn't find a parking spot, and that his favorite dress shirt had a stain on it. He sighed as he opened the doors to the restaurant, despite the fact that he didn't really want to see Joey, already anticipating her icy attitude, which he conceded, he probably deserved, but he was thrilled that Jack got his promotion. It was definitely cause for celebration as far as he was concerned.

Joey glanced at the watch on her wrist and turned to Jack. "Maybe we should just order without him."

Jack shook his head. "Nah, let's give him a few more minutes."

She rolled her eyes. "He's probably not even going to show up."

"He's coming," Jack said confidently.

The matiere'd led Pacey to the table, "Hey guys," he greeted the sheepishly. The waiter handed him a menu and he nodded his thanks.

Jack smiled warmly. "Hey, you made it. We had just about given up hope on you." Joey offered a tight lip smile before returning to her menu.

"Sorry about that," he apologized. "I got held up doing...various things on my way here."

"Doesn't matter, at least you're here now."

"And we can finally order," Joey muttered.

"So, what are you having?" He asked, trying to keep up a pretense of friendliness. It was the first time they'd seen each other since they'd had sex. He knew it was going to be awkward, but he planned to be friendly, for Jack's sake. Then he could work out an apology.

"I'll have a salad," Joey told their waiter and shut her menu.

Jack cleared his throat. "I'll have a steak medium-rare."

"What he's having," Pacey gestured to Jack, handing the menu to the waiter.

"All right," the waiter nodded, "it'll be awhile. Help yourselves to the bar in the mean time. I'll be back with rolls in a minute."

"So, Jack, tell me about this promotion. You didn't say much about it on the phone."

He shrugged and looked down at the table, "It's nothing really, I'll just be supervising the people who do what I did."

"That doesn't sound like nothing. You're just being humble," he teased. "Does a raise come along with this job?"

"Yeah, three dollar raise, with is also accompanied by extra long hours," he rolled his eyes. "But that's the price I pay, I suppose."

Joey nodded sipping her ice tea. "Now I'll be able to bother *you* about your long hours." She smiled.

"She speaks." Pacey said.

She reached for her napkin and draped it across her lap. "Why do you sound so surprised?"

"I've been here ten minutes and that's the first time you've said anything." He shrugged, "Figured you had laryngitis or something."

"Well, I guess you figured wrong," Joey said pointedly.

Jack looked between them and figured that they must have gotten into a fight over something. He rose from his chair tactfully, "I'm just going to go to the bar and get something to drink. Either of you want something?" Neither replied, and so he headed to the back of the restaurant.

Pacey noticed that he was alone with a rather hostile looking Joey Potter. He rose unceremoniously, "You know, I think I do want that drink." He made a bee line for Jack, who was leaning up against the bar.

"Thought you two wanted to be alone?" Jack greeted him.

"Me and Potter? Why would we want to be alone?" Pacey asked with a snort.

Jack shrugged, "I don't really just seemed like you two had some tension to work through."

"Tension?" Pacey shook his head derisively, "You're seeing things, Jackers." He ordered a drink from the bar tender and settled onto the stool next to Jack.

Through hooded eyes, Jack watched the dim light play over Pacey's features. Maybe it was the booze, or the way Pacey's eyes seemed to be bottomless pools of some captivatingly dark color. Or maybe he was just tired of playing the is he/isn't he game with himself. No matter what the reason, Jack was finally going to make his move.

Joey shifted in her seat awkwardly and glanced around at the other patrons in the restaurant. She should have just stayed home tonight, but she owed it to Jack. It was his night after all and she couldn't be selfish no matter how much she wanted to.

Back at the bar, the bartender placed their drinks in front of them, Pacey quickly downed his, his Adam's apple bobbing. Jack ran his finger around the edge of his glass nervously. "So, um...Pacey?"

His eyes met Jack's and he gave him a smile, "Yeah, Jackers?"

"You know...I was thinking," he began. Pacey nodded, "We haven't really gotten a chance to really..." he chose his words carefully, "be alone together. I mean," he rushed on. "We're always at 'Thunder Down Under' or with Joey." Pacey nodded. "Anyhow, I was thinking-"

"You said that already," Pacey interrupted with an amused smile on his face.

"Right," Jack felt a blush climb his neck. Thankfully, the light around the bar was dim, and he doubted Pacey could even tell. "So, I was thinking, why don't we go out?" He rushed on, "Just you and me and an evening to ourselves. We have years to make up for." That said, he downed his drink as he waited nervously for Pacey's reply.

"Hey, why not?" He shrugged, "Out of everyone in Boston, you're the only person I've really connected with." He smiled at Jack, ordering a second drink. "We can make a day of it."

A wide smile blossomed on Jack's face as he nodded happily to himself. "Give me a call, and we'll find a day we're both free. There's tons to do in this city..." Jack started rambling about the attributes of Boston as Pacey stared at the back wall, tuning out his friend's rambling.

Joey glanced at her watch and frowned. Did they go to make the damn drinks themselves? She stood up deciding to find out herself what the hold up was. She found them in an intense conversation at the bar. She cleared her throat and forced a smile. "Get lost?"

Jack turned around and smiled at her, sliding an arm around her waist. "Sorry, Jo. We just kinda got caught up in the conversation." He apologized. "We can head back to the table if you want." Pacey remained with his back to Joey. Fight fire with fire, right?

She sighed resting her head against Jack's shoulder. "Table's fine. It'd be nice to be there when the food arrives."

"Good point," Jack laughed easily. He rose from his bar stool, "You coming, Pace?"

"Yeah," he nodded, following behind them. He couldn't help but watch the sway of Joey's hips. He shook his head, no, he told himself, once was more than enough.

"I forgot to tell you," Joey began as they approached their table. "Friday is when I open the new exhibit and you better be there." She smiled sweetly. "Please."

"Of course," Jack replied returning to his chair. "Have I ever missed an opening?"

Joey grinned sliding into her seat. "Good because this one is actually one of my biggest and Lucy's excited because they're even talking press coverage. It makes me nervous."

"Who's Lucy?" Pacey asked. He broke one of the rolls in half, and offered half of it to Jack who took it without comment as Pacey buttered what remained of it.

Joey made a face of annoyance forgetting that Pacey was still there. "She's my assistant."

"Oh, pretty name." He commented, "So who's the artist, anyone I might have heard of?"

"Actually it's a collection of modern abstract art, so there's more than one artist." She brought her wineglass to her lips and took a sip.

"Oh, that's good I suppose." He shrugged, "You can fit the extent of my knowledge of the art world in the bottom of a thimble."

Jack chuckled, "It's okay, Pace. We love you anyway."

Unwittingly, Pacey's eyes drifted to Joey. Who was pointedly ignoring him. "Maybe I'll drop by and see it for myself."

Joey turned to Jack. "So tell me more about that promotion of yours."

Jack gave her a funny look, "I think I've pretty much shared it all."

She took another cautious drink from her glass. "Oh. Well, it sounds great from what I've heard."

Just then, to the relief of both Joey and Pacey their food arrived, and the next hour was mostly spent eating and making small talk. Pacey and Joey fell into a pattern of letting Jack direct the conversation and trying not to let him notice that there was any real strife between the two of them.

Every few minutes, Pacey would glance in her direction, and something new would catch his eye. The slim line of her neck, the way her long fingers played with her wine glass, or the way her skirt was slowing itching it's way up her thigh, revealing creamy skin. Every time he caught himself looking he'd grow more and more frustrated with himself. She wasn't supposed to do this to him...she was a one night stand. Once and it was over. She was supposed to be out of his system by now.

Joey feigned enthrallment as she listened to Jack. She had felt Pacey's eyes on her all evening. She'd catch him watching her with what seemed like lust in his eye and was just as quickly replaced with something that resembled annoyance. She smiled licking her lips as she brought her glass to her lips and re-crossed her legs. Maybe she affected him as much as he affected her.

Jack jumped a little at the sudden vibration at his hip. "Damn it," he groaned. Taking his beeper from his belt loop and checking the message.

"What?" Pacey asked, jerking his eyes away from the lone drop of wine that clung to Joey's lip.

Joey looked at Jack with concern. "Something wrong?"

His brow furrowed in confusion, "I'm not really sure. They only said it was something wrong with the computers. Which makes me wonder, since it's Friday, what could they possibly need them for between now and Monday morning?" He rose from his chair, "I'm going to go call, I'll be right back." Before either of them could say anything, he was gone.

Joey glanced at Pacey, raising an eyebrow in his direction. "Suddenly feel the need to use the phone?"

"What?" He asked, confused. "Oh," he frowned at her. "No, I don't." There was a few moments of silence, and he spoke again. "Are you always going to be this cold?"

"Yes," Joey stated simply taking a drink from her flute.

He crossed his arms over his chest, "Just so I know."

She looped a strand of brown hair behind her ear. "I'd have thought it was pretty obvious, but then again you aren't known for your astounding intellect, are you Pacey?"

"No, you're icy nature was very obvious, it's the why that has me confused."

"Here let me refresh your memory." She cleared her throat and lowered it an octave when she spoke next. "Well, Joey, it was fun thanks�I'll um, call you�soon." She paused and resumed her normal speaking voice. "Leaving money on my bedside table would have been more effective."

He gave her disbelieving look, "You know that's not what I meant, you weren't like that."

She narrowed her eyes. "Explain to me that bullshit line, Pacey, because I'm sure I'm not the first woman to hear it from you."

He shook his head, wracking his brain for something to tell her. "What exactly did you want me to say?" He questioned, trying to shift the focus from himself.

She glared. "Do you know why I wanted to talk about it Pacey? Because, unfortunately, I'm going to be forced to interact with you. I can't avoid you or pretend I don't know you, though God knows, I wish I could."

"Fine, so talk, Potter."

Joey sat back in her seat annoyed. "But, hey what's to talk about? It was just sex right?"

"Right, sex. People do it all the time, every one, every where, every day. What's the problem?"

Joey scoffed. "Oh yeah. No problem."

"Why is it a problem?!" He asked, "We're friends, we fell into bed once. While you were intoxicated no less. It happens to people all the time. Things my be awkward at first, but they don't hate each other afterwards."

She rolled her eyes in annoyance and stood up. "Tell Jack something came up."

He growled in frustration and stood up with her, "For someone who wanted to talk, you're doing a rotten job at it."

She scowled. "Talking about it now seems rather pointless."

"Talking about what?" Jack appeared behind them. Joey and Pacey exchanged a look.

"Nothing," Pacey answered. "So, uh, what's the story at work?"

"I'm still not clear, but they want me down there right away. I'm so sorry to cut dinner short. I already paid for my part of the bill."

"Jack, you shouldn't have done that, Jo and I would have covered you, it's your celebration anyhow." Joey nodded in agreement.

"Look, guys, I've really gotta run." He started backing away, "I'll call you."

She eyed him resignedly. "Um, okay then. Talk to you later I guess."

"Bye," he called as he left.

"Well..." Pacey said, looking over at Joey.

Joey sighed and rubbed at her forehead tiredly. She reached for her purse and pulled out her wallet, placing a couple of bills on the table. "Well, no need to stay here now."

"Right, yeah." He agreed, getting out his own wallet. "Until our next fight," he said dryly, turning away from her to pay his share of the bill.

"I'll be holding my breath," Joey muttered before stalking out of the restaurant. He rolled his eyes and headed to the bar for one last drink.

Joey cursed under her breath as she stepped onto the sidewalk and tried to flag down a passing taxi. 'Of all the nerve,' she fumed angrily. "Fucking bastard," she grumbled.

"If I were said fucking bastard, I'd stay the hell away from you." A deep male voice broke into her tirade against Pacey.

Joey jumped startled and turned around to find herself confronted with the most captivating hazel eyes accompanied by a head of curly blonde hair and a charming grin. He could have stepped right off the cover of GQ. She smirked. "Smart man."

He smiled at her, "Ex-boyfriend?"

She shrugged casually and smiled back. "I guess you can say that. He's just a real jerk."

"How could anyone stand to have you angry at them?" he asked rhetorically. "I'd never want to be on your bad side, you're too beautiful."

Joey laughed in amusement. "Does that line actually work for you?"

He looked thoughtful, "No," he shook his head. "Usually I don't need a line. I have other...ways of attracting women." She shook her head in amusement, "You don't remember me, do you?" he asked thoughtfully.

Joey smiled apologetically, looking for some kind of recognition. "I'm sorry. Do I know you?"

He smiled in amusement, "I get this a lot. Picture me wearing a huge cowboy hat and not much else."

Joey blushed embarrassedly as she remembered where she knew him from. "Oh my God. You're that Brooks guy right? I normally don't behave like that."

He nodded, "Yeah, that would have been me." He shrugged, "I'm not complaining, I rarely get a partner during my show. It was nice."

She smiled shyly. "Sorry about that."

He shook his head, "Don't be, I enjoyed it." He said, a slight purr to his voice.

The corner of her mouth curved into a wry smile. "So did I."

"I really hoped you'd stop by the club again, but I haven't seen you since." He gave her a crooked smile.

"It's not my normal hang out. I only went because an acquaintance of mine works there."

"Said fucking bastard?"

Joey nodded. "Yeah basically."

"Since it sounds like it's unlikely you'll be visiting Thunder anytime soon and for some reason, I haven't been able to get you out of my head since our dance...would it be too forward if I asked you on a date?"

She smiled genuinely. "I'd like that."

His smiled widened, "Great." He chuckled, "There any chance you might tell me your name first, though?"

She laughed and extended her hand. "It's Joey. Joey Potter and yourself?"

He took it and opened his mouth to answer, just as an angry male voice interrupted. "Jeff? What the hell are you doing here?" Pacey's eyes flickered to Joey and then back to the blond. "I thought I told you to stay away from her."

Joey's mouth fell open in surprise. "What's going on here?"

Jeff rolled his eyes, "Doug, you have no case here. She's her own woman."

Pacey ignored Joey, his eyes narrowing at Jeff. "Do not make me hurt you, Jeff." He said, his voice low. "She's not on the market for your overactive libido."

"Look who's talking." He replied.

"Get. Away. From. Her." He glowered, "Or you wont be physically capable of stripping for another two months. I know what happened with Veronica, and Max has strict rules about that kind of thing in his establishment. He wouldn't hesitate to fire you if he found out," Pacey threatened. "And I know for a fact, you have nothing else to fall back on, Jeffy."

He backed up a little, "You can't intimidate me, Witter." He glared, "I've been working there for eight years, you've only been there for three. It's your word against mine. They know me."

"You care to test your theory?" he glared, "If so, continue to hit on her," he gestured to Joey.

He shrugged, and turned apologetically to Joey, "Some other time, Joey Potter," he smiled gently at the furious looking brunette.

Joey managed to return his smile with a faint one of her own before turning to Pacey angrily. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"Getting himself into a hell of a lot more trouble than he was in before." Jeff said, pushing past Pacey as he entered the restaurant.

"Saving you from a few hundred verenial diseases."

She glared at him furiously. "I don't need you to save me from anything."

"Oh really?" He said, "Cause it looked like you were ready to jump him right there on the sidewalk!"

Joey stared at him with incredulous disbelief. "What the hell is your problem, Pacey? We were just talking and last time I checked that was not a crime."

"What's my problem?!" He repeated with disbelief, "The guy is slime! You should be thanking me!"

"Thanking you?" she scowled. "For what, completely embarrassing me? He seemed like a nice guy."

"You don't know him." He ran a hand through his hair. "He's just wanted you for sex, that's the only thing he cares about. Once he's done with you he'll walk away and never look back."

Joey laughed sardonically. "Just like you did?"

Pacey quickly continued, trying not to feel the stab of guilt. "He's a first class prick and he refuses to use a condom! He's got more VD's than there are names for, and probably the father of just as many children spread across the city!"

Joey's eye narrowed to angry slits. "Let me make this clear for you. What I do and whom I choose to do it with is none of your damn business. Not that it's any of your concern, but we were just talking. Let this be the first and last time you ever do anything like that to me again!"

"No problem! If you're going to act like a first class bitch I don't see why I should even care!" He growled.

"This is rich. You're the one that's wrong and yet I'm the bitch. Get over yourself."

"Right, because this is all my fault! You're the one who can't do anything but pick a fight!" He frowned, "I don't know what you're problem is, but *you're* the one who needs to get over yourself!"

"I pick fights!" she exclaimed incredulously. "Were you or were you not the one that stormed out here like some kind of Neanderthal?"

"I told him to stay away from you! And I am NOT a Neanderthal!"

Joey's eyes shot daggers. "Oh no, you just acted like one!"

"Screw you, Potter," he scowled.

Her face contorted into one of disgust. "Bite me."

"Been there, done that." He said, his voice low, "But if once wasn't enough, who am I to deprive you?!"

She raised her and smacked him across the cheek. "Fuck you," she growled through gritted teeth.

Before either of them knew what was happening they found themselves kissing furiously. Their anger expressing itself in sexual frustration. Pacey's arms wrapped around her body, pulling her tightly against him as his tongue fought hers for domination. Joey responded readily her hands tangling in his hair as she attacked his mouth with a heated fervor.

He grasped her hips and pulled her closer to his already rigid length. He groaned into her mouth as she bit his lip. Someone bumped into him from behind, and they were shaken from their heated embrace. He looked at her with lust heavy eyes, as he tried to catch his breath.

She pulled away chest heaving with excitement. God, she had never been more fucking turned on and she was ready to take him right there if she had to. Reading the desire in her eyes, he took her hand and led her down the sidewalk.

She smirked nuzzling his neck as she walked down the sidewalk beside him, unable to keep her hands off him.

He slipped his arm around her waist as they walked, unable to stand not having some sort of physical contact with her.

Within seconds they were at his car and he released her to concentrate on unlocking the door in the dim light in the corner of the parking lot. She wrapped her arms around him from behind, kissing the back of his neck as he fiddled with the lock. He finally succeeded in unlocking it. He turned around in her arms, planting a deep kiss on her lips, his hands roaming over her soft body.

She sighed against his lips the familiar feeling of desire uncoiling in her stomach as she raked her nails along his back.

He groaned into her mouth as she pressed him against he car, her hips grinding against his. His lips descended down her neck, taking his time to devour every inch of her skin, inhaling the seductive scent of her. The salty sweet taste of her skin was driving him crazy, she was addicting.

She moved against him slipping one of her legs between his. She tilted her head further exposing her neck to him and whimpered quietly enjoying the feel of his warm mouth on her cool skin.

"Hmmm," he felt her shiver in his arms as he hummed against her neck. "Your place?" He mumbled, his hands moving to cup her ass, pulling her tighter against him.

She shook her head mutely her hands gripping his shoulders firmly. "Why wait?" she murmured slipping out of his embrace and climbing into the back-seat of the car.

He was thankful he'd chosen a car with a spacious back-seat. He climbed in after her, closing the door behind him before shrugging out of his jacket before settling himself against her receptive body.

She captured his lips in a frenzied kiss, her hands working between them to undo the buckle of his pants. His hands roamed up her legs, effectively shifting her skirt up to give him access to her heat. His fingers trailed back over her thighs, and she opened up to him eagerly arching closer to his touch as she made short work of his pants, pulling them down over his hip for him.

She leaned back pulling him down with her, spreading her legs to accommodate him. One of her legs rested on the back of the passenger side seat, a seat belt buckle dug into her back and she barely noticed. She raised herself up on her elbows, giving him another hot opened mouth kiss.

He pillaged her mouth his tongue, his fingers caressed her lightly through her damp underwear. Both of their breathing was labored, their combined heat fogging the windows. She squirmed beneath him, gasping as he touched her in just the right spot. Impatient, he grasped her flimsy underwear and attempted to pull them off, finding himself restricted by the lack of room, he ripped the seam at her side and they slipped easily off. She moaned as he thrust a finger into her wet passage, testing her readiness.

She groaned raising her hips off the seat with impatience, eager to have him inside her. He teased her some more, his finger moving up to circle her clit, then dipping inside her wet slit again. The heady scent of her was making him dizzy and he grew unbearably hard.

She bit down hard on her lower lip tasting blood; his faint touches were driving her insane and making her lightheaded with want. She thrust her hips up again her breathing harsh and difficult. "Damn it Pacey stop playing games," she hissed between gritted teeth.

"What games?" He breathed clenching his jaw as he watching her writhe beneath his touch. Despite the fact they were both hot and sweaty and decidedly uncomfortable, he'd never wanted her more.

She licked her lips anxiously and propped herself unsteadily on her elbows. "I swear, if you don't fuck me now-" she gasped as he slid another finger inside of her.

"You'll what?" He asked, stroking her innerwalls with practiced precision.

She whimpered, responses dying on her lips as she thrust down to meet his hand. Her muscles beginning to tighten as the tension built.

He removed his hand just as he felt her approaching her release. She let out a frustrated cry and her eyes flew open. He shoved his boxers down to his knees and he moved between her legs, the hard steel of him flush against the slick heat of her arousal. He ran the tip of his penis along her wet slit, smirking at the furious look on her face. She grabbed him by the collar and pulled his face down to hers,

"Now," she demanded edgily wrapping her legs around his waist and raising her hips off the seat, pulling him inside her. She gasped as he filled her, and she gripped his shoulders tightly her nails digging into his skin as she moved against him.

His hands gripped her hips as he slid in and out of her with abandon. Her quiet gasps filled the car and spurned his own excitement. Each thrust he ground into her, touching her as deeply as he could, his own moans of pleasure joining hers.

"Oh God," Joey cried tightening her hold on his shoulders as she shuddered her muscles contracting around him.

She trembled around him as wave after wave rocked through her. The feel of her release surrounding him, sent him careening over the edge. He pumped into her one last time before coming deep inside her with a low groan.

She shut her eyes for a moment and inhaled a sharp breath as her body came back down to earth. With a sigh, Pacey slipped out of her and sat back. Leaning against the door, he pulled his boxers and pants back up, he avoided her face as he buttoned them.

She began to straighten her clothes and ran a hand through her hair, brushing away the thin strands of hair that clung to her face as she slipped her shoes back on. She glanced around before speaking. "Crap, I forgot my jacket at the restaurant."

"I'll just run and get it for you," he offered, suddenly wanting to get as far away from her as possible for a few minutes and clear his head. His hand was already reaching for the door handle.

She shook her head and reached for the door on her side pushing it open. "No, I'll go get it."

All he could do was nod, she was already on her way back. He ran a hand through his hair and rubbed his neck. He grimaced as he ran his hand lightly over his shoulder where her nails had dug into him. He smiled softly, there was something about making her that wildly uninhibited that pleased him. He stepped out of the car and moved around to the drivers seat, inhaling the clean evening air. This time, they'd discuss it. He tried not to think about anything more than that at this point, he turned the air conditioner on to get rid of the foggy windows. He sat back, waiting for her return.

Joey stepped out of the parking lot and onto the sidewalk, suddenly recalling she didn't even bring a jacket with her. She shrugged, flagging down a passing taxi. She climbed giving her address as she closed the door and sat back with a self-satisfied smile.

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