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One Turn Deserves Another
by Dannie and Rinny

Disclaimer: Sorry to disapoint you, we do not own the characters of this story, we never have, and we never will. Those rights belong to Columbia Tristar Television, and various others.
Author's Note:This is the sequel to Untouched. The third book of the four book series. This takes place FOUR years after Untouched. Everything else pretty much ends up explained. Pacey and Joey haven't communicated at all.

Pacey wrapped his arm around Joey's waist as they entered her building after deciding he was just going to go home instead of to Jack�s. He nodded his head at the doorman as he led her to the elevator. He could smell the alcohol on her breath and he sighed, he wasn't used to seeing her this way. But at least she seemed to be sobering up a little. "Okay, Jo," he looked at the number pad beside the door. "What floor?"

Joey smiled hazily and held up two fingers. "Three."

He smiled softly, "Three." He lifted one of her fingers so she held up the correct number. He then pressed the button and the doors closed.

She sighed, her body going limp. "I'm tired."

"Dancing on stage like you did will do that," he said.

Joey grinned goofily. "That was fun."

"Apparently you weren't the only one who thought so," he grumbled watching the numbers slowly light up as they moved up.

She giggled. "It was fuuuuun."

"Yeah, well, don't have fun like that anymore. He's not your type." He gave her a serious look. The bell signaling their floor rang and the doors opened, he stepped out.

"Ohhh�I don't know he looked nice, very nice."

"He's a pig."

Joey laughed and shrugged. "Oh well I'm not going to marry him." She stumbled over to her door.

"Or anything else to him either." He muttered, leaning against the door jam.

She rummaged through her purse for her keys pulling them out triumphantly. "Ta-da." She carefully sorted them out searching for the one that opened her door. She found the elusive key and unsteadily tried to get it into the keyhole.

He put his hand over hers, guiding the key into the lock. She met his eyes and he looked away, Instead he turning the door handle and opened it for her.

"Thanks," Joey mumbled grabbing her keys and jamming them back inside her purse. She pushed the door wide open and staggered in tossing her purse onto the floor by the door without thinking. She bent down to undo the zippers of her boots. She stood up and kicked them off her feet feeling lighter.

Pacey followed her in, his hands in his pockets. He looked around her small apartment. It was decorated sparcily, but with a flare that was entirely Joey. Her things were spread out throughout the living room, but in a completely organized way. He smiled fondly, "Great place you have here, Jo." He ran his hand over an artsy looking lamp on the end table.

She nodded distractedly and collapsed onto her couch with a groan. "The room won't stay still," she muttered.

"Best way to stop that is to close your eyes." He told her, leaning up against the couch she was sprawled across.

She shut her eyes for a few moments and opened them, gazing up at him with an amused laugh. "It worked."

"Told ya," he smiled softly. He watched her brush a strand of hair out of her eyes. "I can guarantee you'll feel worse tomorrow though."

Joey grinned. "That's tomorrow not today. Today I feel wonderful."

He chuckled, "I know the feeling well." He paused, "Well, since you're home safely, I have a gay roommate and his latest boy toy to get home to."

Joey sat up and idly traced a thread pattern on one of the pillows that decorated the couch. "Okay."

"I'll see you soon, Jo." He said heading for the door.

"Hmm...Pacey, wait." Joey stood up and walked over to her small desk by the corner. She opened the top drawer and pulled out a picture frame before shutting it. She walked over to him and handed it to him with a smile. "It's that extra picture of Jack, you said you wanted."

"Thanks," he said, taking it from her. He looked at the photo. The light hit Jack just so, highlighting his eyes as he looked at something in the distance with fond amusement. It spoke of something purely Jack. "It's beautiful, Jo."

She smiled modestly and raised her eyes to his suddenly acutely aware of his proximity. "Thanks."

"I don't know how you do it, you captured a perfect moment." He said intently, staring into her eyes.

"Well, Jack's an easy subject," she replied easily.

"Maybe so, but this...this is magic."

Joey rolled her eyes. "You're just saying that."

"I only speak the truth," he murmured, his warm breath caressing her face.

She cocked any eyebrow in disbelief. "You do?"

"Would I lie to you?"

Joey laughed lightly. "Is that a trick question?"

"If you want it to be." He replied ambiguously, watching the moonlight that filtered in from the large bay windows flutter across her face.

She curled her arm behind his neck boldly bringing his lips down to hers in a searing kiss. She pulled away breathlessly. "The truth," she breathed lightly, "Did you like that?"

He stared back at her for a moment, completely caught off-guard. The next second his lips were on hers again drinking in the fire she so easily ignited in him. "That answer your question?" He breathed against her lips before crushing them beneath his own again. His arms encircled her, pulling her flush against him. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew it was wrong, but another, more vocal part knew he was horny and she was the only one who'd ever made his blood pound through his body the way it was now.

She groaned grinding her body against his, her tongue busy learning his mouth. It had been so long since she had done any of this and it just intensified the ache within her. She brought her hands up to his hair holding him captive to her mouth.

He sucked lightly on the tip of her tongue, his hands sliding up the back of her shirt. His fingers traced lines over her back working their way up to the clasp of her bra.

She lowered her mouth to his neck, her tongue darting out to taste the pulse point. Her hands slid between them, helping tug his shirt over his head. "Do you ever think about me, Pacey?" she breathed against his neck, her lips barely touching his skin. She placed a light kiss on his collarbone. "About us? About that night we spent together?" She brought her mouth to the junction where neck met shoulder and began to suckle on the warm skin there. She pulled away, and blew cool air at the skin still wet from her mouth. "I do."

He groaned low in his throat, his fingers trailing upward to trace the underside of her bra. "All the time, Jo." He mumbled, the pads of his thumbs brushing over her nipples through the material of her bra. He caught her lips with his as she gasped, his tongue sliding into her mouth to caress hers. "Over and over again." He massaged her nipples to peaks, "I couldn't get it out of my head."

"At night," she trailed a series of feathery kisses along his jaw line. "When I'm alone," her breath warm against his skin she continued. "I think of how you kissed me." She brought her hands to the back of her dress and slid down the zipper, letting it fall to her feet in a pool of rayon. "Of how you touched me." Her eyes fluttered shut and she brushed her hand over the swell of her breast, running her tongue over her kiss-swollen lips. "Of how good it felt to have your mouth on me."

"Hmmmm," he mumbled, his eyes drinking in the sight of her nakedness. A reply to her confession got lost in the back of his mind as first his eyes ran over her body, and then his fingertips followed, leaving trails of fire over her skin. His mouth caught her lips in a wet kiss, before sliding down her neck, marking her with his lips. His hands explored her, sliding over her skin, making her tingle everywhere he dared touch.

She moaned quietly her head lolling back as she surrendered to his touch. She straightened and smiled at him hazily reaching for his hand. "My bedroom?"

He nodded against her neck, kissing her roughly as she pulled him along the hallway to her bedroom. They stumbled along, neither willing to break their embrace as they fell upon her bed in a tangle of legs and arms.

Joey managed to work her hands between them and eagerly went to work at undoing the button of his pants her other hand occasionally slipping down to cup him through the course material of his jeans. " know I never did get to taste you," she whispered.

He arched his hips against her hand, seeking out her innocent touch. "Feel free," he muttered, kicking his shoes off as she suddenly, to his surprise straddled his thighs. Her long fingers massaged his chest toying with his nipples through the thin material of his tee-shirt. His own hands ran down her back, cupping her ass and pulling her closer to his hard length.

Joey smiled wryly grinding down against him and lowered her mouth to his neck. She flicked her tongue over his Adam's apple; she placed large wet kisses along his broad chest, running her tongue around his dark brown areolas, tenderly grazing the hard nipples with her teeth. She kissed her way down his stomach pausing at his jeans, she watched him as she undid the button and slid the metallic zipper down with wide-eyed fascination. She pulled the coarse material over his hips leaving him clad in only his boxers.

He watched her as she looked at him. She stroked him through the material of his boxers, watching his cock with rapt attention as it jumped underneath her curious touch. He sat up on his elbows, intrigued and even more turned on by her own fascination with his body.

She leaned over and softly blew on his leg, the small hairs sprinkling it fluttering in the sudden breeze. Joey tentatively edged his boxers over his hips freeing him from the cotton restraint and cocked her head to the side to gaze up at him, brown hair cascading over her shoulders like a veil. Her fingers lightly ran across the hardened tip spreading the moisture along his length while smoothing the tight skin. Her hand enclosed around his engorged erection and she held him in her hand trying to obtain a sense of what her next move should be. She began to stroke him slowly, evenly, exploring him with great fervor. She continued stroking him increasing her rhythm attune to his movements.

He bit his lip as her movements grew more assured. He swallowed thickly as he watched her through lust heavy eyes. He didn't think he'd ever seen anything more erotic than Joey Potter perched naked on top of him. Her long fingers wrapped tightly around his hot member, her moist lips parted hungrily as she watched his body react to her.

She lowered her mouth to him, replacing her hands with her tongue. She stroked him at a leisurely place, her tongue moving along the length of him as she took him deeper into her mouth, sucking and tasting him hungrily. She placed her hands firmly at the base, fingers lightly cupping his testicles as she worked her mouth up and down. His hips bucked forward in need and Joey quickened her pace, her mouth hot and tight around his heated skin. She continued intently, keeping up with his undulations, before pulling away.

"Oh, God," he groaned in frustration as she pulled away. His chest rose and fell as he panted. He met her eyes as she sought his approval, he grunted, sitting up, he pulled her close to him, flipping them both over as he started kissing her deeply, his tongue dancing in her mouth, drinking in the taste of her. His lips descended down her neck, his teeth gently nibbling on skin. He devoured her hungrily, the silk of her skin, scented lightly of vanilla, sky rocketed his desire for her.

His hands preceded his mouth, massaging her warm breasts, her nipples hardened under his touch. He bent his mouth to capture the pink nubs with his teeth, gently he nibbled them, then soothed the pain with the heat of his tongue. Her hands tangled in his hair as she arched her back to him. A hand slowly descended down her side, running over her thigh, he pulled her tight against him so she could feel the hard heat of his erection.

She whimpered quietly, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth, her body shuddering involuntarily with every touch. Her breathing reduced to short ragged gasps for air.

"Hold on," he whispered huskily, breaking away from her. He shifted on the bed, reaching down blindly for his pants. He rifled through the pockets, his frustration growing as he fumbled for the condom he knew was somewhere in the pocket.

She licked her lips impatient to have him inside her. Her body had never been so deliciously swollen with desire.

He felt the metallic wrapper with his fingertips and smile with relief. He was already tearing into it as he turned back to her.

He cupped her breast as he rolled them over the bed, his lips fused tightly to hers, feeding on each other. He held his body over hers, his other hand reaching between them stroking her inner thighs as her legs fell open. His fingers traveled north, brushing lightly over the coarse hair at the juncture of her thighs.

She moaned in frustration, raising her hips off the bed. "P-Pacey," she pleaded helplessly.

"What?" he asked innocently, his finger tracing her slit lightly, he pulled it away as she tried to force herself closer to his touch.

She glared at him in annoyance and forcefully pushed him onto his back. She strung one leg over his form and straddled him. She lifted herself up on her knees, hoisting herself right above him before impaling herself on him. Joey let out a sharp gasp, her back arched as she sank into his body.

Frustrated, he rolled them over. "Not so fast, Potter," he growled seductively, settling himself on top of her. "I'm always on top." He pulled away from her and then pushed into her inch-by-inch, intent on making their union torturously slow. He caressed her body lightly as he moved within her, touching and teasing her everywhere but where she needed it most. Joey whimpered her breathing labored and she thrust her hips off the bed, eager to find some relief from the unrelenting tension.

His lips traveled down her neck, leaving airy kisses burning her skin. His tongue snaked from between his lips, drawing wet little circles over her breasts, avoiding her taught nipples. Despite her lustful thrusts, he continued his accusingly slow movements, loving the fact he had the control...for once.

Her mouth fell open and she drew in deep breaths of air, trying to steady her rapidly beating pulse. Her body writhed with desire searching for something that was just out of her reach. "Please Pacey," she begged breathlessly.

"Please what?" He stopped moving completely, his face just centimeters from hers as he waited for an answer, his control in threads by this point. His arms were trembling as he held himself absolutely motionless inside her.

"Fuck me," she breathed wrapping her arm behind his neck and pulled his lips down to hers, kissing him hungrily.

He groaned into her mouth, sinking into her as far as he could go. He withdrew instantly, plowing into her velvet warmth. She arched her hips up to meet his thrusts. Her legs hooked around his back holding him captive as they came together, the heat between them reaching a boil.

Joey shuddered against him, the tension building within her and she felt the telltale signs of her muscles contracting. She cried out, the first wave of pleasure rushed through her and she pressed herself against him again, taking him deeper into herself, orgasm over taking her senses.

He felt her internal muscles tightening around him and he groaned, feeling his own release broiling in his testicles. He thrust into her once more, burying himself to the hilt in her welcoming flesh as he came.

He sighed as he came down from the rush of pleasure, he moved away from her lying back on the bed as he caught his breath. He pulled the used condom off and threw it in the small garbage can beside the bed.

Joey exhaled sharply letting her hands fall to her sides as she waited for her heart to calm and it to be perfectly content to stay in her chest. She stretched her body out languidly feeling content and warm all over.

Pacey furtively looked over at her, suddenly the impact of what they'd done...again. "You gonna skip town again?" He asked dryly.

Joey avoided his gaze stung by the slight. She kept her voice even. "No."

He blinked a few times, trying to figure out what he should say next. She wasn't like most of the women he slept with, she was...Joey. Usually he'd thank them for a wonderful evening, occasionally giving an empty promise to call them tomorrow. He never spent the night.

Joey stared at him wordlessly unsure of what she was supposed to do or say now. She had never felt so left out there and unprepared.

He met her eyes for just a second and sat up, immediately going for his boxers, lying on the floor. "Well, Joey." He grabbed his pants. "It was fun, thanks." He stood up and began looking for his shirt, avoiding the bed at all costs. "I'll, um, call you... soon." He pulled his tee-shirt over his head

Joey sat up swiftly and watched him curiously. "You're leaving?"

"Yeah," he answered. "You'd rather I stay?" He mumbled as he scanned the floor for his shoes.

She shrugged. "I don't know I just figured�"

He looked back at her, keeping his voice as indifferent as possible. "That we'd talk about it?" He finished for her. She glanced down at her bed sheets feeling incredibly inept. "What's to talk about?" He continued, picking up his shoes from the floor. "We had sex. It's happened before and it didn't mean anything. Why should it now." The words just seemed to fall from his lips without a thought, and inwardly he cringed as he heard them.

Joey raked a hand through her disheveled hair unable to fully process what was happening. "Okay..."

He headed for the door, and paused, looking back at her, his hand hovering over the handle. "Later, Potter." He said before disappearing down the hallway.

She heard her front door open and close; and buried her face in her hands feeling completely and monumentally stupid.

Pacey didn't stop long enough to put his shoes on until he'd reached the elevator. He leaned against the wall, his eyes squeezed tightly shut as he went over the last half hour in his mind. When he'd gone to her earlier that week to make amends between them, he hadn't even thought about sleeping with her... well, at least not again. It had just sort of happened.

"What's the big deal?" He asked himself as he watched the little numbers above the door slowly light up. 'It's not like I haven't slept with my share of women in the last ten months.' He thought, running his hand over his face. God, he could still smell her on his fingers. He jerked his hand away. 'This isn't a big deal,' he thought. 'Not if I don't make it one. We gave in during a moment of weakness. It doesn't mean anything. It was a one night stand, just like the others.' He nodded his head with a new resolve as the doors opened into the lobby.

In the last two years since he'd gone back to stripping, various women had thrown themselves at him. At first he'd resisted, his night with Joey still fresh in his mind. He doubted he would make it past kissing these women before he'd start picturing her in his mind. And that was just wrong.

Soon though, he couldn't keep himself from their warm bodies. It wasn't like he was holding out for a real relationship anyhow. He'd tried that before, back in high school and it hadn't worked out and again with Jen just more recently. Love had a way of screwing things up--royally.

But just because he chose to abstain from love, didn't mean he had to abstain from sex altogether.

He held himself to five very strict rules, one, he never saw the same woman twice. Two, he always, always used a condom. Three, he never brought them to his apartment. Partly because Shane was often there with his boyfriend of the moment and that didn't make for a very arousing setting. Mostly though, he didn't allow women to his place because it was too personal. And he never stayed the entire night. Cuddling just wasn't in his vocabulary anymore. There was no holding, no tender post-coital kissing; once they were done, he were gone. Lastly, he never let them be on top. He figured it was probably a control issue, and he was being anal, but regardless; he never let them on top, if they tried he quickly rectified the situation. There was something about that position that made him feel extremely vulnerable.

Even with Joey, he'd held to his rules. He hailed a cab. 'Just goes to show you, she's just another one night stand.' he thought climbing into the car.

He gave the driver his address and sat back, trying not to think about how beautiful she'd looked squirming beneath him, her hair spread across the comforter, her nails digging into his back.

He shook his head to get the unbidden image away. 'She was just like all the others. Just sex, that's all.' A release from all the tension he worked up on stage. 'And a damn good release at that,' he couldn't help thinking. It was over and done with though. It didn't mean anything. And it wasn't like he'd allow himself that close to her again.

The taxi pulled up at his building and he paid the driver, feeling somewhat better about what happened. It was sex. That's all, people do it all the time, no big deal. As he opened the main doors to his building, he wondered for the first time, just how she was feeling about their 'tumble in the hay'.

She had done some pretty stupid things in life but this one took the cake. Joey grabbed one of the pillows off her bed and threw it against the wall in frustration. 'Thanks, it was fun?' that had to be the most trite and insincere bullshit she had ever heard. She flopped onto her back with a sigh, well that was one mistake she wasn't planning to make again.

She sat up, right now what she really needed was a shower, a nice hot and relaxing one.

To be continued...Please, send us feedback. We're begging! [email protected] and [email protected]

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