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Part One
by Dannie and Rinny

Pacey opened the door to the Ryan House without knocking, "Hello? Anyone home?" He called, checking the living room for one of the several occupants of the house. "Damn, damn, damn," he muttered to himself. "Where are you people?" He ran up the stairs to check the bedrooms. "Dawson? Jack? Someone?!"

"I've always wanted to be called someone," Jen said with a dramatic sigh as she shuffled out of the bathroom in her socks. She tightened the draw string on her loose fitting pajama pants, and managed to mask a sneeze. She sniffled loudly.

"Hey Blondie," he frowned with concern at her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm dying," Jen announced with a groan.

Joey popped her head out of Jen's bedroom where she'd been waiting, her nose crinkling slightly. "You're not dying. You just have a cold."

"Same difference," Jen muttered, scratching her elbow.

He eyed Joey strangely, "Are you trying to catch whatever she has?" He moved forward and gave Jen a hug, taking her temperature at the same time. "I just came to keep her company for a little while since everyone else left."

Jen nodded. "Remember, in my will they get nothing."

Pacey rubbed her back soothingly, "What's wrong, Lindley?"

Jen pursed her lips in a pathetic pout. "I'm sick."

"Do you need anything? Cough syrup? Pepto? Laxatives?" He asked with an innocent smile.

She glared, giving him a weak shove. "Not funny."

He shrugged a shoulder, "You never know with the bugs going around these days. But seriously, anything I can get for you?"

She shook her head, heading back to her room. "Joey brought me some NyQuil."

"Not to be an insensitive jackass or anything, but when are Dawson and or Jack coming home?"

Jen shrugged. "Dawson had some film meeting thing and Jack is off with Eric somewhere."

"Damn." He sighed, and put an arm around Jen. "Let's get some of that NyQuil in you, and get you back in bed, shall we?"

"Yeah, yeah," Jen muttered. "Like you really care."

"'Course I care. Just so happens that I've gotta make sweet on Potter while you�re conked out."

"So you really just want to get me out of the way, huh?" She stuck her tongue out at him and entered her room, climbing onto her bed.

"Not exactly," he smiled, pulling back the covers. "If you were healthy I'd be making sweet on you."

"I'm sick enough already, Pacey."

He grinned, "Which is why I'm kindly refraining from working my mojo on you." He handed her the medicine.

"Thanks. I'm touched."

He put a hand to her forehead. "You're really warm, Jen. Maybe you should go to the doctor?"

She shook her head. "No."

"If it's not down by tomorrow morning, I'm dragging you kicking and screaming, understand?"

She rolled her eyes. "Fine."

"Get some sleep. I'm going to steal Joey away for a few hours."

"Okay," she mumbled, settling under her covers.

"Get well," he closed the door behind him as he left. He glanced up and down the hall, "Come out, come out, wherever you are."

"Why do I suddenly feel like I've entered a Kafka novel?" Joey asked as she came out of the bathroom.

"A what novel?"

She sighed. "What do you want?"

"I want to make you forget all about what's-his-face." Pacey grinned.

"Really, what do you want?"

"To wisk you off your feet?" He smirked.

"I'll have to take a rain check."

"Okay, ya got me. My intentions are purely platonic," he gave her his devil-may-care grin, "I know you must be heartbroken."

"Extremely," she said heading for the stairs. "And conversing with you is far too emotionally taxing."

He smiled widely at her back as he followed her downstairs. "Joey, darling, sweetheart, baby..."

"You are one term of endearment away from a random act of violence."

He pouted, "But I was just getting warmed up, Pookie."

"I warned you."

He took a giant, self-preserving step backwards. "Don't hurt me, I come in peace."

"I saw that movie, it sucked." She reached for her coat on the rack by the door and pulled it on.

"Potter, I need a favor."

"Famous last words."

He caught her arm, "I've got these tickets. Tonight only. Box seats. Non refundable." He gave her his best puppy dog eyes, "Say you'll come with me."

She raised an eyebrow. "Tickets for what?"

"I'll spring for dinner and souvenirs."

"That's not what I asked."

"It starts in an hour."

"What starts in an hour?�

"The, um," He coughed, "Baseballgame."

She laughed. "That's funny. It sounded like you said baseball. I don't watch baseball."

"Have you got better plans?"

She fell quiet for a moment, trying to come up with a suitable excuse. "No, but that's besides the point."

He grinned, "Please, Jo? I don't wanna go by myself."

"So that means I must suffer?"

"You wont suffer, I promise. You'll love the ball park. Screaming fans, over priced junk food, guys in tight pants..."

"Please, I am not that overly indulgent and shallow...are they cute?"

"Being a man, I couldn't judge. But Jack�s been known to start drooling," he added with a grin when she looked like she was about to protest.

"How long do these things last?" she asked, her resolved weakening.

"An hour...or three."

"Three hours?"

"At most." He bounced on his tip toes, "Come on, Potter. When's the last time you and I hung out?"

"Was that supposed to entice me?"

He gave her a look, "Don't go all mean on me. I know you miss me."

"Three hours is a long time, Pacey."

He smirked, "Three hours of baseball, Jo. I promise, I wont be paying much attention to you."

"So why do you need me to go with you?"

He sighed, "Because how can you live in Boston and not go to a Red Sox game? Think of it as a study in our society�s social behavior. Trust me, you wont see anything like it in the library. Plus, baseball is all psychology and strategy and statistics. You should love it."

She shrugged. "Whatever. You have to buy dinner."

"Hot dogs, cotton candy, soda...whatever your little heart desires."

"Alright, I'll probably regret this, but I'm in."

"Excellent." He grinned, "You should probably change." He ran his eyes over her attire, a skirt and gauzy blouse. "Not that you don't look amazing, but..." he let his eyes linger on her. "But you'll probably want jeans, at least."

"I go home to change, I'm staying there."

He winked, "I don't mind staring at your legs all night."

"Don't make me change my mind."

"I'll keep my hands to myself, I swear on my mother's grave."

"Your mother's not dead."

His smile was lecherous. "I know."

"We've got like, half an hour till the first pitch." Pacey told her as they passed through the entrance. "You wanna eat first, find our seats or go explore?" He was positively glowing as he moved through the crowd.

"I don't know," Joey said glancing around wearily at the overwhelming crowd. "What are you supposed to do at these things?"

He stopped her and used his fingers to tilt the corners of her mouth into a smile. "Have fun."

"And when is that supposed to start?"

"Don't be so cynical."

"This was a bad idea."

"You've got something against crowds?" He arched an eyebrow and started walking up a flight of stairs.

"How high up are these seats?"

"They're a story up, right behind home plate." He looked slightly contrite. "They're not exactly box seats."

"Home plate?"

He chuckled, "You know, for a tom boy, you're pretty ignorant."

"Sorry, I'm not a big baseball fan."

"We'll rectify that tonight." He took her hand, "Come on, I know what'll cheer you up." He started leading her down one of the crowded corridors, lined with junk food vendors.

"You're scaring me."

He grinned, "That's my life's goal."

"Lucky me."

He led her around and pulled her to a stop in front of the Boston Red Sox Team Store. "Whatever you want in there, it's yours."


"Anything within my budget," He clarified with a wry smile.

"So that really narrows down my options."

"I've got $100 with me, we'll want at least thirty for food, the can spend here, if you want." He smirked, "But please, be kind to my wallet."

Joey glanced around. "I don't know what to get."

He regarded her seriously, "Something chic, simple." He tilted her chin up with the tip of his finger. "And elegant."

She smiled. "I guess the beer bottle cap is out."

"I think the chances of finding anything elegant in here is pretty much the same as my chances of walking on the moon. We'll go with cute and simple." He smiled crossing the room to a rack of baseball caps. Choosing a dark red one with the Red Sox �B� on it, he slipped it on her head. "Sexy."

She arched an eyebrow. "You think?"

He slid his eyes over her with obvious appreciation, "Definitely desirable."

"So the cap it is," Joey said with a decisive nod.

"It's only twenty. What else do you want?"

She shrugged. "This is fine."

"Ya sure you don't want one of those inflatable baseball bats?" He teased, taking her hand and leading her along one wall. "A bumper sticker? Keychain? Towel? Bobble head?"

"Ooh, bobble head," Joey said reaching for one.

He chuckled, "I'm gonna go get some key chains for Dawson and Jack. They're gonna hate that they missed this."

"They'll live."

He chose two key chains and started browsing through the rest of the store. He stopped in front of a rack of player jersey's and beckoned Joey over.

"What is it?"

He pulled out a shirt with the number 23 on it and held it against her chest. "Two o'clock, there's a guy checking you out."

Joey tilted her head for a better look. "Where?"

"The red head with a blue shirt," he said under his breath, taking her shoulders and turning her so she'd have a better angle.

"He's kind of cute..."

He shot a look over his shoulder as the guy blushed and looked away. "If you like the tall and scrawny look."

"I like the cute."

"Go talk to him," He suggested, refolding the shirt.

"Pick up some strange guy at a baseball stadium? Please."

"You said he was cute, what's the harm in saying hello?" His blue eyes lit with challenge, "Unless you're too chicken?"

She bit her lip. "I'm not chicken."

He put his arm around her shoulder and started to lead her to the register, "I know, it must be tough to get back in the saddle after Dickhead. Maybe you've forgotten how to flirt. Perfectly understandable."

"Shut up."

"Trust me, Jo. It'll be easy, you just walk up to him, smile and say 'Did you wash your clothes in windex? Because I can see myself in your pants."

Joey made a face of annoyance. "Never in my life will those words ever leave my mouth."

"It'd work on me."

"I'm sure," Joey said dryly.

"'Course, any come on would work on me." He smirked, picking up a sports magazine from the rack by the register.

Joey held up her bobble head. "Well, he's not impressed."

Pacey lifted his head and grinned at her, "I forgot how cute you were."

"He says thank you, but he's not interested."

"Damn, and he was so my type."

Joey smirked. "He says you can still be friends."

"I donno, I'm so heartbroken," he wiped away an imaginary tear. "I think I'll need more time."

Joey patted his shoulder sympathetically. "He understands."

Pacey put their things on the counter and smiled flirtatiously at the girl running the register. "Hey."

"Seems like you're over it." Joey said wryly.

He smirked over at her, "I'm good that way." He paused, "He's still watching you."

"Maybe he's interested in you."

Pacey looked over at the red head again, "Nope. Definitely not my legs he's admiring." He frowned, "We should have gotten you some sweat pants or something."

"So he's looking." She shrugged. "Big deal."

"I don't like strangers ogling my date." He told her without compunction.

"That'll be $53.67." The pretty girl told them, and Pacey handed her a fifty.

"He probably thinks you're gay."

"Do I send off gay vibes? Shall I do something to prove my heterosexuality?" He arched an eyebrow at her, pulling off the price tag of her cap and slipping it onto her head.

"Well, he saw me come in with you, so he either thinks you're gay or he's very brave."

He smirked, in a satisfied sort of way, "Looking isn't brave. If he were brave, he would have come over here and told you how beautiful you are."

Joey smiled. "Maybe if you got lost he would."

Pacey shifted his gaze to the red head again, who continued to watch Joey with appraising brown eyes. "You want me to?"


"You're lucky I'm not the possessive type." He took his change and then handed Joey her ticket. "I'll meet you at our seats."

Joey waved him off. "Bye."

He winked at her, "Don't hurt the poor boy."

"Not unless he asks."

He chuckled dryly as he headed for the door. He cast a last glance at her before joining the crowd moving around the stadium.

Joey dropped into her seat with a breathless laugh. "Did I miss anything?"

"Only the first three innings." He said dryly, glancing over at Joey, his eyes widening at the flushed look on her cheeks and the shine in her eyes. "Hit it off with Red, did ya?"

"His name is Chris and we have a date on Saturday."

"Rebound guy, nice." He shot her a smile, "I'm proud of you, I figured it'd be at least another two months."

Joey grinned. "He's a good kisser too." She glanced down at the field. "What's the score?"

"Tied at zero." He informed her, "Kiss him already? Should I be jealous?"


"Here I am, shelling out my hard earned dough on you, and you're macking on the first guy to make eyes at you." He touched a hand to his heart, "I'm hurt."

She rolled her eyes. "Like you wouldn't ditch me if some blonde gave you the time of day."

"Did you not see the blonde behind the counter? She was hot. And she was interested."

"And she was working."

"You honestly think I'd ditch you after I spent all that money on you?" He tugged on her cap. �You underestimate me, sweetheart."

Joey stuck her tongue out at him. "This is strictly a business transaction. This is not a down payment on sex."

"Are you saying sex is out of the question, then?" He pouted, "And I wore silk boxers for this."

"I'm sure Jack and Dawson would have appreciated them."

"Potter, Potter, Potter," He sat back, putting his arm around her shoulders. "Don't you think I knew they'd be busy?" He watched the players jog off the field after the last out of the inning.


"This is all part of an elaborate plan to make you fall in love with me, don't you see?

She raised an eyebrow. "By making me sit through a game I don't like at all?"

He shrugged with an easy grin, "Never said it was a smart plan."

She rolled her eyes and sat forward in her seat. "So who do we want to win?"

"The guys in the red." He smiled, "We're at bat."

"So that's good?"

He nodded, "The two teams take turns at bat. They get three tries to get hits and send someone around the bases to score, ya follow?"

She nodded. "Yes."

"Three strikes, and you're out." He paused, watching the action on the field, the pitcher threw a high fastball that was called a ball. "It's like sex."

She laughed. "How?"

"All right, look at it this way. This is purely for explanation�s're the pitcher, and I'm the batter. As the pitcher, you're sending me signals...a quick toss of your hair, a coy look, that half-smile of yours that any male would take a swing at. Here I am, love-struck batter, trying to take advantage of one your pitches." He pointed out the field where one of the Red Sox got a hit. "Let's say I get a smile out of you with my windex line, just like a hit. But now, your defense is on a alert, so you gotta try and shut me down." He grinned heart-stoppingly. "Lucky for me, I'm too fast for you." He nudged her closer to him, "And I'm safe on first."

Her eyes glittered in amusement and her lips turned up faintly in a smile. "Yeah, but as I recall there are three other bases. First, means nothing."

He nodded in agreement, "Ya can't score from first. But it's a good place to start." He gestured out to the field. "Now you watch this guy, he's fast, he might try and steal second." Joey was concentrating on the runner as he started to sprint towards second and was completely unprepared when Pacey tilted her face up and brushed a quick kiss over her lips.

Joey blushed and she elbowed his side. "Keep that up, and you'll be out," she lowered her gaze meaningfully, "of commission."

"It was purely for the sake of demonstration." His grin was devilishly innocent. "This is where it gets tricky: am I safe at second, or was I picked off? It's a close call."

"Strike one."

He chuckled, "Out number two." He corrected, noticing that the runner had been picked off. "Now, it's up to poor shmuck number three to give it a shot. For convenience sake, I'll be him as well."

"Oh, I'm sure," she said dryly.

"You complaining?"

"Yeah, it's not fair."

He smirked, "You can go practice on Chrissy when I've finished explaining the rules." She just rolled her eyes. "You gonna play along or what?" He arched an eyebrow.

She gave a put-upon sigh. "Fine."

"Right," he pointed to the field again from their vantage point behind home plate. "Now this guy, has a 3-1 count. Which means, you've only given me one opportunity to hit on you, and I missed. If you don't give me three chances to hit on you, I automatically get to first base."

She nodded. "Okay."

He smiled brightly as the last pitch was wide and the batter trotted to first base, he put his arm around her again. "Safe on first." "Yeah, yeah," Joey said unimpressed.

"And I've still one more out." He paused thoughtfully a wicked gleam in his eyes. "Although, if they do manage to score this inning, I'm gonna have a tough time demonstrating that in front of thirty thousand people. Performance anxiety, and all."

"Not going to happen."

"You're bad for a man's ego, Potter." He winced as the batter struck out.


"I have faith in this guy," Pacey smiled as a beefy guy came to bat. He popped into left field for the last out. He sighed, "Now, that would be me making another come on that you shoot down. I have a feeling that's gonna happen a lot."

Joey smiled. "You must be psychic."

"I have many talents." He removed his arm as they moved into the next inning. "All right, Jo. It's your turn."

"My turn?"

"Yes," he smiled, "You're the team in the gray."

"Do I look stupid?"

He sat back, regarding her carefully, "Well, now that you mention it.."

"Nice try."

"You don't believe in my method?"

"Not for a minute."

"And how do you view matters between the sexes?" He questioned, turning half curious, half amused blue eyes on her.

Joey shrugged. "I've never given it much thought."

"Have you ever come on to man on your own accord?" He arched an eyebrow at her.

"I have."

He smiled at her, more interested in her than the game now, "And how did you go about it?"

"Well, the last time I came onto a man, he said he wanted a sandwich."

He winced faintly, "And that was the last time?"

She nodded. "Yep."

"The man was clearly an idiot."

She shrugged. "Whatever."

"Given a second opportunity, I doubt he'd be craving a sandwich again."

"Guess we'll never know then."

"I'm sure Calvin wouldn't be asking for a sandwich, huh?"


"Red," he clarified.

"His name is Chris and I doubt it."

He scowled down at the field, though nothing had happened, "Well, good for him."

"I guess so."

"He's a lucky man."

"If you say so."

"I'd know, wouldn't I?" He said lightly, looking away from her to the field below. She just shrugged.

"Okay, ya see that guy on third, he's gonna inch up really, really slowly as the pitcher gets ready." Pacey leaned close to Joey, describing the suicide squeeze during the 8th inning. The game had become tied at two, and Boston was getting desperate for another run, down already to two outs with only the man on third. "The batter is going to bunt up the third base line. If he does it well, the guy on third will already have crossed the plate, and he'll be safe at second. He has to bunt it in the exact right place, otherwise, if they throw it to first and get the batter out, the run doesn't count."

Joey nodded slowly. "Okay."

It unfolded exactly as he described and the Boston crowd went wild as the run scored and the runner on third received congratulatory pats on the ass.

"So what's the score now?"

"Three to two," he grinned, still clapping emphatically. "It was almost a given, Floyd's only been thrown out on a bunt once in his career and his batting average is .441 against Hampton."

Joey just nodded along like she knew what he was saying.

He rolled his eyes, "It's about time they scored. It would be utterly humiliating to lose to Tampa Bay. Their in the bottom five of the Major leagues. They're twenty-two games below five hundred, for crying out loud."

"You tell me these things like I care."

He gave her a stunning smile, his eyes glinting with pleasure, "At least you listen."

"Or pretend to."

"That's all I ask." He glanced over her again, noticing her shiver as the breeze passed by them. He hadn't really noticed, but the temperature had dropped considerably when the sun went down. "Are you cold?"

"A little."

"I shoulda bought you a sweatshirt." He cursed under his breath, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, rubbing her arm.

"I'll live."

"This should be over in another twenty minutes if we can retain the lead."

"I'll cross my fingers then."

He rolled his eyes, "You really aren't enjoying this, huh?"

She shrugged. "I'm not a big baseball fan."

"You don't have to be to a fan to enjoy the experience. Although," he ran his eyes over her attire. "It helps to be warm."

"You think?"

"I could help ya out there, ya know." His eyes were definitely starting to heat up. She rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to the field.

He smirked, continuing to rub warmth into her arm. She shivered again and he shook his head, removing his arm from around her. "Okay, that's it." He grabbed her legs, and pulled them over the arm rest and into his lap. Luckily the seat beside her was empty.

She raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"

"Watching the game," he replied, brushing her skirt up and starting to massage her calves.

She bit her lip. "I should have changed into jeans."

"I warned you," he kept his eyes on the field, frowning as another man got on base.

"I didn't think it'd be this cold."

"Neither did I," he tossed her a heart-stopping grin. "Can't complain though."

She stuck her tongue out at him. "Glad you're getting pleasure from my misery."

"You don't look particularly miserable."

"I'm cold."

"I told you I could fix that," he smiled wickedly over at her, sliding his hands slowly up and down the length of her calf, ever higher with each upward motion. Then he moved to her other leg, massage warmth back into it.

"Oh." She bit her lip again and glanced out at the field. "I thought you said the game was almost over."

"Another inning to go." He watched her out of the corner of his eye.

She swept her tongue over her lips and frowned. "Oh."

He softly brushed his thumb over the back of her knee, the subtle play of emotion on her face more interesting than the play on the field. Her lips parted slightly, her warm breath forming vapor in the cold air as she tried to focus her attention on the game.

"Feelin' warm yet?" He murmured.

"A little."

He inched his hands up higher, "And now?"

She swallowed. "W-warmer."

His hands slowly moved down the length of her legs, feeling rather overheated himself. Part of him knew he shouldn't, but his conscience wasn't strong enough to stop his fingers from exploring the oh-so-soft skin just underneath the hem of her skirt.

Her lashes lowered heavily, and she took a deep breath, biting down on her lower lip. The roar of the crowd as the last pitch of the game was thrown, a strike that solidified Boston's win. The sound stunned Pacey and he jerked his hands away from Joey, feeling a wave of guilt over what he'd been doing well within sight of several thousand people.

Joey's eyes flew open and she exhaled sharply, slightly disappointed. He smoothed her skirt down, reluctant to take his hands away from her. "The, uh," he had to clear his throat, "The game's over."

"Um, good."

He shifted in his seat, her legs falling to the ground. "I really want to kiss you right now," he confessed.

She tipped her head slightly before nodding. "Okay."

"That easy, huh?" He murmured, leaning forward and tracing the curve of her cheek with his index finger.

"Yeah," she breathed lightly with a small nod.

Tipping her face slightly upward he leaned forward, so close he could feel the heat of her mouth just beneath this...

"Excuse me? We'd like to get through."

Pacey glared up at the two men in their fifties standing beside him, wanting to pass so they could get to the aisle. "Go the other way, I'm a little busy here."

"The ball park's no place to be necking, sonny."

Pacey cursed under his breath, his disappointment vivid in his eyes as he met her heavy lidded brown ones.

Joey smiled. "We should go. I'm kind of freezing here anyway."

"I hope you two know what you're ruining for me," he shot the two men a disgruntled look as he rose.

Joey headed out into the aisle and began to climb down the stairs. Pacey cursed under his breath the entire way. "Wow, it's really crowded."

"Thirty thousand plus," he informed her, taking her hand. "I think that's why I sucked at school. All my brain cells were otherwise occupied by baseball stats."

She nodded. "That explains it."

"This is going to take awhile." He muttered, cursing some more.

She arched an eyebrow. "What is?"

"Getting through this crowd, and then traffic." They slowly inched forward.

She sighed. "You're probably right."

"I'm sorry," he apologized, glancing over at her.


"The crowd, the wait, the cold, not kissing you when I had the chance."

She smiled faintly. "Is that all?"

"Is there more I should be apologizing for?" He arched an amused eyebrow.

"Sarcasm. Look it up."

"All that baseball muddled my senses." His eyes darkened, "Or maybe that was you."

"I doubt it."

"Don't be to sure of that." He managed to finagle his way out to the parking garage and they started climbing the stairs. "Am I dropping you off at the dorms?"


"I want to stop by and check on Jen before I go home, do you want me to drop you off first or do you want to come with?"

"I'll come with."

"Just can't resist spending time with me, huh?" He shot her a wry smile.

"Yeah, you wish."

"Hmm," he stopped for a second at one of the doors. "I can't remember if we parked on D or E."

"Oh, great."

"I wasn't alone when I picked a floor, do you remember?"


"D it is." He pushed open the door and started into the floor. "We were in that corner..." he wove his way through the cars, most of them blaring their horns trying to get a move on.

"God, people are impatient."

He smirked, "I can't say that I blame them."

"What's the rush?"

"I want to get you somewhere warm, and then make you very, very wet."

Her cheeks colored faintly and she shook her head. "I think that's a bad idea."

"I think it's a fantastic idea." He replied, spotting his car and picking up the pace.

"Why am I not surprised?"

He walked over to her side of the car and pressed her against it, caging her between his strong arms, "I'm not a complete fool. An almost kiss does not a relationship make. Making you all hot and sweaty is appealing in the worst kind of way, Potter. I can already hear you panting my name, screaming it. It's been so long..." he let out a frustrated breath, trying to reign in the passion that was straining for release. "Logically, I know that we can't...that I can't. But that doesn't stop me from wanting it."

She bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut against the images his words invoked. She exhaled sharply, and nodded, opening her eyes. "Right. Wrong. Very wrong."

His smile was hazy, his lids heavy with want as he met hers. "But it won't stop me from kissing you sometime tonight."

"Maybe you should drop me off at the dorms first."

"Your wish is my command," his voice was suggestive where the words were not. He stepped back and held open the door for her.

Joey smiled weakly as she climbed in. "Thanks."

"We both need a breather," he sighed, closing her door and then moving into his side. He started the engine and the cranked up the heat for her.

"Thanks," she said again, rubbing her arms lightly.

He reached behind her and handed her his jacket from the back, "Put this on, Jo."


"At least to the heater starts working. Ten minutes at the most."

She nodded. "Thanks again."

He smirked and turned on his lights, "I haven't done anything worth a thank you yet." Checking the narrow aisle, he pulled the car out.

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

"You say that a lot. Been watching Clueless too often?"


"Should I just shut up then before I make you change your mind?"

She smiled. "Yes."

"Consider it done."

Pacey tapped his fingers on the steering wheel in time with the music playing quietly on the radio. Ever so often, he'd glance over at Joey, a myriad of emotions wrecking havoc in his head. Not the least of which was the raw desire to drag her across the bench seat and lay claim to her raspberry tinged lips.

Joey turned her head away from the window with a faint smile. "What are we listening to?"

"Hell if I know," he grinned. She rolled her eyes, and leaned over to change the station. "I've got slightly more pressing matters on my mind."

"Good for you."

He pulled into a ten minute parking space near the entrance of her dorm and shifted the car into park, and then twisting the ignition key, killing the music. "And here we are."

She nodded slowly, her hand reaching for the handle on the door. "Thanks. It was fun."

"Ah, ah, ah," he reached over to her, catching her long fingers with his. "I have a golden opportunity here, I don't intend to waste it."

She shook her head. "No."

"No?" He paused, confusion heavy in his eyes.

She nodded. "No."

"Forgive me here, but wasn't 'No' a resounding yes twenty minutes ago?"

"I thought we agreed that this is a bad idea."

"That depends on what 'this' you're referring to. I was referring to making your bones turn to mush in the middle of a crowded parking garage."

"That," she began slowly, "would be a bad idea."

"I have no problem turning your bones to mush here in my car. Apparently, you disagree."

"That's why I'm going upstairs to my dorm room."

He pursed his lips, "Forgive the stupidity, but you're not making any sense to me."

"This can't happen."

"You want this to happen, Joey." He replied gently, his frustration just barely coloring the words. "Why deny it?"

"Because it would be wrong."

"Why?" He slid along the seat, killing the space between them. Casually, he put his arm along the back of the seat, not quite touching her, but very clearly invading her personal space.


"You think too much," he caught the bill of her hat and tilted it sideways on her head.

"I'm being reasonable."

He trailed his finger over her cheek, "You're being stubborn. There is nothing wrong with this, Potter. We're both single, consenting adults. I'm not suggesting marriage. Hell," He murmured huskily, his finger running over her full bottom lip, "I'm not even suggesting we sleep together."

She raised an eyebrow. "So what are you suggesting?"

"I am merely suggesting," his voice was rich and smooth, like melted chocolate, "that you let me kiss you."

She smirked. "Why should I?"

"You want me to."

"I wouldn't be so sure."

"I'm very sure." He smiled sexily, "I know what desire looks on you. It's in the heat of your eyes, the catch in your breath, the flush of your cheeks..." His eyes fluttered over each spot as he named it, finally returning his eyes to her liquid brown ones. "You want me buried between your legs like you've never wanted anything else."

She bit her lip. "That doesn't mean it's going to happen."

"If you'll recall, I didn't say that it would." His fingers drifted faintly from her jaw down the line of her throat, the caress setting a chain of fireworks. "I'm merely fishing for a kiss."

Her face flushed and she made a soft sound of exasperation. "Fine."

"Don't sound too excited or anything," he smile was full of lazy heat as his hand slid up the back of her neck to lace through the thick strands of hair, pulling her gently to meet his lips.

A loud banging sounded on the passenger side window just as they were about to make contact. "What the flying fuck is it now?" He muttered emphatically as he pulled away to see who the hell was ruining his night this time.

Rebecca's familiar face was visible through the window and he cursed again under his breath, sliding away from Joey with angry reluctance.

Joey frowned. "This can't be good."

"I'll handle it," he muttered, climbing out of the car to face his ex-girlfriend and Joey�s room mate. "Rebecca, how nice to see you, it's been a while." He flashed her an easy-going grin.

"Cut the pleasantries, Pace," she rolled her eyes with faint amusement, but annoyance more than anything. "Why are you corrupting my room mate?"

Joey opened her door and stepped out of the car. "I was just about to go inside."

"I'm warning you, Jo." Rebecca shot her room mate a half-teasing, half-serious look. "He's not worth the sex. No matter how mind blowing."

"Thank you for that, Rebecca," Pacey tried to appear unmoved, "God, I forgot how much I missed you."

Joey rolled her eyes at the both of them. "It's too cold for this."

"We're not through here, Jo." He opened the door to his car. "I'll see you around. Bye, blondie."

Joey gave a small wave. "Bye."

Rebecca didn't bother to so much as acknowledge him as he started the car and pulled away. She turned inquisitive eyes to Joey, "Was he kissing you?"

She shook her head. "No."

"Looked like he was trying to," she held open the door for Joey to pass through before following her. "It's a good thing I came along when I did."


She made a face, "Why were you with him anyway? I thought you guys didn't hang out much anymore."

"We went to a baseball game. He had an extra ticket and Jack and Dawson weren't around. And you know Jen is sick."

"Baseball? Ick. How did he talk you into that one?"

"I was bribed."

"Figures." Rebecca chuckled, "I never realized how manipulative he was until we broke up."

Joey smiled. "What?"

"Pacey." She gave Joey an arch look. "He wheedles his way into getting what he wants, when he wants it. It's a talent really," she rolled her eyes. "His only one."

Joey shrugged. "Whatever."

"Charming little bastard, though isn't he?" She said lightly.

Joey laughed. "I guess."

"Too bad he can only hide behind that for so long," she smiled.

"Am I sensing some resentment there?"

"Resentment's a good word for it. As was leaning more toward malice, personally."

Joey raised an eyebrow curiously. "Why?"

She shrugged a shoulder, regretting having made Joey curious. "I know he's, like, your bosom buddy and everything, but the boy is literally a waste of space. He was good at one thing, and one thing only, and my vibrator does the same job faster, better, quieter and can easily fit under my bed when not in use."

"Come on, Pacey's not so bad."

"I guess I shouldn't say that...he was sometimes good for a laugh."

"That must have been one bad break-up."

She laughed, "No, not really. He took it well. It's like he knew he didn't deserve me." She paused thoughtfully, "He got this resigned look in his eyes. It was almost pitiful."

Joey frowned. "What happened?"

Rebecca made a face, "Do you really wanna know?" The reached their floor and headed for their room. "It was like, three weeks ago."

"I'm curious."

She shrugged, "Pacey and I had fun together, there's no doubting that. Then, one day I looked at him, and I could hear him say in the back of my mind, 'Do you want fries with that?' It just dawned on me that he was a dead end. But like I said, we were having fun, and as long as I was getting laid, what did it matter?"

Joey rolled her eyes. "I can't believe you."

Rebecca winced, "It sounds cold, doesn't it?"

She nodded. "Yeah, a bit."

"I did care about him, I still do." She unlocked their door and stepped into their room. "It's just, he stopped being worth it, ya know? He's never going to go anywhere in life, and I need to be with someone who is." She shrugged, "I found that someone, and it was time to say buh-bye to Pacey."

"Pacey's not a loser, Rebecca," Joey said removing her coat and hanging it in her closet.

"Maybe not by some standards," Rebecca agreed. "But we're in the Ivy Leagues, Jo."


" those standards, he doesn't even rate on the scale." She shrugged a shoulder, "I know, it's not fair, but it's the truth."

"Sounds like a bunch of crap to me."

"You came from a small town, there obviously weren't a lot of options in Capeside for you." Rebecca smiled faintly, "I know I sound like a complete bitch, but there are a lot of guys out there that have way more to offer than Pacey can ever hope to have."

Joey frowned and sank down onto her bed tiredly. She kicked off her shoes. "It just doesn't sound right to me, Rebecca."

"It's not." She replied simply, "We may not be like India, but there is a definite caste system in our society, and Pacey's the next step up from an Untouchable."

Joey rolled her eyes. "You sound like such a snob."

"Maybe I am. I'm a product of a society that values material possessions and prestige. Neither of which, Pacey will ever have."

"You don't know that for sure."

"True," Rebecca nodded. "But Pacey's just not worth the risk."

Joey sighed. "Whatever you say, Rebecca."

"I suppose you think it's my loss, right?" She rolled her eyes, "I'll have you know, Pacey agreed with me."

"You actually fed all him that drivel, you've tried to feed me?"

"It's not drivel. And besides, I didn't say all of it. He didn't need as much convincing as you do." She flipped through a magazine on her night stand, "Like I said, he took it well. He must be used to hearing it by now."

"Yeah, you're a real bitch. You know that?"

Rebecca shrugged, "I've been called worse." She held out the magazine to Joey, "What do you think of those shoes? Am I too tall for boots?"

Joey sighed, switching off the lamp by her bed. "I'm tired. I'm going to sleep."

"Yeah, whatever," Rebecca muttered, flipping through the magazine, much more interested in the latest clothing trends than her roommate.

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