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Part Two
by Dannie and Rinny

It started out as a good dream, he was lounging around on the beach, playing volleyball in the white sand, the waves lapping at the shore nearby. He was kicking everyone's ass, it was eight against one and he was charging all over the sand, making every hit as throngs of girls stood around in string bikini's cheering him on.

"Hey loser," Joey shook Pacey. "It's time to get up."

�Go 'way, Doug," He muttered, turning away from the annoyance that was trying to ruin his volleyball game.

"Jo-ey," she corrected, shoving him.

He groaned and turned on his side, his arm snaking out with lighting speed and catching her around the waist. Before she was able to stop him, he tugged her on top of him, and then sandwiched her between the back of his couch and his body. He opened his eyes, heavy with sleep, "It's cruel and inhumane to wake me at this hour."

"It's almost noon."

"So?" he grumbled, his voice husky.

She smiled. "I thought you might like lunch."

His eyes opened slowly, "You cookin'?

She smirked. "On what planet?"

"That's what I thought," he closed his eyes again.

"But I'll buy," she whispered enticingly.

He groaned, "You sure know how to tempt a man, Potter."

"College is good for something."

"Hmmm," He ran his hand over her back. "What else has it taught you?"

"The perfect cure for a hangover."

"Yeah? What else?

She tilted her head thoughtfully before smiling. "Coffee is the nectar of the gods."

"Tell me more about nectar," her murmured, shifting beneath her.

She raised an eyebrow. "What about it?"

"I'm sick enough as it is," Jen grumbled from the stairs as she slowly came down. "Quit pawing each other."

Joey laughed. "You don't have to worry about that, Jen."

"I think she does," Pacey countered, possessively running his hand down her back and over her ass.

"Funny," Joey said. "I don't."

"Yeah, yeah," he released her. "Get off me then."

"With pleasure," Joey said, rising to her feet.

He adjusted his blankets, but didn't get off the couch. "You mentioned food?"

She nodded. "You interested?"

"Does the president lie?"

"Well, get dressed. This is a limited time offer."

He arched an eyebrow up at her, "You really want me to get up now?

"Is there a problem?"

He grinned, throwing the blankets off his body and standing up, his erection prominent against the material of his boxers. "No problem at all."

"Good," she said taking a step back. "Hurry up."

"Quick shower, and I'll be right down." He gave her a smirk, and paused on the stairs to take Jen's temperature. "It's gone down."

"There's been a definite improvement," Jen acknowledged.

"You gonna come with us?" He asked continuing up the stairs.

Jen grimaced. "Go out in public like this?"

"You look just as gorgeous as usual." He winked over his shoulder at her and then disappeared down the hall.

Jen arched an eyebrow at Joey, "What was that all about?"

Joey shrugged. "Nothing."

"You're a terrible liar," Jen sniffed, coming down the stairs.

"Why would I lie?"

"I donno. But your hand was in the proverbial cookie jar."

"My hands were nowhere near any cookie jars."

Jen laughed, "Okay, his hands were in the cookie jar, and the cookie jar didn't seem to be putting up a protest.

"I did."

"He told me about the game," Jen said, heading for the kitchen.

"There really wasn't anything to tell," Joey said following after her.

"He tried kissing you a couple of times."

"But he didn't."

"Yeah," Jen nodded, pulling out a tea kettle and filling it with water. "How do you feel about that?"

"I think it's a bad idea."


"Must I state the obvious?"

Jen grinned over her shoulder as she turned the burner on. "There are lots of reasons for you not to want to get involved with Pacey. I want to know which one you're using."

Joey leaned back against the counter. "Choose one, I'm not picky."

"No, no," she shook her head, "My reasons for not wanting to kiss Pacey are way different than yours."

"There's just too much history there."

"Was it a bad history?"

"Some of it."

Jen shrugged a shoulder, "It's the past."


"Nothing I guess. At least your reasons are better than Rebecca's. Or should I say Rebitchy's."

"I've heard," Joey said dryly.

"You did?" Jen's eyes widened, "He told you?"

"She did."

Jen snorted, "Figures."

"I found it hard to believe."

Jen furrowed a brow, "What's hard to believe about it?"

Joey shrugged. "It just is."

Shaking her head, Jen turned the burner on and opening a cupboard to find the tea bags. "There are plenty of women who would consider Pacey undateable. Fuckable, yes. Dateable, no."

"He's not a bad boyfriend."

"I know he's not. Rebecca knew he wasn't. But there are plenty of women too superficial to care about that."

"I guess..."

"Pacey has the tendency to fall for women who hurt him." She pulled out a packet of Earl Gray tea, "You want some?"

Joey shook her head. "No, I'm fine."

"Suit yourself," she pulled out a large mug and crossed to the refrigerator to pull out the milk carton.

"Glad to see that you're feeling better."

She shrugged, "Tea works miracles."

Joey smiled. "I'll be sure to remember that."

"Okay, Potter." Pacey entered the kitchen with a smile, "Let's get some grub."

"I don't supposed it'd be too much to hope you're treating?" Pacey stole a fingerfull of whipped cream from the top of Joey's milkshake.

She shrugged. "I can."

"I'll pay for what I ate," He sat back and cut into his marionberry pie. "You've been awfully quiet."

�I must be tired."

"Busy last night?"

"It was a long night."

"Yeah," he shrugged a shoulder, taking a bite of pie. "Sorry about that."

"No big deal." He bit back a sigh and took a drink of water. She played with her straw before taking a sip of her milkshake. �So why were you sleeping on Jen�s couch? Something wrong with your apartment?�

�Yeah, it was on the other side of town.� He smiled faintly, "So, hot stuff, what are you doing the rest of this fine Saturday?"

"Nothing really."

"You don't have plans with Red?"


"That's too bad," he grinned.

"I'm sure."

"His loss, my gain."

She shrugged. "If you say so."

"Something wrong?"

She shook her head. "No."

"Smile for me then."


"Cause I'm tired of seeing your scowl across the table. You have a beautiful smile, the kind guys fall for, you should use it more often."

"I don't want to smile."


"I don't."

"Joey..." He nudged her foot under the table.

"I'm not in a smiling mood."

He tilted his head to the side with a smile, "Remember when we were five and I fell out of Dawson's tree house, and I hung there from the seat of my pants."

A corner of her mouth curved up slightly. "Nope."

"How about the time when we were twelve and Dawson's obsession with ET was in full swing, we stole his ET doll and put it in a dress?"

"Yeah, I don't think Dawson's forgotten about that either."

"Hmm," he took another bite of his food. "The time Jack laughed so hard milk came out his nose?

"It's not going to work."

�I'll make it work," he smiled confidently.


"How about that time Junior year when we got caught skipping class? We were supposed to wear that dumb donkey costume, and we got those underclassmen to wear it?"

She smirked. "And you ended up with poison oak?"

"Yeah," he grinned. "You smiled."

"My mistake."

He winked at her, "How about when we sailed down to Florida and I tried to make you jealous with that red head? And she turned out to be a he."

She laughed. "Now that was funny."

"Everyone there knew it but me." She giggled. "Mission accomplished." He took a satisfied bite of his pie.

"Well, that was amusing."

"Not one of my smarter moments, that's for sure."

"It was cute."

"It was a futile endeavor."

"What was?"

"Trying to make you jealous."


He smirked, "Jealousy never worked on you. Took me a while to figure that out."

She smiled. "So sorry."

He shrugged, "Wasn't a complete waste...what really works on you is much more fun for the both of us." He grinned suggestively.

She rolled her eyes. "And what's that?"

"If I told you, it wouldn't be nearly as effective."

"So you say."

"We'll see, wont we?"

"I guess we will." She wrapped her lips around her straw and finished off the rest of her milkshake.

"Ow! That's hot!" The clang of metal against metal could be heard through the entire bottom floor of Grams' house. As was tradition, Pacey was cooking dinner for the collective group on Sunday night. And also, as per tradition, he was making a racket doing it.Joey walked into the kitchen, and served herself some soda. "You sound like you can use some help."

"Depends what kind of help you're offering. Mental, physical, spiritual...sexual," he added with a sly smile.

"I'll take that as a no," she grabbed her glass and headed to the door. "Have fun."

"Okay, fine, fine..." He grumbled, "Perhaps I tried to take on more than I can handle by myself."

She grinned, setting her glass down on the counter and wiping her palms on her jeans. "So what do you need me to do?"

"Well, since it's really warm in here, you might wanna take off your shirt. Just for the sake of keeping cool." He winked at her, "Then you can start slicing the carrots for me."

She smiled. "I think I'll risk it."

"Okay, but if you pass out from the heat, mouth to mouth is the best way to resuscitate you."

"Another risk I am willing to take." She grinned. "I am all about living dangerously."

He chuckled, "And being in the kitchen with me is *very* dangerous, Potter. As dangerous as you can get without stepping out of the house."

She laughed. "I'm sure."

"You'll see." He moved to the island with a hunk of parmesan and started grating it. "What are the others up to?"

She shrugged. "The usual."

"Which translates to 'Anything as long as it means not helping in the kitchen'." He shook his head, "What would you people do without me to feed you every week?"

"We'd starve...or order a pizza."

Tilting his head thoughtfully, he paused while grating the cheese. "Pizza doesn't sound half bad right now."

"You're going to quit already?"

He glanced around at the ingredients spread across the table. "No, I suppose not."

"So what are you making?"

"What are *we* making."

"I don't cook."

"Well, then, Potter, tonight is a night of firsts." Once he grated half a cup of cheese and checked on the noodles boiling in the pot.

She rolled her eyes. "Okay, so what are *we* making?"

"We are making Vegetable Lasagna with a Fresh Fruit Medley. And since I hadn't decided on dessert yet, you get to choose."

"How about ice cream?"

His expression was pained, "What happened to that vivid imagination of yours. Ice cream? Where's the excitement? The challenge?"

"It's simple. I can do simple."

"Potter, you can do anything you set your mind to. Especially with my tutelage."

"What's wrong with ice cream?"

"While delicious, it's boring." He flipped through the cookbook he had propped on the counter. "Now this," he pointed to a picture of peach cobbler, "This is interesting. And hey, if you've got your heart set on ice cream, you can serve them together."

"Hey, you said I can decide on dessert and I decided on ice cream."

He shrugged a shoulder. "So I did. Ice cream it is. Done with those carrots?"

"Yes." She walked over to the fridge and peered inside. "Ice cream is good. Everyone can make their own sundaes or something. Is that interesting enough?"

"That depends," he shot her a smile, "On whether or not we have everything."

Joey eyed the shelves in the fridge. "I see chocolate. I see whip cream, and I just know Grams has to have extra goodies in the cupboards. She bakes after all."

"Grams always has the best goodies." He crooked his finger, beckoning her toward him, "I need your help."

�With what?"

"Just come here," He shook his head with a teasing smile, "You are so difficult, Potter."

"I just don't trust you," she said, shutting the door to the fridge and going over to him.

"Awww, now what have I done to deserve that?" He pouted, "I'm wounded, Jo."

"Lots of things. So what do you need my help with?"

"You get the delightful honor of shredding the carrots you just cut up."

"Why didn't you just tell me to shred them before I cut them?"

"There's a chance that I didn't read the recipe correctly and you were supposed to shred them in the first place." He flushed slightly, "But that's just a chance."

"How am I expected to shred cut up carrots?"

"Use your imagination," he grinned.

She glared at him. "You suck."

"Want my help?" He asked, not waiting for an answer as he moved behind her, his arms circling her body as he picked up a carrot in one hand and the grater in the other.

She raised an eyebrow. "Why don't we just get new carrots so no fingers are lost in the process?"

"Well..." he rubbed a tiny chunk of carrot into the grater, "Cause then you wouldn't need my help."

She rolled her eyes. "I am not grating carrot nubs."

He laughed, "I think that's the funniest thing I've ever heard you say."

She smiled. "Well, I'm not."

He nuzzled her neck lightly and then pulled away, "You win, I'll get the other carrots."

Her lips curved into a triumphant grin. "Thank you."

"And it'll speed the process along. Our friends might get suspicious if we take too long to serve dinner." He pulled out a few more carrots and handed them to her, as well as gathering several other vegetables from the crisper. "Venture in here when there's the chance that there's work to be done?"

She shook her head. "Nah."

He chuckled, "You're a true blue friend, Jo."

She shrugged. "Well, it's true."

"I know, and I'm thanking you for braving the kitchen." He started with the tomatoes and quickly diced three of them in a matter of seconds.

"What are we making again?" she asked as she began to shred the carrots.

"Vegetable lasagna," he smiled, adding the tomatoes to a bowl and started to slice the red bell pepper into long strips.

She nodded. "Why?"

"Why?" He arched a confused eyebrow, not watching what he was doing as he grabbed the green pepper and repeated the process.

"Why vegetable lasagna?"

"Jen's going through a vegetarian phase." He smirked, "Which should last through the week. And I happen to know that it's delicious."

"It better be."

"Why? You gonna punish me if it isn't?" He shot her a suggestive look.

She smirked. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Oh, hell yeah."

She set the grater down and wiped her hands on a dishtowel. "There. Carrots are shredded."

"Toss 'em in the bowl, and then take the pesto out of the refrigerator and put three quarters of a cup in there."

"Fine." She nodded and did as she was told.

"So obedient," he teased, brushing a kiss across her cheek. He tossed the cut peppers and broccoli that he'd already cut to the right size. "Mix that up while I get the noodles out." He quickly drained the noodles in the sink."

"I'm just doing this so I can eat sometime this century," she said as she began to stir.

"Of course." He mixed the two types of cheese, parsley and an egg into another bowl. "You honestly think I'd believe it's cause you wanted to see me?"

She smiled. "Right."

He set the second bowl aside and moved to the stove, tossing in three tablespoons of margarine. "You look gorgeous today, by the way."

"Um, thanks."

"Welcome." He picked up the clove of garlic he'd set aside and held the flat of the blade over it before pounding down with the heal of his hand. He scooped it up and tossed it into the pan. "The lasagna pan is over there, he pointed down the counter, place three of the noodles along the bottom."

"I'm beginning to think that I should have just stayed out of the kitchen."

"You wanna be the one giving orders?" He gave her a hot look, "I could be in to that."

She cast him a look over her shoulder. "Then I order you to do this without me."

"I'm not holding you hostage, Jo."

She sighed. "I have no patience."

"What does that have to do with anything?" He measured out three tablespoons of flour and added it to the saucepan.

"I think I'm going delirious from hunger." She grabbed an extra carrot and bit into it.

"Delirious, huh?" He shot her an amused grin as the sauce began to thicken. "I hate to break it to you, but this has to bake for more than half an hour."


"I'll make you a snack," He promised. "In the mean time, spread half that vegetable mixture in the pan, and then put another layer of noodles on."

"I know how to make lasagna, Pacey," she said dryly.

"Well, get on it, woman." She raised her carrot threateningly at his back before getting to work on the lasagna. "Cheese layer, vegtable layer and then sprinkle half the mozzarella in the middle layer." He added two cups of milk to the sauce.

Joey stopped after a moment and sat down at the table. "I'm taking a break."

Once the sauce began to boil, he removed it from the heat. "I'll take over then." He wiped his hands on a dish towel and threw it casually over his shoulder as he finished layering the lasagna.

"So how much longer?"

"Forty-five minutes." He poured the sauce over the lasagna and sprinkled the rest of the mozzarella over the top. He slid it into the oven and then wiped his hands. "Ok, let's placate that appetite of yours," he turned to her.

She perked up. "With what?" His smile was feral as he approached her. "Food. I am hungry for food," she said hastily.

"Damn," He straightened with a smile. "Crackers and cheese tide you over until dinner?"

She thought about it for a moment. "I guess it will do."

"I made Grams a spinach cheese spread, it might still be in here," he bent over in the fridge, looking for the container.

"Spinach?" She made a face. "What's with all the vegetables?"

"Don't you know? They're good for you."

Joey climbed to her feet and began to rummage through the cupboards. "There has to be a bag of chips here somewhere."

"Ooh, salsa." He pulled out the plastic Tupperware from the fridge and set it on the counter." He glacced at the cupboard she was looking in, "Top shelf, Potter."

"Aha!" Joey's hand seized the bag of nachos and she shut the door to the cupboard. "I knew there had to be something good."

"Don't ruin your appetite young lady." He tried to sound stern as he gestured to the salsa he'd gotten out.

She tugged the bag of chips open. "Whatever. I'm eating."

"Don't make me confiscate those, Potter." He started gathering the dirty dishes by the sink.

She hugged the bag closely as she chewed. "Touch the bag and you die."

"You have until I'm done with the dishes, sweetheart. Then there's no holds barred."

�We'll just see about that."

"Oh, we will." He nodded, adding soap to the water running in the sink and set to scrubbing one of the bowls.

Joey grabbed the bag and began to edge her way to the door. "I think I'll be going now."


She shook her head, and clutched the bag tightly in her hand. "Nope."

"Potter..." he leaned against the counter, drying his hands as he watched her. "Don't make me tackle you. It'd break all the chips."

She bit her lip, and glanced at him quickly before making a mad dash for the door. She ran past the living room where everyone was seated and headed up the stairs.

Pacey was right on her heals, "I warned her," he explained to his friends as he ran by, stomping up the stairs after her.

Joey darted into the closest room and tried to force the door closed behind her. "Leave my chips alone!"

"It's not your chips I'm after," he replied with a laugh, easily pushing the door open.

Joey hugged the chips in her arms and ran behind the bed. She arched an eyebrow. "So what do you want?"

"You're crushing them." He moved so that he was between the bed and the door, blocking her only escape.

"I don't mind."

"That's a little selfish of you, don't ya think? Not everyone enjoys broken chips as much as you do." He licked his lips, watching her with obvious enjoyment.

"Chips are chips." She shrugged.

"Come 'ere."

She shook her head, backing away wearily. "Nope."

He moved around the bed slowly, "I think it's in your best interest.�

"I don't think so." Her eyes searched the room for a means of escape. He shook his head at her panic and slowly advanced on her. Deciding that the quickest way to the door was over the bed, Joey decided to do just that.

Anticipating her move, he wrapped an arm around her waste and pulled her down to the mattress with him. "You're no match for my superior strength and dexterity," he teased.

She laughed, still holding onto the bag. "Leave me and my chips alone."

"I don't wanna." He stretched his body over hers, reaching for the bag of chips she held just out of his reach.

She tried to move back on the bed. "I am not going to let you take them away from me. I am very hungry."

"Who said anything about taking?" He moved with her, "What I had in mind had more to do with sharing...lots and lots of sharing."

"I don't want to share."

"You never had any problem with that before," his hand slid slowly along the arm that still had a death grip on the bag of chips. His oceanic eyes were focused on hers.

She bit her lip, her gaze locked with his. "I've become very selfish."

"So have I."

"They are my chips."

"Grams' chips." Pacey shook his head slightly, "And Grams is all about sharing the love." His lips curved slightly, "We should definitely share the love."

"I am not sharing the chips."

"Who was talking about chips?" He murmured, his thumb traced the curve of her jaw, just caressing the soft skin.

Her eyes glittered in amusement, a faint smile on her lips. "You're so not smooth."

Smiling, he licked his lips before lowering them towards hers. Just before he made contact....he lunged for the bag of chips, easily stealing them from her lax grip. "Ha!" He crowed in triumph, rolling off of her and holding the bag up.

She gasped, and lunged at him. "You're such a cheater!"

He laughed as she landed across his chest and she reached for the bag, trying to tear it from his grasp. "You're the one who ran from the room. I had to chase. It's like a dog's instinct to chase after cars...I can't help it."

"I didn't want you to take it away from me," she complained.

"I don't want you to fill up on chips when I've been slaving away in the kitchen for hours." He pouted, giving in and letting her claim the bag, but only because his arms were now wrapped securely around waist, holding her against him.

"I'll try to remember that," she answered distractedly, grabbing a handful of chips and stuffing them inside her mouth.

"You know, if you think that's going to dissuade me, you're gravely mistaken." He watched her chew with an amused smile.

"Shouldn't you be downstairs checking on the lasagna?"

"No," he shook his head. "I'm right where I should be."

"I think you should be checking the lasagna. I don't eat burnt food."

"Who cares? You've got chips." He skimmed one of his hands over her spine, slyly slipping it beneath her shirt.

She set the bag to the side, and began to lick her fingers clean of salt as she gazed down at him. "You know, if we're up here any longer, people are going to start to get the wrong idea."

"They got the wrong idea when we ran through the living room." He watched her fingers slide into her mouth one by one and reemerge glistening. He groaned under his breath as his hand slid higher, and he realized she wasn't wearing a bra.

She grinned down at him. "I don't see how that's possible."

"How's that?" He asked distractedly, his voice husky.

She blinked innocently. "I am not that kind of girl."

"I beg to differ," he replied, shifting beneath her so that his leg was between two of hers. Oh God, how he wanted to kiss her.

She pursed her lips together, her brown eyes narrowing. "Just what are you implying?"

"Yeah, you are. You're exactly the kind of girl that they think you are." He smiled up at her, "They think you're beating my ass...little do they know I'm grabbing yours." And he did just that.

Her eyes widened in surprise, her cheeks coloring and she smacked his arm. "Stop it!"

He chuckled, "Damn, you're cute."

She smiled. "So are you." She pressed her forehead against his and let their noses touch, her brown eyes narrowed. "Now go check on the lasagna."

"Is there a reason I can't kiss you first?"

"Yes." Their eyes swiveled to the doorway where Jen stood, her arms folded across her chest. "There better not be any crumbs in my bed."

"If there are," Joey said over her shoulder. "It's all Pacey's fault."

"Excuse me?" He scoffed, tickling her side, "You were the one trying to ruin your appetite. I was honestly just chasing you down for your own good. Lasagna is much healthier for you than chips."

She giggled, squirming against him. "Stop it."

"Oh God." Jen closed her eyes with a groan. "Get off my bed right now. I'm going to have nightmares."

Joey laughed. "Oh, Jennnn." She fluttered her lashes at her. "Don't tell me you've never dreamed about having Pacey in your bed."

The blonde laughed, "Yeah, well I wasn't sharing him with you."

Pacey sat up on his elbows, "No, but that was always my fantasy."

Joey smirked. "I think you're going to have to keep dreaming."

"My bed. Off. Now." Jen demanded, not able to hide the small smile on her face.

"Yes, ma'am." He winked up at Joey.

Joey sighed, beginning to climb off him. "If Jen doesn't want to share, she can just have you."

Jen laughed, "Been there, done that. He's got all the sex appeal of a cold fish."

Pacey's eyes widened, "Pardon?"

Joey smirked and shook her head. "I think you're wrong." She paused and licked her lips. "I think he's really hot."

"I think you're mocking me." He told Joey, a small frown on his face.

She smiled. "I would never."

"Do you two not understand English? Get off my bed." Jen demanded.

Joey looked at Pacey pointedly. "Next time, lock the door."

"I promise."

"No," Jen shook her head emphatically, "No next time. Not in my bedroom. Now out!"

Joey held out her arm to stop Jen, her eyes locked on Pacey. "One kiss?"

Jen gave an exasperated sigh, "Fine. One kiss...but you owe me."

Joey smiled. "Well, you heard the woman, Pacey. One kiss, and then we owe her. So you better make it worth it."

"I'm up to the challenge," he murmured, his eyes dark as he rolled them over and settled between her legs. Smoothing the loose strands of her hair out of her face, he claimed her mouth fiercely, a passionate contradiction to his gentle touch. She moaned softly, sliding her hands into the short strands of his brown hair as she opened her lips to him.

Groaning, he swept his tongue into mouth, tasting her for the first time in a year. Changing the angle, he delved deeper, exploring her wet mouth with fervor, knowing with his luck, it would be a while until the chance arose again. Her tongue met his and he ceased to think at all.

Her legs went around his waist instinctively, her hands curling in his hair as her tongue slipped into his mouth, performing a thorough exploration of its own.

Pacey was just about to slip his hands back under her shirt when a wave of cold water splashed between them. They jerked away from each other in shock, blinking the icy water out of their eyes.

"I always wanted to do that to someone." Jen smiled cheekily down at them.

Joey laughed, letting her head fall back against the bed as she wiped water off her face. "You bitch."

"I said a kiss, not foreplay."

"Lindley," Pacey reluctantly removed himself from Joey and stood up. "I'll be forced to hurt you now, you do know that, right?"

Joey rose from the bed with a grin. "You don't have time to hurt her, you have to check on the lasagna."

"Hmmm, brilliant idea, Jo. Lindley, watch what you eat, it may very well be poisoned." He moved around the bed awkwardly, his pants obviously tented despite the cold water.

Joey patted Jen's shoulder. "You can have mine."

"Traitor," Pacey called over his shoulder as he left the room.

Jen grabbed an old towel from her hamper and did her best to soak up the water now seeping into her bed. "So, Joey."

"Jen." She rocked back on her heels and motioned to the door. "I think I'm going to go to the bathroom and dry myself off."

"No way. Not only is my bed covered in crumbs, but they're wet crumbs. You owe me."

"I�ll get you new sheets."

"I'd rather you inform me of what's going on. For someone not sure were lying."

"Okay, so..." she shrugged. "I'm interested."

"Interesting..." Jen smirked.

"Can I go dry off now?"

"I suppose..." Jen shrugged a shoulder, a teasing smile on her face.

Joey rolled her eyes and headed for the door. "Thanks."

"You are all wet, after all." Jen grinned, eyeing her friend knowingly as they left the room.

Joey stuck her tongue out at her as she disappeared inside the bathroom. "Bite me."

"You've been pretty quiet tonight," Pacey commented, sneaking a look over at Joey as he drove her home. The street lamps periodically cast a sliver light over her face, and he couldn't help but smile a little.

She placed a hand over her stomach and groaned. "Too full to talk."

"I noticed you had two helpings of lasagna." He grinned proudly, "Good, wasn't it?"

"It was okay."

"It's a miracle I have any ego left with you around," he turned his eyes back to the road.

She smiled. "But my ice cream was a hit."

"The cherries on top were a nice touch, I have to admit." He chuckled, his eyes warm.

"What good is a sundae without a cherry?"

"So true." He remembered watching her wrap her lips around the small piece of fruit and delicately pulling the stem away. His dessert had never tasted so good.

Joey glanced over at him and sighed. "So I guess you want to talk about it."

"The thought had crossed my mind, but then, so had the thought of pulling the car over and stripping off all your clothes. So we don't necessarily have to act on it." He spoke easily, belied by the tightening of his hands on the steering wheel.

"Yeah, I like my clothes where they are. It's cold."

"The idea would be to make you warm...very, very warm." He shrugged a shoulder, "but like I said, it was just a thought."

Her lips curved in a faint smile. "You always have the best ideas."

He smiled wryly, "It's usually in the execution of those ideas that things fall apart."

"Not everyone's perfect."

"True." He chose not to say anything more than that.

"Now that that's out of the way..."

"Right. Talking..." He glanced over at her, "What do you want to say?"

"Well," she said after a moment. "Obviously denial is not working for me."

He smiled, "No, definitely not. You told me I was hot."

"I did?"

"Yes, you did." He grinned over at her, "And I even have a witness."

"I think it must have been a side affect from hunger."

"Could be, but I doubt it."

"It was."

"Sure it was..." he nodded indulgently.

"Otherwise I would have never revealed that."

He shot her a grin, "You really aren't in denial anymore, are you?"

"It's like I'm fighting a losing battle."

"Interesting choice of metaphor." He commented lightly.

Her gaze dropped to her hands on her lap. "I really need to stop talking."

"No, it's fun watching you squirm." He reached across the seat to take her hand. "Besides, it'll be my turn soon enough."

She watched him from the corner of her eye. "Why can't it be your turn now?"

"Ladies first," he brushed his thumb back and forth over the back of her hand. "And because I want to know what this means to you, if anything."

"I'm not sure what it means...What do you think it means?"

He inhaled a deep breath, "I think it means we're attracted to each other."

She nodded slowly. "Yeah..."

"That scares you, doesn't it?"

"A little."

"I don't really see why it should. It's not as if you're in danger of falling in love with me or anything."

"No," she said softly. "No chance of that."

He focused on the road, "Right."

She bit her lip. "So we're okay?"

"Yeah, of course," He nodded. "Why wouldn't we be?"

She nodded. "Okay."

He pulled up to her dorm. "Want me to walk you up?"

She smiled. "I think I can make it on my own."

"Okay," he shifted the car into neutral, but didn't turn it off.

She sat for a moment, inwardly debating with herself before she reached for the handle on the door. Her fingers wrapped around the handle and she pulled it open before pausing. She opened her mouth to say something and then closed it. Her lips twisted into a frown before she tried again. "Do you think that maybe we can go to movie sometime?" She chewed her lip nervously. "Just, you know, I a date if that's okay. I mean, it doesn't have to be a date." She pushed the door open and shook her head. "Just, you know, never mind."

He smiled to himself, watching her as she walked around his car. Unrolling his window, he stuck his head out, "Potter!"

She turned back in surprise. "What?"

"You busy Friday night?"

She bit her lip, trying to contain a smile and shook her head. "No."

"I'll pick you up around seven."

She grinned and nodded. "Okay."

"Bye, Jo." He shifted into reverse, and gunned the engine before pulling away with a wave of his hand and driving away.

Joey paced Jen's room nervously, and nibbled on her lower lip, glancing at the clock on Jen's night stand every so often.

Jen noticed her furtive glances as the clock that read 8:43 and frowned sympathetically. "Are you sure he said Friday?"

Joey nodded, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "I'm sure."

"Well," Jen tried to smile widely at her friend. "He doesn't know what he's missing. You look amazing. I'm glad you let me lend you that top."

"Thanks," Joey said, awkwardly tugging at the ends of the yellow sweater she was wearing. She frowned. "Maybe something happened."

"Wouldn't he have called?" Jen asked, "Is your cell phone with you?"

Joey checked to make sure her cell phone was on in her pocket. "Yep."

"Did you tell him you'd be here?" Jen tried to think of plausible reasons for why Pacey wasn't there.

Joey nodded. "Yes."

Jen shrugged a shoulder helplessly. "I'll kick his ass."

"I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason," Joey said rationally.

"There must be," Jen nodded, "I mean, no guy in his right mind would leave you waiting."

"And he would call."

"Uh huh." Jen nodded, glancing again at the clock, 8:50.

"So there must be something wrong."

"Joey!" Jack bellowed up the stairs, "Your date's here!"

"Look, there he is." Jen grinned, standing up to go downstairs.

Joey exhaled sharply, wiping her palms on her jeans. "Okay."

"You aren't nervous are you?" Jen asked innocently over her shoulder.

Joey shook her head, and walked over to the door. "No."

"Good." Jen laughed, knowing Joey had lied. Joey just rolled her eyes and headed down the stairs.

Pacey grasped his hands behind his back, his eyes on the stairs as Jen and Joey descended. "I am *so* sorry, Jo. I had no idea they'd take so long. I figured, twenty minutes at the..." he trailed off, his eyes drinking her in.

Joey smiled faintly. "It's okay. I was just kind of worried."

"You look..."

Jack grinned at the two of them, "The word would be 'pretty', Pace."

"Naw," he shook his head, his eyes fastened on her. "I think breathtaking is a little closer to the truth."

Joey rolled her eyes with a small smile. "Thanks."


Jen gently nudged Joey down the remaining three stairs. Pacey smiled sheepishly, "We can probably still catch the late show."

Joey shrugged as she went down the remaining steps. "Probably."

He held out a hand to her, his bandaged one falling to his side. "Let's hit the road."

Joey noticed and her eyes widened. "What happened?"

His brow furrowed as he glanced down at his hand, "You didn't get my message?"

"Oh, um, Jo." Jack shifted his weight, "Pacey went to the hospital to get stitches."

Joey's eyes flew to Jack. "Thanks so much for sharing that now," she said pointedly.

"The Red Sox game was on..."

She rolled her eyes and turned to Pacey. "So what happened?"

"I tried juggling a few knives during my break," he smiled easily. �Apparently, you're not supposed to do that."

"And this is why you shouldn't be allowed around sharp objects."

"I thought I wasn't allowed around sharp objects because I was a danger to others, not myself."

She glanced at his hand pointedly. "Obviously you were wrong."

He grabbed her jacket with his good hand and tried to help her into it. "Isn't that expected?"

"Does it hurt?"

"Immensely. Will you kiss it and make it all better?" He arched an eyebrow at her.

"And we're leaving..." Jen hooked her arm through Jack's and dragged him into the living room.

Joey smiled. "You sure know how to clear a room.�

"It's taken years to hone the skill."

"Pretty impressive."

He grinned, and opened the door for her. "If impressive is what you want, impressive is what I got."

She smirked. "I don't think you can beat the stitches."

"You should have seen the blood," he smiled, and she noticed for the first time how pale his face appeared. "It was actually spurting into the air."

"Are you sure you're up for a movie?"

"Yeah, of course. It's just a little cut." He shrugged a shoulder as they started down the stairs.

"Are you sure? We can do something else."

"I don't think going to a movie and dinner is all that strenuous, but...what do you have in mind?"

She shrugged. "I don't know...Let's get some coffee."

"I can do coffee." He nodded, holding the passenger door for her. "So what does a date with Joey Potter entail?"

"Let's have coffee first," she said climbing into the car.

A soft smile curved at the corners of his mouth as he shut the door behind her. Getting in on his side, he started the car, "Okay, Jo. Where do they have good coffee?"


"And the nearest one would be...?"

"Not too far from here. By the college."

"I am yours to navigate," he pulled out into the street, and headed towards the college.

"It's not that complicated."

"You haven't told me what a date with you is like," he took a left turn. "We never really did that in high school."

"I don't know, Pacey. What's a date with you like?"

"Well, I usually make an effort to show up on time."

"That's thoughtful."

He shot her a smile, "I'm really sorry, Jo."

"It's fine."

"I also make an effort to be a gentleman." He shot her a look, "Don�t comment."

She smiled. "Wouldn't dream of it."

He shook his head, and pulled into a parking spot in front of Starbucks. "At some point, I'll probably make a move on you."

"Thanks for the warning."

"You're gonna make this hard, aren't you?" He arched an eyebrow at her as he unbuckled his seat belt.

She smiled. "I am not."

Moving around the car, he opened the door and held out a hand to help her out. Smirking at her, "Good, easy is boring."

"Eh, bite me."

"That doesn't happen till the end of the night," he locked her door and shut it. "But if you'd rather I speed things along..."

"Don't even think about it."

"That's all I ever think about, remember?" He laced his fingers through hers as they walked into the coffee shop.

"Let's keep this date PG-13."

He laughed, "Do you know what kind of stuff I can do and still keep it PG-13?"

"PG then?"

He pondered that for a second, "Better drop it to G, just to be safe."

She laughed. "Okay, G it is."

"I wouldn't want you to regret anything," He held the door open for her.

She smiled softly. "Very considerate."

"Besides, it makes things challenging for me." He winked at her as the stepped over to the counter.

"I'll just remind you that I'm not that kind of girl."

He smiled softly, leaning in to whisper in her ear, "And what kind of girl are you?"

"A good one."

"Oh, I like good girls. They're so much fun to corrupt."

She stuck her tongue out at him. "Shut up."

"You gonna order, or what?" He tilted his head to the menu posted on the wall.

Joey smiled at the cashier. "I'll have a double mocha latte."

"Just black coffee, for me." He cast his eyes into the dessert case, "And one of those giant cinnamon rolls."

"I think I'll just stick with my coffee."

"You'll regret it," he pulled out his wallet and handed over a twenty. "You wanna find us a table?"


Once their drinks were ready, Pacey carried them and his cinnamon roll to the tiny table located in the corner that Joey was seated at. Sitting down, he glanced around them, "Ya know, I never really understood the appeal to going out for coffee, but I'm beginning to rethink that." He shrugged out of his jacket, draping it across the back of his seat. "This is nice."

Joey smiled. "It's not so bad."

"It's got a better atmosphere than my kitchen table, that's for sure."

"It's also cleaner."

"Ha ha," he lifted his coffee and blew softly across the top to cool it before taking a sip.

Joey wrapped her hands around the warm cup of coffee in front of her. "Maybe caffeine at this time of night wasn't a bright idea."

"Do you need to be up early?"

She shook her head. "No."

"Then we have no problem," he cut into his cinnamon roll and took a bite.

"Is your hand feeling any better?"

"If I tell you the truth, are you going to baby me?"

"That depends."

"On?" His smile was beguiling.

"Just answer the question."

"It hurts like a bitch, especially since the meds are wearing off." He shrugged a shoulder, "But it's nothing I can't handle."

"Are you sure?"

"Why? Have you got something in mind to distract me from the pain?" He teased her.

She smiled faintly, raising her cup of coffee to her lips. "Just friendly concern."

"Sure." He cut off another piece of cinnamon roll and held it out to her. "What did you think when I didn't show up?"

"I thought something had happened." She took a small bite of the piece he offered her.

"You didn't think I was getting it on some blonde bimbo?" He arched an eyebrow.

"Why would I think that?"

"I just thought..."


He took another long drink of his coffee, "I figured you'd think that's where I was."

"I didn't think that."


"Is that hard to believe for some reason?"

He shrugged a shoulder, "Sort of."

She raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"You've always thought me a womanizer, I just figured you'd automatically think I'd stood you up for another girl." He held out another piece of dessert to her, "I'm glad you didn't."

"I know you wouldn't." Her lips curved slightly. "You would at least wait until after the date."

He chuckled, "I'm amazed at your faith in me."

"I'm kidding."

"Then I probably shouldn't mention I've got a date with said blonde bimbo after this," he winked at her.

She shrugged it off, taking a healthy sip of coffee. "I don't care. It's not like we owe each other anything."

"Nope, don't owe each other anything at all." He fed her another piece of cinnamon roll. "It's one date, after all."

She nodded. "Right."

"How's school going?"

"As well as can be expected."

He arched an eyebrow, "What? No complaints about teachers? The mounds of homework? Annoying room mates?"

"Who goes on a date to hear people complain?"

His eyes widened, "What else is there to do?"

She shrugged. "I'm sure there's something far more interesting."

"Well, I could think of some things, but that would up our rating to R, at the very least."

"I think it's too early in the night for R."

"It's never too early, Jo." He grinned at her across the table.

"You're such a pig."

"I try." He drank some of his coffee, watching her in the dim light of the cafe.

"I guess we should finish up early here, so you can hurry up and get to your blonde bimbo."

He shrugged a shoulder, "I'm in no hurry. She wasn't that pretty anyway."

"She'll probably be disappointed."

"More likely relieved."


He smiled wickedly, "She knew she couldn't handle me."

She smiled. "If you say so."

"Oh, I know so, Potter. I made her up, therefore, if I say she couldn't handle me, she obviously can't."

"Ohhh. Is that the way it works?"

"When I've got strange painkillers in my system, it does." He shook his head with a laugh, "I'm amazed you even made sense of that."

"It must be a drawback of knowing you for so long."

"There's probably many of those." He smiled faintly, feeding her another bite.

"Life is tough."

"Don't I know it. But you said no complaining on dates."


"So propose a topic for discussion."

"Why don't you?"

"I did, school." He rested his elbow on the table.

"That doesn't count."

"Okay, then why are you on a date with me?"

She smiled sweetly, propping her elbows on the table and resting her chin in her hands. "Because sleeping with you is out of the question."

He appeared taken aback by that. "Is that so? Please, explain. What's to stop us from going at it right here on this table?"


He smiled at her, "Not that I don't agree with you--to a certain degree--but why exactly is sleeping together out of the question? It's not as though we haven't done it before. With mind blowing results."

"And complications."

He sighed, "And complications, yeah."

She shook her head. "We don't need complications."

"Things might be different this time," he said conversationally, keeping his words light.

"Maybe," she said non-committal.

"If you don't want complications, why are we here?" He wondered, his eyes fixed intently on hers.

She shrugged. "I just thought we can start slowly and see what happens." Confusion showed plainly on his features. She frowned. "Do you just want to have sex?"

"No!" He protested loudly and then glanced around them in embarrassment,

"No...I just...didn't think you wanted more than that."

She dropped her gaze to the coffee in front her. "I just didn't want to rush into anything."

He reached across the table and lifted her chin so her eyes would meet his, "Forgive the vulgarity, but you're actually interested in me, not my cock?"

"Yes." Her cheeks colored in embarrassment and she tore her gaze away.

"Why is that so hard to believe?"


"It's not like it's never happened before."

"Things are different now," was all he said.

"Not that different."

"We're not in Capeside anymore Jo, you have a much larger selection to choose from."

"What's your point?"

"Well--I'm just saying--you could--there are..." he stuttered stupidly.

She raised an eyebrow. "You're not interested."

"If I wasn't interested, I wouldn't be here." He sat back in his seat,

"Just...don't you think you'd be making a mistake?"


"Because...I'm not--not exactly what you'd consider..."

She smiled. "Are you trying to change my mind?"

"Are you teasing me?"

"Do you want to give this a try?"

"I do." He smiled fleetingly at her, his eyes a deep blue, "But I don't want you to end up regretting this."

"I don't think I will," she said softly.

He took a deep breath, and slowly released it, "I can think of a million reasons I want to be with you, Joey."

"Really? Only a million?" she teased.

"Well, that's just off the top of my head. Give me a few hours, I could easily boost that to eight million."

She grinned. "Okay."

He couldn't stop himself from smiling back at her. "But..."

"What now?"

"I don't think the reasons we broke up in high school have changed," he admitted slowly.

"You don't?"

"You're going to Worthington, Joey. I'm lucky to even have a job where I'm not pumping gas."

"That that doesn't mean anything."

"Why doesn't it?" He wondered aloud, "Seems like that matters to everyone else."

"It doesn't matter."

"It mattered before."

�To you."

He blinked in surprise, "God, you're right. It never really mattered to you."

She nodded. "Yeah."

He shook his head in disbelief, "You really don't care. I could clean toilets for a living and you wouldn't care."

"I think you can do better than cleaning toilets for a living."

"I'm not that pathetic," he granted, a grin creeping across his face. "But you wouldn't care, would you?"


"Marry me?"

"That's kind of ambitious for a first date."

"They say when you meet 'the one' you just know." He winked at her, "Why waste time?"

She smirked. "You have to save something for the second date." "Oh, forgive me. I forgot." He fed her another piece of cinnamon roll.

She winked. "You're forgiven."

"Gives me time to get a ring." He speared the last piece of dessert and held it to her lips.


He glanced at the watch on his wrist, "It's still early."

"Is it?"

"Just past ten." He finished the last of his coffee, "How long before you turn back into a pumpkin?"

"Another hour or two."

"We could still catch a movie if you want, or just walk around for awhile?"

"Let's walk."

"A walk it is." He gathered their trash and threw it in the garbage can nearby and returned for his coat.

"Why?" she asked climbing to her feet. "Do you have a better idea?"

"Not if you want a G rating, sweetheart." He caught her hand as they were leaving.

She smiled. "Nope, haven't changed my mind."

"Then a walk doesn't sound half bad." He held the door open for her.

Joey shrugged on her coat. "How's your hand doing?"

He rolled his eyes, "If I told you it was going to fall off would you quit asking?"

"I just wouldn't want you to over exert yourself."

He smiled softly at her pulling her into his arms in the middle of the caf�, "I cut my hand, I didn't lose a leg or any other important appendage. But it's cute that you're worried."

She shrugged moving up on her toes to brush a kiss over his cheek. "Someone has to be."

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