Richard Bolai All Rights Reserved 2004-07
All photographs Copyrighted Stuart Hahn 2007
S t u a r t   H a h n
After twelve years of this, a conspiracy of circumstances, and my own ever more pressing need to leave advertising, drove me out of the agency scene once and for all, and I held my first One Man show, comprising some of the erotica (the tamer lot) accumulated over the years, some spinoffs from Ti Jean And his Brothers, some drawings of West Indian dancers (Bele, Pique, bongo, kalendar, etc.), and some drawings of black women in historical costume- the beginning of an ongoing fascination with La Belle Creole a la Bosco Holder, of which more later.

There was also the beginning of a series of folk lore pieces which could only have come out of- and after- the work on Ti Jean.  It�s  impossible to enter the Folk Lore arena  without feeling the trod, the heavy, heavy trod of the master, Alf Cadillo, on your heels, and I was determined to work against his legacy, his seminal voice, rather than fall into the trap of outright imitation as so many have done, and I dearsay will continue to do, so powerful is the Cadillo bequest..  I wanted to forge my own interpretative stamp on the genre.

Also, by investing the subject matter with some of the linear and abstract fantasy of Art Nouveau, speaking in the same vocabulary as the great fairy-tale artists - Rackam, Heath-Robinson, etc. - I thought I could make the stories more accessible to an audience Cadillo was probably not aiming for - at least specifically - in the first place - Europe.
Mama de l'eau (ink)1986
At the same time I was working on those drawings of black women.  The same costume as the folk-lore series (although that would gradually modify into something more like a cross between Pre Raphaelite  medievalism and African tribalism), the influence of Bosco Holder coming to the fore - as a boy I had fallen under the spell of his work in the collection of a neighbourhood friend, the beautiful nude and semi- nude, turbaned black and mulatto women of his particular, unique  milieu. For me, the same subject matter has evolved into something more elaborately decorative, allegorical and mythological, in the manner of Rossetti and Burne Jones.
Sirens (colour pencil) 1991
Kiskadee (ink and colour pencil) 1986
Detail The Sorce
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