Living in the Twilight Zone
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White Running Feet
My parents and I had been out for the evening and had gotten back late for us (around 10:00 p. m.  I was very tired that night and went straight to my bedroom.  That night I just sat on the edge of my bed, too lathargic to even move in order to get ready for bed.

As I sat there for a while, I suddenly saw two white feet run past my doorway, headed for the livingroom.  Ithought nothing of it.  I just thought it was my mother running to get the phone.

A little later (a minute or two, I told you I was tired) it dawned on me that 1) mom was already in the kitchen where the phone was, 2) the phone had not rang, and 3) I hadn't seen anything connected to the "feet."

What I actually saw that night I don't realy know (and not sure I want to know), however I'm glad that it was only feet that I saw that night.

copyright 2002 by Richard Thorson
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