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Check out Raven's agility page AGILITY

We have to congratulate Simone on the hard work that she has put into Raven to achieve not only her Championship title but also the very high achievements in agility and jumping trials.
Raven is an extremely fast dog and Simone has probably had to work much harder than most people to control Raven as she goes round the courses.

They have represented WA in the Nationals teams events.

This duo have been blasting their way to their JDM and ADM and are on their way to achieving the Agility Champion status

. We here wish them the very best in all their endeavours.

Raven is from LLanwhen Jack Be Nimble "Bear" and Rhonabwy Sunshine Annie.

Her owner Simone wanted a puppy from her lovely boy Bear so we agree to use our Annie.

Raven is crazy about flyball and is extrememly fast in this sport too.

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