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Elijah Estabrook Jr. (II)

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Bullet17.gif (950 bytes)Capt. Elijah Estabrooks Jr.(II)  was born Abt. 1728 in England?, and died 1796 in Jemseg, New Brunswick, Canada. He married (1) Mary Hackett November 14, 1750 in Haverhill, Massachusetts. She was born August 01, 1728, and died 1778 in Gagetown, New Brunswick, Canada. He married (2) Sarah Hammond Oakes December 17, 1778 in Unknown, daughter of Philip Hammond and Mary Sweetland. She was born October 21, 1739 in Marblehead, Massachusetts, and died Abt. 1800 in Jemseg, New Brunswick, Canada.

Notes for Sarah Hammond Oakes:

She was married to James Oakes before marriage to Elijah and was a Hammond prior to any marriage.


Children of Elijah Jr. and Mary Hackett are:

Bullet17.gif (950 bytes)Hannah Estabrooks, born August 14, 1751 in Haverhill, Massachusetts; died July 13, 1837 in Haverhill, Massachusetts. She married Zebedee Ring.

Bullet17.gif (950 bytes)Mary Estabrooks, born March 09, 1753 in Haverhill, Massachusetts; died in Haverhill, Massachusetts. She married Samuel Hart.

Bullet17.gif (950 bytes)Sarah Estabrooks, born May 25, 1755 in Haverhill, Massachusetts; died May 30, 1755 in Haverhill, Massachusetts.

Bullet17.gif (950 bytes)Rev. Elijah Estabrooks, born May 16, 1756 in Haverhill, Massachusetts; died September 06, 1825 in Waterbury, New Brunswick, Canada.

Bullet17.gif (950 bytes)Samuel Estabrooks, born December 06, 1757 in Haverhill, Massachusetts.

More About Samuel Estabrooks:

Burial: Died Young

Bullet17.gif (950 bytes)Ebenezer Estabrooks, born August 28, 1759 in Boxford, Massachusetts; died Abt. 1851 in Jacksontown, Carleton Co.,New Brunswick, Canada.

Bullet17.gif (950 bytes)Joseph Estabrooks, born October 02, 1762 in Cornwalis, Nova Scotia; died Abt. 1840 in Becaguimec, Carleton Co., New Brunswick, Canada.

Bullet17.gif (950 bytes)Sarah Estabrooks, born October 10, 1764 in Cornwalis, Nova Scotia; died January 02, 1844. She married John Marsh.

Bullet17.gif (950 bytes)Abigail Estabrooks, born December 28, 1766 in St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. She married William Harper.

Bullet17.gif (950 bytes)John Estabrooks, born January 22, 1768 in St. John, New Brunswick, Canada; died February 02, 1861.

Bullet17.gif (950 bytes)Deborah Estabrooks, born August 14, 1774 in West St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. She married Moses Clark Jr..

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Children of Elijah Jr. and Sarah Oakes are:

Bullet17.gif (950 bytes)Betsey Estabrooks, born October 30, 1779 in Gagetown, New Brunswick, Canada. She married Martin Olts Jr..

Notes for Betsey Estabrooks:

Also known as Elizabeth

Bullet17.gif (950 bytes)Hammond Estabrooks Sr., born January 29, 1783 in Gagetown, New Brunswick, Canada; died Abt. 1864 in Amity, Aroostook Co., Maine.



Notes for Capt. Elijah Estabrooks Jr.:

Elijah was in Captain Israel Herrick's Company, Colonel Jedediah Prebble's Regiment, during 1758, stationed on Lake Champlain, and fought at Ticonderoga, New York. He was discharged November 07, 1758. He re-enlisted, April 06, 1759, and was sent to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he remained until November 25, 1760. During this time, he became Sergeant. His Family remained in Boxford, Massachusetts.

He got home from Halifax December 15, 1760, and during the nest two and a Half years made preparations to remove his family to the St. John River. Governor Lawrence, of Nova Scotia, was urged by the Lords of Trade and Plantations in England to settle the lands on the St. John River which were vacated by the Arcadians with people from New England. This resulted in a settlement at Maugerville, Sunbury Co., New Brunswick, in 1763, by about 80 families, most of them from New England.

Elijah, however, took his family first to Halifax, then to Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, where he intended to leave them until he had made preparations for them on the river, which was a wilderness. He apparently went up the St. John River in the spring of 1763, and finding the lot he had drawn in Maugerville flooded, he returned to Cornwallis. During the next two years, he explored other areas, but remained in Cornwallis. On October 18, 1765 he entered the employ of Simonds, Hazen, and White, who operated a trading post, a fishery, a fur trade, and other businesses, at Portland Point ( St. John, New Brunswick)

Eight years later, in 1773, he made and Agreement with William Hazen and James Simonds to settle in the Township of Conway, at the mouth of the river, where the city of St. John is now located, Hazen and Simonds guaranteeing him 250 acres of land. An old population return dated August 1, 1775, shows that he had cleared and improved seven acres, and built a log house. His lot was No. 5, next the ship building plant. The lot next to him, no. 6, was owned by his son-in-law, Zebedee Ring.

The first act of aggression in St. John after the outbreak of the Revolutionary War occurred in August 1775, when a party from Machias, Maine entered the harbor in a sloop. They burned Fort Frederick, and captured a brig in the harbor which was loaded with provisions for the British troops in Boston. The raids were repeated several times later. The inhabitants were terrorized, houses were looted and some burned. In may 1777, John Allen, one of the most determined American sympathizers, set out from Machias with 43 men for St John in four boats. They spent several days on the river and took Simonds, Hazen and White prisoner, later releasing them.

After that experience, Simonds moved up the river to Sunbury Co., where he built a log house and lived for nine years. Elijah Estabrooks removed from St. John also, to Gagetown, in Queens Co. on June 30, 1783, a survey party went up the river from St. John by Major Guilford Studholm, to record who was in possession of lands, recorded for Gagetown: "Elijah Estabrooks has a wife and eight children, a log house with two rooms and about twelve acres of land cleared. He came from Cornwallis about 16 years ago; settled at the mouth of the river and says he was drove up by the rebels.

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