Jeremy's Room

Jeremy Visits a Miniature Train Exhibit in Old Montreal

At left, Jeremy is shown, visiting a miniature train exhibit under a train bridge in Old Montreal during the Fall of 2002.

I believe that it was Katharine Hepburn who said, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." If so, he must have been laughing hysterically when Jeremy was ushered into this world. He loves trains and his mother hated them.

Jeremy inherited a love of gardening from his father and maternal grandmother, certainly not from his mother.

  • Jeremy's cuurent interest is wolves. (This page's background is wolves.) Here are some Web sites he has enjoyed!

  • Another cuurent interest of his is magic. Here are some Web sites he has enjoyed!

    Here are some other Jeremy-related Web sites.

    Here are some activities to try with your kids!

    Wendy's backgrounds banner

    Send an e-mail Send Jeremy or Rexanna an e-mail!

    Optimized for Netscape 2.0 or better. Last Updated March 2004.

    Graphics provided by Animation Factory.

    Copyright Rexanna M. Keats 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004. All Rights Reserved.

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