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Hello everyone! I've been dying to see some site that is dedicated to the relationship between Emma and Jesse but I only found one (Smoke-on-Water by Beka) That is when i finally decided to built another site for the couple.
I'm not really a webmaster and I hope someone out there might be able to help me develop this site. Please feel free to post your comments on my guestbook but please post your email so I could reach you somehow. I'd be honored if you would want to copy or download something from my site but please ask permission first. Some contributors don't want their share to be copied. Here's the site I've been working on for the past months...Enjoy...

Some photos and data placed on this site belongs to the official site of Mutant X. All the characters belongs to Tribune Entertainment Company. Some data posted are merely for entertainment sake. No part of this page should be taken without permission to the persons concern.
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