Innocentata Medicalos and Dojan: Stanley turns bad

Mom took Jenny and Kate to the park. But when they got there there was a big surprized. June was bruised from head to toe practically. And Stanley yes Stanley the voluntaras was being taken by the police to the police car. Jenny ran to June and her father.

"What happened?" Jenny asked worried.

"Stanley assulted June and was threating to rape her to. I'm going to take her home and see if I can't clean up everything."

"Is June in trouble." Jenny asked noticing Stanley had a black eye.

"No. It looked all like self defense on her part. Were just going to have to work with her more at the dojan."

"Yes Sir." June was carried to her fathers car.

A week later Jenny and Kate got to go see the Stanleys trial. Durning the opening arguements June was in the childrens play room.

One of the major problems now is that Stanley is a known spanko so it will be diffucult to punish him if he likes it.

June testified to everything and the doctor verified it. Plus her father who heard stanley threaten to rape June just in time. And he also testified to all the bruises and her self defense techniche.

Finally after all the testimony and facts in the case given. The judge finally decided what to do.

"I sentence Stanley Sears to 6X3-6 as a full time penny. Your voluntaras status is taken away. And y suppression. You could have raped June and if you did you would get worse. Plus this might help you learn your lesson."

Stanley was crying already by the time the sentence was over. He looked shocked. They took him to his cell.

A few days later Stella aka Stanley moved in with Wendy. Wendy was inbetween Junes house and Jennys. This way June can watch Stella get her spankings. And see Justice done. Stella will be on the first floor. :).

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