Innocentata Medicalos: Martin

Jenny heard that Lori was getting a spanking today so Jenny set up her comfy chair and put her blankets and her teddybear on it and got it ready. A nice treat today. Jenny still sick from the flu. Glad it wasn't anything more then the flu of course. But it is a hassle.

Jenny got herself confortable and sat at the chair. It really was confortable. Nice and cosy. Finally Lori was being taken to her room with her father following holding her very own paddle. Jenny smiled at the little clothing Lori was wearing.

First thing Loris father did was sit down and then put Lori right over his lap. And he checked to see if Jenny was watching before he put Lori over his lap. Thats one of the great parts of Loris dad he always makes sure Jenny is able to see if she can. Sometimes Jennys not around say at Donny's or something.

Then Loris dad started handspanking Loris skirt for 3 minutes and then took pulled up her skirt and then used his hand again on her bottom for another three minutes then he finally took down Loris panties. Jenny already started giggling at Lori's pink bottom. Then he spanked her for three minutes on her bare bottom. but when he started to pick up Loris paddle Lori put her hand back. Then he grabbed her hand and put it in the small of her back and spanked her for five minutes with the paddle and then sat her on her very own cornerstool.

Jenny decided to check her email. She hasn't heard from Martin in two days. Even when theres no news about the cure he usually emails jenny to say hi and stuff.

When she got to her email she found a message from martins wife.

When John came up to check on her, he found her banging her hand in one of the pillows. "Whats wrong?"

"Martin. He went on a mission of mercy and while trying to save some of his colleages he was exposed to chronostatic radiation."

"Is Martin ok."

"Yes but his 7 years old now. ANd can't do the research anymore."

"Can't you and your doctor finish trying for the cure?"

"Normally yes but the stuff he has been using is from all parts of the universe and its impossible for us to try to. Dang it I have to wait till he graduates medical school again before we even are able to start looking again."

"And by then theres it wouldn't matter."

"It might but it will be a while."


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