Innocentata Medicalos: THe Cure ALL

As Jenny sat back watching Mark Play video games she remembered the last time she saw them as adults.


Mark and BJ when they were in there 70s were in the close to end stages of the disease they were very desperate at that point. Kate was early stages of the disease and John just got it. Jenny was the only one without a bit of the disease. "Mom I don't think this is a good idea for you to do this. I mean what if something goes wrong?"

"Don't worry nothing will go wrong. Trust us. Besides Martha said this is a cure all. I trust her."

"Yeah but who's going to take care of you. You'll be at most 13."

"Carol and Jake Connor willl take care of us. (Authors note I slipped with the original I named them both males in Surprize witness) Besides I am going to be 12 at the most. And it won't take that many rejuves."

"I hope not."

"Its going to be ok. Besides you and your brother and sister will have to have the rejuve eventually to."

"Yeah but why not wait a little longer"

"You'll understand when you are this close to the end of the disease."

"Yes mommy."

Jennys father finished programming the rejuvenator.

Hours later Jenny and carol talked. "I told them not to do it. I told them it was nuts to. Why did they have to do it?"

"THey were desperate. I'm going to get them registered as kidern. We'll still take care of them."

"What are you going to tell the officials?"

"We'll just have to lie."

"Lie to the goverment. Oh right you tell them that you had Mark and BJ on another colony. I'm not going to lie about it. But I'd like to stay a part of there lives. I don't think Kate and John will be able to with the disease."

"Well you can be there aunt."


"Jenny," Kate called.

Jenny went to the living room to see John and Kate there. "Yes."

"What do you think we should do with the rejuvenator?"

"Throw it away or give it away. I'm not going to use it thats for sure what about you to?"

"I don't want to use it either. I don't want what happened to MOm and dad to happen to us." John said.

"Me to."

"Ok were all agreed no rejuvenation and we give away the machine."

"I agree."

"Me to."


Jennys thoughts were interupted by Mark winning the game and Marks mother calling for dinner.

Dinner was fun Jenny Mark and BJ chatted about everything. After dinner it was time for Jenny to go home. She had a big day tomorrow back in Jamesville so she could not spend the night.

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