Innocentata Medicalos: I vs IM

Jenny stood with the other children waiting for the bike safety instuctor to come. Most students there were 9 years and up. Almost all were voluntaras some where medicalos and a few were completos. No pennys. Usually there to young or there not thought responsible enough. Even soft timers were rare to get a bike. Jenny was the youngest that was for sure, and the most talked about person there. People were still getting used to her. Most don't see her tough because shes so young.

As Jenny stood there waiting she remembered how she got there.


It was a few days before christmas. And everyone was ready to visit famous old saint nick again. This was definately going to be interesting now that Jenny is a IM not even a I can but in front of her. Of course Jenny didn't except to see a I though.

Everyone was getting ready. Jenny even talked Danny into coming to. A little sweet revenge for the voluntaras errogance. M's have more rights the voluntaras only less rights then Is and IMs well IM since Jennys the only one. Jenny talked Kate and June into waiting for the voluntaras to do there retunily but in before begging our parents to get in line. They agreed they wanted a little sweet justice to.

After a group of kids butted in line it was in the twenties. Jenny and Danny started begging to see Santa clause. Which really surprized Dannys father but no one could deny a resonable request of a M or a IM for that matter. But Danny hanged back to let Jenny have her moment. So Jenny walked to the front of the line and stood there.

"Hey get to the end of the line penny i'm a Innocentata." Jenny showed her hands with a shocked look on her face. This can only happen is someones dreams. "A IM Wow. I never saw one."

"Wow a fellow I. I never heard of a I in Jamesville."

"We just moved here."


"I hate to interupt your little chat but isn't there someone you have to see," Santa Clause said a bit impatiently noticing how impatient the voluntaras were. None of there parents let them out of line and voluntaras aren't used to waiting. Santa Clause is supposed to be more patient though.

"GIve us five more minutes."

Jenny and the new guy moved away Santa Clause was about to take one of the voluntaras as Danny butted in line and wouldn't let him touch anyone else. Santa clause was shocked a sixteen year old Medicalos in line to see santa clause. It just doesnt' happen. And whats worse is he won't let Santa touch him.

"Can't I start doing the voluntaras yet?"

Jenny looks back at all the voluntaras. "No I reconized them from last two years they're snotty rude brats that should be over your lap not on. If you want to do the penny's I dont' mind but no one else." No one can deny a IM a resonible request, especially when a Medicalos is in the way.

But doing Pennys first wasn't right either. So everyone had to wait.

"Do you have any brothers and sister pennys?" Jenny asked.

"Yeah you?"

"Yep and our only voluntaras didn't come by my request. SO lets have some fun."

They chit chated for about five minutes before they finally got back in line. Jenny went first of course because she was the higher rank of the two of them. So finally Santa clause with a little bit of relief glad it wasn't going to be all day picked Jenny up and sat her on his lap.

"Have you been a good girl this year?"

"Of course Santa."

"Yeah I can see that. I also can see you got what you wanted for christmas last year."

"Not really. But thats a different story."

"What would you like for christmas?"

"I'd like a new medical encyclopedia set and I mean complete not like last years that was incomplete didn't even say what a blister is." My parents nodded in approval. Seems last year they were really unfair. With the lack of spanking Jenny got from her illness they bought the cheapest medical encyclopedia. They did buy one for her though. They apologized later when she was a I. So they're making up for it now.

"That you can definately get." Santa Clause said.

"I would also like a red bike with training wheels. I know i"m a bit young."

"A bit your five, why don't you wait till your older?" Santa said without even looking at Jennys parents.

"I might not make it to seven. Or worse I'll be growing up 3 months at a time."

Santa looked at Jennys parents who was nodding the hole time. "All right but you have to take saturday safety class."

"Yes Santa." Now Jenny had that evil look in her eye as she looked at the very impatient voluntaras who never had to wait for squat let alone five year old girl who normally would be a penny who'd never be first if she was a penny. "I'd like my penny sisters to come up here and take there turn now."

Santa Looked at the I for support against it but Santa Forgot that Jenny and the I talked about it already. Her parents were nodding like heck. The only people who were shaking there heads where the voluntaras who couldn't do squat about it. They were really frustrated. "All right." Santa said and you could hear the moans a mile away from all the voluntaras who deserved a lesson in humility.

"Kate June come up here." Jenny was excited. Kate went first. And after the usual spanking over his knee she requested through sniffles a couple of educational computer games and fun games.

Then Junes turn who got the usual spankings and then asked for a few games and so forth.To everyones surprize she even asked for cloths. But then she asked for nicey nice cloths.

After those two were done Jenny Kate and June watched as the newest I sat on Santa's lap.

"Whats your name?" Santa asked.

"Martin Channell."

"Have you been a good boy?"

"Yes Santa I have."

"What do you want for Christmas?"

"A gameboy. A map of the Wenderns colony. A model Train."

"Since you been a good boy I can get you that." Santa said while noticing Martins father nodding.

"And I'd like my brother and sister penny to come take there turn. But rena." (his only voluntaras sister) "to wait her turn."

"Now wait a minute."

"I can wait as long as I want. Remember a I gets as much time with Santa as he/she wants." His right Medicalos has that right so its even bigger with innocentatas.

"Alright." Santa had to give in. It would take longer to fight.

Same idea the two kids came up and got there spanking and asked for there gifts and then went to there parents.

Then Danny came up and sat on his lap. Santa was hoping it was over. But could tell from the look in his eyes that it wasn't over yet.

"Have you been a good boy?"

"Yes Santa I have."

"What would you like for christmas?"

"A spanking Sammie doll with all the attachments. Also a playstation."

"Ok." Santa said. Donnys parents can afford it.

"And I'd like my little sister to have her turn."

"Don't tell me a penny."


Donnys female voluntaras sister groaned. This was nuts. Santa took the little girl and did his usual and everything. Then finally the voluntaras were allowed to enjoy santa And Jenny and her parents went home. Of course the hole time the camera man was paid.


And now a week after christmas Jenny finally got to take this great class. And ride her brand new bike with everything any kid would want on it.

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