A pennys life for me: Weekend at Granparents house

Weekends for Jane and I were always going to be according to our parents at our grandparents (Not real grandparents actually not even our spanko parents parents just people who took the role of Our grandparents.) But to my surprize I wasn't feeling good the day I was supposed to leave. Though I wanted to stay with Mom and Dad I also didn't want to stay with mom and dad hoping Grandpa and Grandma might be better but then again.

When I was a kidern and had tummy aches and went to grandma's my real grandma she would cuddle me in a blanket and hold me tight and say everything was going to be ok. I missed those days. (Authors note based on true experences. Actually my parents didnt' believe those stomache aches were real. I got to remember when that was. That was about the start of my bad appendix.) But now I'm a penny and I have no idea what they'll do.

But I didn't say a thing to mom when she went to get me up and ready for the trip. I just got up and let mommy dress me. "You don't look good."

"I'm ok mom."

"Maybe I should get the scanner."

"No thats ok mom I'm fine."

"If your lying you'll get a spanking."

I looked at my feet but I wasn't that sick. "I'm not feeling that bad mommy."

"I guess you didn't really lie but next time tell me the entire truth young lady ok."

"Yes Mommy." Mommy got the thermometer it looked like a baby thermometer. "You said canner Mommy."

"Well since your not feeling that bad might as well go by Penny Formalities. Now just relax young lady."

"Yes mommy." Mommy pulled down the covers, pulled up my nightgown and down my panties and inserted that thermometer into my bottom. I closed my eyes and tried to relax but I felt cold. It really was cold in there I didn't understand it but it was cold. It was summer time. I held my teddy bear the entire time hoping it would be over soon. After five long agonizing minutes mommy finally took out the thermometer.

"Hummmm. Well I think your grandparents can still take care of you this weekend. Now be good ok."

"Yes mommy." Mommy carried me to my grandparents house which was only two doors away. She kept me in a blanket to keep me warm and had Jane hang behind. And when Mommy got me there grandma looked concerned and took over the carrying and put me to bed in the guest room. There were a total of two guests rooms in the house. According to Mom I would normally room up with Jane but since I was sick I got my own room this weekend and only this weekend.

Five minutes later Grandma came in with a spoon and a bottle and poored a spoonful of medicine. "Now open up." Knowing better then to argue I obeyed and swallowed good tasting medicine the kind you give to kidern voluntaras medicalos innocentatas and even Innocentata Medicalos but not a penny at least not a hard time penny according to Jane there supposed to taste awful. "We ran out of the penny formula when Jane got her illness 2 weeks ago. So were only left with this. Now get some sleep young lady."

"Yes Grama." I feel into a fitful sleep though I didn't want to go to sleep not that I wanted to play either but I wanted grandma to stay with me but I was tired and weak.

By afternoon grandma woke me up with a bowl of soup. Grandma actually fed me bite by bite keeping me tucked in as much as possible which I didn't fight. I enjoyed.

Then grandma got out the thermometer again. I held my blankets to me tight. "Now come on I need to see if your tempt broke yet."

I let go of my blankets and to my surprize grandma put me over her knee but didn't spank me just pulled up my nightgown and down my panties and inserted the thermometer and rubbed my back till the temp registered. Part of me wished she would keep me like that without a spanking of course. The back rub felt good but grandma just put me to bed and tucked me in and told me to sleep. I wish she would have at least told me my temp but I went to sleep with no problem.

After dinner which grandma finally let me eat at the table on my high chair. I only ate soup grandma didn't think it was a good idea to feed me anything solid because I might get a upset stomache and we didn't want that now did we.

And then Grandma took me to the bathroom and I figured they were going to give me a bath which was true but after fifteen minutes grandma took me out of the tub and put me over her knee and I didn't do anything wrong in the tub. And then to my surprize grandma put a tube inside me. "No no enema please grandma."

"Yes emema young lady. First because its time for your next weeks enema and second you need it when your sick. Now just relax." Grandma said.

I thought at least it wasn't a spanking enema. It wasn't intill I felt Grandma take out the tube and put a plug in and then started handspanking then I figured I was wrong. "Wahhhh. What did I do? Wahhhhh."

"You fussed about having your tempt taken." Grandma hand spanked me not to hard but not to soft for five minutes and I was sniffling and crying more because I needed to go potty then my sore bottom. Then grandma let out my plug and let me go potty and I cried harder as my sore bottom went down on the hard Procelin seat and I finally let out all my enema which made me feel a bit better but not much.

The next day it was about the same and Grandma and Grandpa decided I will just have to wait till next sunday to go to church. So I was happy to sleep while Jake(goes to Friday services) there next door neighbor voluntaras got to babysit me for the time it took for church to end and for Grandma and Grandpa to come home. I didnt' like Jake, he made me tell him when I needed to go potty and if I didn't call him I'd get a spanking for disobiedence. And if I didn't hold it till he came and takes me to the bathroom I would get a spanking and corner time. Fornately I behaved well enough to not earn any like that.

When I told Grandma about what Jake said grandma said it was just all part of being a penny and Jake had permission from them to do it.

The next day I went home but I was still not feeling good. So Mommy finally decided it was time for me to go to Dr Marcus my pediatrician many pennys pediatrician and some voluntaras to and even Jenny that I meet at Dojan. I still didn't want to go to the doctor no matter what.

I begged mommy not to take me. "Young lady if I have to spank you before we go you'll be very sorry." I quieted down but I still didn't want to go.

Mommy bundled me and took me to the Hoovercar and took me to the doctors office. It took fifteen minutes before the nurse called me in and I stayed on Mommys lap the hole time because one mommy didn't think I deserved to play with the toys because I fussed so much and two I wanted to stay with mommy anyways. I still didn't feel so good.

In the office the nurse was a male this time. After Lori became a Penny Dr. Marcus decided to hire a male nurse they are usually supposed to be more realible. I didn't like the idea of it but I guess it wasn't going to be that bad. Mommy undressed me and sat me on the examing table. I was shivering though. I guess my fever didn't break. The nurse checked my bloodpressure first and all the normal stuff. Then it was time for the thermometer. Before the nurse even got a chance to say anything I jumped off the table into mommys arms hoping she would take my tempt but instead I felt the feel of her hand spanking me.

"Ow Mommy. Yeow NO."

"Now you settle down while the nurse takes your tempt."

"Mommy can you do it?" I said between sniffles. That suprized mommy and the nurse.

"No young lady. Its the nurses job." The nurse put the thermometer in and unlike grandma mom just held me down no confort at all.

"I think I'll use the scanner to make sure the results weren't altered by that spanking. IS she alergic to scanners."

"Not that I know of." Mommy said. I shook my head no.

He scanned me and then finally took out the thermometer. "She has a pretty high fever. I'll tell the doctor."

"Thank you." When the nurse left Mommy said "Now do I have to spank you again or are you going to behave for the doctor."

"I be good mommy."

"Good because if you aren't you'll get the back of my hairbrush when I get home ok."

"Yes mommy." Mommy sat me back on the examing table. Which hurt a bit.

When the doctor came and examined me he did a throughough job and then said. "It looks like she has a bad case of the Flu. I want to get that temp down so lay on your tummy young lady."

I did as told with one glace at mommy confirming that if I don't I'll be spending the day on a sorer brushed bottom plus the shot that the doctor was already getting ready. "Now (spank) we (spank) need (spank) to (spank) spread (spank) the (spank) medicine (spank) (spank) (spank)." I cried hard even before the shot was giving. Then the doctor gave me the shot and it hurt like Heck and I felt weird.


"Be good now."

Something felt wrong I just knew it. "Mommy I don't feel good."

"The shot will help."

Mommy wasn't getting my drift. I started shaking and badly. Everything hurt. "MOmmy."

"Thats it your getting a brushing."

I started crying harder. "Wait." Dr. Marcus said. And then took out the scanner again. "Your lucky young lady. Your having a allergic reaction to the penny formula." The doctor gave me two more shots both Hyposprays. "No giving her those penny medicine. Your lucky Nadia. Be very thankful."

"Thank you doc."

"Your welcome." The doc picked me up and handed me to mommy. "Now she's ready to go home. Don't use the penny medicine of any kind she more likely will have a allergic reaction again. And inless she misbehaves I wouldn't suggest spanking her with the hairbrush today she was just feeling really sick."

"Thank you doctor." This time it was mommy thanking him. But I nodded with agreement.

"Heres her perscription and keep her in bed for the week."

"Yes doctor."

After Mommy got the prescription at the pharmacy we went home and I was put straight to bed. "I'm sorry mommy about earlier."

"Its ok. Now get some sleep."

"Yes Mommy."

The week was full of tempt takens and no play. But Mommy was more like Grandma that entire week so it was ok and the medicine wasn't bad at all. Actually considering the fact that she couldn't take the Penny formula she got it pretty good. And I was feeling better by the time I went back to Grandma's the next weekend.

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