A penny's life for me: no glasses not good

I sit quietly in my car seat with Jenny and Donny and John and kate chating away. Its amazing how many kids you could fit in a hoovercar. Margeret was driving them all home. I knew I was in trouble the minute grandma would see I don't have the right glasses on. I just put on whatever glasses I found this morning so when grandma asked if I had my Dojan glasses I said yes. I'm in deep trouble.

We went to Donny's house first and both Donny and Jenny went out the car. Seems Jenny was to spend the day with Donny and his family. Part of the reason Donny came with them in the first place. My grandparents can't drive anymore. As a matter of fact in a year or two there planning on rejuvenating. That left John Kate and I plus there mother. I wasn't really wanting to go to grandmas or home at all. But I knew I couldn't postpone the inedible. So when it was my turn to go, I hoped out and went straight to the door. Knocked and waved Jenny's mommy goodbye. A second later grandma opened the door. 'Great' I thought.

Grandma let me in and took me to my room. Well Jane and my room. Then she put me to bed. I thought Grandma didn't realize that I forgot the glasses till she came back five minutes later with my glasses. The right glasses. And a cornerstool I never seen before. That scared me. Especially when I looked at the top. It wasn't the one that Mommy and Daddy have for me when I'm naughty. No this one has a severer top. One that I heard is only bought with perscription from the corrections board. That really scared me.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself."

"No grandma. I messed up big." I did my puppy dog eyes as I said this but grandma wasn't budging and I knew it. "Where did you get that?"

"You know Maxine Richards from down the street." Maxine Richards used to be known as Max Burns. He raped and killed a kidern. Which is a reallly serious crime. She won't be a male for a long time coming. She's only in his first cycle second year. I just nod. "Well the corrections board agreed to have you punished as we see fit as long as it doesn't really damage your insides and no blisters. But this will drive the point through for sure. Now over my knee." I quietly obey as she sits on my desk chair. She took off my cloths right away. "Forgetting (SPANK) your (Crack) glasses (Smack) is (Spank) serious. (CRACK) What (SPANK) happened (SMACK) the last (SMACK CRACK) time (SMACK) you (SMACK) forgot (SMACK) them?"

"Wahhhhh. SOmeone (SMACK) sniff YEOWWWWWWW. Died." I start crying hard.

"Now (SMACK) you (CRACK) remember (SPANK) that (SMACK) while sitting on the cornerstool." With that Grandma put me down hard on the stool and I screamed out in pain. And squirming just hurt worse. And grandma restrained my ankles. My bottom was hurting really bad now. Thank goodness grandma left my hands alone so I can cry in my hands. Grandma left the room. And I just sat there crying for the next hour.

When grandma came back I was just sniffling not that it didnt' hurt still badly but because I was losing my voise from crying so loud. Grandma finally let me off my stool and I was hoping all over the place when she did. My bottom was still on fire. And grandma wasn't letting me rub. After the fifth hop Grandma diapered me and put me straight to bed still naked except the diaper and . It was time for my afternoon nap. I was hoping my punishment was over but somehow I knew I was wrong.

I still Lied to grandma. I cried myself to sleep on the bottom bunk. After the hour was up. Grandpa came in. He didnt' even take me off my bed. He just took off my diaper and spanked me. I wet my diaper. I couldn't help it. I didn't get to go potty after class. But grandpa didnt' change me he spanked me no lectures no nothing. Just pain. After five minutes of non-stop handspanking Grandpa put me in another diaper. On instinst I almost tried to stop him. But I decided against it. And was lucky I did so because Grandpa put me back on the cornerstool only I had my diaper as only protection. Not much protection but every little bit helps. Especially with this stool. Grandpa left me there with my ankles restrained and my bottom on fire. Half hour later Grandpa picked me up and took off my diaper and replanted me on my stool. Which renewed my high crying.

After Half hour Grandpa diapered me and put me in my punishment dress and took me to the kitchen. And sat me on my high chair. "Your going to get a spanking from your grandma or I every other hour till bedtime for this entire weekend." That was today and tomorrow. ANd my bedtime was about 6 pm. 5 hours away. Thats not the entire thing. Who knows when Grandma and grandpa will wake me up tomorrow. I started wishing it was my bedtime. Grandpa fed my baby bottle for lunch while Jane got to eat pizza. I figured this was just part of my punishment.

The Next spanking was a long one. But it wasn't hard. It just was the entire hour and it built the pain in my bottom. Thank goodness Grandpa just had me lay down on the floor of the family room and color on my padd. I was glad I wasn't to sit on the stool. Grandpa said I wouldn't sit on it inless I misbehaved durning my punishment weekend.

Grandma spanked me the next time and she just hand spanked me for five minutes straight. My grandparents may be old but they know how to spank and there hands don't get as sore as many do. Grandpa had a easy time doing the hour long one without a break. Grandma did get a little sore hand when she finished my five minute spanking. Then it was dinner time. They made it early so I can eat my baby formula. After dinner I was put to bed. Which suprized me. But didn't as much. I thought they put me to bed early but they woke me up a hour later.

"Time to teach you about lying." Grandpa said while getting a soap and washcloth and scrubbing it. I didn't hesitate about opening my mouth I knew i was in trouble badly and it would be worse just to resist. "Good girl." He put the washcloth in my mouth and rubbed it around. "Your lucky we ran out of Lie no more soap. It tastes a lot worse." I wouldn't know it was the first time I had soap for lying. But the soap was really bad.

When grandpa stopped scrubbing and took out the washcloth I finallhy was able to speak "rinze pleaze."

"No baby. Time for your last spanking tonight. And enema." My eyes grew.

"I thought...."

"You thought you wouldn't get spanking on Enema night till you get the enema. Well unfornately today you really did something wrong. So it has to be both. Now over grandmas knee."

I went over grandma's knee. And to my shock and suprize and pain Grandma used her helper paddle. I screamed in pain. The Spanks were all on my sit spot. I cried and squirmed and kicked as hard as I could. Till I was warn out. Then and only then did Grandma stop paddling me. Grandpa lubed my bottom and put the tube in. I was to tired to fight. I guess thats why Grandma paddled me. But the hot water made me scream. "No hot Please let cool."

"No baby I know it hurts but its part of your punishment." It hurt my tummy but grandpa wasn't letting it stop. I was crying like a new born baby when the enema finally finished doing its job. And Grandpa put in my butt plug. I cried even harder. I didn't know which I'd perfer to do rinse my mouth which still tasted awful or go potty which will hurt. "Potty pleaze."

"No baby. Five more spanks and then you can go potty."

Grandpa spanked me five times with the paddle slowly very slowly but very painfully. I cried out everything. I begged I pleaded. I was desperate. Finally Grandpa let me go potty. And I cried even harder as my bottom touched the toilet. Then he let me rinse. Then they both put me to bed. I cried myself to sleep. And I still had to go to church tomorrow. And more punishments to go.


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