A pennys life for me: Meeting Daddy and Mommy.

I frowned as the judge said. "Nadia I'm sentencing you to 10 times 3-6 for involuntary manslaughter with special days as Easter Dispora Thanksgiving Christmas and July fourth. May God have mercy on your sole."

"Thank you your honor." I could tell that surprized him. Well I always been polite. As they took me to my cell which really wasn't that bad compared to the olden days I remembered back to why I got here.


I really wasn't a bad person I just didn't know what I was doing. I got over my head and went driving after dark while very tired. I could barely see at the time. I knew I should have worn my glasses but I forgot them and I didn't want to go back. Before I knew it I hit another Hoovercar with a guy in it. I was lucky he just dropped off his kids at there grandmas house or I"d be in more trouble for involuntary manslaughter of Kidern. I didn't even run I just stayed there and called the ambulance. But he died anyways and its all my fault. So I deserve what is coming to me.


But sitting here waiting for it to happen I didn't think I was ready at all. My tummy was turning and I wasn't really hungry but then again that was just nervousness. I never even been to a Penny rated neighborhood. I never seen the use of going to it so I didn't go.

Now I'm waiting to be taken there. Being scared didn't help my nerves. Then I smelled the familar scent of the delta inducer to put me to sleep.

When I woke up I found the world a lot smaller and everything seemed blury. Then I realized my glasses were off and I couldn't see without them. I started crying.

Then a doctor came in. "Hello Nadia how are you?"

"Finz" 'did I really talk like that when I was three. "blurry."

"Oh thats ok. Your new parents will fit you with glasses tomorrow. Now I have to make sure you're alright." He scanned me with that scanner at least I hope it was a scanner. Then I went to sleep when he left.

A hour later Mommy and Daddy came and changed me into cloths and took me home. At least my new home. They put me in my new carseat that I hated but I didn't say a thing. I new any protest will just make things worse.

We drove into a two story house and mommy was the first to get out then got me out before daddy drove into the garage. I held mommys hand tight while we walked in. I still couldn't see anything except blurry visions of a house. All I could tell was the familar look of the floor as mommy put me over her knee when we got to my room. "Mommy 'spank ow' no 'crack yeow' pleaz no 'spank spank Yeowwwwww' now."

"Now SPANK you SPANK SPANK know SPANK SPANK SPANK need this." Mommy pulled down Jennys pants. "SPANK SPANK as a matter of Fact SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK you'll be SPANK SPANK SPANK needing SPANK many SPANK SPANK spankings." Mommy took my panties down. I tried to put my hand back. Mommy just grabbed my hand and took the blurry hairbrush and started spanking me on my sitspot. I was bawling. "I'm SPANK CRACK SMACK glad SPANK SPANK SPANK you SPANK SPANK CRACK did that SPANK SPANK SPANK now I can try SPANK SPANK SPANK this." Mommy stopped spanking and rubbed my back till I calmed down enough to realize she stopped spanking. Then she put my to bed on my side and I took a long nap. My sight wasn't really good when I was a 3 year old kidern so it didn't surprize me when my vision went but the surprize was the spanking. I got worse when I tried to steal a piece of gum from another kidern and Mommy spanked me by the helper paddle but it didn't make me cry as hard as I did before my new mommy used the hairbrush.

When I woke up Daddy took me over his knees and pulled my pants and panties down in one swoop and hand spanked me till I was bawling all over again. And then put me in the corner not allowing me to rub my bottom. But I did anyways. It hurt to much. It burned. Daddy didn't like that. He redeposited me over his lap and paddled me with my very own paddle then tied my hands together and sat me on a high stool. Happy it wasn't a cornerstool.

"Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh daddy. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It hurtz. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh."

"Its supposed to hurt. Next time you keep those hands on your head."

"Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Yesssss dadddy. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

After a half hour of bawling on my stool daddy let me up but didn't untie my hands. "I don't want to spank you more today. So I want you to stand in the corner for another half or it will be the paddle." I kept standing in the corner till daddy let me out. Then took me down to dinner. Where I had to sit on my high chair and eat every bite more because I was hungry.

Daddy gave me a hot bath and even had to spank me for wiggling to much. I tried to be good from then on.

It wasn't till daddy tried to put me in a diaper that I had a fit. "No daddy no."

"We SPANK don't SPANK want SPANK SPANK little SPANK SPANK accidents SPANK SPANK now do we?"

"Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. But daddy. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

"NO buts about it." Daddy powered my bottom and put on the diaper. "If you go without wetting your diaper for the next few nights we'll consider putting you in panties."

Then he put me to bed and I cried myself to sleep. And that was the end of my first day as a hard time penny.

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