A pennys life for me: A day at the mall

I woke up early the next morning because mommy woke me up early and I felt the wetness of my diaper and realized I wasn't going to be in panties at night for a long while.

Everything was still blurry it was always that way in the morning before I put on my glasses. Unfornately I had no glasses to put on. After dressing me up Mommy took me to the kitchen sat me in my high chair where I wiggled still sore from the morning before mommy started feeding me fuzzy pink food. Isn't there a old saying "Ignornance is bliss." Well they must have been in this situation once before. The food wasn't that bad but it wasn't that good either. And I was still a little sore.

Then mommy carried me to the car. "Were going to the mall today. I want you to be good." I just nodded as mommy put me in the carseat which I detest but I didn't argue with Mommy. I knew better then that.

I woundered if Mommy was going to carry me everywhere till she bought a stroller in the mall and put me in it. I woundered what would have been better the discipline zone or the stroller. Then mommy took me into a eye glass store. I haven't been to one for over a year. So even if my old glasses were the right size it still would be better off to get knew ones. Everything was still blurry. I kind of looked at something interesting but I couldn't tell what it was. "Were not here for lenses were here for glasses," Mommy said and I looked away. I didn't even know what they were.

After five minutes waiting for the eye doctor I was finally seated to get new glasses. I couldn't believe it when I did it but I threw a hissy fit when the doctor tried to poke something in my eye. I knew it was for tests on the eye but still I didn't like anything touching my eyes. Mommy wasn't happy though. She took me over her knee.


"WAHHHHHHH mommy WAHHHHHHH. I"m sorry. Wahhhhhhhhhhh."


I just bawled over mommys knee. Then while still over Mommys knee the doctor put that awful stick in my eyes and then put me back in the chair and did my eyes.

"We'll have the glasses in a hour."

"Thank you," Mommy said. "Aren't you going to thank the doctor?"


"Now you be good you hear," the doctor said to me. I just nodded.

For the next hour Mom took me to store after store to get new cloths. I couldn't even see anything mom was picking out I had to let mom pick. That of course frustrated me.

Then when we got back to the doctors office they gave me safty glasses. I didn't like it. "No thoze."

"Yes these. We don't want you breaking your glasses."

"But mommy." I started pouting.

"No buts about it inless you want it to be your butt."

I frowned but didn't say anything. I knew what mommy meant but I still didn't like the idea of wearing safety glasses. Though I could now see everything. Part of me wished I didn't have the glasses at all. That way I wouldn't be able to see anything coming.

I don't remember anything after other then I fell asleep and woke up in my bedroom. I put on my glasses so that I could see things. I saw a stool in the corner a desk a chair the chair was straight backed. The bed was the only thing that looked good. I had a few dolls though. Not many. Well of course pennys don't get that many dolls. I also noted that there was no holovision. No luxury stuff. Then I took off my glasses. I rather not be able to see it.

Then mommy called me and told me to wear my glasses. Which I did. "Since you weren't so good today. I'm going to have you sit on the cornerstool till your daddy gets home." I was seated in the corner and I automatically started crying and almost tried to beg off. "I don't want to hear a word from you. YOu can cry you can bawl but no talking no pleading or it will just get you some more spanking."

I cried for a half hour on that awful stool. And starring at the corner with glasses makes it more clear how bad I'm being punished. Daddy picked me up and put me over his knee and started handspanking before he even saw mommy. "Now what did you do young lady?"

"I did not let the doc put a thing in my eyes," I said between sniffles.

"Well thats not talerated in this house."

"Yes daddy." I asked to be put to bed early. I was to exhausted to stay up and I wasn't hungry. That surprized mommy and daddy but they put me to bed. I cried myself to sleep. The next day daddy rubbed some nanolotion on my bruised bottom and put me back into the diaper so that I don't rub. I didn't.

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