Dojan, IM, PSI New Year's Eve

I was excited. I was going to the dojan for new years. And Real mommy was coming with me. She is going to be one of the chaperons.

Other mommy came with us and when we got there mom took something out that I couldn't tell what it was and put it on my ankle. "Hey what that?"

"Calm down just to keep track of you in case something goes wrong."

"But Mommy is sorry she wouldn't do it again."

"Yeah but who knows. This can't be taken off by anyone except me."


They arrive there and pretty much everyone is there. There is a large buffet table set up with lots of good food. Melissa walks over and helps nadia with her bag. "How was your Christmas Nadia?" "Good." "That's good."

"All right everyone there is a buffet set up and everyone can eat as much as u want. One thing there will be NO privileges bye your wrists tonight. Also I would like the girls to put there stuff near the mirrors and the boys near the bags."

Everyone puts there stuff in the assigned areas and then gets some food and eats. Even Nadia gets some food and eats it all and goes back for seconds. "All right has everyone had there fill?" Everyone says yes. "All right ladies bring it out." Nadia's 2 mom's bring out a cake and some ice cream and they cut it into small pieces so there is enough for everyone. After everyone eats cake and ice cream the holovision is set up and bruce lee movies are played till everyone falls asleep. During the night the adults put a screen up in between the girls and boys.

In the morning. "All right everyone up and atom. Get dressed and there is breakfast ready for u all." They all get dressed and eat a big breakfast then they watch power ranger cartoons. Then "All right everyone move your stuff out of the way were going to have class then you will all go home. Then go and change into your toebok's." They do as told and come out and stretch and then class goes as usual and after class everyone goes home.

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