PSI PEN: Cream Warmer

When I finally got home mom sent me to the bathroom to go potty. THat kind of scared me. It means she wants me not to need to go to the bathroom for a while but how much of a choice did I have.

I went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet and realized why bathroom trips are not the best thing right after a spanking especially on a hard procelin toilet seat. I cried out but went potty anyways. Then when I was finished I went downstairs sniffling again wanting to go straight to my room to cry in bed but mom said to come right back down. I found Mommy and daddy standing next to my very own cornerstool. I just stood there. I wasn't ready to go willingly but I wasn't going to fight either. When mom came and picked me up and started for the cornerstool, "Mom pleaze not now pleaze. I just want to lay in my bed"

"Sorry hun its either now or after your spankings tonight." Did I really have much of a choice not really. At least mommy or daddy didn't spank me first. They just bared my bottom and say me on my stool secures my feet and tied my hands.

The hour was horrible. I wasn't crying any less by the end of the hour then I did at the beginning of the hour. If anything my crying increased. Those bumps just hurt so bad. :(. Especially on a judicialed paddled bottom.

The two comforting thought was I wasn't sitting on a blistered bottom. 3 year olds are still to young to be judicially blistered. And it only starts at four and that is only in judicial blisterings. Also no firebottom for me was a conforting thought. But I was still crying hard.

Then finally mom took me off the stool and took me to my room where she diapered me and put me to bed crying still. My hands where still tied.

The nice thing was mom left the window open and I could hear Seth get spanked as well. He was howling and begging off and promising to be good but between the firebottom and his moms hand spanks there was just no way around the pain. And he howled even louder as his mom put him on the cornerstool which I can only persume happened.

I managed to cry myself to sleep for a bit over a hour or so.

When I woke up daddy was standing in front of me with a a small bottle of cream in his hands. And it didn't look like nanolotion thats for sure.

"I'm sorry to say the judge ordered cream warmer."

Cream warmer. ITs barely a new product. I read about it once see this product is to new to be standard issue and its also to new to be a required reading before you rejuve for pennys I mean. But I read it on a research topic for my speech on pennys in my college days. Its designed to make a pennys bottom warm and sore throughout the week long parental hand spankings and before the nanolotion. Its only going to be used on judicial paddled bottoms not judicial blistered bottom and never to be used with firebottom of any kind it actually can kill you to combine those. So seth doesn't get this cream warmer but according to the research firebottom 1 is worse then the cream warmer. ANd it has no penny formula either so I can't argue it would kill me either. It sorta is unfair. But I guess I deserve it.

Daddy pulled down my covers and pulled down my diaper and rubbed the cream in which hurt. And I cried. But I'm not sure if it was the touch or the cream itself that hurt.

I cried till mom came back up. "TIme for lunch." I shook my head. "COme on I know your in pain but you need to eat."



"I'm not hungry."

MOm came over to me and tried to rub my back but I moved away which was hard but I did. "Come on you need to eat"

"I won't eat." MOm finally gave up and left.

~(to third person)

"Carol I need your help" not real mommy said to real mommy.

"What is it?"

"Nadia's refusing to eat. Can you get her to eat. I don't want to have to spank her to get her to eat"

"That won't work anyways. When shes upset she doesn't eat. And spanking her will just make her more upset."

"Then what do we do?"

"I don't know."

Dad came up and spanked Nadia but when it was over Nadia was just crying and didn't pay any attention to anyone. Dad decided to untie her hands but put nadia in a large comfy diaper to keep those hands from infecting her bottom.

A hour later Mom came to check on nadia nadia was no where to be found. And the first thing that went through moms mind was Nadia's real mom.

"CAROL." But when Carol came up without nadia mom realized there really was something wrong. "Nadia's missing. Computer has anyone left the house in the last two hours."

"No one left the premises."

"The computer could be wrong. But just in case go check everywhere."

A few hours later Mom Carol and Dad was in the kitchen with Rachael. THe other girls where finishing there homework and wasn't told about nadia disappearing.

"I think we should call the police." Dad said.

Just then Jeannie came in. "Rachael how come you didn't tell me you where playing hide and seak."

"What do you mean? Were not playing"

"THen how come Nadia is hiding under the bed."

"Under what bed" mom interupted fast relieved that nadia is in the house.

"nadias bed." Everyone practically runs upstairs leaving Jeannie downstairs not understanding.

~back to first

I knew the safety of under the bed wouldn't last long when Jeannie saw me but I stayed as hiden as long as possible. It felt good to be under the bed at this point. Then mom came in.

"come on out nadia. Everything's ok."

I was scared and curled in further.

"Come on baby. I promise you won't be punished for this." I crawled out slowly till the point where mom could grab me and pick me up.

Mom started rubbing my back right away. "Now whats wrong? Why where you hiding?"

I didn't say anything just sucked my thumb and curled in a ball on mom's lap. "Come on tell me"

I shook my head crying sobbing in my hands. Mom rocked me till I cried myself back to sleep on her lap.

~back to third (this is getting annoying)

Mom put nadia on the bed and covered her up. And put the inducer on to make sure Nadia doesn't go under the bed again.

When she went outside she sent Rachael in just in case.

Then mom went down to the kitchen where Carol and Dad was sitting. "How's nadia doing?" Carol asked.

"I will be gone for a little bit." Mom grabed her hoovercar keys. "Keep a eye on the girls thank you."

Mom left the house practically in a hurry and drove away at the speed limit. It was a empty highway anyways what could hurt by going only as fast as allowed.

She was careful enough not to break one traffic law though she was pretty fast. And finally arrived at the courthouse. And she went straight for the Judge that spanked nadia earlier that day.

"Hi Ms. Maris isn't it?"

"Yes Your honor. I came to talk about Nadia."

"Yes Nadia is pretty special girl. I didn't think she would ask for the judicial spanking the way she did."

"I'm not going to spank her this week."


"I dont' think she can handle anything anymore. Its my professional oppion that we stop this right now."

"Well I could order you to spank her but since this isn't official that will just do more damage then good. And I'm tempted just to let her father spank her for the rest of the week but I can tell by the records that your right about her emotional stability." He wrote something down on a piece of paper. "Take this to corrections and have it filled."

"What is it."

"Its the anedote to the cream warmer."

"Thank you."

"And another thing."

"Yes." MOm said halfway to the door.

"I hate to say this about any judge but I think the judge who did her case was a bit harsh."

"So what do we do."

"THeres a appeals court in Haressville that can take care of the case. My advice don't take nadia. If her emotional stability needs to be adressed which it does the courts will either think she was facking or to unstable to make the discussion to make a appeal."

"Thanks your honor."

"And I suggest you do more research on her case. Theres somethings that not even nadia knows that the courts should."

"Thank you." MOm left.

TO be continued.

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