Its October 25 and Melissa and her dad are out to buy her a Halloween costume. There at the mall. "All right princess do you have any idea what you want to be?" "Yes daddy a ninja." "Hmm that is good but NO weapons not even numbchucks. We do not want you losing them and a violent Penny grabbing them. OK?" "OK daddy."

They get the costume then daddy says. "We have a couple more things to get." Next they go into a clothing store. "Now u know we do not have too many clothes for u most of them are your clothes from you growing up. So lets get you some dresses and stuff." They get her a couple of dresses then daddy goes to a different area Melissa's reading is still a little slow but after a minute she figures it out. "No daddy no Punishment dress PLEASE." "Yes punishment dress and a set of these also." Daddy holds up a package of Pain-tees. "Now be good or you will go home wearing these and a red bottom to match." Melissa starts crying lightly. "Now lets go check out and if you are good I MIGHT get you a spanking Suzy doll MIGHT."

With that they walk to Paddles'R'US. "Now no arguing we ARE going to get you your very own spanking paddle and a helper paddle." "Yessir." They went over to the 6-year-old section and the sales lady gave daddy a weird look. "Sir she's a Medicoulous isn't it unusual to get her a paddle." "Special circumstances. The board of corrections ordered it." "OK well what color would you like it?" "Black. Engraved with Melissa." "OK that'll take us about an hour to do." "All right we will be back in an hour."

Next they went to the toy store. "All right ill get you a spanking suzy doll. BUT you are to behave and Santa Might put additions on it." "Daddy can I ask for one addition now?" "Depends." "Can she have the ability to speak in Korean remember I wanted to study that?" "I think that is acceptable." Melissa and her dad walk over to the clerk. "Yes I would like an M spanking suzy doll with a Korean speaking option and a hairbrush for it also for her." "No problem sir it'll be about an hour." "All right."

With that they go over to the education area. "Now I will allow you as many educational games you want." He picks up one in particular. "Including this one." It was the do right game. And then he says. "Any others you would like?" "Yes daddy how about the Korean dictionary?" "Sure." Dad grabs that they go up to the counter. "How much longer for her doll?" "A half hour sir." "All right can I pay for everything and I will come back later?" "Yessir." Daddy pays for everything and he and melissa go and get lunch.

A half-hour later they went and got the paddle and then the doll. "What do you want to name her?" "Amanda." "All right the doll is all set." With that they went to another store and Melissa got all excited. "Daddy does this mean I can have a kitty?" "Yes but take good care of her or you will lose her." "Yes daddy." Melissa picks out a black with white paws kitten. "Ill call you Mittens." They go home.

"Melissa lets set up mittens litter box and why do not you take Amanda to your room and give her a welcome home spanking." "OK daddy." "And when your done ill give you one for throwing a tantrum in the mall." "GULP yes daddy." Melissa walks in her room. And Melissa decides she will prolong this spanking as long as she can but eventually her daddy comes in.

"All right princess why do not you put Amanda down so we can discuss your behavior today." " Yes sir." Melissa walks over and puts Amanda on her corner chair. She then walks back over to her daddy and cringes when she sees that he has the nasty helper paddle and her own paddle sitting next to him. "I was going to give u a light spanking trying out both of those on you but you were so naughty you will get a full spanking." " Yessir." "Now ask me nicely." "Daddy I am sorry I was such a naughty girl. Can you give me a good spanking with the 2 paddles on my bare bottom." "Good girl you are learning fast."

With that he picked her up and started spanking her with moderate spanks over her dress. After a minute he pulls her dress up and starts spanking her panties and starts lecturing. "SPANK YOU SPANK WILL SPANK NOT SPANK THROW SPANK FITS SPANK SPANK OR SPANK TELL SPANK ME SPANK WHAT SPANK TO SPANK DO SPANK SPANK SPANK." He continues for another minute and then pulls her panties down and picks up her paddle he gives her 20 hard spanks with it puts it down and picks up the mother's helper and gives her another 20. Meanwhile Melissa is balling and crying as hard as she can she cant believe how much it hurts. When he is done he turns her over and cuddles her till she calms down.

"Now are you gonna be my good girl from now on?" "Yes daddy. I sorry." After he cuddles her for a few minutes he removes the rest of her clothing and puts her down for a nap.

Note to all penny parents in the neighborhood from Mr. Nathaniel:
Dear parents:
I hope all of u read my letter I sent about a month ago. I wanted to pass a very important piece of information. We have found that Melissa is allergic to Penny formula. I wanted all of u to know this considering Halloween is coming up. Please do NOT give her penny candy it will make her very sick and could possible kill her.
John Nathaniel

With that John sent it out to all the parents.

3 days later its Halloween. Her aunt sue and cousin Keri are over and Keri is gonna go around with them. Jenny, John, June, and Kate would be joining them. Jenny again was dressed as Klinger as Scarlet Ohara. June was a mouse, John is a frog, and Kate was a turtle They all finished getting dressed. Melissa looks cute in all black but daddy decided to paint her face instead of a mask better visibility. And Keri is a cat she looks a lot like mittens. They are all ready to go but daddy stops her for one second. "All right everyone I will be right behind you so be good." "OK daddy." "OK uncle John." "OK Mr. Nathaniel." "Ahh daddy. There might be a problem." Daddy looks outside and sees a couple camera crews out there. "Ahh great hold on." Dad goes over to the caller and gets ahold jenny's mom. "Alright kids jenny your mom will take u around." "Ok"

They all go around and get lots of the good stuff and some credits ta bot. June and Kate love it nothing bad for them all good. When they get to Jenny's house Jenny, John, June, and Kate say goodbye and the girls go home.

When Melissa and Keri get back to Melissa's house they are confronted bye a moving truck and run inside. "DADDY what is going on?" "Do not yell young lady your aunt and I are getting a mutual arrangement and Keri and her are moving in with us." The girls look at each other and jump up and down and hug each other. "YEAH."

"Girls." They both turn brick red they know that tone and know what it COULD mean for there bottoms. "Do u 2 need a spanking?" "Sorry daddy." "Sorry un...Daddy" "Your right Keri I am your dad now and Melissa your aunt sue is your mom now. And u 2 will be sharing a room and we will be having another addition shortly after the 4th of July. June will be moving in as a SP." "YEAH." "Now its time for your baths then bed."

With that daddy walked them both upstairs and stripped them. Keri was a little embarrassed being stripped bye her new daddy but Melissa was used to it. "Into the tub u 2." And they did just that. After there baths daddy dressed them in Pj's and escorted them to there room where mommy was wanting with her hairbrush. Keri shuddered at the sight of it. "Now girls tonight I will give Keri a welcome home spanking and Melissa your new mommy will give u one." I know this might be unusual but remember Melissa is being treated like a juvenile penititas. And Keri asked for great amounts of encouragement.

Both girls went over to there newest parent and were promptly deposited over and had there PJ pants and underwear pulled down. They were both spanked until they were crying freely. And then they were put to bed on there tummies. "Goodnight girls." And the girls cried themselves to sleep.

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