From Mr. Nathaniel to all parents of ASSVILE,

Hello my name is John and my daughter/ex-wife and I will be moving to assville. I thought id send a warning ahead of time about my daughter.

She is a 6-year-old Medicalos. She was rejuvied to 6 because as a Kindern she almost became a Juvinile Penititas a couple of times but because she grew up on one of the outer colonies it was felt to be more of a hassle then a help. So when she was injured and need rejuvination it was decided to turn her into a 6-year-old to grow up again under stricter guidance. I have sent a similar letter to the school explaining this. In all intense of purposes melissa will be treated like a Soft-time penny not a Medicalos in many aspects. If she does something to warrant a Soft-time penny being punished and not a Medicalos either punish her in private or inform me please. She will also be taking a special Moral and Ethical behavior class the Friday class that they are begging for repeat offenders on friday's at school to make sure she learns wrong from right. If she behaves herself she will be allowed to grow up past 12. If she is moderatly bad enough, enough to cause an extra cycle of hard-time or sof-time past the normal point, she will be rejuvied back to 12 as a soft-timer. If she is extremly naughty during the 6 years she may find herself doing a cycle or 2 of hard-time then soft time. If either of those last 2 happen she will lose the star until she turns 12 and becomes an Medicalos instead of a Completicus. If u have any questions please contact myself or the corrections board.
Mr. Nathaniel.

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