A Chance at a New Life - A Penny Starts Over

Part 7 - Back Home

'All the way home.' "WHHHAAAAAAA, Momma, I sowy, WHAA, I knowd I wath bad YYYEEEEIIIII."

"Let's go young lady." Annie's mommy got behind Annie and picked up the switch. Each step Annie took, her mommy prodded with a smack from the switch.

Annie was immensely grateful that home was only four houses from the park. Annie sobbed with great heart rending sobs, promising to be a good penny and not lie any more.

As they got to the front stoop, Annie caught sight of two little children, a boy and girl, heading toward the park. Just then, Mommy landed a zinger across Annie's upper thighs.

Mommy didn't even stop when they got to the door. "Door Open, Authorization: Gwen-Alpha-One-Psi-Four-Delta"

However, once they were inside Mommy stopped and put the switch down. "I bet your bottom is all sore and stingey. You are going to get a few minutes off, while we deal with your lying." Mommy took Annie by the arm and walked her into the bathroom, then she set Annie down on the toilet lid.

"YOWL!! Momma, no sit, panked too much, YOWL. No SWOPE. I not mean to lie. WHAHHHH!" Annie's mommy paid no attention to her crying charge as she got the Penitatas brand Lie-No-More Soap out of the medicine chest. Lie-No- More Soap looks and acts like normal soap, except for one thing...it was designed to help bad pennys learn not to lie. Its suds lingered in the mouth, foamy and bubbly until it is spit out. The taste is especially bitter and foul, and its taste stays in the mouth for four to six hours after use. The taste increased in noxiousness when it was mixed with saliva and water.

Mommy took an oversized toothbrush out of the medicne cabinet. She put it under warm water and then rubbed it vigerously accorss the face of the soap until suds were everywhere. "Open your mouth."

Annie frantically shook her head and clamped her mouth shut.

Before Annie knew what was happening, Mommy had her across her knees and was apply broad strokes of the bath brush across Annie's crimson bottom cheeks. After ten hard swats per cheek, Mommy set Annie back on the toilet lid.

Annie opened her mouth to yelp as she was set down hard on the toilet seat. Mommy took advantage of the open mouth to stick the toothbrush into Annie's mouth. Mommy followed the directions for maximum repulsion. She reapplied thick creamy suds every time the brush made a path across Annie's mouth. By the time Mommy had finished, Annie looked like she had a mouth full of shaving cream.

"Spwit, pleath, spwit. YEAAAHHHHAAAA."

"You have two choices, five minutes sitting on the toilet with the soap in your mouth or ten minutes over my lap with the bathbrush."

Since her bottom had the fires of hades burning on it, Annie decided to wait with the soap.

After the five minutes were up, Mommy let Annie spit out all the suds she could and even let her rinse her mouth out. "YECHT. Momma I sowy. It tasts bad. WAHAAAHHHAA."


Annie was deeply regretting her actions in the park while she contemplated her future.

The CornerStool bit into Annie's bottom unmercifully as the minutes until dinner ticked by. She could hear Mommy and Daddy talking behind her. Then all she could hear was the rattling of dishes in the kitchen.

Dinner was awful, Mommy fixed Annie the foods she hated most - steamed brussel sprouts, stewed okra, and liver, while Mommy and Daddy had spaghetti with meatballs, salad, and garlic bread. The taste of the soap lingered through dinner making a bad thing worse.

After dinner, she was put back on the CornerStool while Daddy helped with the dishes.


Daddy ran a tub of hot water. He took off Annie's top, shoes and socks. Annie yowled as the hot water met the seemingly raw skin of her bottom.

Daddy ensured that Annie was clean all over. Annie was amazed how dirt seemed to gravitate to her 4 year old body. "WHHAAA, Daddaaaa, not so hawd on my pow lil bottm."

Daddy paid particular attention to Annie's bottom, washing it with the special Bottom-up(tm) washcloth. The coarse terrycloth abraded Annie's bottom unmercifully.

After Annie was clean to Daddy's satisfaction, he lifted her out of the tub and dried off everything except Annie's bottom.

He intended to spank it dry. He carried her to her room and took the chair and put in the middle of the floor. "You've been well spanked by your mommy, but I need to reinforce that poor citizenship will not be tolerated." He took the Helper Paddle and began to paint red stripes over the already red bottom. It only took a few minutes for Annie's bottom to be hot and dry. He held Annie and rubbed her back while she let loose the torrent of tears. He rubbed for several minutes until she calmed down.

Mommy had been waiting until Daddy had finished. She put Annie into a pair of sleeper pajamas and held the exhausted little girl on her lap as Annie's cries died to an occasional sniffle and hiccough.

"Annie, its all over now. Are you ever going to push in front of another Penny again?"

Annie responded with vigorous head nodding, while she kept a thumb in her mouth.

"Are you ever going to lie to get out of trouble again?."

"No mommy. I sowy, vewy sowy."

"I know baby, let's just sit here and rock until you fall asleep."

Despite the pain she felt, Annie was soothed into sleep on her mommy's lap.


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