A Chance at a New Life - A Penny Starts Over
Part 8 - Homecoming (Rejuve, F/f, hand, paddle)

"Get up you sleepyhead." Sang Mommy, very cheerfully.

Annie woke up. And made a bee-line for the bathroom. While taking care of the immediate necessities, mommy called to her, "Annie, I need you to come back in here before we get you ready for the day."

Annie knew what that meant. She had been a good girl, well as good a little girl a hard-time Penitatas could be. She got the daily reminder spankings and only three or four earned spankings a week. As a hard-time Penitatas, she could expect at least three earned spankings a week because Pennys could not misbehave at all.

"Since we will be getting home late, we need to get your daily spanking over with now."

Annie finished on the toilet, washed her hands; it had taken several very painful lessons on good basic hygiene to get the hand washing through to a four year old Annie. She walked downcast to her bedroom. Mommy had made the bed while Annie was busy. Usually Annie made her own bed, as it was a good lesson in responsibility for the little girl. Since the bed was made, Mommy was sitting in the straight- backed chair, with the helper paddle in her hand.

Annie took one look and tears started to form. She knew that they had a long trip and she would have to sit on a very sore bottom. But Annie had learned that cooperation sometimes made the spanking easier, not often but occasionally.

Mommy lifted Annie over her lap and pulled down the bottoms to her Fairy Jenny pajamas. She left them so that they formed a nice pink line midway down Annie's thighs. Mommy started to spank with her hand.

"Little Girls who Drink and Drive get their little tushies spanked over and over while they learn to be good citizens "

Annie knew that Mommy was right and that she deserved every burning spank, but it HURT. Mommy had a very hard hand, and since she had been a Penitatas, herself, she really knew how to lay on the spanks. After the thirty with her hand, Mommy stopped and rubbed Annie's back. Annie hoped that the helper paddle had just been "in case" she hadn't cooperated.

As she soothed Annie's beleaguered hiney, Mommy told her what a good Penny she was to take her spankings like a brave girl. And how proud she was that Annie was learning to be a good citizen.

Sniffle, snuffle, sniff, "does this mean you aren't going to use the paddle on me?" Annie asked hopefully.

"No dear, you are going to get a good lesson this morning, since we are going to have a busy day. But since you came right to me, I am only going to use the helper paddle not your teak hairbrush. You are going to get another 35 with the paddle."


Mommy started with a quick five to the soft under curve of Annie's bottom, just above where the bottom met the thighs then she gave her five more, at the junction of the bottom and the thighs, and five more just below that. Then going back to the starting point, she laid an additional five on top of the first five, with . Then five more just above that, ensuring that the entire sitting surface was well spanked and crimson red. The last ten were laid on just overlapping each other, from the crown of her rump to the base of her butt. Mommy didn't lecture, as she knew this painful of a spanking would cause Annie to be unable to concentrate on anything except the burning fire in her bottom.

Annie didn't even try to kick after the first ten, it just hurt too bad. 'Why in the Hell didn't I call a Taxi when I had the chance?' This litany ran through Annie's head quite frequently during the many parental lap trips.

Mommy set Annie on her feet and let the little girl do the spanked girl dance. "No rubbing!" After a few hops, Mommy caught her little girl in mid-bound and carried her into the bathroom.

She gave Annie a sponge bath, after all, how dirty could a little girl get overnight when she got a bath before bed. Then she carried the still sniffling girl into the bedroom and dressed her. Annie was in a little girl sundress, that just came below her bottom, anyone could see that she had been well spanked this morning. At least Mommy had put her into a pair of regular panties.


Annie yelped when her bottom came in contact with the Child Restraint Seat, but didn't fight the restraints.

"Annie, I brought your Level 2 PainTies with me, just in case you don't behave on the trip."

"I behafe Momma. I be a gwood griwl." 'I've gotta do something about this lisp' Annie thought unhappily. "Wher we goin'?"

"We are going to Camp Grayson, in Grayson City. I know you have been wondering about 'Sam's Room' Well we are on our way to pick up Sami now."

'Sami, at least it's a girl. Not a yechy boy.' Annie's opinion of the opposite sex was colored by the fact that the other little girl Pennys told her that older brothers had cooties!

Annie dozed during the trip. That was one of the problems with being 4 again, she slept at the drop of a hat. And, true, a good spanking, really tired her out. She slept most of the way there


"Mom, Dad, you're here." Came the sing song voice of a young teen."

Annie opened her eyes and saw a girl who looked about 8 hugging her parents. Daddy lifted Annie out of her seat and set her on the ground.

"You must be Annie. Mom and Dad have told me all about you. I can't believe you drove a hovercar while you were drunk. That was sooo stupid, but I guess you are paying the price now."

While Samantha talked, non-stop, Annie looked at her sister. She appeared 8, but looking at her hands, she saw the silver 'C's' of a Completas. So Sami was probably 12 or older. The Fujikawa treatment slowed down maturity and made kids look younger than they are.

"I was a Penny too, Bruce and Gwen are great parents. I had five sets before them, and they are the greatest. I'm so excited about having a sister. I haven't had a sister in any of my Rejuves, and I was the only girl in a house full of boys. I guess I'm talking too much, huh. Mom says that I can rattle off like an auctioneer at times.

Annie agreed wholeheartedly with that observation. Sami could talk a mile a minute. She felt ill, and was NOT looking forward to Sami's talking all the way home.


The end-of-camp awards were given out, Sami got the most outgoing. Then the cabins all performed skits of camp life. After that, everyone sat down to a picnic lunch.

Annie didn't feel like eating; in fact she didn't feel like doing much of anything except going to sleep as soon as they got in the car. But she managed to eat half her hot dog and a few chips, as well as drinking a glass of lemonade.

Sami said her good-byes to her camp friends and promised to write them all while Daddy put her suitcase and backpack in the trunk.

After the required bathroom stop, the family got in the car to head home. As they drove off, Annie debated the merits of that glass of lemonade. She just didn't feel 'right', not bad, just not 'right.' Despite the growing feelings of illness, Annie was asleep before they had cleared the city limits. She had even managed to ignore Sami's prattle about the marvels of camp as a Completas.


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