Title: Bleed me dry
Author: reen
E-mail: [email protected]
Archive: Soldier of Death
Pairing: 2x1
Rated: NC-17

WARNING: This part contains a 2x1 non-consensual lemon scene. In other words graphic SEX.

".." speech
//......// flashback


Bleed me dry
by reen



The vampire forced a painful kiss upon Heero's lips and then roughly turned the Japanese boy over onto his stomach. Heero's hands were seized and put over his head.

"Keep them there." It was a command given in an alluring voice. One Heero didn't intend to follow. But to his surprise he found out he couldn't move them even an inch. Heero screamed and trashed the rest of his body trying to free his wrists. He heard an amused laugh behind him and sent his leg in that direction. It met thin air. On his hands and knees, he tried to break his hands free even when he could see and feel there was nothing to keep them there.

"What an inviting position, Hee-chan. Who would have thought you would be so creative."

Heero's eyes widened in alarm and he stilled looking around as far as he could. He yelped when his hips where grabbed and immobilized. He felt something hard press against the crack of his ass.

"Let go! Don't you dare...!" Heero whispered harshly. "Don't touch me..."

"Don't dare what Heero? This..." The Japanese boy felt a moist finger trail the underside of his cock right to his anus. He shivered. "..Or this...?" The finger delved deep inside in one quick push and Heero screamed again.

"No, don't..!!"

The shorthaired boy hid his face in his immobile forearms feeling humiliated. He didn't care that it served to expose his body even more. He just wanted the touch to go away. Never before had he felt as anxious of his body as at this moment. Not before the scientist, not before Dr. J. Not even Relena made him feel this much shame over his nakedness. Why was it different now? Because no one had ever tried to do the things, this stranger was doing right now? Heero bit his lips to stop himself from crying out as he felt fingers stretching that place. There were more now, thrusting in and out, moving around, stretching...? He didn't want to think about the 'why' part. He though he heard the man say something but he couldn't hear anything over the roar of blood in his ears.

//Stop it!! Stopit! Stopitstopitstopitstopit!!//

His head jerked up violently when the digits buried in him brushed over something that made his body sing in pleasure. Ruthlessly that spot was used to turn his body against him and he had to bit his lips to stop himself from screaming. He wouldn't give the man the satisfaction... not anymore.

Heero's entire body tensed painfully when he felt a wide hard cock push into him in one quick thrust. He was used mercilessly, his hips pushed back and fort by the strong hands. Fingers were digging painfully into his skin and surprisingly it hurt more than the powerful thrusts of the other's erection. But it didn't matter. His body was violated and the only thing he wanted was to forget. Forget this humiliation and the encounter weeks ago, too.

The hot cum splash Heero's insides and he felt relieved. He would be left alone shortly. He didn't care, death or alive... Just alone.

But it didn't happen. Instead, he was turned on his back and his limp erection grabbed forcefully. He yelped and tried to squirm away. But the invisible bonds held.

"Not until you are satisfied Heero...." The vampire whispered and parting Heero's legs he pushed his still hard shaft into Heero's anus. "Not till I'm satisfied.

It's not over yet..."

Heero was spooned against the other his hands still bound and the hard pulsating flesh still deep inside him. He wanted to cry. He was drained. Would this torture never end?

Shinigami was nibbling at his neck and ear and Heero tensed expecting another stinging bite. It never came. And suddenly the bonds holding his hands were gone and Heero realized he was free. Immediately he tried to fight against the other's touch even if it meant hurting himself in the process but... Death's next words stopped him.

"Touch yourself, Hee-chan."

They were cold and commanding despite the endearment. The tone electrified Heero into immediate action. Before he could think his hand were drifting down his body. Heero's hesitant fingers encircled his own unsatisfied member. His breath hitched and he arched back letting the firm cock in his ass spear him wider. He groaned and closed his eyes focusing on this odd new feeling.

His leg was being pulled over the vampire's hip and Heero felt the thrusts speed up. His hand played with his rapidly growing erection and it matched the other man's rhythm perfectly. As hard, as he tried Heero couldn't make it stop.

And part of him didn't care. It wasn't painful and he was sure there was an end to this torment. He would just have to wait and endure this for now.

But he didn't anticipate the rapidly growing excitement that started to rise in his body. His neck was kissed, his chest caressed and his cock... //Oh, God.//

He couldn't believe it was capable of bringing him so much pleasure. Small shivers started to run across his body, originating from between his legs. Suddenly he couldn't decide what was better: the grip he had on his erection or the steady pounding into his ass.

And it was getting more feral with every minute. Kisses turned into slow bites, some painful enough to send cold shivers down his spine, some just enough to draw his attention; the fingers on his chest where alternatively twisting his hard nipples and raking the short nails over his skin, and the thrusts were getting harder, more rapid. Heero was breathing heavily, head thrown back, eyes clenched as he fought against the waves of pleasure that assaulted his senses. Why was he feeling it now? Why wasn't it like that the first time the man dominated him? Why now? He still refused to give in to the screams that wanted to tore from his throat. But he was aware of his loud moaning. Harsh sounds were escaping his clenched teeth with every forceful push.

"Give it to yourself Heero..."

Strangled words broke the fog in Heero's mind and his hand complied immediately, squeezing his stiff shaft harder. It oozed a little coating his fingers with a sticky substance and he did it again fascinated by the feeling. "Harder!!" the other was groaning loudly. "Harder, Heero!!! Give it to me!"

Suddenly Heero was hurled up over the man's lap, facing him. The tick member sunk into him easily and for a second he stilled fighting off the shock of such deep penetration.


A slap on his ass brought him back to reality and he looked blurrily at the face hidden in shadows. A pair of glowing purple eyes stared back at him.

"Ride me."

The voice was oddly persuasive and again Heero wasn't able to contradict. He started moving up and down still touching himself. His other hand was captured in a tight grip that served to keep him steady.

And still he couldn't see the face. It was buried in his chest and this time he knew what to expect. When the bite came, he wasn't even surprised.

And this time it wasn't painful at all.

And this time it was the last straw...

When the insatiable lips latched themselves on his nipple, Heero exploded. Ecstasy burned at his nerves endings and he opened his mouth to scream but no sound came out. His wide opened eyes stared at the ceiling and yet he was blind to anything that happened around him. He just savored the feeling of utter elation. His breathing stopped for a moment. And in this silence the sound of his pounding heart and hum of the sucked away blood were deafening.

And when it was over Heero could care less that he was put on his back and fucked ruthlessly till the dark creature found his release. He didn't resist even when hot greedy tongue attached itself to his flaccid cock to lick away the proof of his orgasm. He was to far gone to care.

Exhausted Heero fell asleep.

He swam in a comfortable darkness, content and relaxed. He had never felt like this, no one had ever told him, shown him it could be like this, that his body was capable of creating such reaction. Even forced it was the most incredible thing in his life.

He sighed and snuggled into the still warm pillow. His hand wandered under and he felt a cold barrel of his gun. The contrast between his warm skin and the cool metal snapped from a contended illusion. He came to horrified.

//What have I done?!//

Yanking the gun from under the pillow, he pointed it straight at the braided man standing still at the feet of his bed, fully clothed. The darkness didn't hide him anymore and Heero could clearly see the outlined of his body and the face. They eyes locked. Despite the gun, the vampire stood calmly his eyes never leaving Heero's. There was no surprise there and no fear and Heero realized the other had known about the gun under the pillow all this time. And he didn't care. It made Heero wonder if it the legends were true and only the sun and a wooden stake could kill a creature like the one that had spent the night claiming Heero's body.

Heero's hands started to shake violently at the memories. He tried to pull the trigger and discovered he just couldn't do it. Despite the humiliation and anger, he couldn't kill the one that made his body sing with pleasure. That had touched him and didn't inflict pain. In his whole life, only Relena had done that.

Heero lowered the gun.

"Get out."

When the other still stood there unmoving Heero screamed "Get the fuck out of here!!" The Japanese boy curled upon the disheveled bed clutching the cold metal to his chest "... and never come back." he added quietly.

After a while, he felt he was alone. The dark presence was gone. Only then, he allowed himself to give in to the silent tears. Even now alone in his apartment Heero refused to let a louder sound escape his lips. He refused to acknowledge he was sobbing brokenly. He lulled himself to sleep exhausted and still alone.

The next day he had no memory of the dark angel that had stolen his soul.


[ part .4. ]


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