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The War Map


:Defensive Ships:
For every map owned your army gets a Definsive ship. Your army will recieve 2 Definsive ships for Owning Coagulation, Containment, Beaver Creek, or Sanctuary .

A Definsive ship blocks any enemy ship from passing there location. The Attacks Ship is a second way of attacking in the war.

:Attack Ship:
If a attack ship is placed next to a enemys location then you can attack that map as well each sunday. Which Means your army may attack twice at the end of theweek.
Attacks ships will also be able to take on each other and those battles will be fought on Elongation. Which ever Army Loses will have to wait 3 weeks for a new Attack ship.
:Moving The Ships:
Attack and Definsive ships can only move on open spaces.
Every 5 days each Definsive Ship can move 2 spaces only.
A Attack Ship can move only 2 spaces as well.

Now if you Read all that here is the link to The War Map...
There is 2 different war maps to veiw.. one has The Directions your army's General can Attack , the other shows The War map with out directions.

The Fleet Admiral is In charge of your armys ships on this map through out the war. They will be required to submit their move every 5 days to [email protected] .

Use Text to move ships Example: D-ShipA1 3 Northwest D-ShipC1 South 1, East 2.. and so forth

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