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RedVSBlueWars WarMapGame V1.0

WarMapGame V1.0

-Starting Off-

Before i say anything let me say this Controls to play = Commands... Alright once your on a army you will begin on the war map in your main fort as a villager.
and may the learning begin
This Is the RedVSBlueWars WarMapGame V1.0 all players in a army can participate with this warmap through out a war. Battles will be fought for control of the halo maps on the WarMap each week.
Players will be able to choose a number between 1-500 that isnt taken on your army and that will be your identification when on the war map so you always know where your unit is. Your number will only be visible when a military unit on the field.
In order to Participate you will need to join the forums and join a army. once on a army you will find all the information needed to start your Turns on the warmap.
The War Maps Tiles will be A,b,c,d, etc. Down and 1,2,3,4,etc. across Starting with top left being A-1 bottom left being Q-17 the letter and numbers listed in the war info are just examples


GoldMines is how to obtain gold for units/upgrades. Once a Villager assigns himself to a goldmine 25 gold is generated each turn used mining.
StoneMines is how to obtian Stone for Buildings. Once a Villager assigns himself to a stonemine 25 stone is generated each turn used mining.
(10) villagers per Mine site Resources are Infinite

Villagers are your way of getting resources to build up for your struggle for victory.
Any Player in a Army can become a villager and every player should at the start of a war. So your General can buy troops/tanks/buildings and if certian upgrades are achieved they will enable all players to switch to a infantry unit on the map with no cost of gold to your army.

Villagers cannot be attacked and can get resources any where on the map. Villagers can move 2 spaces a turn. Although your Villager will may not be present on the war map when moving once you reach your resouce sight there will be a dot to represent your villager it will be the color of your army. Also that way you can see how many people are already located there.


Base/Fort - This building can be used to garrison (10) infantry until upgraded then (20) and like a bunker infantry can assign autoshoot Fort = +20 attack for Infantry.Also can be used for the teleport on it.This is one of your strongest buildings in the war and enables upgrades for your defenses. Units can pass through this tile if space to move onto the tile otherwise unit must go around.
Infantry Bunker - The frontline would be better defended with your units secure in a bunker. Infantry garrisoned recieves +5 Attack Points. a Starting Infantry bunker can only hold 5 infantry until it has been upgraded then (10). Units can pass through this tile if space avialable to move onto the tile otherwise must go around. Can be used like a Gate 4 Walls.
Wall - Your main Defense to stop the enemy will be walls, this building can be upgraded for more HP.
Barracks - Around a Barracks will be where youl start if you start rocket training, or gun training. Your General must buy these units before you can become them unless the barracks upgrade has been bought for all players to freely become a infantry unit. OtherWise the G.Infantry and R.Infantry units avialable will be known and its first come first serve to who gets them. If none avialable youl have to wait till your general buys more Infantry to become one.
Tank Factory - Tanks created will roll off the line here. Tanks avialable for war will be veiwable
Aid Tent - This tent will be able to garrison 4 infantry and heal infantry units 25 HP a turn spent garrisoned in one. Units can pass through this tile freely if its your armys tent .
Aid Bay - This Bay will be able to garrison 3 tanks and heal Tanks +25 HP a Turn. Units cant pass through this buildings tiles unless a tank and your armys bay.

-War Units-

all these units can move 1 space a turn & attacking uses only 1 turn
Gun Infantry - Your Basic gun infantry will be best agianst all Infantry. +5 attack vs infantry
Rocket Infantry - Rocket infantry are best agianst Bunkers / Tanks on the battlefield. + 20 attack vs Bunkers / Tanks
Tank - Strong agianst All units/buildings but vulnerable when alone on the field.
Attack Tank - Commanded by your Tank Brigadier this will be your second way of attacking another map at the battles fought on the halo game. Can only attack Walls/Units/Bunkers/Forts no other buildings.

Unit/Building Attributes

HP = hit points , AP = Attack Points
Base/Fort - 1,000HP / +10 attack for infantry garrisoned / (10) InfantryGarrison Limit
Infantry Bunker 400HP / +5 attack for infantry garrisoned / (5) InfantryGarrison Limit
Wall - 750HP /
Barracks - 350HP / enables FreeInfantry Upgrade / Upgrade R.Infantry AP / Upgrade G.Infantry AP
Tank Factory - 400HP / enables Tank AP Upgrade
Aid Tent - 300HP / (4) InfantryGarrison Limit /
Aid Bay - 400HP / (3) TankGarrison Limit /
Gun Infantry - 230HP / 15AP +5 attack vs infantry units
Rocket Infantry - 230HP / 20AP + 20 attack vs Bunkers & Tanks
Tank - 310HP / 50AP
Attack Tank - 500HP / 75AP

-After Upgrades-

Base/Fort - 2,000HP / +20 attack for infantry garrisoned / (20) InfantryGarrison Limit
Infantry Bunker 550HP / +10 attack for infantry garrisoned / (10) InfantryGarrison Limit
Wall - 1,000HP /
Barracks - 450HP /
Tank Factory - 500HP /
Aid Tent - 400HP (8) InfantryGarrison Limit
Aid Bay - 500HP (5) TankGarrison Limit
Gun Infantry - 230HP / 20AP +10 attack vs infantry units
Rocket Infantry - 230HP / 25AP + 25 attack vs Bunkers & Tanks
Tank - 250 HP / 75AP
Attack Tank - 500HP / 100AP

Unit / Building / Technology Cost

g = gold , s = stone
G25 - G.Infantry
G25 - R.Infantry
G200 - Tank

S150 - Wall
S150 - AidBay
S75 - AidTent
S1500 - Fort/Base
S150 - Barracks
S350 - Tank Factory

Technologies / Buildings needed for Tech

All Tech Cost Gold
Barracks Techs Avialable once 1 Built.
FreeInfantry Upgrade - 200G Enlist Draft Tech will allow all new recruits to your army a chance to start as a infantry unit.
Upgrade R.Infantry AP - 500G Locking System Technology will allow your R. Infantry more AP.
Upgrade G.Infantry AP - 500G Battle Rifle Technology allows G.Infantry more AP .
Fortified Barracks Upgrade - 150G A Fortified barracks recieves more HP.

Tank Factory Techs Avialable once 1 Built.
Fortified TankFactory - 150G A Fortified TankFactory recieves more HP.
Tank AP Upgrade - 750G All Tanks upgraded to allow Tanks more AP.
Attack Tank Upgrade - 750G AttackTank upgraded to allow more AP.

Aid Techs Avialable once 1 Built
Aid Tent Upgrade / AidTent - 250G Improves AidTents HP / Garrison Limit to 8
Aid Bay Upgrade / AidBay - 500G Improves AidBay HP / Garrison Limit to 5

Fort/Base Techs Avialable with 1 Built.
StoneWall Upgrade - 550G StoneWalls enable More HP for your Walls .
Bunker Upgrade - 1,250G BunkerUpgrade makes all your bunkers have More HP / AP / Garrison Limit .
Fort/Base Upgrade - 1,250G Fort/Base Upgrade will allow your Fort more HP / AP / Garrison Limit.

All Commands

Villager Commands are as follow
Move To B-12 GoldMine/Field/StoneMine 1 turn
Begin Mining Gold 1 turn
or begin mining gold for next (X) turns
Begin Mining Stone 1 turn
Start R.Infantry Training 1 turn will start at barracks
Start G.Infantry Training 1 turn will start at barracks
Start Tank Training 1 turn will start at tank Factory
Use Teleport 1 turn

Infantry Commands are as follow
Move To B-12 1 turn
Attack unit/building at G-14 1 turn (must be adjacent to Attack)
or attack unit/building at I-2 for (X) turns
Start R.Infantry Training 1 turn will start at Barracks
Start G.Infantry Training 1 turn will start at Barracks
Start Tank Training 1 turn will start at tank Factory
Use Teleport K-11 1 turn
Garisson Bunker H-6 / Fort 1 Turn

Tank Commands are as follow
Move To B-12 1 turn
Attack unit/building tile G-14 1 turn (must be adjacent to Attack)
or attack unit/building for (X) turns
Start R.Infantry Training 1 turn will start at barracks
Start G.Infantry Training 1 turn will start at barracks

General Commands are as follow
make sure you have the right amount of gold/stone before sumbiting turn on buildings/units or will receive a not enough resources message / lost turn . Build (Building at) B-12 1 turn
Research (Name of Tech) 1 Turn
Attack unit/building at tile G-14 1 turn (must be adjacent to Attack) or attack unit/building for (X) turns.
Start R.Infantry Training 1 turn will start at barracks
Start G.Infantry Training 1 turn will start at barracks
Start Tank Training 1 turn will start at tank Factory
Use Teleport 1 turn
Garisson Bunker / Fort 1 Turn

Most Amount of Buildings / Units a Army can have

G.Infantry -infnite-
R.Infantry -infnite-
Tank -infnite-

Wall -infnite-
Infantry Bunker ( 5 )
AidBay ( 1 )
AidTent ( 2 )
Fort/Base ( 2 )
Barracks ( 2 )
Tank Factory ( 2 )

Where a General Can Build

Generals on each army will have a side which is no different from the enemys at start, the teleport endings in the center show the center line going across the warmap which you cant build on the other side of this line. Also buildings with no garrison cannot be passed through so make sure there is always a path for your army to attack the enemy.

A WarMapGame Example

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