Bondmaid Behavior

I saw people running down the sloping green land, toward the water. Several came from within the palisade. Among them, white kirtled, collared, excited, ran bond-maids. These, upon the arrival of their master, are permitted to greet him. The men of the north enjoy the bright eyes, the leaping bodies, the squealing, the greetings of their bond-maids.
Marauders of Gor p 82

Thyri, and other bond-maids, leaped and clapped their hands. How alive and vital they seemed! Their hair was loose, in the fashion of bond-maids. Their eyes shone; their cheeks were flushed; each inch of them, each marvelous, imbonded inch of them, was incredibly alive and beautiful . How incredibly feminine they were, so living and uninhibited and delightful, so utterly fresh, so free, so spontaneous, so open in their emotions and the movements of their bodies; they now moved and laughed and walked, and stood, as women, pride was not permitted them; joy was. Only a kirtle of thin, white wool, split to the belly, stood between their beauty and the leather of their masters.
Marauders of Gor, page 100

Bondmaids are different from the girls of the south, who they consider to be nothing more than "spoiled, excessively pampered, indulged and coddled, sleek pets, who have little to do but adorn themselves with cosmetics and await their Masters, cuddled cutely, on plush, scarlet coverlets, fringed with gold" (Marauders of Gor p. 144).

The bondmaids of Torvaldsland are more open in their sexuality. They are free to flirt, tease and banter with the Free. They are vibrant and eager girls and the men of Torvaldsland wouldn't have them any other way. This is reflected in their behavior in the Hall and in general.

Several things are different about being in RedTarn's Landfall than in a Southern Home. This is a Torvaldslandic Hall and these changes reflect the difference in culture even between the serves.

  1. Greeting- In RedTarn's Landfall, you do not have to ask to greet. This is a Northern home and the slaves here greet as soon as they enter. When a Free enters, you greet them, whether youre in service or not.
  2. When a Free Enters- When a Free enters, if you're not in service, jump and grab a bowl of warm water and towels for the Free to wash up after their travels. If you see another girl doing it, then you break off and grab them a drink (detailed next).
  3. Serving- When a Free first gets seated, don't wait to be called on to serve. Grab a pitcher of paga and one of mead and take it to them. There are horns and tankards all along the tables just waiting to be used. Offer them the drink and if they don't want that, they can tell you what they want and then you can go get them what they want. (More on bondmaid style serves later)
  4. Kenneling- There are no kennels in the North. Bondmaids are chained to the logs around the edge of the hall at night and sleep in the furs with the Free Men. The Free are responsible for seeing they are secured at night and released the next morning to serve and do their chores.
  5. Duties- A bondmaid will -always- be busy with something. Idle bondmaids are useless and useless bondmaids will not be tolerated. There are always chores of some kind that need doing around the Hall.
  6. Checking the Vessels- This is a private home. Bondmaids will not check the vessels here when serving. To do so is an insult to the Jarl of the Holding by implying that he would have less than perfect vessels for his guests to be served with. The vessels are checked once a week for damage and replaced if any is found.
  7. Payment- Again, this is a private home. Payment for a drink or food is not to be accepted. If it is offered, politely explain to the Free that the Jarl doesn't accept payment for his hospitality.
  8. Cupping- Permission is needed to cup, but it is not needed to return from cup.

Serving as a Bondmaid

Serving as a bondmaid is not like serving in the south. As stated already, bondmaids are more open with their sexuality than the kajirae of the south. They are free to flirt and tease, joke and touch the Free Men that they are serving. They serve quickly and with an open fire. The Hall is not a Tavern or an Inn. It is the home of the Jarl and everyone who visits is his guest. and will be treated as such. Bondmaids and kajirae both serving in his Hall are reflections of his hospitality to his guests.

The Free Men of Torvaldsland are men of great appetites and great thirsts. They don't want to wait a long time for their drinks or food. They want their service to be quick. They want it to be efficient. They want it to be beautiful and they want it to be HOT!!! Do not wait to be called on to serve. Do not call out a blanket offer of service. If a Jarl or Free Woman enters, jump up and serve. Take them warm water and towels. If another bondmaid is already doing this, go and get a pitcher of mead and a pitcher of paga and meet them at the table where horns and tankards are already placed and offer it to them. If they want something else, then go and get it.

When it is all looked at, the bondmaid serve is just a very stripped down, "no frills", version of the southern serve. There are very few steps to it. The key is to take those very few steps and expand on them to turn the service into a quick, hot, beautiful serve. That is where your imagination comes into play. Show the Free you are serving what they are seeing. Describe yourself, the hall, the tables and benches, the fires. Describe the temperature changes as you move through the hall to the fires or the kitchen or the cool room. They would be slight but there except in the cold room or going outside of course.

Steps to Bondmaid Style Serving

  1. When a Free enters or you offer service to a Free already present, go to the fires and grab a pitcher of mead and a pitcher of paga. These will be hot, so use a cloth to wrap around the handle to keep from burning your hands. Describe the heat of the fires, the light on your skin etc.
  2. Once you have the pitchers, make your way back to the Free through the tables. Describe the fire behind you, the change in temperature once youre leaving it. Be descriptive moving through the tables and to the Free's side. Always go to the left side as that leaves the weapon arm free in case of trouble. Feel free to press yourself into his side, back or arm or just stand next to him in all your embonded beauty and ask if he would like mead or paga or other refreshment. If they want something besides mead or paga, simply redo this step, taking the pitchers back to the fire and going to get what they want. For kalana and wines, use a goblet, for black wine, use a cup. These vessels are found in the kitchen. For anything else use the horns or tankards already at the tables unless the Free specifies differently.
  3. Once the service has been accepted (or you have gone to get what they wanted), lean forward and get a horn or a tankard off of the table and fill it. Then raise it to his lips and offer it to him. Here is where the primary difference between Northern and Southern serves is found. Here, once you've filled the vessel with his drink, you may press back against him, nibble and kiss on his neck and ear, climb onto the table in front of him or even into his lap. Then lift the vessel to his lips and offer it to him to drink.

After you have given the Free Man his drink you are free to move on and serve others unless he requests that you stay with him. It is a common sight to see a bondmaid swatted on her ass and sent to the next Jarl in need of service with a laugh. When you are sent to the next Free, simply repeat the steps above. Make each serve unique. With one Jarl you might climb up into his lap. With the next serve him from the table or standing beside him letting him look on you and so on. Be creative and let your imagination shine.

Remember that in the North, bondmaids are allowed to greet, speak with and interact respectfully with others. This includes greeting new Jarls and Mistresses when they enter, no matter if you're serving another or not. This also includes bantering and socializing with the other Free and slaves already in the Hall. Just don't delay your serves overlong by doing so. Once all of the Free are served, continue to watch them. As you see them drinking and enjoying their refreshment, move to offer refills. Go to the kitchen and prepare a platter of meat, and carry it around offering it to the Guests. Don't wait to be called on to do something. Use your imagination and do it.

Serving Free Women in a Northern Hall is much the same as serving a Free Woman of the South. The Free Women of the North don't wear the robes of concealment or veils as do those of the South. They quite often look down on bondmaids and treat them harshly. In the North Free Women are held in the highest regard. When serving a Free Woman in the Hall, be conservative and submissive, but beautiful in your behavior. Always serve in tower and don't be sexually explicit in your descriptions. Use your hair to cover your nudity as you can when serving a Free Woman. Remember that offending a Free Woman in the Jarl's hall with your service is an insult to the Jarl that he may not take too kindly to.

When serving a Free Man who is accompanied by a Free Woman, be it his Free Companion or otherwise, it is best to tone down the serve somewhat. Serve from his side or in front of him but do not climb up in his lap without invitation. Some Free Men do not mind having a bondmaid climb into their lap when they are accompanied by a Free Woman and some do. The best bet is that if you are not sure, don't do it. ~Added 3-4-07~

The challenge implicit in every Northern style serve is to keep your service short and concise to get the Free their drink while also keeping it enticing and beautiful to watch. Make your serves quick, efficient and beautiful and keep the Free wanting more. Use your imagination and just let go and have fun. Bondmaids were incredibly alive and vital, uninhibited and spontaneous. Let this show with each and every one of your serves to a Free in the Landfall. Always remember, the Jarl is watching you and how you present yourself to his Guests.

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