"He then drew with the handle of his ax a circle, some twenty feet in diameter, in the dirt floor of the temple. It was a bond-maid circle."
Marauders of Gor, page 44

"Go to the bond-maid circle," said Ivar Forkbeard, indicating the circle he had drawn in the dirt. The women cried out in misery. To enter the circle, if one is a female, is, by the laws of Torvaldsland, to declare oneself a bond-maid. A woman, of course, need not enter the circle of her own free will. She may, for example be thrown within it naked and bound. Howsoever, she enters the circle, voluntarily or by force, free or secured, she emerges from it, by the laws of Torvaldsland, as a bond-maid. "
Marauders of Gor, pages 44-45

Guidelines for Captures and Collarings

Captures and collarings within RedTarn's Landfall do NOT use the 777 rules. Instead a turn based system identical to the combat rules is used. This makes for better and more realistic roleplay.

  1. Intent- The Intent of a capture post may include a movement towards the intended target, but no actions attempting to capture them.
  2. Capture Post- Here begins the first 'phase' of the capture/collaring. The initial Capture Post (what would be the Attack Post in Combat). In this post, the One attempting the capture makes His/Her move to get within range of the target and makes their action.
  3. Evasion/Defense Post- Here the target of the capture attempt is given the chance to evade the first capture post. Same as in Combat, the target must defend the Captors first post, or move to evade the capture, then can either strike to escape capture or keep moving to try and give their allies a chance to help them.
  4. Answering Post- This is where the Captor makes any defensive actions relating to the Targets evasion. This can be anything from added movement, to grabbing binding fiber or the like. No further offensive action may be taken against the target until the next turn.
  5. Forced Posts- Forced Posts in the Landfall, so far as Captures/Collarings are concerned, are defined as saying Your action worked or Your Opponents action didnt. Grabs Her hair is a forced post. reaches for Her hair is not a forced post.
  6. Hands- You MUST state which hand You are using to do an action with. If You just say grabs for her hair, it will not work. You must state grabs for her hair with left hand or something similar.
  7. Control- before You may bind, collar or chain anyone, You must have some sort of control over them. They must be in Your grasp or pinned to the ground beneath You or something of that sort.
  8. Post Timing- The time to reply to a post will be 1 minute. A timestamp must be made but it isn't necessary to post it publicly to the room. After 1 minute if there is no action, stamp again and make your next post and stamp again, restarting the 1 minute clock.
  9. Duration- The Attempted capture/collaring will continue until it is clear that the target has escaped or is captured. Escaping capture includes someone stepping in to break up the attempt, which could very well lead to a combat.

*NOTE- Just Xing out of a room is NOT a valid evasion and if You just disappear from the room, You will be considered still present for the purposes of the Roleplay. The same applies to just cupping. If You are the target of a capture/collaring attempt and you just cup, you will still be in the roleplay. You MUST roleplay out the action of getting away from the capture/collaring.

Combat Rules


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