Thing are Heating Up!

Well, I'm sure hitting the nail on the head now. I go weeks without a phone call, by had 3 in less than 24 hours. One was from Microsoft asking for a James Slone! I also got a phone call from a credit collection company and DVR. That would be Danny Eng again. Seattle Mental Health had the boys cleaning outside my door when the small Asian man, not my usual mail carrier, showed up with the letter. This happens from time to time also and they all happen in unison which is why I know it's a REAL not Imagined conspiracy!

I got this certified letter today. I removed all her personal data from it so as to protect her identity. Since all 9 of my E-mail account are censored, I don't get E-mail. I have some list I get and some SPAM that get past the filters. LOL During and just after the last election, someone at Comcast put a block on my account that prevented me from downloading even this!

Here is her letter. What is odd is that it's dated three days before it was mailed.

If anyone else who is innocent wants to find out if they are being investigated by the government because of my weblog and want some form of legal protection, they can just copy what she wrote and mail it certified with return receipt. I'll reply to you this way also.

She must be very scared to send me this. We have people from other countries manipulating our elections, economics and letting terrorist into this country without a trace! She was maliciously prosecuted by her software company also. But I wanted to assure her I don't have anything on my 9 web sites about her case. It was before my EEOC compliant against Asymetrix and their attempt to charge me with breaking into the Federal Building in 1994. I started my weblog about my situation because I could have gone to federal prison over this one. With my electronics background, I also have excellent security in my apartment too. I've been trying to catch them breaking into my computers also. I have six of them! LOL

When I think about you it makes me cry. I will pray for you too just like I did for Mary Gates. I sent her a card because I knew how to cure her cancer. My grandmother lived to be almost 100. She was amazing women and she mentored me. Do you know that laughing is the best medicine there is.

I remember when Mouse and this other nerd told my about your story. They were so excited. You were like super women to them. You should put your story up on the Internet yourself. Just think of it. You could become a roll model for other women like my grandmother was for me. By the way, there is both a 7 year statue of limitation that releases you off all gags and given what we know, a moral imperative to open up as much as we can in the interest of National Security Issues.

NOW I laugh because I have my new accounting system. I'm keep track of how much Microsoft, the most hostile and sexist company on the planet, will loose because of me. Isn't that a kick. They settle case because they get my case put in their face. The documents about the pornography and spying on my E-mail during their antitrust case are killing them. A single women over 40 with a disability and NO closure on the case has cost them Billions is settlements. MSFT went from $119 or $60 after their stock split to $25.5 in just a few years over a women telling the truth! What a kick this is!

You got to get with that spirit. Bush was Whacked. I love this man as much as Charles. He is a common sense man. I've know flauntingly illiterate men in rural America that could fix about anything with a pice of balling wire and Ph.D. who couldn't figure out how to change a tire. It's all so very relative. I know what Bushes Rat Story is... So coming soon... When you apply Rat Psychology 101 to George's situation it's really quite funny. I will put up his page soon I'm just very tired.

Both of us beat these allegations. But neither the Bellevue Police or the FBI would do anything about the Malicious Prosecution. But because of her case I always stay a few OS behind and now use a Mac. My PC is Windows 98 and has no development tools on it. Without developer support I just gave up doing any kind of programming in Dec. 1994. They wanted to punish me for suing them and they did. They destroyed my career, family and physical health.

I'm intentionally sloppy about security because her case. When I took my PC into Kens Computer to be upgraded, it was suppose to be a one day job. He ended up with my PC for a week. I had log files he didn't know about and track it use. He or who ever he gave my PC to messed it up so badly I had to totally rebuild it myself. It's got a new hard drive, memory, and newly installed Windows. It's reformatted completely. Obviously I had the ability to do this in the first place. So I just set them up. He had bragged about harvesting Software Keys for Windows and other expensive programs so he could reuse the software and just got 200 more PCs. He is Microsoft Certified...

We have people from foreign countries involved in manipulating our elections! This is a VERY critical issues. So if the FBI or any other agency isn't interested, get them on IRS audit. The first clue to fraud is the lack of electronic transfers which then allows them to manipulate their books. Neither Seattle Mental Health housing or LA+ want to do this. Calling yourself a Non-Profit is a excellent tax cover!

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