Women in Chains

I'm leaving the music out of this one... But I'm going to suggest that this song be considered. The version on The Best of Tears for Fears is the long version with Olmeta Adams.

I've written extensively on my web about legal psychoactive drugs. In the above picture of Diana, her eyes have the look of someone on one of those drugs. They are dilated even though she is under hot lights. And look at the amount of white showing under the iris (from the Greek for Rainbow.) She is also very thin lipped. Ok? This is a set of photos. In most she looks quit normal accept for this one. Look at her eyes in this one. It's the first that look like drug induced.

If she were given an antidepressant, and she were really simply having an "adjustment disorder" due to finding her feeling trapped, she could have been anywhere to hypersensitive to her surrounding to delusional, to abuse and even murder.

Fisherman don't be a fool. They want to use me to control Gates. Who are too talented. Who are they going to use to control YOU! By HOOK or Crook they will try! Look what they did to me and Bill Gates and Charles and Camillia. Learn from ME! I've been in a wheelchair for six year and I should be totally healthy.

This is what I looked like at less than her age. I only had chap stick on and Mascara. I had just graduated from college. I have never been able to tolerate lipstick or face makeup. I don't pluck my eyebrows either. I was a female genius, into holistic health who didn't do drugs. This is what a natural life is about. I was what they called a "Round Eyed Girl." I was not a "Bug Eyed Girl!" REALITY ISN'T ALWAYS WHAT HAPPENS, BUT IT WHAT IS PERCEIVED.

"I'm not a Feminist. I'm a Humanist." Madonna. Well so is Michael Jackson.

I was diagnosed with an "adjustment disorder" due to my physical disability. After I refused to be a feminist manipulator of Bill Gates I was totally trashed. Ever time I've been to a doctor due to my chronic pain and sleep depravation they always want to give me these drugs. I've had such bad experience from just one pill that would make me so hypersensitive, there was no way I could ever sleep behind them. When I attempted to get REAL treatment for my sleep problem that is due to chronic pain I was denied it. I ended up on a medication that was highly addictive without knowing it. I lost my doctor, and no one else would give it to me. I know what withdraws from a drug is. I've gone as long as three days without sleep before I've resorted to alcohol. Once your brain chemistry has changed due to one of these drugs, it takes three years to get things back. Three years! That takes a lot of support!

I've seen many of my neighbors attempt to quit these antidepressant. In many cases, just changing the drugs can flip people out. I found one neighbor trying to quit out in the rain without a shirt running around. It requires hospitalization to recover. I've begged doctors to put me in the hospital, even for a psychiatric just so I could get treatment for the sleep depravation. Because of the Gates Foundation, I can't get anyone to do it, even with it covered by insurance.

It's frustrating. So now I'm thinking of suing Bill Gates whose family is responsible for my condition and inability to get medical treatment. I'm actually in a wheelchair due to the bizarre situation with him. I've actually attempted to force his father to attempt to put me in jail just to get the right medical treatment. Since most psychoactive drugs turns me into a full quadriplegic that requires diapering and constant care, I think they would consider a different approach.

If he were a REAL man he would at least put up the money for my medical treatment. After all I once was a very beautiful women - with a brain too. Now I'm a slug... I want my legs back and with the rehabilitation, I can get them.

They took everything from me in an attempt to control his access to me, thinking like they did about Camilla, I was a threat to his marriage. I've always been a supporter of both Charles and Camilla for this reason. I wish them all the happiness in the world. I also hope that the confidant or doctor I believe existed in Diana's case is found. It's all in those eyes with dilated pupils and too much white all around. To Camilla and Charles, think about that rainbow, and look deep into your sons' eyes too.

The whole story of what happened to Diana fits psycho-active drugs syndrome. She was much younger than the Prince. She was a school teacher. That would be a major intellectual gap. It would seem logical for him to turn to an older women of his own age for advice. Camilla is more on his intellectual level.

I'm 54. We didn't kiss on the first date, and boys carried my books home from school. French kissing wasn't OK either. I grew up with the expectation of having a complete commitment to me. My father wrote poetry for my mother. There was no alcohol. The idea of partying was repugnant to me.

To this day, I feel uncomfortable with much of what is considered normal sex today. My first husband actually only married me because I wouldn't have sex with him. I've been raped more times than I want to think about.

At Microsoft I was drugged by a co-worker and don't even know what happened. I went to the Seattle police about it and they wouldn't do anything because I didn't have any witnesses.

This was considered OK behavior at Microsoft. They did this to Gates also and he put up with it. Because he was the CEO, it became the norm. I've had males who told me they had been drugged at Microsoft mandatory parties and gang raped by other males. It was treated like some kind of initiation. As such, it's not as much a corporation as a cult - like sadism. I even had pornography put on my computer as a wallpaper.

If you wanted to get on with them there, sexual humiliation was frequently in the picture. A friend of mine was asked to lunch by Brian Valentine. Brian was worried about me because of what they did to me. My friend recounted a instance of sexual harassment of brianv in the lunch room. Brianv is now the Executive VP of Windows. LOL He doesn't have enough real intellectuals left to fix Windows because of this cult mentality. There are a lot of neo-Nazis in the computer industry as a whole. I figure Prince Charles son was targeted by some recently when he showed up at a party dressed like a Nazi.

My last marriage failed when my ex-husband got a book given to him by his own mother - a feminist who got pregnant with him at age 13 - called My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday. It's what they call soft porn. Well, I simply couldn't relate to what he was getting turned on to.

He took me to a porn film in Blain, Washington which was a very young women acting like a little girl having a sexual exploit. I was in shock. Then he took me to see the Green Door in Eugene Oregon. I was literally traumatized by this.

Then he bought a TV. I had stopped reading the media and watching TV during the Vietnam war because of the graphic violence and promotion of Virginia Slims and the Pill. We could only get one channel. Once I saw that our whole society was normalizing to a continuous diet of money, sex and power, without regard to anything else but self-contradiction, I simply went into emergency mode.

After this, I told him if he wanted this, it was OK for him to have an affair. This destroyed our very happy marriage on a small ranch in Sprague River, Oregon. After we divorced, I found out he was sexually abusing my daughter and went back into court and got custody. To David, it was OK because they didn't have sex. They were just doing a touchy feely in the nude.

I'm a scientist and an engineer. I saw this picture and was stunned The driver was drugged up and had been drinking. Was this a suicide killing. I think it had to be. There were no seat belts on Diana or Dodi. The whole story is so bizarre. This Mercedes (not Toyota) crashed at a very high speed.

Then we had the story about one of her servants being given a lot of her private belongings. Was this in an exchange for these drugs? Or was it favor by the one she had an affair with? Or was she being given some drugs by a doctor or psychiatrist.

I've seen what happens to people behind these drugs. So I'm really wanting to Queen Mother to consider a REAL investigation. These are all mind altering drugs and they can really distort reality.

I never saw the whole interview with Diana or any of the other characters in this tragedy, but I've lobbied had for over 5 years because of the miss use and destructive effects of them. In about 1995, an acquaintance of mine told the horror story of how his old girlfriend killed her 3 year old son on Prozac. The whole time he knew her, she had never had a psychotic episode. I also read recently that crystal meth is behind the new problems with AIDS/HIV. We had better wake up or risk more of what happened to Diana and Dodi and more of this!

After the USA, went into Afghanistan and destroyed what infrastructure they had, we had the media showing women getting made up to look like whores. This is why the Moslem hate us so bad. They know the Ten Commandments. They understand why we were given a plan to maintain society. I'm sure they really would leave us alone, if we didn't try to shove our warped value system in the West on them.

Afghanistan, due to their long war with Russia, never exploited their oil and natural gas resources. Why were we really there? Greed... How to get them in line. Destroy their moral and ethical base. We were all setup. By who? Well, being very well studied in the Chinese Stratagems of War, I think we have a new kind of clue here!

If we don't get our heads screwed back on straight again, we are going to have a major world wide epidemic even worse than AIDS/HIV.

Tears For Fears

Woman In Chains

You better love loving and you better behave
You better love loving and you better behave

Woman in Chains
Woman in Chains

Calls her man the Great White Hope
Says she's fine, she'll always cope

Woman in Chains
Woman in Chains

Well I feel lying and waiting is a poor mans deal
And I feel hopelessly weighed down by your eyes of steel

It's a world gone crazy
Keeps Woman in Chains

Trades her soul as skin and bones
Sells the only thing she owns

Woman in Chains
Woman in Chains

Men of Stone
Men of Stone

Well I feel deep in your heart there are wounds Time can't heals
And I feel somebody somewhere is trying to breathe
Well you know what I mean

It's a world gone crazy
Keeps Woman in Chains

It's under my skin but out of my hands
I'll tear it apart but I won't understand
I will not accept the Greatness of Man

It's a world gone crazy
Keeps Woman in Chains

So Free Her
So Free Her

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