The Locusts of Revelation 9 - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8


Those commentators noted at the beginning of this document should be excused for their interpretation of this passage as Muslim conquerors, I suppose, given that they lived in a different time. A time not dominated by alien abductions, constant UFO sightings, intriguing crop circles, puzzling cattle mutilations, movies, documentaries and television series on aliens and UFO's. Never would they imagine these sort of things; many of them lived and wrote well before the first airplanes were gracing our skies. So, these men did the best they could in allegorizing and trying to explain what they thought were symbols in the book of Revelation, and I suppose their strained interpretations can be understood.

Yesterday morning, I sat in the shower, letting the warm water fall on my body. Running through my mind were the scenarios and events that are described in this paper, and all I could do was shake my head, moan and cry out the name of Jesus. This time will be simply horrifying, catastrophic and woeful, just as the angels cried just before the 5th, 6th and 7th trumpets were blown. I often think that if for some reason I miss the rapture and find myself in the tribulation period, I'll just hunker down and stand up for Jesus Christ in the face of tribulation. But after an in-depth study of this material, I am convinced that this period of history will be beyond our wildest imaginations of horror, fear and torment. Imagine a five month torment by these visible creatures and not being able to die. In the natural world, the sting of a scorpion is one of the most painful experiences a person can have. Satan and his wicked counterparts HATE the human race because Jesus came to die for us, and in doing so, Jesus made a show openly of Satan and his kingdoms. They will immensely enjoy watching humans suffer unimaginable pain for five months.

Jeremiah, Zechariah, Joel, Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Amos, Jesus and Paul all warn that this time will be UNMATCHED in its terror, trials and tribulation. IT IS TIME TO MAKE YOUR HEART READY FOR THE RETURN OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE BRIDEGROOM FOR HIS BRIDE. Our fate as a human being is death and separation from God WITHOUT the blood of Jesus Christ covering our sins and preparing a bridge to the Heavenly Father. There is no other way to avoid eternal separation from God than through Jesus Christ. Don't risk dying in a freak accident without the forgiveness of sins . . . if you do, there is NO SECOND CHANCE after you die. Prepare yourself for eternity today, before you are unwillingly ushered into it without Jesus Christ.

David Lowe

February 12, 2003

These prophetic insights and ideas are extremely interesting, and pertinent to the future of mankind. I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, written by men who wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (II Peter 1:21), therefore, I believe that all events prophesied in the Bible WILL come to pass.

The main reason for my presentation of these prophetic insights is to have readers understand that a time is coming when the righteous will be removed from the earth, and the wrath of God will be unleashed on those who did not accept his Son Jesus Christ as a sacrifice for their sins. Eternity is too long to spend away from God, in eternal hellfire instead of eternal paradise. Please don't the link below:


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