The Story

Once upon a time there was a bright, unorganized little art sudent named Mikel. One day Mikel said to herself, "Gee, lots of people have been asking me about the custom avatars I make. Several have asked for tips on how to make them, too. If I made a web page I bet I could keep better track of my orders and explain the process to people."

Mikel thought, "What a wonderful idea!"

With not but a vague idea of what she was doing, Mikel began. A simple little site was designed saying "Here's what I've learned about custom avatar drawings
(hire me!), some ideas and tips if you plan to make your own drawing (hire me!), and ideas on how you can find an artist (hire me!) .
Good luck! (p.s. hire me!)"

Not reallly expecting anything to happen, Mikel wandered off.

Shortly after Mikel's departure.... they came. They oozed out of the woodwork, creeping and crawling like little creepy crawley things. They looked at the site and said, "WOO HOO! OPEN SEASON! AVATARPLZKTHXBI!"

Due to the popularity of my designs and the constraints on my time and patience I will be accepting comissions on an extremely limited basis. You can ask, but don't be surprised if I say "no".
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