ROAD TO 2002 : ROAD 1 - Making for year 2002!

(Save in case of exceptions, each page corresponds to 2)

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Year 2002. Japan and Korea World Cup. 

ROAD 1: Making for year 2002!


Locker room. 

- It's time. 

- Ok. 

- Here we go!

Everything is for this day...


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(Index )


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Year 19XX  Worl Cup  Under-20


Japan celebrates. 


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Japanese soccer's "Golden Generation. 

The passionate fight of the 11 regulars. 

And the result...


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In the final game they destroyed the king country. 

(Comentator): Japan gets the Victory Goal! The first conquest of the World Youuuuuth!

That's how the skills of the Championship MVP, Tsubasa Ohzora, were shown. 

And he received many offers from foreign clubs...

(Note: MVP = Most Valuable Player.)


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BRAZIL.  Sao Paulo. 

(Tsubasa): Today is the last day I can train passes with him. 

(Tsubasa): My trainer forever. 

(Tsubasa): Roberto Hongo.

Roberto: Have you already decided where to go, Tsubasa? 

Roberto: Sao Paulo and whichever tem in Europe will allow you to choose the conditions. 

Tsubasa: I know. 

Tsubasa: To tell the truth, I've already decided it'll be Europe.  

Tsubasa: I'll go...


Tsubasa: And decide it with this leg. 

Roberto: Really? 

Roberto: Sounds fine to me. Sanae will also be happy. 

Tsubasa: Eh?

Roberto: But of course! It'll be your last trip before your marriage.  

Tsubasa: Ha, ha, ha, something of the sort. 

Sanae: Tsubasa, Roberto, good morning!

Sanae: How early, you two!!


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Roberto: But there's still work for you to do before you leave to Europe...

Tsubasa: Sure. 

Tsubasa: Today's game is the last I'll play with So Paulo. 

Roberto: Then, shall we go now to the club's place?

Tsubasa: Yeah. 

Tsubasa: Roberto.

Roberto: Yes?

(Tsubasa): When I graduated in secondary I came to Brazil. That was 5 years ago...

Tsubasa: For all this time...

Tsubasa: ...thank you very much. 

Roberto: ... 


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(Sao Paulo Stadium, everybody cries Tsubasa's name)


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(Cheering cries):

- Tsubasa!

- Thanks, Tsubasa!

- Don't go, Tsubasa!

- Give your best in Europe too!

- We want to enjoy your play for the last time! 

(Sanae): It's fantastic how they cheer him!

Pepe: This time is the lastone , Tsubasa. 

Tsubasa: Pepe.

Pepe: What is there to do, it was to be expected that Sao Paulo's number 10 moved to a foreign team. 

Pepe: So I have made up my mind! 

Tsubasa: Eh?

Pepe: To fill the void you are leaving when you leave here the "number 10" I am gonna give my best. 

(Roberto): To the brazilian soccer, numer 10 is eternal. 


(Roberto): When Tsubasa came to Brazil with 15 years, number 10 in Sao Paulo...


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(Roberto): ...was the battle leader. 

(Roberto): Radunga.

(Tsubasa): How strong! Extraordinary! 

(Tsubasa):  This is Brazil's real strength? 

(Roberto): An inexperienced Tsubasa of 15 years wasn't rival for him. 

 (Tsubasa): B...but I am so happy! 

Tsubasa:  This is the soccer I was looking for!

(Roberto): However, Tsubasa gritted his teeth and went ahead with a lot of enthusiasm. 


Radunga:  Roberto

Radunga:  The japanese you brought,

Radunga:  if he doesn't want to stay on the bench he will have to mould by force 

Radunga:  to the hard trining system in Brazil. 

Radunga: Try to follow us, tsubasa! Come on, you clumsy japanese good-for-nothing! 

Radunga: To be a decent player you must absorb all our soccer! 

Tsubasa: All right!

(Roberto): Thanks to the discipline of Sao Paulo number 10, Radunga 

(Roberto): Tsubasa made great progress in Brazil. 


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(Roberto): At 17 he made his professional  debut with Radunga's support. 

Radunga: Tsubasa, don't worry at all and just go out there. 

Tsubasa: Ok. 

(Roberto): And when Radunga went off to Europe

Brazil -----> Europe

(Roberto): the glorious number 10 shirt went to Tsubasa.  

Tsubasa: What? I am number 10?

(Roberto): And now Tsubasa is still following Radunga's steps...having decided to go abroad, to Europe. 

(Roberto): That's how the brazilian soccer system usually works. 


(Roberto): Brazil is a country that sports players to everywhere in the world. [Nowadays more than 120 famous players have a contract abroad.]

(Roberto): Talented and trained players are well payed abroad. Besides, from the start, the profits of the transfer are re-inverted   into  the club to form again new promises. 

(Roberto): This system that repeats incesantly is the reason why Brazil is the country that has won the World Cup more times. And the key for the "King of soccer" to be the only country that has been there from the first and then sucesively in all the editions of this championship. 


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(Tsubasa): Since child I have admired Brazilian soccer. Now, most of that "Seleçon" (selection, international players) , are Europe, experiencing that soccer. 

(Tsubasa): Therefore european soccer, starting with Brazil, joins representatives of famous countries. That's why it is the most violent "Soccer battlefield" in the world. 

EUROPE (map)

(Tsubasa): That's why I want to go there and challenge it!


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(Tsubasa): This is my last game and then I'll go to Europe!

Pepe: Come on, Tsubasa! 

Tsubasa: Yeah!

Comentator: In this very moment starts the last game for Tsubasa in Sao Paulo! 

- Come on, Tsubasa!

- We count on you today too!

- Give us a good game for the last time! 

(Sanae): Tsubasa

(Tsubasa): Here I go!  Also to thank this cheers

(Tsubasa): I must give it all and show all I have learnt here in Brazil! 

Comentator: With an incredible speed he begins to put into practise the dribble of his speciality. 

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(Tsubasa): Flying dribble. 

- Good! Tsubasa is in perfect shape today!

- We won't let you go any further!

- We'll stop you! 

- Well, with three he has it more difficult! 

- Eh?

- Uh!

- No, don't worry. He did it on purpose to atract the rivals to his position. 


Comentator: The ball goes to the forward Pepe who is up. 

Pepe: Nice pass, Tsubasa!

- Don't let him shoot! 

- Block the shoot!

Pepe: He he he

- What?

Comentator: Ah! Pepe back passes

Comentator: to where Tsubasa comes running! 

- fast!

(Tsubasa): And now the best thing I learnt from Roberto! 


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Tsubasa: Flying Drive Shoot 

Comentator: Tsubasa shoots with that golden leg of his!

- Ooooh


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Comentator: And scores! Goaaaaal!

- Uaaah

Tsubasa: Great!

Comentator: Sao Paulo goes ahead in the score! Tsubasa's speciality, the Flying Drive Shoot, has arose in the sky and hasn't found any obstacle in reaching  his target .Today's Tsubasa is full of vitality! 

- You did it, Tsubasa!

- You've left us aghast!

- you're fantastic, very good!

- Hurray for the Sao Paulo number 10! 

Afterwards Tsubasa performed two assistances and another goal. 

(Roberto): Keep on like this, Tsubasa. You're more than ready to go to Europe. 

(Roberto): !!


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(Tsubasa): Roberto, what can I do? I can't hold my tears. 

(Tsubasa): Why do Brazil's people cheer on this way 

(Tsubasa): a japanese like me?

- Tsubasa. 

- Come on, Tsubasa!

- Show us more of your fantastic play!

- Our Tsubasa!

(Roberto): Tsubasa, have confidence in yourself. There are no frontiers in soccer. That's something you must  have learnt here as a player. 

Comentator: Here it goes again, Tsubasa's mortal pass! 

Comentator: That will be received again, as it couldn't be other way, by Pepe. 

Pepe: But of course! Tsubasa and I are Sao Paulo's Golden Combi!

Pepe: With this shoot I'll score the goal that will be my farwewell present to Tsubasa, now that he goes off to Europe! 

(Tsubasa): Pepe. 

Pepe: Here it goes!

Comentator: Pepe shoots!

Comentator: Aaaaah...but it hits the bar!

Pepe: Dammit!

Pepe:  Goodbye to the farewell present!


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(Tsubasa): The only thing I can do to asnwer all this cheering on I am receiving is putting into practice my play, my best play! 

Comentator: But watch out, for Tsubasa is about to kick the ball that had bounced off! 

Hombre: Pay attention, boys! In a single second he concentrates the capacity of decision, extraordinary quick reflexes and the nerve. This is Tsubasa's super play!  

- O...ok. 

(Tsubasa de niño): Hey, this is too difficult!

(Roberto): This is the first thing I taught Tsubasa in Japan...

Comentator: The lost ball that hit the bar has been directly turned into a overhead kick....

Tsubasa: Here it goes!

Yaigo:  I won't let you score any more goal, however your last game!

Comentator: But Plameiras' keeper, Yaigo, jumps with decision!


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Yaigo: What?

Comentator: Tsubasa changes his shoot in the air...


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Comentator: It seemed that the keeper wopuld stop it but in the last moment Tsubasa has changed the shooting leg...

Comentator: It's like a miracle. Tsubasa's holy technique, a second grade overhead-kick (scissors kick) in the aaaair...

- Extraordinary! It's better than what we expected!

- It's the extra...super play of Tsubasa!  

Comentator: Tsubasa really knows how to develop the beauty of the brazilian technique with great skill.

Tsubasa: Did you see, Roberto? This is the evidence of the great progress I've made in Brazil! 

Roberto: I haven't lost sight of you for even an instant! You can proudly stick your chest out, Tsubasa!  Now show your worth in Europa Tsubasa!


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Comentator: The game is over but the cheering cries continue, and all go to Tsubasa! 

- Tsubasa.

- Don't go, Tsubasa!

- Tsubasa, you're the man of greatest worth in Sao Paulo! 

- We want to see more of your great play, Tsubasa! 

- Show them who you are in Europe!

- Come back again whenever you please! 

- We'll keep on sending you our support! 

- Thanks, Tsubasa!

- Thanks for all the magnificent play you've shown us! 

Comentator: Tsubasa greets thankfully. From now on he'll go off to Europe to fullfil his dream of beciming the number 1 player in wthe world. 

(Sanae): It's fantastic! Not only in Japan, but also here has Tsubasa found many people that love him. 

- Tsubasa

- Tsubasa

(Tsubasa): To me Brazil is my second homeland! 

(Tsubasa): Goodbye, Brazil.

(Tsubasa): And...


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(Tsubasa): OBRIGADO, BRASIL  (Thanks, Brazil)

(Tsubasa): My road begins. 

(Tsubasa): All for 2002. 

(Tsubasa): I'll challenge Europe! 


Road 2


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