(I am *not* a native English speaker, so please forgive any possible error or ill-sounding sentence. Thanks! ^_^) 

 Page 1

This was the rooth of everything, the Debut work of Takahashi Sensei, a nostalgic memory.

My name is Tsubasa Tarou (name: Tarou, surname: Tsubasa). Even if  my rival is a Super Goalkeeper, I won't lose!

Winter, 1980. With the passion of a 19 year old Author. Takahashi Youichi.

31 Pages full of action!

  Page 2 

Here is the boy born to play soccer. His passion towards the ball hasn't changed a bit.

Nankatsu number 10 runs forward solo.

Tsubasa! Captain!

  Page 3 



Tsubasa runs  right towards the goal and he doesn't seem to have the intention of passing the ball.

(This is a fiction work, any resemblance with reality, be it the characters or the facts, is mere coincidence)


  Page 4 


Questions and aswers, by fans and Takahashi Sensei: The ball is our friend!

Q: Tsubasa's Drive Shoot is something awesome! By the way, have you thought in the next fatal shoot? Will it be blocked?

A: Tsubasa is only in secondary school. I'm sure from now one there will be new shoots developed.


Defending, as you know, the most promising Goalkeeper in all Japan, Wakabayashi.

Beware, even if it's all soaked. Don't loose sight of him til the end!

In this Championship he's in perfect shape. He's end up all the games unscored.

And there is nothing Wakabayashi fears more than...

A shoot from outside the penalty area; it's said nobody has scored from that distance

Anyway, Tsubasa enters the area...¡ah! He's escaped from the last tackle...


  Page 5 


This is a man-to-man with the keeper...

Wakabayashi doesn't let himself  be caught off-guard and jumps!

Tsubasa shoots...


Q: I am a great Misaki fan. Are we not gonna see the Golden combi of Tsubasa and Misaki again?

A: I am sure, in the future. Misaki is not a character who dissappears like that. I don't know if this makes you feel better...


  Page 6 


First round of the Tobu region eliminatory in the National Championship between Secondary Schools. 

He did it! Nice shoot!

Well done, Captain!

End of the game!

Well played.

We got to the second round!!

Here is your towel, Taro.


Look at that, they get along as usual...


  Page 7  


Look, Ishizaki, I've tell you many times that Taro and I are just childhood friends. 

Ok, Ok.

You feel as if you had already won, don't you, Taro?


And who are you?

Childhood friend part 2




So this fatso here is Wakabayashi Genzo?

Taro, who is this monkey-like-jerk?

Who's monkey like? I am the saviour of Nankatsu, Ryo Ishizaki, keep that in mind!


Q: The commentator always says "Tsubasa-kun" instead of "Ohzora-kun". Is there any profound reason for this?

A: No, nothing in particular. Just that Tsubasa is shorter than Ohzora. It's a matter of sound. 


  Page 8  


Fuhn. And with this guy in  you have won that game? If that's the case, I won't be beaten either in the last game of this edition of the Championship.

Well, at last do your best to show your face in the final game.

What's with this jerk? His name has got too much to his head!

But I didn't know that Tsubasa and the famous Genzo Wakabayashi were childhood friends. It means you're rivals by chances of destiny...

I can't really see him as my rival.


Ok, next, number 16.

When we were in Primary, Genzo and I took part in a testo to enter a Soccer team called "Kickers".

As Genzo had good skills, he had no problems to enter and became a regular immediately. But I couldn't, so I have been changing from one team of losers to another. 


  Page 9  


We lost all the games with a big difference in the score.

Good! We got as many goals as players we have. 

It's useless to talk about such old stuff.

It's the same in Secondary. Since he's entered Shutetsu, the door to fame in soccer, he's gone again one step ahead of me.

Did you know that he has never been scored from outside the penalty area?

I've heard something of the sort.

No matter how much I tried, he stopped every ball. As if I were fighting against a wall.

Enough, Tsubasa. It's not like you to talk in such a way.

In any case, I don't think I can defeat Genzo. 



  Page 10  


Q: What kind of life is carrying Roberto in Brasil?

A: THAT'S SECRET. (with that big font in the original too  O_O'')


Shutetsu team with Wakabayashi has reached the final with no major problem. Nankatsu, too,  has won up to the semifinal.

Shutetsu - Natori ; Nankatsu - Kawazoe; Victory

Hold on! Don't let them pass under any circumstances!

Great, cover the opposite side!

Keep advancing with it!


I wanted to ask you this before. Why did you make Tsubasa Captain?

It's obvious! Because he's the best here. 

Well, that's true but...



  Page 11  


I think that since he was a child, Taro was so kind that he never wanted to be over anybody.

Oh, really?

End of the first half!

Tsubasa! You're the Captain, you should be directing the rest, you know?


You're a captain we cannot rely on!

Taro-chan, you must score a goal in the second half  at all costs!

Yeah, score a goal!


Ok, let's go to the second half!!


Q: Mitsuru Sano's hair cover his eyes, how can he possibly see the ball at all?

A: Though covered, he can see it from an angle. Besides, the ball is below so...Is that a good explanation?


  Page 12  


Q: I like Kisugi very much, but I have a question: He's had his hair permed since he was in primary, but doesn't it go against the  School Policy?

A: Excuse me, but he's got natural curly hair!!  


Usually Taro is too nice. That's why he doesn't push far enough and lacks in fighting spirit to get the victory. 

Don't you think so, mister?

I dunno...

It's the same when it takes to Gen-chan. Taro-chan has always believed he cannot defeat Gen-chan. 

Well, don't talk like that about your dear boyfriend.

Even you! We're just childhood friends!

Ok, ok. 


  Page 13   


Tsubasa! There's not much time left

You must shoot now! Try with your long shoot!


Whoaa It's in! What a luck!


We got into the finaaaaal!

So you've come, Taro


  Page 14  


I didn't know that Ishizaki's house was some Public Baths. 

Me neither.

Ha ha ha ha. If you're tired and use our baths, tireness dissapears completely. 



Tomorrow is the game against Shutetsu, but no matter how good Wakabayashi is, it doesn't mean we are supposed to lose, you understand? Tsubasa...

Yeah, understood.

We must give our best tomorrow!



  Page 15  


I must hurry before I get cold after the bath!


It's Genzo and Aki-chan. 


If I win tomorrow I'd like you to go out with me, to be my girlfriend. 


Q: Takahashi-sensei, do you play soccer? If so, which is your position? Don't tell me it's midfielder, like Tsubasa, is it?

A: I am in the Shueisha Soccer Team called "Wings". My position...Right wing. Ah! And I am in the baseball team with the same name, too. 


  Page 16  


Q: Why did Tsubasa reject Toho's offer, when they were willing to pay him from the School fees to the Living expenses?

I would have accepted...

A: Because he liked Nankatsu city, a city that likes soccer. 


Only if Tsubasa won, would I definitely and completely give you up, that's why...


Ok, it's a deal then. 


I'm home. 


  Page 17  


Before we started playing soccer, the three of us got along very well. 

I won.


Come on! You can't beat me even if you try together?

Waaah, I am first!


  Page 18  

(Note: there is no page missing, this comes back to the game of the beginning of the story, which is the final, now you know)


Both collided violently and the ball is now in front of thegoal!


Is this the first goal for Nankatsu or will Wakabayashi stop it?


  Page 19  


Wakabayashi has been one second faster and caught it!

Even the fighting spirit of Tsubasa is being useless. This part stays like the previous, 0-0. 

Damn it!




  Page 20  


It seems that Tsubasa has got badly hurt in the leg in the last clash with the keeper. He's getting to the bench. 


I haven't scored even in the man-to-man fight.


Mister, we need a change!




  Page 21  


It's nothing serious. A bandage will do.

But you can't, Taro-chan

She's right, you can't play, Tsubasa.

Please, mister!

OK, Yamazaki, take care of his bandage, quick!


How can he play with that injury!

Oh, Nankatsu doesn't change the player. They will fight just the 10 of them!

All right? We have to fight for Tsubasa too!


  Page 22  



I can't! It won't stop bleeding. You should go to the doctor. 

Aki-chan, just bandage it! Please, quick!

The game continues. Both Shutetsu and Nankatsu are giving their best. 

In this soaked final both teams are fighting to death!


  Page 23  


There's no time left! I go back!

You can't!Why push yourself so far?

I want to defeat Genzo at all costs-


Aki-chan, you already know it. Genzo and I have been playing soccer since we were children. 

But I haven't defeated Genzo even once. 

And what about that? Your leg is more important, it can get worse!

But I...


Q: Takahashi-sensei, who is for you the character more alike to you?

A: Tsubasa. Nevertheless, the protagonist. Since he is the one I draw most, his character is getting closer to mine. 


  Page 24  


I've had to suffer the humilliation once and again unable to do anything else. 

It's been so humilliating...Losing to Genzo has been so humilliating. 

Yamazaki, didn't you know? Tsubasa hates losing more than anybody else. 

That's why I made him Captain!

But Tsubasa, leave it for this time. You can try it again in high school!


  Page 25  


No way!


Aki-chan...I don't want you to give you up to Genzo.


But even if you lose, it's you I love! That's why...



  Page 26  


There's almost no time left, but Nankatsu got a last chance with this Free kick.

If the result is to be decided in the penalty area, Shutetsu with Super Keeper Wakabayashi has advantage over Nankatsu. The game will be decided right here!!

Alright! I'll shoot directly!


I'll do it!

What are you talking about? You can't do it with that leg!


  Page 27  


Get off, Ishizaki!It's a captain's order!





However, Aki, a man must

win at all costs

I don't need the barrier


But Captain...

Don't worry. I'll certainly stop a shoot from outside the Penalty Area. 


  Page 28  


Tsubasa, the captain, is the one to shoot the Free kick in spite of his injured leg.

And...Wakabayashi has taken the barrier away. This last battle will be a man-to-man fight!



Tsubasa starts running!!


  Page 29  


Tsubasa shoots violently with his right leg!!

The victory is mine, Taro!!


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  Page 31  

In this moment sounds the whistle for the end of the game! Nankatsu is the champion!

We did it, Tsubasa!





We'll play again one day, Ok?




  The End...? ^_-  







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