playoffheader.jpg (12710 bytes) ~NFC Championship Game~
Sunday, Jan. 23, 2000 @ 4:00 EST

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Spread- RAMS by 13.5

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Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Shaun King (10), making his first NFL start, rolls away from Minnesota Vikings defensive tackle John Randle in this Dec. 6, 1999 photo at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Fla. The Bucs play the St. Louis Rams in the NFC championship game on Sunday, Jan. 24, 2000 in St. Louis.(AP Photo/Chris O'Meara)

CAN TAMPA WIN? I can't feel deep concern about a team with as bad an offense as TB has! I have a lot of respect for TB's D. I think it will slow us down considerably. It will be nothing like playing MN. For one thing, Dungy will actually game plan! They attack the LOS much harder and play disciplined zones in the secondary. TENN proved we can be slowed down by real D. So ... IF TB had an offense at all, they would be a major concern. If they had, say, the Giants' offense, you would have to consider this a dangerous game.

But they have ... Alstott!

Look, Alstott is NOT a feature back. They try to use him as one, but it seldom works. Unless he is running, so to speak, "downhill"--unless he is in the Red Zone or riding a wave of momentum--he gets stuffed time after time.

Warrick Dunn will dart for yards now and then. The rest of the time? Nada.

Shaun King and the WRs? Please.

Wanna hear an amazing stat from a stat?

We RUSH for many more yards per game than TB does and we gain substantially more per carry. TB runs the ball A LOT ... but not very well.

Think maybe our D can turn TB over a couple of times in its own end?

Think of this:
* Mike Alstott has an ungodly number of fumbles this year! I didn't look it up, but I think he may have led the league or come close.

* Despite the fact that they rarely throw the ball, TB has yielded many more sacks than we have.

* TB's OL must be pretty sub-par. It cannot get Alstott room to run very often and it gives up a lot of sacks with a QB who seldom throws.

Thinks Kevin, Grant D'Marco and Co. just MIGHT be able to rattle King /and/or strip Alstott?

The gap between our D and TB's O is enormous.

TAMPA'S DEFENSE. For TB to have a chance to win, their D would have to come out and STIFLE our O.

TB does a couple of things differently from other teams:

* They play a pretty straight zone.

* They think they can get pressure from their front 4, so they don't blitz a lot.

I think Tony will play this thing fairly straight. Those zones are highly disciplined. You cannot force things in there or they will pick you clean.

I have a vivid image of the big pick in the Wash game. The Skin was going up the sideline and BJ tried to lay it in there. Lynch came over the top and hawked it. If you have really good cover 2 safeties, those deep balls are very hard to complete.

In this game, I would be very guarded about throwing deep. Medium? OK. Deep? That's dangerous!

But we don't attack that way. Based on what I know about TB, they are going to have a miserable time dealing with our WB's ability to hit the seams of the zone quickly.  Ike is a master at this. My admittedly biased feeling is that our WRs will flash up into those seams and catch passes before the Tampa DL can get anywhere.

People see the Ram O as a big play O. We have been at times, notably against SF and MN. But this team has scored TDs on drives of more that 70 yards something like 30 times this year. Half way through the season, we had a count going, but I lost track. And many, many of those long drives involved 8, 10, 13 plays. We started out the 1st ATL game with a 16 play drive (not sure of the number) that scored a TD and left about 1:00 on the first quarter clock.

So we are not like Wash. First, the Rams throw underneath a lot. Second, when we do go deep, we do it off of combination routes that branch off a tree. Amazingly, they do so QUICKLY. We don't even run those old, clunky, out-and-up routes that take half a quarter to unfold.

But the key is that the Rams possession reception game is lethal. Absolutely lethal. The Vikings have Carter for that. We have quite literally 8 receivers who routinely make possession receptions. Our 3rd down percentage is tops in the league.

Martz can AGGRESSIVELY attack a D ... underneath, with draws, sweeps, the 90 flip, RBs releasing for passes, WRs darting with amazing quickness into the seams, TEs breaking out of clumps of receivers, an AMAZING number of methods to gain 14 yards or so. I cannot tell you how often we have converted after penalties on first or even 2nd down. We are explosive. BUT, we can possess the ball. The Vikings  game we saw Sunday was very atypical. The fact is that we possess the ball longer, on average per game, than TB does.
I have actually SEEN Mike Martz patiently take the underneath stuff that a D gives him for the entire game and score 40 points doing it. So we KNOW FOR A FACT that our O and our OC are indeed patient enough to go along taking what the D gives them. We have seen them do that this year. Hell, Martz will do that all day if TB gives it to us.

If we drive them nuts with steady possession receptions in the seams of the zone, then Tony will need to mix it up. Either the LBs try to get even deeper and Marshall starts to run underneath. Or they start to blitz and Marshall frees up for those receptions.

DOES TAMPA WANT THE RAMS TO RUN?  If we run on them, will they have succeeded in taking us out of our game plan? And, indeed, Tony D may be thinking along those lines.

In an abstract way, that makes some sense. But then, there is that abstract thinking again. Whoever saw the 2nd ATL game knows  what I am talking about. 2nd time around, ATL, which has a very good D front (maybe not quite as good as TB, but very good!) hung back in the secondary to take away the vertical game. Faulk absolutely DESTROYED them simply running the football.

Faulk running successfully does not mean getting 4-8 yards per carry and a long slog of a drive. When Faulk gets cooking, he rarely gains fewer than 8 yards and frequently, I mean frequently breaks off 30 yarders. Martz did an interview somewhere in the last day or two remembering a play all Ram fans remember. We got several penalties and ended up with 3 and 32. Martz says in the interview, "I just called a draw and figured to punt." Football  S O P, right? ell, Marshall ran a simple draw for 35 and a first down. Chains moved. We scored a TD a few plays later.

Another time, Marshall ran a simple counter that is POORLY BLOCKED at the LOS. Some OLmen blew their seal blocks. He darts ahead, hesitates, sets up a miss,  hits a seam, and scores on a 50+ yard TD run. OFF MISSED BLOCKS!

We didn't see much of Marshall Sunday against the Vikings because the game didn't fall that way. That happens. He will gain 21 yards one game and 178 the next, depending on the game situation. It all depends on what version of the O Martz runs.

Running Marshall is not going conservative. Marshall can score from anywhere on the field at any moment, running or receiving.

CONCLUSION. So suppose TB DOES slow us down some. Actually, I expect them to do so. Suppose they hold us to what Baltimore did, 27 points or so. Then it's back to their offense. Can they score enough points to match us? Or say that they did hold us to 20. With that O, even 20 points would not be enough for Tampa to win.

Last Updated-
04/04/01 09:01:45 AM


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(Jan 20)

ONE is cooperating this year!

This season has been amazing for so many reasons, but last night I realized what it's like when EVERYTHING falls into place.

It was EASY to hate the Vikings - let's face it.

But Tampa Bay...?

Who cares? They almost seem like "nice people."

Tony Dungy is a classy guy, and they've got those harmless little pirates on their pink (whatever) uniforms.

But there I was in an SF bar last night (see, I have to make the rounds this week just to remind all of the bartenders with whom I have bets that the Rams will go to the Super Bowl now that we're only one week away) and someone shouted, "Hey Bradley - your guys are on."

Sure enough, it was a Rams-Bucs preview on the TV above the bar...

And there was Warren Sapp, flappin' his gums about how Vermeil is not a good coach, how he (DV) hasn't made a tackle in, "like, 100 years," and otherwise making an ass of himself talking all sorts of trash.

I was incredulous. I sat there with my jaw hanging down - fixed in an open-mouthed grin.

HOW do these guys manage to do it?

They ALWAYS manage to paint a clear picture of who the good guys are (Rams), and who the bad, arrogant, ignorant guys are.

Thanks, Warren - and GET IN LINE.

You're about to learn the lesson that so many others have learned this year - from the Niners, to the Saints, to the Panthers, to the Vikings, to the hordes of idiotic fans who love to share their ignorance with the world.

Or - as the gentleman in the bar calmly said, "Bradley - your boys are gonna show him what's WHAT."

I am now - *officially* - ready for Sunday.

Bring it on.


First things first, you Ram fans have a great team and congratulations for making it to the NFC Championship game!

Now I  know that you guys have the number one offense, and are favored by 14. I also realize that the Bucs have numerous starters on the injured list, as well as, an offense that is somewhat sporadic. The Bucs supposedly play low-scoring, defensive, and so called "boring football",  but the fact of the matter is this... It doesn't make any difference how these two teams got here...we're here!

For fans of either team to be anything less than excited would be a shame.

Now I don't know how long the Rams have been in St. Louis, but I can't remember the Cardinals ever going to the Championship game! What I do remember, is that the Rams only won 4 games last year, and to turn a team around like Vermeil has, is astounding. Great job Dick! Now being a Buc fan since their inception has not been easy, but I can say that the Bucs have a new stadium, a new uniform (logo), and a new attitude...a comittment to win! It may not be pretty...It may be boring! But we do have the fourth best record in the NFL and that wasn't handed to us.

So this Sunday we will see the best offense against the best defense. Two teams with "clashing" styles...but who Cares?

Just as long as it's a GREAT game!

Good luck to you guys...and let the best team win!

Oh yea...I almost forgot the smak...GO BUCS! :-)

LAST WEEK. First I'll say that I that the Rams have been brilliant at adjusting to an opponent and finding the perfect solution to whatever might be giving them problems.

But in the Minn. game I'm not so sure they "tweaked" all that much. Minn. got back into the game because of two turnovers, not so much that they had figured the Rams out, or that what the Rams were doing wasn't working.

To me it seemed that something happened at half-time even MORE impressive than "tweaking" by Martz, or anyone else.....that is, they came out having decided not to hand the game to Minn. They kept doing what was working all along. I think that someone in that locker room probably said something like this, "Ok, our mistakes are behind us, now let's kick some ass".

Of course I'm sure there was some adjustments, especially on defense, and some "tweaking" on the offense as well...but mostly I think it was a case of "knowing" they had won the first half, and a refusal to allow themselves to give Minn. even one more opportunity.

THE RAMS OFFENSE. The Rams work best when they are in overdrive, moving quick, balls out. (hope I can say that here). The "shifting" is a direct indication that they are in that balls out mode. As soon as they back off the trouble starts.

Intelligence would be a very good word to describe the type of players Dick & company have brought together this year.

We always mention the varied formations and shifts...and they are impressive, but they are not very hard to actually execute. I think any team could do the same. The difference, and difficulty, lies in being able to always keep the actual play that is going to be run first in mind while going through all the razzle-dazzle. And then, of course, that "razzle-dazzle" has to serve a purpose.

Rams plays start once the huddle breaks, not at the snap of the ball. It is a continuous flow of motion, and adjustment, from the time the huddle breaks until the whistle blows. The only way to accomplish this is to have players that are prepared, well trained, focused, and above all - "intelligent".

DEFENSE.  We have questioned this defense...we have analyzed this defense from every angle possible....And through all that there was never any doubt that our D was a very good defense...In many ways I, and some others, actually think the Rams D surpasses the Tampa D....not in every respect, granted.

As we debated the D one simple fact kept coming up that had many of us shaking our heads...the D was effective, no matter what the stats showed. The points against us and the legitimate threats on the field were few and far between.

The D is taking it's que from the Rams O......If  the Rams O is rockin' the house, then the D steps it up as well. And vice versa. They are playing as a team....D & O in combination... almost like one unit on the field.

TAMPA. I never thought the TB defense was quite as awesome as the stats, an media analysis would have them portrayed...

However, they are very, very good. In a way that no other team the Rams have played this year - the TB defense will probably change the swing of field position that the Rams have enjoyed all year. So...

While their offense has some problems, their D should offer them enough opportunities to score, not much, but certainly score. Punt coverage could play a very important part in this game.

The Rams have shown all year that they can beat a good DL...even though a hard rush can give them trouble. The onus then falls on the Def. LB's to handle Faulk, Holcombe, and what could be Bruce, Hakim, Holt, or Proehl underneath, not to mention Conwell or Williams.

The big problem for TB is double coverage against any "one" Ram receiver, (probably Bruce), is very difficult to do and still manage to cover the shotgun spread of rec's coming off the line of scrimmage. Conwell could give the Buc's fits.

I think the Buc's play straight up and try to overpower the Rams O rather than out guess them. Actually, that's probably the best strategy. My feeling is that this entire week in Buc's camp will be dedicated to pumping themselves up with "we can out muscle them" rather focusing on any specific part of the Rams O.

And there is an undercurrent of thought that I fear is creeping in to some people that the Rams, because of  their "finesse", "execution", "speed", "beauty", and a number of other factors...can not play smash mouth  football.  I beg to fact, with what I think is superior physical fitness and stamina, the Rams are doing the majority of smash-mouthing..especially in the later stages of the game.

I think Kurt will face a big test, but no greater than what happened with Tenn. The second half of the Tenn. game could be very indicative of what we'll see in the first half against T.B.

THE GAME. On the Road the Buc's are 4 & 4. They average scoring 15.75 pts per game. They allow 17.75 per game.

Just on will take a near collapse for the Rams to lose. Make that a complete collapse. 

THE FUTURE. One of the amazing aspects of this season is the strength the Rams have going in to next year. It is the consensus here that the Rams currently have on roster players that will elevate this team to another level...even without the draft. ( I'm not saying they can't improve with a good draft, they can, and hopefully will).

Everyone has a different opinion..but there are currently at least 2 players in the secondary that many fell could, and maybe should, be starting now. There is DEFINITELY a LB in Little. On the OL there are another 2 subs who could easily step into the starting role.

I would say the future couldn't be any brighter.

BY MJR (Jan 20)

mjr007 posted on 1/20---KFNS: Howard Balzer Report (1/20/00)

1. Can anything stop Rams? Not really. You can slow them down but not stop them. If they keep it a close game, cause some three and outs, frustration may set in with the Rams. Howard thinks DV was playing coy during yesterday's press conference during which he said they'd be more conservative style of game. They play a deep zone. The Rams can exploit it. Rams will need to be patient and not make mistakes. They need to take Tampa Bay out of their game. Frustrate them.

2. Jacksonville/Tennessee: Can a team beat another team three times in a season? Yes, it's been done before but the third win has NEVER occurred on the road. In the first game, Tennessee had Neil O'Donnell and it was raining. Plays toward Tennessee's advantage. Jacksonville threw a late interception in the endzone to insure the victory for Tennessee. Jacksonville has confidence going into this game but it may be closer than the seven point spread would indicate. But look for Jacksonville to win.

3. Internet tickets / Ebay situation. On the phone with Kevin from Ebay. He suggests users use the laws of state where the event takes place to govern whether or not the purchase / sale is legal. In Georgia there's no scalping law. It depends on where the event takes place, not where you live or where the auction house / seller resides. This is the key factor. Missouri laws apply to any entertainment event. Prosecution is possible. They nailed a predominant scalper in the Bronx, NY during the Yankees/Braves World Series because he violated NY law. Be careful.

4. AFC Championship. Tennessee is battle-tested. They've won two close games and benefitted twice from play official reviews vs. Jacksonville who was able to rest Brunell in their blowout of Miami. You can make a case for both sides. Jacksonville has lots of confidence. Whomever runs the ball better will probably have the upper hand. Taylor and George for Jax and TN respectively have not had a lot of success against each other's teams.

5. Joe Montana's magazine "Redzone": Article talks about parity, free agency and the salary cap and its effects on the NFL. Not so much that the league is down, talent-wise. It's just changing. You can't keep teams together. Upstarts such as Jacksonville, Carolina, Indianapolis and St. Louis get it done. The perception among NFL fans in other cities is to ask "why can't we do that?" Coaches get fired more easily now as a result which creates an endless spiral of instability within the organization.

6. Washington Redskins situation. Ray Rhodes may go to Washington as DC Fazio already going from Minnesota. Rhodes move makes sense. Good defensive mind. Fazio's mother is 90 yrs. old and wants to be closer. Howard asked how much closer is Washington than Minneapolis. How hard is it to jump on a plane? The Vikings' situation is going to be very fluid in this offseason. The inside linebacker coach Olligotta (sp?) got canned. His comment was...I only coach two guys. Fazio takes a demotion to go to Washington. He and Ray Cerrata were together at Notre Dame.

7. Norv Turner. Dallas wants him. Similar to Bellichek situation. Can he go if he wants? No way Dan Snyder allows Turner to go to a divisional rival, especially Dallas. Snyder is basically a six-year old in terms of personal relations. He needs to surround himself with good people.

8. On meeting with players today at Rams Park. Getting players prepared for Super Bowl week. That's the problem with not having the extra week to prepare for the Super Bowl. Team has three days to go before the NFC Championship game and they need to prepare the players in the event they might go to the Super Bowl. There's a need for the off-week for players to get tickets, travel, and family situations resolved. It's smart on the Rams' part to get it handled upfront but hopefully it wont detract from their preparation for this week's game.

II. mjr007 posted on 1/19---KFNS:Howard Balzer Report

1. Media. The throng of media will begin arriving today. Some tomorrow. Some on Friday depending on travel budgets.

2. On media hype. DV said last week, is there anything about this game we haven't talked about? He told his players to enjoy the media stuff. Turn it into a positive rather than a distraction.

3. Super Bowl tickets lottery. The host on KFNS retracted what he'd said earlier that it was based on where your PSL is located. He was corrected by several callers who had nosebleed PSLs who were notified they'd won. Based on number of tickets in your PSL group and the length of time you've had them.

4. Super Bowl tickets have gone for up to $4,000 per ticket. Not that unusual. Incredibly tough ticket to get.

5. What Tampa Bay must do to beat the Rams. We've said it all year. Control the game defensively. In the Washington game Tampa Bay was at home and they only won by one point, yet some people are making a case for the Bucs to come into St. Louis and pull the upset. The Rams will win if they play their game.

6. Washington Redskins. The had two Turks on their roster. Now they have none. Their owner Dan Snyder is a maniac. When Matt Turk suffered a finger injury in practice and then further aggravated the injury the next day playing basketball, Snyder had an investigation conducted to see if he could get out of having to compensate Turk. After the loss to Tampa Bay, Snyder stood outside the locker room and was cursing some of the players as they came off the field. Then he goes into the locker room and starts throwing things around. Threw a temper tantrum basically. The following day, he then calls a meeting and calls only those players he intends to have on the team next year. Completely classless guy. Other NFL players and owners are calling him "Boy George." Becomes a question of whether any FAs will want to go there, a situation which existed here in St. Louis before. Middlestein, who was one of the possible suitors to become owner of the Redskins, dropped out because of the rap placed on him by media types and look who they ended up with. Norv Turner did a heck of a job with that team this year and was a strong candidate for coach of the year.

7. Rams' kicking situation. Nick Lowery could obviously get the job done. It all depends on Wilkens' knees. How he feels today and tomorrow. Wilkens will have to be honest with the organization on his health assessment. Difficult for doctors to determine. Tough call for Wilkens cause he wants to be there. But for the betterment of the team, he needs to be honest.

8. Keith Lyle. Howard has a sense that he will dress this week. DV will tell us more today. Don't want to take the chance now with a game when there might be a more important game later. (DV). Howard says there may not be a more important game later. He really has a feel that Lyle will be out there. DV on Keith: Keith says he'll be there (this was last week). If you activate him you sit somebody else. If he then goes down you might be putting yourself in a potentially bad situation of not having that someone available should the need arise.

9. Jack Snow on Keith Lyle. You run the risk of reinjurring it. It could end his career. You can't surgically repair nerve damage. Never injuries are completely different injuries. Take Robert Edwards' injury playing beach volleyball in an NFL-sanctioned game prior to the pro bowl. He suffered extensive nerve damage and now he's useless.

10. As a Ram fan, who does Howard want to win? Tennessee would be the best matchup. It would be nice to beat virtually everyone's preseason favorite to win it all in Jacksonville. There's the revenge factor going with Tennessee. Fred Miller would get his second chance to handle Jevon Kearse.

11. Who do the networks want to win? Rams because they have the LA factor still going. Probably want the Rams to play Jacksonville because it could be hyped as a tremendous offensive battle.

III. mjr007 posted on 1/18---KFNS: Balzer Report

1. On the extension of Mike Martz' contract. It's good that they got it done now. He doesn't have to be asked about it all week. That would be a distraction. Timing of it was smart. DV hates distractions and does all he can to eliminate them. This eliminates this distraction. It was better to get this done sooner rather than later. DV may stick around to groom Martz. There's no one better with the media than DV. You could tell Martz was a bit nervous in the press conference yesterday. Howard hopes DV's leaving happens later rather than sooner.

2. On Charlie Armey. Making him the General Manager is the next logical step. It's already in place. It's not urgent that this be done right now. Although, if things take place up in New England as they very well could, making Armey GM could become more urgent. Being GM would give Armey the final word on personnel decisions working, of course, in concert with Martz.

3. On replacing coaches. Continuity and stability has a lot to do with keeping teams successful. It keeps the same system in place. The players become familiar with it and like it. With the coaching carousel that is today's NFL, players are oftentimes learning a new scheme with different terminologies every 2 to 3 years.

4. On the co-defensive coordinators situation. Losing one or both of them could be a possibility. It comes with success. Bunting could be a head coach. Howard doesn't know about Giunta. There is a positive in all of this though. Teams are hiring offensive guys over defensive guys, i.e. Mike Sherman with Green Bay. They may leave Bunting and Gunta alone.

5. Caller (Mark). Congratuations to the Rams on not only the turnaround on the field but also the turnaround in upper management. (Howard) The turnaround doesn't happen in the first year. Last year they brought in Ricky Proehl and Tony Horne, an unsigned free agent. The deal to get Orlando Pace. London Fletcher another unsigned street free agent. The key acquisitions this year were obvious with Trent Green, Timmermann, and Faulk. Play makers. It's an evolutionary process. Lots of things in place prior to this year. Some free agents didn't want to come here. We got more aggressive. Signed guys quickly. Trent Green could have resigned with Washington if it not for the ownership situation. Adam Timmermann was close to signing with Philadelphia but he wanted to be close to his farm / stay in the midwest. Two years ago, Zygmunt and DV flew to Baltimore to try to land Wilkens. He went to SF. Patten resigned with Washington. A lot of it is luck. We were not successful not due to lack of effort

(Jan 20)

Dierdorf as honorary captain?

As a local, I'd say that this is wrong. DD should not be a captain of a Ram team.

IMO, it's a insult to both the Rams and  old StL Cardinals.

There are too many great Rams to use DD.

Go Rams !!!!!!

(Jan  21)

RAMS WILL TEST SAPP EARLY. They will move Warner around, make Sapp have to run to get to him. They will also run Faulk wide, again to make Sapp move a longer distance. Reason: Sapp is nursing a bad hammy. They will want to see just how effective he is on the run. If he has to run slower, or reinjures it, then the Rams have a big advantage.

RAMS PASSING---even against the 2  deep  zone. Well, maybe not Minnesota deep, but at least 15-20 yards downfield. The key here is the routes themselves.

Against Minn threw about 90% of their passes to the side line. Earlier in the year, Green Bay threw most of their passes to the near side line. Ditto Detroit. So the Bucs secondary is used to that. Look for the Rams to use the crossing patterns, which they have used during the year. Bruce has a knack of not taking the big hit after the catch, and the receivers overall have very few fumbles considering all the passes caught. Lets face it, most OC don't throw over the middle that much, that is why the Rams look so good at times---they run routes most other teams don't.

A big key here---Warner. Just fly the plane, baby. Really, Warner hasn't gotten frustrated when being rushed or sacked. He probably won't now. Still, he has to be able to make the right decisions and throws. Less risk in this than any other factor.

Some more  keys here--- Holt and Hakim. Quite simple, hang onto the ball! They will throw the bomb to Holt to stretch the D. If he holds onto one, so much the better. Hakim will get open underneath. We don't want any drops like last week.

THE UNDERNEATH GAME. After an initial phase testing the Tampa secondary, the Rams will then start the underneath stuff to the TE, Faulk and Hakim. This will force the LB's into coverage more, and will test them. Then the quick hand offs to Faulk will be more effective. I still see the Rams passing more than running unless they get up by 3 TDs or more. And after last week, they will try to control the ball more at the end of the game, even with a lead.

A key here---Roland Williams, Conwell, Robinson. The under patterns should be open as the Bucs will really try to cover Bruce and Co. The TE will be the odd factor they can't stop if they want to also cover Faulk. So the 5 to 12 yard plays should be there, with some yardage after the catch.

Another key-- Faulk against Bucs LBs. We can say this every game. If they can cover Faulk with a LB then,... The problem is they can't, not every play, no team has. So Faulk breaking free on the passes or on a run is a big factor.

TRICK PLAYS. Who knows? But I still see a Warner bootleg, at least 1 end around, maybe the TE screen. I don't consider the 90 flip or shovel pass (nooooo) trick plays anymore.

RAMS DEFENSE. It's quite simple, blitz, blitz and more blitz. Lyght and McCleon will have to cover well, but the blitz will work. The Bucs ugly little secret is that their OL did not play well last week and at the end of the season. Remember, you can also run blitz and pass blitz. Run blitz should be effective when Dunn is not in. Alstott is good, but he needs to get some speed up. The run blitz will not let him get going. The pass blitz, of course, will mess up King. Sacks are not necessary, but preferred. I can see a big D play from an INT or a fumble return.

The strong part of the Rams D is their ability to cover screen passes. This will take away a big part of the Bucs passing game. The Bucs don't run a lot of 3 WR sets, hardly ever 4 WR sets, so the Rams D won't have to switch people as much during the game.

One key here---Billy Jenkins. What? Yes, if Billy can put the tough hit on Alstott, and chase down Dunn, then the Bucs won't be able to run their offense, making them pass more. When they pass, they are more successful underneath, another area Jenkins must make the tackle after the catch. Also, he can be a big play maker on the blitz package.

Some more keys--->

Wistrom. The Bucs will know about Carter and Farr. That leaves Wistrom as the guy to flush King out of the pocket. He is also fast enough to chase him down from behind. He can also smell out the screen pass to his side. Look for the Bucs to try running Dunn to his side also, as that is where the few long runs against the Rams have happened. Of course, Grant also has many stops for losses on those runs also.

Lyght and McCleon. They can't get too confident after going against the Vikes. A big drop off in talent they are covering this week. They can afford to go for the INT every now and then. King's deep throws haven't been real accurate, so they have to break on the ball sometimes vs covering the man. They can get a big return if they pay attention.

Crowd and King. A given, the crowd will be into it as much, maybe even more this week. The big question is, how will King handle it? The Bucs offense isn't very complicated, so they may not need to call that many signals at the line. But if King can't get his OL to hear him, then what? The crowd noise will help the Rams D when they switch at the line, and King can't get the play change to all the players. A factor I think will grow as the game goes on, especially if the Rams get an early lead.

SPECIAL TEAMS. Just take it to the house, Tony. Don't fumble Az. That's it. These guys will get their yards, unless the Bucs kick everything away from them. Az will have the bigger game, since I don't see the Bucs kicking off that much (smile).

A key here? Punt return team. The Bucs will punt at least 7 times. The field location will be important. If Az and Co. can get 15 yards per punt it will be a big advantage in field placement. The Bucs will want to get the Rams deep and put the clamps on. At midfield, the Rams will have the advantage setting up the big play.

RAMS OL. I don't think the Rams are overmatched here. I think their OL can control the Bucs DL.  I'm convinced they will do OK pass blocking. If they can run block well, or even just good, then Martz can keep the Bucs D guessing all day. And the Rams will get big plays when they guess wrong.

The Bucs DL pressure comes from their DT's as opposed to the DE for most teams. Timm handled Randle on Sunday, can he handle Sapp when he is lined up on Timm's side? More importantly, can Nutten?

The Bucs LBs are the difference makers. The Rams haven't faced the talent of the Bucs OL and LBs combined before. So the TE's, Williams, Robinson and Conwell will have to be able to block big time.

CHOKE FACTOR. Not for the Rams at home. The crowd will certainly play a big part when the Bucs have the ball, especially if the Rams can pin them deep a time or two. The Bucs are 3-2 on turf this year, the Rams 11-2. But the Bucs lost to the Lions and Minn, both dome teams on the road. The Rams lost to the Lions and the meaningless game to the Eagles. A definite home field edge to the Rams.

POSSIBLE SCORES. In this type of game, the Bucs can only hope for a tie and a shot in overtime. Only major injuries or 4 or more turnovers by the Rams can get the Bucs the W.

Rams most - 35. Least - 21
Bucs most - 21. Least - 3

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