playoffheader.jpg (12710 bytes) ~NFC Championship Game~
Sunday, Jan. 23, 2000 @ 4:00 EST

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Spread- RAMS by 13.5

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St. Louis Rams quarterback Kurt Warner sets to throw a 77-yard touchdown pass to receiver Isaac Bruce during the first quarter of the NFC divisional playoff game against the Minnesota Vikings Sunday, Jan. 16, 2000, at the Trans World Dome in St. Louis.
(AP Photo/J. Pat Carter)

Man, what a game, what an experience!!

I got into town on Sat morning, to find it rocking about the Rams. I noticed Old Hacker got into the front page of the PD. Way to go Hack!

I got into the dome earlier than usual (it was starting to get cold out) and wandered over to meet Old Hacker. I found him and we talked for 8 or 9 minutes. Good guy. He gave me some sage, I kept it in my watch pocket for good luck.

A time like this is interesting. You can walk up to anyone in the St. Louis area, and have an instant conversation about the Rams. Anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 hour. As I talked to Hacker, my wife talked to the guy in the row in front of him. As we left I asked if she knew him (she has a habit of running into people she knows from time to time when I least expect it) She said, "no, we just started talking football"

With my handy dandy yellow Rams noodle, I trudged up to my section (let me tell ya, Hacker's got REALLY GOOD seats) and settled in as the teams left from their warm ups.

Then the fun started. They had a guy lead the crowd in the "Gotta go to work!" cheer. Now normally, this probably wouldn't have worked, but the crowd was pumped, so it did work.

Then the players were introduced. Or I think they were. I heard something over the PA system, but not much. The crowd simply drowned out the announcer!

The Vikes open up the game. To their credit, they did OK, because it was loud, real loud. I say it was at least 20% louder than the Niner game. No one got down when the Vikes kicked the FG. Then came the Rams. First play ----Bruce Scores! The place rocks, now louder than ever.

My section, which is usually quite sedate (many single game tickets in the lower part, all single game in the upper part) was wild. Two ladies behind me were up and cheering and raising a commotion. Normally, they only cheered when the Rams scored. Today, all the time. (way to go gals).

Second Rams possesion, quick score. Again, more delirium. Wow, I think, this is cool. The Vikes get the ball again. Cheering goes on, and on, and on. People aren't giving up, they are letting it all out!

Now I see the effect of the noodles. When half the people are waving them, it looked great.

Anyhow, the 2nd quarter comes, and the Rams don't do as well, the Vikes do better. This was the time for the let down. There was a little let down, but only some. The crowd was still much noisier than the avg game.

I hit the bathroom in a break before halftime, and miss nothing. Great timing.

The second half starts, and most people are in their seats or on the way. Horne takes it to the house, the place explodes. Whatever edge may have been lost to the crowd immediately returns. I screamed so loud for so long I got dizzy. Then came the onslaught.

Vikes 3 and out. Rams TD. Vikes fumble, Rams TD. Vikes 3 and out, Rams TD. Vikes fumble, Rams TD (hope thats in the right order)

Each time, the crowd is right there. Loud when the team is on defense, louder when they score. But it is more than that. What the TV DOESN'T show you is the most important. After a score, the crowd didn't politely stop cheering after a minute or two then sit down again. It stood, and stood, and stood. And cheered. Most of the time, the cheering was still going on when they lined up for the kickoff. Solid. Continuous. Noodles waving, hands clapping, voices calling.

(Interesting side note: who would have thought a rather undistiguished rock star "Gary Glitter" would pen one of the best sports cheer songs ever?)

Da da da da dum (HEY) dada da dum.

People, when not cheering are talking, loudly so they can be heard. All amazed. All saying they knew it, the Rams HAD been holding back during the season.

When the Rams had 49 points, (at the 8:30 mark of the 4th qtr.) the fans started to wind down. You can only go for so long. (Or not go, to the bathroom, I mean) I had stood about 3/4 of that time. Sometimes, I sat down when every one was standing just to relax my legs a little. The Rams had so many big plays on offense, even when the crowd sat down, it was back on its feet again before the play was over.

Then came the last 4 minutes. Wow, what tedium. Penelties, timeouts, some scores for the Vikes, so Jeff George can ask for more money in free agency, but never any real doubt who had won the game. The crowd starts leaving, but as the Vikings fans trail out, we have a hearty send off with the Sha na na na, Sha na na na, Hey Hey Hey, Good Bye!

Most fans stayed to the very end. Probably 90%. Only when they lined up to take the knee did everyone start filing out.

So, overall, a great time. What's even better, of course, is I get to do it all over again next weekend.

Last Updated-
04/04/01 08:57:46 AM


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Link to images from the "Viking Funeral" in St. Louis- taken by Old Hacker (1/15)-
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I have attended the same bar for all Rams games for about 3 years now.

Now, it's important to point out that I am in the Phoenix area and Vikings fan abound around here. Every week this year all I've ever heard is how over-rated the Rams were, and how a real team like the Vikes would put them in their place. Then, last week I went there to watch the Cowboys - Vikes game. During the game all the Vikes fans could talk about was how they were on their way to the NFC Championship if they beat the Cowboys. They completely dismissed the Rams as a second rate, lucky to be there team, who could not beat a 'real' team like the Vikes in the playoffs. A bunch of no-nothing Vikes fans who have done nothing but watch their own team play all year.

Sorry, I watch every team play all year. I love football, even  beyond the Rams. There's a big difference between a person who has actually watched, listened, and thought about the game and those pathetic Vikes fans. Last year I didn't think anybody could touch the Vikings. I was wrong, but not that wrong. The point is that I gave the Vikes all the respect in the world for kicking butt all year. The difference is that I actually watched them play a lot.

The Vikes fans who came the bar where I watch football care nothing about the game. They think they are "it" simply because they've never paid attention.

Now, they have no choice but to pay attention. Now they realize that they've been knocked out of the playoffs twice by NFC West teams on their way to the Super Bowl. They think the NFC West sucks? Well, how about the fact that they've been blown by the top team in the West two years in a row. How bad does that make the NFC Central?

I'm tired of the B.S. Pay attention, watch the damn games, and realize that a team does not go 13-3, have an MVP QB, an offensive player of the year RB, an average margin of vicory at home of 25 points,  and the 6th ranked defense in the NFL without being a damn good football team. That's not easy to do. In the NFL it's incredible---no matter what schedule you're playing.

Anyway, usually I'm pretty gracious in victory. Not today. Those Vikings fans deserve to have their noses rubbed in it in a big way.

Vikings fans---grow up, learn the game, learn humility, and maybe you'll earn respect from other NFL fans. Until then, enjoy the sting of this domination and try to learn something from it. You'll all be better off if you do.


Rams maybe have one of the best offenses ever.

I have been watching football since 1963, and this 1999 Rams' offense is truly fun to watch. Team speed, great running game, fine and under-rated offensive line. A pile of fine te's, and a qb who is really as they say in sync.

Your defense and special teams also are fast, and this is what makes you guys so hard to beat.

Playing indoors and on turf does make a major difference when you have speed, and the Super Bowl is also indoors.

What makes this Rams team different then other teams that made the playoffs after so mnay losing seasons is that you have a fine coaching staff.

Many laugh at you guys when you selected Vermeil, but I knew that Dick knows talent. He has now taken two losing teams and made them big winners.

The Eagles prior to Vermeil had 12 losing seasons in a row, and in three years won the NFC Title, with about the same combination that you have now.

Only differrence was the you have a better offense, they had a better defense, but both have very fine special teams, a Dick Vermeil trademark.

This man is the glue that made the moves to make this Rams team, truly a very powerful team.

My hats off to you guys, and no matter happens next Sunday against Tampa, you have had one fine season.

Back in 1979, Tampa Bay lost to the Rams 9-0 in the NFC title game, and many years later, here is the re-match. Once again, like then, Tampa has a very strong defense, an offense that runs the ball well, and a rookie qb who has made them a better team. But now like then the Rams won't be stopped. This should be a fine game, but unless the Bucs score over 20 points, I feel the Rams will go onto to the Super Bowl.

Dick Vermeil once got there back in 1980 but lost to ten Raiders in the Super Bowl, and he won't let this happen again.

Best of success to both teams, with no injuries.
BY JEFF (Jan 17)

COACHING. Think of  98 coaching vs 99 coaching.  I cannot believe the difference. This team is so well prepared to start a game that it is not fair to the opposition. Far contrast to last year.

Even more impressive are the changes made at halftime, both offensively and defensively. The offense comes out smoking and the defense just shuts down the opponents.

The Rams have been the most dominent in the 1st and 3rd quarters and that is when coaching plays a large role. This something this team just did not have last year.

Yes the talent is better, but last year's team might have made the playoffs with a healthy Bruce and this coaching staff.

DEFENSE. Nicest surprise of the game? The Rams defense---yes the defense!

I don't care about the last 7 minutes, the game was over 49-17. At that point, the Rams had only given up 250 yards and only 2 real drives (1st drive and the one following warner's INT).

This unit played extremely tough and they played mostly man to man in the secondary. They gave up a couple big passes, but overall they played very good football.

Dexter McCleon played a tremendous game. He was locked up with Moss almost all game. Moss got some yards, but he really did not hurt us until after the game was already over. This bodes very well for the next 2 games and the future. McCleon grew up today and stepped forward.

Wistrom and Fletcher had tremendous games and showed what giant hearts they posses.

This defense is one of the  best when the game is on the line. When the Rams defense wants to play, they can shut anyone down.

The Vikings offense had 4 possesions in the first 22 minutes of the 2nd half. Tthey had 3 three and outs and fumbled a snap on the first play of another drive. The Rams just came out and suffocated them.

True, the Vikings ended up scoring some meaningless points in the final 7 minutes, when the game was over 49-17. At that point the Rams went into their soft prevent and the Vikings threw short passes and went down the field. They also got an onside kick that helped.

They just wanted to make the game respectful so that they could feel good about themselves. The Rams just wanted to end the game and get into the locker room without any injuries.

So do not put any stock in the final statsl. With 7  minutes left, the Vikings only had 250 yards offense and George only had 200. The final stats and score form this game are so misleading that it is absolutely funny.

RAMS HEART. The Rams have tremendous heart and character. To come out play the way they did in the 3rd quarter, after giving up a big lead, was tremendous. I can't express how much I love this team.

The first 22 minutes of the 2nd half was the best football I have ever seen one team play. Washington's  2nd quarter in the 1988 Super Bowl was the only thing even close.  The offense did not punt, Warner only had 2 incompletions and 4 touchdowns. The special teams had a big touchdown to start it all off and recovered a fumble.

That was the best  football that I have  seen the Rams play in the 25 years I have watched them. 

When have you seen a team this good in all phases? If this team executes, no team can come close to touching them. Not even close.

HEARTLESS VIKES. In contrast, Minn has no heart. They choked when the game was getting out of hand. George and Moss are disgraces and I would not want them on my team. Did anyone notice that George kept backing away from the ball (fumbled handoff) and never went down to get it although it was down there for awhile?

I would rather have no playoff experince than have a playoff experience of losing (Green is now 3-7 inthe playoffs and has not won more than 1 in any year, even when they were the favorites). They lost their composure during the Rams 2nd half run. The team with all its so-called "experience" lost it. They could not handle the pressure and past ghosts came back (you can't win in the playoffs). They are so heartless it is unbelievable. Carter is the only one that I would want on my team.

WARNER. How cool and calm is our qb! There is one play that summarizes Kurt:

In the 3rd quarter, McDaniel blitzed up the middle. Faulk stepped up and upended McDaniel. All this occurred right in front of Kurt. All Kurt did was continue to look down field, gently step to his right and then throw a strike for a big completion. Kurt never blinked and never took his eyes from downfield.

That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Even Madden commented on how QBs just do not do that. This is the coolest and calmest QB I have seen since Montana during his prime.

PS, about QBs, I really fell like we got the best in the draft. IMO, Germaine will end up being better than the rest.

PENALTIES. Did anyone else notice that we only had 3 penalties until the last 7 minutes.

*Delay of game
*Holding on Grut
*Holding on Bruce

That was it. That is extremely impressive for a young team.

THE PLAYOFFS AND BEYOND. We are the team. I really believe that it is ours to lose.

I would love to see the Titans in the Super Bowl, but Jax would give us a better matchup.


I The Early Birds

I arrived downtown about 8:30 AM  and, as it turned out, was not even close to being an early bird. Some folks came down Sat. and spent the night! The crowds were huge everywhere and the tailgate parties were rocking. Never seen so many painted faces outside of Ringling Bros. Fermented beverages were being consumed in mass quantities well before the TWA doors opened. I would like to have had the aspirin concession Monday morning.

Across from the dome, the party tent was packed. Nearby was the van. If you have not yet checked out this site you should. Daily audio reports by Bernie and weekly video reports with lots of other neat stuff. They had several computers hooked up for people to surf and were giving out free t-shirts and foam footballs - cool. Some group was handing out free ear plugs and KFNS was giving out "Gotta Get To Work" signs.

Scalpers and people looking for tickets were everywhere. The media reported that the police would be out in force to stop scalping, but I didn't see it. Talked with one scalper. He had not seen any undercover police or observed any arrests, but was being careful. Several times he stopped transactions while a "suspicious" person walked by.

II The Doors Open.

I've never seen such a big line to get into the Dome before the doors even opened! Getting in was a bit slow due to everybody trying to buy a program from the stand right behind the turnstiles. Hint: there are booths on the second level that sell the programs as well. They are usually deserted. Go up one level to get your program and you will get it much quicker and will help relieve the congestion at the entrance. Actually, the Rams should remove the booths at the entrance as it creates a hazard.

Went over to Section 127 and found Old Hacker, who I never had met before. What a great guy. He gave me some of his homegrown sage which I sprinkled in the endzone as instructed.

By the time I got a drink and made it to my seat, the Dome was already packed. Everyone was given those yellow "noodles" as they entered and people were already waving them around and screaming!

I really like Lea Thompson the actress and she still looks great in a miniskirt, but she should not leave her day-job to take up national anthem singing full-time. 'Nuff said.

Could not even hear the player announcements  the crowd was so loud.

III Game Time

Man my feet hurt. I have never stood up for so much of a sporting event in my life. The fans were unbelievable. In the lower sections we were standing on EVERY defensive play of EVERY series and on EVERY offensive down except for the one drive in the 4th quarter where some, including myself, sat from 12:00 left in the game to about 8:30 left when the Rams got inside the 30. After that we were up again. Not sure what everybody was doing in the upper deck, but it looked like they were standing most of the game as well. I imagine some folks were sitting around the dome during the last 5 min or so, but not in our section.

One small group of fans near the rail in section 112 kept sitting at the start of a couple of Vikings possessions. This led to the best chant of the afternoon: "UP IN FRONT!!" Pretty cute, huh?

IV Noise, and More Noise

Unless you were there and down low, there is no way to understand how loud it was. After the game, a Rams official said that it reached 120db!! At times my ears actually hurt. The noise did drop a bit in the 2nd Quarter, but not by much and only in comparison. DV gave the fans credit for the George fumble, and I also think two delay of game penalties were directly related to the noise. More importantly, I did not notice George changing the plays at the line. Perhaps he was doing something non-verbal, but given the bland play calling by the Vikes, I think we had an effect on that as well. Just as important as the volume was the duration. Unlike previous games where the noise didn't really get going until the enemy was at the LOS, the noise on Sunday was constant and it  almost always started at least as soon as the Vikes huddled up and many times going from play to play and continued with no let up.

I have never been at any sporting event that was that loud. The closest thing I can compare it to is a few rock concerts I've been to when I had seats right in front of monster speakers. As I type this, DV is doing his Monday press conference and he said, it was so loud he was still having  trouble hearing!

V. The PA system

Non-factor. The crowd was so loud that you couldn't hear anything the announcers or the Jumbotron was saying or any music that was playing. The only negative is that, on occasion, the instant replay was not very quick and a portion of the crowd would be watching the Jumbotron instead of screaming as the Vikes broke the huddle.

There were a number of creative spots. The best were live shots of the dome with the caption "Live in St. Louis" followed by "Fargo" spots saying "Live in Minnesota" the best was the guy trying to scrape the ice off his windshield. They also ran a series of spots were the crowd was told "The Vikings ask you to please be quiet while they are on offense." Sometimes two guys dressed as Vikings fans would "shush" the crowd and there were also still shots of Vikings players with captions such as "Jeff George asks you to please be quiet." A Rams employee told me afterwards that the NFL made the rams pull those spots! Expect a fine to follow.

One spot was, IMHO, in poor taste. I showed footage of WWI doughboys in trenches going "over the top" followed by bombs exploding. Cartoon Vikes helmets "marched" across the screen with the doughboys into no-man,s-land. It was a bit esoteric for a football game, but the point was that the Vikes were heading off to their doom, marching off to be slaughtered. The old movies, however, were of real U.S or British soldiers who really were going off to die. That, to me is not something to be made fun of at a football game. Wonder if there were any kids or grandkids of WWI vets who died in the war in the stands and what they thought of such "humor."

VI Misc.

Best sign:  We STILL haven't played anybody!

Best Chant: "Up in Front!"

Best Costume: A couple in front of me both dressed up as Austin Powers with a huge sign saying " The Rams will SHAG the Vikings!"

Best Appearance by a Herd member: Rams80 who showed up on the Jumbotron with his painted face waving a sign.

Most upset Dome Nazi: At the end of the game, the announcer invited fans to stay to watch the post-game press conferences on the Jumbotron. This clearly bothered a self-important looking head  usher type with a big walkie-talkie and an "America's Center" badge. You could just tell how agitated he was that fans were still there. When the video went out at one point, he made a move toward the group sitting in our section and was about to say something when the TV picture came back on. Ditto when DV ended his remarks, the Dome Nazi took a step toward us when Kurt started talking. The split second Kurt's conference was over, he told everyone they had to leave now. My impression is there are a number of America's Center folks who would just as be happy if nobody ever used the Dome. Never forget why you are there.

VII Afterwards

Not enough space to comment on all of the parties downtown after the game, but St. Louis was going nuts well into the wee hours!

Salute to the very nice Vikings fan from Boston who flew in for the game and sat next to me. He was a real class guy and a good sport as well. He also pointed out a couple of Patriots players who came in for the game and were sitting in our section!

It was, without a doubt, the most incredible week of sports mania that I have ever experianced, and I can't imagine what next week will be like.


After the game, I stayed to watch the press conference on the jumbotron. As I was sitting at the rail, I wound up talking to a young woman who said she was responsible for the "Please Be Quiet" features that ran on the Jumbotron during the game.

Well, the Ram person I was talking to said that during the game NFL league officials ordered the Rams to stop playing those announcements. The Rams initial response was that nothing in the rules says that we can't ask the crowd to be quiet, we just can't ask them to get loud. The NFL said, "cute--take them off." The woman seemed to expect that the Rams might get fined for those spots and was joking that it might have to come out of her salary.

IMHO the spots were cute and creative, but totally unnecessary. Most of the time the crowd was at full volume already by the time the spots were aired and there was no drop off after the spots stopped running.


By Sunday morning I was getting a bit edgy. Three attempts at getting our hotel to hire out the room for an extra 3 or 4 hours so I could be sure of seeing the game, before heading for the airport, had met with stony glares and precious little success.

After attending breakfast in my Herd t-shirt to one or two strange glances, we headed out for some last minute shopping around Greenwich Village and Union Square. Helen was in her element browsing around the small independent shops for nick nacks for the home. I had gone from edgy to concerned.

By noon we were ensconsed in Jensen-Lewis discussing the finer points of candle stick holders. "Is there a sports bar locally?" I casually asked the assistant. He said he thought that there was one just round the corner on 14th, so I handed over the credit card and headed out of the shop. I didn't slow down as Helen pointed out we had just walked past Supermodel Christie Turlington (HONESTLY! Helen's sister is a model so she knows these things---apparently). After wandering aimlessly without success for nearly half an hour I was now officially manic. I spotted a tv store and headed in. Trying to look casual I made a beeline for the tv's. Rams up 14-3 and I was in time to see London stuff a run on 2nd down. I loitered with intent to see the Rams for a while, but knew that I needed to find a bar with a tv. '

At that point I remebered the ESPN Zone on Time Square---a sports fans heaven of dozens of tv screens and lots of beer. Helen (god bless her) agreed to go there for lunch. Within 20 minutes we were there. So were a bunch of other people, all in line. We joined the back and waited anxiously.

About 5 years later (well, it seemed that long, but was probably only about 15 minutes) we were in. I ran upstairs to be greeted by the score Rams 14 Vikings 17. I was devestated.

I headed for the bar and got 2 very large beers. Although I couldn't hear the commentary, the half time stats made depressing reading.

I sulked.

Second half about to start as Helen steps gleefully out of the toilets to inform me that they have tv screens over the cubicles so you can watch the game as you pee. Wonderful!

At this stage Helen informs me (afterwards) I went into VERY loud Englishman mode.

Horne takes the catch and sets off. He's clipped and looks for all the world like he's going down...but no way. The blockers do an excellent job and he explodes into open field. I don't remeber this, but by now I'm yelling in a very obvious English accent "Go on Tony, go on my son" As he hits the endzone I go beserk. "Wow" says the guy next to me "these Rams have some real gamebreakers" I went off on one then, telling him about Horne's season and what other weapons we have. That's the last time he ever talks to a stranger.

By now I'd noticed that there were only 2 other Rams fans in the entire building and they were about 6 feet from me. Guess what? They are from St Louis (one of the guys was a Dome regular), they are here on a training course for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. I couldn't belive it. At first I think they thought I was a bit strange, but after MF scores and I'm going absolutely nuts they accept that I'm a true Ram fan. On that play I called a pass to TE Roland Williams, ok I was wrong, but when that happens a few minutes later it's high fives all round.

More beers, more scores. more high fives. By the time our table is called this one was consigned to history and I was VERY contented chap.

I sat eating my nachos and grinning inanely. I'd already had a great weekend, and now I'd had the icing on the cake. What more can a guy ask for? The Superbowl perhaps?

BY RAM-BLE (Jan 16)

1. WARNER. I watched Peyton Manning again.

Again, he looks O.K.

But, he just ain't close to Kurt Warner.

Ain't close.

Here's why.

Manning isn't as accurate. He misses some. Warner just doesn't. How many games this year have we seen Warner have a game like the Vikes? 4, 5???

Manning really has to labor to get the zip. Watch him. He keeps pumping his feet. Spots a receiver and then throws his whole body into the pass.

Warner does the same so easy. See. Release. Effortlessly.

But, most of all, Manning throws far too many passes to guys who have to stop to catch the ball. Warner throws it IN STRIDE. Bill Walsh used to coach QB's so that it wasn't good enough to hit the receiver. You had to hit a small area. Warner does.

The Run After the Catch.


That, my friend, is the secret to life. Actually the secret to great quarterbacking. With Bill Walsh, it wasn't good enough to complete the pass. You had to hit the receiver in a certain target area. So he could RAC.

Warner's got "it"!

That was and is the key to our year. It's looking to be the key to our decade.

Kurt Warner is just far above all other QBs today.

P.S. Let me confess too. I personally did not have an inkling that Warner could/would do this. However, I was the guy who faithfully posted his World League Europe amazing stats each week. Yet, watching him there, he threw way too often off the back foot. And into coverage way, way too often. But, he did make me jump off the couch with his passing abilities. Just thought those negatives would preclude what we are seeing now.

This kid is Johnny Unitas 2000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. GERMAINE. In the Philadelphia game Germaine looked excellent for a really raw rookie. He looked better than McNabb. He threw accurate and strong. Great setup.

Plus, seeing him next to Warner, he's the same height.

I think he'll be a real NFL QB.


And why? Did I do something noble? Did you?

Do we deserve this?

This to me is more satisfying and important than the Vikes win. Or getting in the Super Bowl. I really mean that.

Mike Martz has devised an offense that may be the best ever. It certainly is the best today.

He IS a genius!

Mike Martz has his own plays, movement-concepts, packages, and KILLER aggressiveness that surpasses them all.

Look, I understand that Martz has no Head Coachin egxperience. That's a real risk factor. BUT, the key factor in a Head Coach these days is getting a brilliant, young, innovative offensive mind. Take your chances with the rest of the credentials. And, trust Armey here when, he says that in his opinion, Mike Martz is the best Head Coach candidate to come along in  ages. I trust that as to those "other credentials".

4. IMPROVEMENT. Listen to this. A year ago, the Rams gave up a whopping 36 runs of 20 yards or longer. Through 15 games this season, they've allowed just 7.

Team speed on D is remarkably better this year.

AND, Billy Jenkins is far less likely to overpursue now that he's got one more year ezperience. Billy leads the Rams in tackles, I believe. Just watch and you'll repeatedly see Billy filling the hole solid.

And few TE's have skunked him this year. The few times  TE's have had success, the LB's were most often responsible

5. VERMEIL 'N SPURRIER. Brent Musburger said on the Michigan St.-Florida telecast that Vermeil used to go watch Spurrier's practices and take notes.

DV would diagram pass patterns and plays. And supposedly we are using some of those plays.

This is consistent with what was attractive about Vermeil initially..... i.e. in his press conference when he was hired. He claimed to study all the great coaches in their practices. And learn a little from each. Musberger said the same today.

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