About Page

A. Documentation of the Development Process

The focus of the website is to educate the public in alternative sustainable energy solutions. We provide alternative energy consulting for residential, commercial and industrial customers. Several steps were taken in order to achieve the objective of creating a website that met the above criteria. A clean looking website that is easy to read and navigate. Special care was taken in selecting the correct fonts and colors that would be easily viewed on any web browser. Images and videos where placed and formatted properly.


B. Defense of the Final Product

A hierarchical structural theme was selected for the website design. The reason for this is that most users find this structure easier to understand. I also want the information provided to users be organized around the home page.


Home: This were the welcome screen is. A quick description and links to other pages will reside here.


About Us: This is where I will point out the considerations the intended audience and who may, in the future, be visiting this page.


Solutions: This page will focus on different types of alternative energy solutions and what is best for different scenarios.


Contact Us: Users will have a place to enter their information and we will get in touch with them.


Partners: Information on what our partners doing to accomplish our goals.


C. Opportunities for Improvement and Growth

There are a few things that I would like to refine on this website in the future. I would like to add more content in regard to alternative energy. More images/videos that relate to the main topic. Change the size of the website to accommodate different viewing formats (tablets, phones, etc.).