Bonnie's Lyrics

Choose by album

Bonnie Raitt (1971) Give It Up (1972) Takin my time (1973) Streetlights (1974)
Home plate (1975) Sweet Forgiveness (1977) The Glow (1979) Green Light (1982)
Nine Lives (1986) Nick of Time (1989) The Bonnie Raitt Collection (1990) Luck of the draw (1991)
Longing in their hearts (1994) Road Tested (1996) Fundamental (1998) Silver Lining (2002)
Souls Alike (2005) Non-album tracks

Or choose by song
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |


All at once (Luck of the Draw)
Angel from Montgomery (Streetlights)


Blue for no reason (Fundamental)


Circle Dance (Longing in their hearts)
Cool, Clear Water (Longing in their hearts)
Come to me (Luck of the Draw)
Crooked Crown (Souls Alike)
Cry on my Shoulder (Nick of Time)
Cure for Love (Fundamental)


Deep Water (Souls Alike)
Dimming of the Day


Everybody's Cryin' Mercy (Takin' my time)


Fearless Love (Fundamental)
Feeling of Falling (Longing in their hearts)
The Fundamental Things (Fundamental)


God was in the Water (Souls Alike)
Good man, good woman (Luck of the Draw)
Guilty (Takin' my time)


Have a Heart (Nick of Time)
Hell To Pay (Longing in their hearts)


I Ain't Gonna let you Break my Heart Again (Nick of Time)
I Can't Make You Love Me (Luck of the draw)
I don't want anything to change (Souls Alike)
I need love (Fundamental)
I Sho Do (Longing in their hearts)
I know (Give it up)
I'm on your side (Fundamental)
I will not be broken (Souls Alike)


Longing in Their Hearts (Longing in their hearts)
Louise (Sweet Forgiveness)
Love has no pride (Give it up)
Love me like a man (Give it up)
Love on one condition (Souls Alike)
Love sneakin' up on you
Lovers Will (Fundamental)
Luck of the Draw (Luck of the Draw)


Matters of the heart (Road Tested)
Meet me Half Way (Fundamental)
My opening farewell (Sweet Forgiveness)


Nick of time
No business (Luck of the Draw)
No gettin' over you (Silver Lining)
Nobody's Girl (Nick of Time)
Not the only one (Luck of the Draw)
Nothing seems to matter (Give it up)


One Belief Away (Fundamental)
One Part be my Lover (Luck of the Draw)


Rock Steady (Road Tested)
Round & Round (Fundamental)
Runaway (Sweet Forgiveness)


Shadow of Doubt (Longing in their hearts)
Shake a little (Road Tested)
Silver Lining (Silver Lining)
Slow Ride (Luck of the Draw)
So Close (Souls Alike)
Something To Talk About (Luck of the draw)
Spit of Love (Fundamental)
Steal Your Heart Away (Longing in their hearts)
Storm Warning (Longing in their hearts)


Tangled and Dark (Luck of the Draw)
The Bed I Made (Souls Alike)
The Fundamental Things (Fundamental)
Thing Called Love (Nick of Time)
Too Soon to Tell (Nick of Time)
Trinkets (Souls Alike)
Two Lights in the Nighttime (Souls Alike)


Unnecessarily Mercenary (Souls Alike)


Women be wise (Bonnie Raitt)
Write me a few of your lines / The Kokomo Blues (Takin' my Time)


You (Longing in their hearts)
You told me baby (Give it up)

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