PasT ThOuGhTs

Thoughts on Men and love.
you know what? love doesn't hurt, it's when the person you love doesn't love you back that causes the pain, and most of the arguments that lead to someone spending the night in jail.

why can't men say ""I've changed my mind"" when they change it instead of letting shit ride until it hits the fan?

there are only two groups of people for which "I don't know" is considered a valid reason for doing stupid shit. Men and kids.
wait a minute.....sorry that is just one group with two sub-headings.

Bit of advice for matter how much you may want to, NEVER quit in the middle of sex with a girl. It will totally destroy her ego. Either don't start to begin with or ride it out till it's done.  To do otherwise is risking serious damage to her emotional health and possibly your physical being, and no amount of apologizing will ever make her feel better.

Bit of advice for matter how much you may want to, NEVER take a guy at his word when it comes to sex. If he changes his mind in the middle it will fuck up your head big time. If it happens it happens is the best way to go but don't plan on getting the goody just because he says it will happen. Disappointment under the best circumstances is an ugly thing  and under those circumstances can be down right dangerous for both of you.

Bits of advice for everyone...                                                                                                                                         Lots of people will come and go in and out of your live but true friends are forever, don't sweat the small shit or it can ruin what might be the best thing in your life.
don't worry over much about loving someone, just do it.
don't worry over much about someone not loving you, they don't have to.
don't worry over much about why people say one thing and do another, they are only human just like you.
don't worry over much about what people think of you, be yourself and be happy.
and when all else fails...there is always tomorrow to start again.
Thoughts on Traveling by Greyhound.
don't do it if at all  possible but if  you do, go to the bathroom before you get on the bus, and hope to sit next to a cool person you can talk too. I met a wonderfully nice man on my way home from Kansas City. His name is Joel, and if it hadn't have been for him I think I would've cried all the way to GA instead of just to Concordia MO. We talked for hours and he made me laugh so much that I actually felt good for awhile. Thinking about him now still brings a smile to my face. I hope he made it safely to his destination and that everything goes well for him in the future. I also hope he emails me sometime but if not its ok, he's still one of the best things about my trip .
Even more random thoughts

I don't like my therapist. He always asks how I'm doing and before I finish my first sentence he's going "uh-huh, uh-huh", like he's not really listening...I think I'm going to tell him that I'm planning on killing my nephew next time he asks what I've been doing with my time, just to see if he's really listening. I expect to enjoy the response either way.

Then there is my shrink. Almost as bad as my therapist but at least he does listen to what I say. Of course since English is his second language  he rarely understands what I mean, but he does listen. Invariably I spend half my session explaining what I mean in small words to a man with a damn doctors degree, and this guy is supposed to be helping me? my god...he's allowed to prescribe controlled substances for shit's sake and doesn't know what "who pissed in your cornflakes" means. That is a half way scary thought.

Oh give me a home..where the buffalo roam, and run over all the spoiled rotten little bastards I have to babysit each day.
where what is always heard is their whining, screaming, talking back attitudes right before I grab the belt and whoop them,and the skys are child free and not cloudy all day.

Why is it the coolest people you meet live like 3 fucking hours away but every asshole in town is your nextdoor neighbor? Or worse the local bad ass cop is and likes to eye your company and run their plates just for fun.....

Finally the start of the new millinium. No last year wasn't the start and I'll tell you why. In a set of 10, 1 is the first and 10 is the last, in a set of 100, 1 is the first and 100 is the last, same with money and years. If someone owed you 2000 dollars would you accept 1999 as paid in full? NO you would want that last damn dollar to finish it off,  DUH! so year 1 was the first and year 2000 was the last year of the 20th century ( a set of 100 years) so 2001 is the beginning of the 21st century.
More Random thoughts

why can't we beat the shit out of people who are badly in need of it and are asking for it? you know..the assholes we all come across in our daily lives that bug the shit out of us? a few well placed swings with the ball bat and the gene pool would definately be better off.

why is it that people who don't have childeren feel qualified to tell those who do how to raise them?  Next time I see a yuppie egg layer tell a blue collar mom that she shouldn't "hit" her child after witnessing the child getting a swat on the butt for throwing a fit in a checkout line I'm going to knock her silly.

speaking of kids....
my sister's children are  selfish, ungratefull, spoiled rotten, demons from the bowels of hell, spawned by satan himself.
They refuse  to take any responsibility for their own actions. It's always someone else's fault. I think they have been watching too much news footage covering stupid lawsuits like the ones against tobacco.

Speaking of stupid lawsuits....I heard that this one mother whose child was "accidentally" shot by another child who was playing with his parents gun was going /is going to sue the manufactuer. Hmmmnnnn, its like...lets not blame the parent who left the gun where it could be found by child, and obviously didnt follow gun safety rules about keeping it unloaded and kept seperately from the ammunition., and lets not blame the MOTHER who is sueing for not monitoring her child and not knowing what her child and his friend were doing, and lets not blame the kids for not being taught by the parents to never play with guns.
Just a couple of random thoughts I've been having....
Why is it that the most annoying song on the radio gets played every hour on the hour but cool music only gets played once a day? like anything by N'sync or Backstreet boys plays all the time on the radio stations around here but Creed only gets one shot you know....

Why does traffic move slower when the weather is hot and you have no air conditioning in your car? last week it was like a damn oven in my car and traffic was slower than shit taking 15 minutes to get out of town, , today it was actually nice and I was out of town in like 5 minutes

Why does it take 2 or more years for the state to repave a 5 mile stretch of road? seriously...there is a road that has been "worked on" for the last 2 yrs and it still isnt done...hmmnnn I smell kickbacks....

Why is the word bitch not edited out of t.v. movies but other words like dick, nuts, and balls  are? Its like if its related to a woman its ok but lets not offend the men in the audience...yeah right the same guys who pick their noses, scratch their nuts in public and belch the alphabet are gonna get pissy if they hear the word dick in a movie...

Does the grass really grow greener on the other side of the fence? I can't tell i'm surrounded by weeds and dirt roads...

Why are more and more stupid laws passed with the idea that it will stop crime? HELLO!! criminals by defintion are just going to break them.
GRRRRR!!!! I am so pissed off. My husband, who incidentally is living with another woman and has been for the last 3 months, just shows up in the yard yesterday. Out of the blue, no call or warning or nothing, says he wants to know if I had filed for divorce yet since I FINALLY!! got his damn signature on the papers a week ago. Keep in mind now that for the last 3 months I have been trying to get him to sign these papers and he kept putting it off, and finally out right refused to sign them saying I was just going to have to have him served. Well I ask why is he all of a sudden in such a hurry? He says "cause we need to get it done" know...I said the exact same thing every time he asked me why I was in such a hurry and he had the nerve to say to me "you must be wanting to fuck someone"....all this while he is LIVING with another woman!!! NOW he wants to hurry up and get it done cause it needs to be...well gee....maybe if his sorry ass had signed the papers when I had the money to file a fucking month ago it would be done, but he couldn't be bothered with it...cause of course I wanted it not him. So now he wants it ...and I'm supposed to jump thru fucking hoops and come up with 67.50 I DON'T have to file for divorce cause he wants it. I don't fucking think so. One I got bills I have to pay and they come first, two.....he put me on hold for 3 damn months why does he think I should bend over backwards to get this done in a hurry just cause he wants it? He is such a fucking dick. It's bad enough that I have had to scrimp and save just to get the damn papers typed and then had to hunt his ass down to get the papers signed and now I'm supposed to forget about my responsibilities and bills and run to file them cause HE wants me too??? Oh, he also said he'd try and see if he could come up with half of the filing fee....but if he can't then he expects me to pay for it...since I was willing to pay the whole thing before....yeah that was when I had the DAMN MONEY!!, which I don't now, I have a damn car payment to make, not to mention insurance and a shit load of other things. Fuck that and fuck him. If  he is in such a goddamn hurry then he can pay the whole thing for all I care, cause I don't care, as far as I'm concerned he's out of my life and I'll be damned before I spend another red cent on that shithead.
I'm really starting to have a problem with guys. Not my new friend KN but an old one (I'll call him DK). DK has known me for over 7 yrs. We were in a serious relationship at one time, that of course blew up in our faces, but after the dust settled, we stayed very good friends. Close friends. Now he's totally going weird on me. He's not having the best of luck with women lately (I can sympathize considering my luck with men) but he has totally gotten pissed at the world, including me it seems when I say something he doesnt like. He totally blew me off last week because he felt I was rubbing my happiness at finding a decent guy in his face, after supposedly standing him up for that guy. I'm like, one....he wasn't acting exactly thrilled to see me so I didn't think he'd be that mad and two....if I acted towards him the way he's been acting towards me, He'd be telling me to quit it I was just being jealous. Of course he totally denies that he has any jealousy at all towards anyone in my life, he just doesnt want to know anything at all about any guy I may choose to talk to. U-huh....right. Whatever. I don't know what all has got him in such a pissy mood and of course the testosterone running thru his body prohibits him from opening up to a woman about what is wrong. I just hate having to walk on eggshells around him. It used to be that I could say any damn thing I wanted and he was cool with it. Hell..he used to laugh his ass off at me but that was awhile ago. Since I started a new job, it's hard to catch him online or at home when we can both talk, and as time passes he gets moodier and moodier till I'm like Dude Chill OUT!!...
**sigh** men...can't live with them....can't trade them in for parts.....can't shoot them
Just when you think you know it all BAM something happens to change your mind....I met someone. Not just anyone, but a guy who DOESN'T LIE!  I know its hard to believe but I've been seeing him for 2 weeks and haven't caught him in one yet, and it gets even better, he's very handsome, has a job AND his own place to stay. Hard to believe I know but believe me I've seen it. So not all men are dicks, just most of them. Not all men are liars, just most of them, and not all guys are only out for what they can get....just most of them.
This guy (I'll refer to him by his initials KN) actually has a brain, and can use it. Instead of going uh-huh, yeah, uh-huh, when I talk to him , he actually talks back and makes sense at the same time. I was astonished when I realized he could do this in person and not just by spending an hour or two on an email. He's really wonderful, truly someone I can love. Now it just remains to be seen if he feels the same way.  :)
I got a bone to pick here, why do the people that lie expect those they lie to, to believe them while they are lieing? I just don't get it, I mean come on, how many times are you supposed to believe the same lame ass excuses? A man in my life is such a liar that I can't trust him to tell me the sun will come up in the  morning let alone anything really important. Yet when I refuse to believe him he gets all pissy acting "What???!!! dont you trust me???" in a word NO! and why the hell should I, but what really gets me steamed is how this same guy who would lie to me on a daily basis if I let him (which I'm not) has the nerve to tell me he can't trust me cause I lied to him ONCE!!. Lets compare this, he lies to me everyday for 3 years straight and thinks I should still be able to trust himj, I tell him a lie ONCE and that gives him reason NOT to trust me....hmmmnnnnnnnn I dont think so. Oh I'm fine with him not trusting me,  I did lie and confessed so its understandable that he may choose to hold it against me but hey, it works both ways. If he is going hold one  lie against me then where does he get off thinking that I'm wrong to hold 3285  lies against him? (3 lies a day for 3 the math). To listen to him tell it , it was and is perfectly acceptable to lie all the time. Well guess what, to me it isn't acceptable. I can understand there are times when its just not prudent and may be life threatening for someone to be completely honest, but that doesnt mean its ok to lie like a rug when ever your lips move.
Something I hate.
I go barefoot  a lot. I prefer too. No big deal right? Well I had to go to Wal-Mart for some thread...just a freaking spool of thread. So I walk in, barefoot as usual, and begin to make my way down to the craft section. I hear someone one saying "excuse me miss..Excuse me MISS...MISS!!!" and I turn around wondering who in the hell is that?..and its the door greeter. Some dried up husk of a female with the beehive and too much makeup attempting to hide the ravages of time. She looks down her pointy nose at me and says.." You can't come in here without have to leave." I'm like ??????...I have been in Walmart dozens of times barefoot, never had this happen. So I'm like "what??" and she rises to her full troglydyte height of a whopping 5'5 and says in a very snootty way "YOU HAVE TO LEAVE!!". By now the people surrounding us are noticing that something is going on. They stand there pretending to look at the merchendise while trying to over hear what is said without looking to be. I look her straight in the eye and cop an attitude of my own. "Fine"..I say..(quite loudly too I might add).." Since this store doesn't want it, I will
TAKE MY BUSINESS AND MONEY SOMEWHERE ELSE!" and proceed to walk out of the store. Amazing the reaction I got. All the people around seemed to be in a state of shock that I would say such a thing instead of slinking back out and under my rock.  I figure, she is an employee...she is there to make my shopping experience better/easier/ whatever...I don't work for her, she works for I don't have to take her crap. I said at the door that I will never step foot in THAT store again, and believe me ....I won't.
I don't get how women will do just about anything to look better for men. For example, look at an underwire bra. Obviously, a man had to invent this. I can't imagine a woman decideing one day "hey..I know...I'll wrap my self up in wire and cotton and walk around just because I can!"...uh-huh...don't think so. A man invented this to make large tits look better. Excuse me, but the larger they are, the more gravity is going to take ahold, but rather than accept the norm, men and the domesticated woman would rather adapt the norm into something that isnt and then call it perfect. Not me. I ask you guys...can you imagine taking a cotton covered wire and wrapping it around your nuts, just so they will look better to women, regardless of how the ends dig into your tender flesh everytime you move or breath??? Of course NOT!. No man would do such a stupid thing, but a woman will..which is why anyone over a size 38-C wears an underwire bra just so her tits will look better to men, and yet us women are stuck looking at the same hairy dangly nuts we've looked at for centuries.
Why are guy so stupid sometimes? Like the whole player thing...
I got a guy..who is a sometimes lover, no biggie, he's free and so am I. BUT when he's talking on the side to someone else, I'm like  Dude...let her know what the deal is..and he's all..its none of her business, but if I say something to her then I'm telling his business. Wait a minute...its my business too isn't it?  Yeah..but not if it cuts into his action I guess...
guys......can't live with them..can't shoot them...can't trade them in on self cleaning models.
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