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My Navy Ships
These are photos of ships I was stationed on in 1958 thru 1961.
I was an Aerographers mate, (weatherman), in Pensacola, Fla. In 1959 I was transfered aboard the U.S.S. Albemarle while she was doing duty in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The Albemarle was a pre-World War II Seaplane Tender
We cruised much of the Caribean, including stops in Hati, Jamica, the Virgin Islands, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic. Things were pretty tense in Cuba, as Fidel Castro had just taken over the Island, and Americans were not allowed to leave the Naval base at Guantanamo.
I was aboard the Albemarle when she was de-commissioned at the Phildelphia Naval Ship Yard. At that time she was the oldest commissioned ship in the fleet.
I was then transferred to the U.S.S. Randolph CV-S 15, an anti submarine aircraft carrier. She was a great ship that saw considerable action during WWII. In 1945, she was hit by a Kamakazi suicide bomber on her Quarter Deck and several hundred sailors were killed. The Randolph survivied the attack and later saw action during the Korean conflict and the Viet Nam War. She was later assigned duties as a space ship recovery vessel until she was decommissioned in the 1970's.
The Albemarle being nudged into port at Norfolk, VA
The Albemarle at anchor.
Roger as a 19 year old sailor.
USS Randolph, CVS 15 at sea with Task Group Barvo anti submarine unit. I was aboard the Randolph form 1960/61.
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