<< Alternate 9th Pass >>

A goldrider trapped in a Weyr full of hungry bronzeriders. One word describes that. Nightmare. And to those living something similar to this nightmare, well, you have our sympathies. Raek Weyr was solely created by two goldriders, stuck in the situation described above. They were determined to escape the clutches of lusty men, as well as the suffocating strictness of the cold and snobbish High Reaches Weyr. Though the two young woman were not exactly friends at first... Their personalities clashed, refusing to mesh. One was cold and demanding. The other loud, and firey. But the two had traits in common that they over looked for a long time. Both had golden dragons to ride. Both were rebels at heart. And both hated High Reaches with a passion....

There came a day, in the Lower Carverns of High Reaches Weyr to be exact, when our colder goldrider, Skye, got fed up. With absolutly everything. A bronzerider had tried to toy with her again, and she was sick of the dingy place where the bronzers liked to keep their five goldriders. She got up, leaving against the men's will, and took off on her gold.
At the same time, our second goldrider, Saecla, was in a similar situation. She slapped a bronzerider in the face, and left in almost the same manner as Skye, whom she saw soaring away. For reasons unknown, she followed her upon her own gold, through the cold mountain skies.
As our first goldrider flew further and further away, she spotted a large mountain that seemed to have weyr-like carvings in its side. Sure enough, as they got closer, she discovered that they were weyrs, old abandoned ones. She continued her search, and found the in the middle of the mountain was a huge protruding plateau, where a big stone arch stood. On it read one word: Raek.
As Skye explored she found a canine pack, just like wolves, were residing in the snowy ruins. As she watched them, and they watched her, Saecla landed making her presence known. Skye was infuriated when she found out she had been followed, and the two got in a heated argument.
But as the two argued, they heard a large whine from the wolf pack. In the middle of all the wild dogs was canine with a bulging stomach. She was about to give birth.
The two goldriders rushed to the mother-to-be's aid, and within an hour, there was a beautiful litter of five black furred wolf puppies snuggling against her soft fur. When the two young woman looked back at eachother, they both didnt have the heart to fight again. Instead they both looked up at the old, abandoned mountain, and knew that they would end up creating and founding Raek Weyr, which was what they decided to name it because of the lone stone arch.

Turns past, and both goldriders spent long hours all through the night cleaning and clearing out the old weyrs, as well as the Lower Caverns, Weyrling and Candidate Barracks, and Dining Hall. They made additions and gained supplies discreetly, and as they labored, their friendship seemed to grow. Finally, they were ready to leave High Reaches Weyr all together, never to return, and begin running the ancient and mysterious Raek Weyr. Now all they needed were strong and dependable riders to make their homes in the huge mountain, so that their Weyr could rise to its full potential....

<<<Certain Facts>>>
> The wolves now live in the forest surrounding the mountain of Raek Weyr.
> No abominators, or mass murderers.
> No Master Robinton.

> No Moreta.
> The five Weyrs did come forward but the Oldtimers were cooperative and most of them died out.
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