Why yes, here it is now, a real live HORSE-DRAWN CARRIAGE!  Ta-da!  It's about TIME!!  We spent all day trying to get a good view of one and this is it.  Too bad; I wanted you to see one of the Grand Hotel carriages--now THOSE are fancy.  I guess we'll have to make do with this commoner model.   ;P  Let me say right now that some of these say "Taxi" on them, and they have license plates.  Really.  I'm not lying.  Why would I make something like that up??

Oh yeah, police.  As there are no cars allowed on the Island, you may be wondering about such things as police and ambulances.  Let me clarify.  A very FEW emergency vehicles are allowed--an ambulance passed us when we were there--but the cops, they ride BIKES.  In UNIFORM.  Ha ha ha ha ha!!  Can you imagine a high-speed chase?  "Stop, thief!"  *Ding-ding!*

SPEAKING OF!  Here's a joke I've heard, I've also heard "Amish" substituted, but this was the way I first heard it:

What goes "Clop, clop, clop, clop, BANG BANG!!, clopclopclopclopclop!!"?

A drive-by shooting on Mackinac Island!  Ha ha ha ha ha!  Okay, you've heard enough from me, let's move on.  Hard to believe I could occupy this much space with a stupid pic of a carriage, isn't it.
Here's one of the nicer houses on the Island.  Beware, more to come.   O_O
Awww, wook, sunset!  There's the bridge again!  I'm a sucker for sunsets, so, don't be too surprised to come across a few more...

Don't worry, we're not through yet--a little setting of the sun isn't going to deter us from our tour!  Bwa-ha ha ha ha ha ha!!   >:D  Keep walking, drone!!
Ever see the movie "Somewhere In Time"?  No?  Then move on.  Yes?  Then take a look at this.  It's not easily readable, but it says, "At this site on June 27, 1912, Richard Collier found Elise McKenna.".  (That's Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeve, BTW.)  Hey, look, our Island was in a movie!!  COOLNESS!!  I feel, like, seventeen steps away from fame, or something.
Ta-da!  (You sick of me saying that yet?)  Here is Devil's Kitchen!  Now, how do you suppose it ended up with a horrid name like *that*?  What if I told you that, a long time in the past, this was the home of the cannibal Geebees?  (No, don't start humming "Staying Alive," that's something entirely different.)  The Geebees were Wendigoes, that is, cannibal giants, a type of air elemental.  In northern legends the Wendigo was this invisible spirit that would whisper to you on cold winter nights, until you went running madly out into the snow; then it would grab onto you by your arms and drag you along until your feet burned off, and then carry you off into the sky, never to be seen again...whoooooooo...

According to the Island legend, the Geebees' headquarters were here, in this cave.  They would use the waters from bottomless Devil's Lake (another story, but let me assure you, there IS no Devil's Lake on the Island, at least, not anymore   >:) ) to boil their captives--that is, members of the native population.  They were notorious for this until an Indian woman tricked them and ended up flooding their cave, drowning them all, and putting an end to their cannibalism.  This cave is all that's left.

Hungry?  I got half a sandwich in my backpack.   :)
Another view of Devil's Kitchen.  (Drat, I kinda wish there *were* a Devil's Lake so I'd have an excuse to tell you my favorite legend about the Island!!  I suppose I'll have to wait on that one--there MAY be room for it in the future, if you'll stay tuned.   >:) )

Let's see what the deal is with this formation, shall we?  Step closer--and DON'T PUT THAT SANDWICH DOWN ON THE ROAD, you don't know where that road's been!!   o_O
Here we go, and it's pretty self-explanatory.  That's good, 'cause I'm really starting to run out of things to say.   ((O_O))
Come on, it's about time we got back to town.  It took for-friggin'-ever to get way out here, a long walk along the beach, and DAMN that wind won't let up!!  You remember that cute little mouse we found balled up on the path a little ways back?  Maybe he wasn't injured.  Maybe he was FROZEN!!  I wouldn't doubt it!

But anyway, the lady on the ferry said the last boat leaves at eleven.  ELEVEN??  Methinks she made some kind of mistake!  With luck, we can get back in time for the eight o'clock ferry, and be out of here before nightfall.  Awww, I know, you really wanted to spend the night on the Island, but camping isn't allowed, and it costs like $5 just to think about looking at the Grand Hotel's lawn.  (Okay, that's exaggeration.  But you get the point.)

Uh, you go on ahead, I'll just be...a few steps behind...taking lots of pictures of the sunset.  Told you I'm a sucker for those things.
Apparently these people are, too!  :)  Man, never mind the cold, we just keep passing people sitting out by the beach watching that sunset.  *Sniff.*  C'mon, we better keep moving, don't wanna bring out the sappy romantic in me.  ((Shudder))
OW, don't pull so hard, I told you I'll catch up, I'm just taking pictures of sunsets, SUNSETS--!!
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