A further away, inside view of the fort entrance.  This just makes me think more of those ancient mounds in Europe.  Can you imagine how cold this place must get in winter??  ((shudder))  I'd hate to have been somebody stationed here way back when.

Next up on our tour, Sugar Loaf!   :)
Hark!!  What is that there??  It's Sugar Loaf Rock, by gum!  This bird's-eye view is from Lookout Point, not too far from Fort Holmes.  (At least I *think* it's called Lookout Point, as I suddenly can't find it on the map.   o_O )  Sugar Loaf is 75 feet tall!  (Only??)

You see that sandy spot just to the right of it?  That path going down from the side?  I got a funny story about that.  Last year (1999) when my mom and I went there I just *had* to crawl up to the side of the rock to get a good look.  Now, Ma is busy climbing all around the thing--I mean she went ALL THE WAY AROUND it--and I'm still struggling up this dinky trail!  Ma finally meets me, and she's circled the whole thing and I've just finished getting to the top.  No way I'm going AROUND the thing, the trail is steep and there are dropoffs.  Anyway, I got *up* the thing, now how do I get DOWN??  Ma went down easily enough, but I had to CRABWALK down!!  Only when I was halfway down did I notice Lookout Point for the very first time.  I had *never* known it was there before.  Can you IMAGINE??  There were PEOPLE up there WATCHING me!!

((O_O))  How embarrassing!!
Here's a closer, ground view of Sugar Loaf, and a better view of that stupid trail.  And WOULDN'T YOU KNOW IT?--there are legends surrounding this, too!   >:)  (You just *knew* I was going to say that, didn't you?)

According to one, Sugar Loaf was filled with honey (mmm!) and was the home of Gitchi Manitou, the Great Spirit.  According to another, it's an Indian who was stupid enough to ask the spirit Manabozho for eternal life.  Well, he got it, all right--by being turned into a big rock.  Ha ha ha ha ha!!  That's what you get for asking for immortality!!
Okay, one more pic of the rock, and that stupid trail.  ((Grumble grumble))  Don't you just wanna go climb all over it?  Well isn't that nice.  It's prohibited.   ;P  Not that I was gonna take you up on the offer anyway.  If you thought I was, then you're stupid.  Let's go.
Oooo!  Don't those woods look SCARY??  Well...DON'T THEY??

You see that light area back in the trees?  You can't make it out very well here, but it's a TENNIS COURT.  Can you imagine?  "Come on, Muffy, let's go play some tenny.  Just as soon as we trek through the woods for a half hour.  Just you wait, it'll be MARVY."  "Oh yes, Biff, I'm RIGHT behind you.  I DO hope you remembered the mosquito repellent."  "Do I EVER forget it, Muffykins?  Ho, ho, ho.  OUCH, would you look at that, there's one now, ha ha."

*Cough*--all right--I should role play less often.  That was kinda creepy.   o_O
Fort Mackinac from behind.  (Ignore the cute little cockapoo.)  This orange fencing was pretty much around the whole thing, because of the restoration.  Let's take a closer look at that sign.
(The part you *can't* read is the part where it says FOUR MILLION DOLLARS!!)
Here we are, back in town.  Don't let me tell you about this, though, let the sign speak for itself.  I'm sure you'll find it intriguing.

Do you have to pee??  I know I do.  Good thing the restrooms are nearby.  Hurry up, hurry up, my eyes are turning yellow.   ((
This is what's known as a parking space on Mackinac Island!  Yuk yuk yuk!

LOOK!  What's that coming this way??  Dare we hope??...
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