

Game Boy Advance Version 1.0
January 2003

This is Version 1.0 of the GBA port of Elite - The New Kind.

The original PC version is (was) available from Christian Pinder's New Kind website at

The latest Game Boy version can be found at contains a compiled version of the code designed to run on the Game Boy Advance using a flash card or similar "backup" device. It has been tested with a Flash Advance Pro 256M. You will have to add the Nintendo header to the file, but most card writing software does this automatically. contains the GBA specific source code for Elite - The New Kind. If you want to recompile the game then you will need:


On the intro screen, press A to load a saved game or B to continue. Press Start on the ship parade screen


When in game, START will bring up the controls menu. Use the d-pad to move around on the menu and A to activate the option highlited.

You can use the approriate gadget on your ship from here, providing it is fitted. When docked, the menu has fewer options and you can save/load via the "Options" screen.

In the docked equip ship and market prices screens, up and down select an option, right or A buys things and left sells.

When you buy a new laser you will be asked where to fit it - press up down left or right to fit to the front, back or the left or right side.

In space

* - can be configured in the Options screen

On The Chart Screens

when "Find Planet" is selected-

Version 1.0 differences to PC version

Version 1.0 Known problems


Original Elite game by Ian Bell and David Braben.
Elite The New Kind reverse engineered by Christian Pinder from the original Elite BBC code.
GBA port makes use of graphics and maths functions by Pete Horsman and contains code and tips from various members of the GBA Dev community. Where this is creditable, I've tried to credit it in the source code.
Music conversion by Andrew Scott's ptmid. Music MOD player and sound FX Krawall
Wav to GBA raw conversion tool by Sylvain Rochette. Graphics conversion tool by Markus.
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