How to design your own bottle you own style, your own "fillings".
First decide on a size for your bottle and what "kind" of bottle you want.  I want this one to ba a mason jar. 

If you want it 6" x 6" finished,  you make a square that big on your graph paper or design program.

Then decide how far down you want your lid to be. I put this first line 2 inches down from the top of the block.

This is a mason jar and  I want the lid to sit below the top of the block so I made another line 1 inch from the top of the block.
You have to give your jar "sides" so I drew two lines 1 1/2" inch in from each side and I angled two lines from those lines to the center 1" down from the top of the "jar" and  1" inche in from the sides at the top of the jar to form the rim. (red lines).
Okay, so now I want the "lid" to be slightly larger than the rim of the jar. 

So in the lid area, I have made two lines slightly wider then the rim of the jar. This way I won't have to "match" it up perfectly too!  (red lines again)

Now you have a lovely mason type of jar.

You want a different jar? 

Okay, angle two lines at the bottom and you have a fancy jar.

Okay you want a different jar again?

Make the lid smaller and you have another jar.

Okay you want a different jar again?

Make the lid taller and you have a display jar. 

Okay you want a different jar again?

Make the "jar" taller and skinnier and you have an olive oil jar or wine bottle.

Okay you want a different jar again?

Eliminate the side pieces and make the jar "squat", match up the lid and you have  a formal candy jar.

Okay you want a different jar again?

Make the lip fan out at the top and you have a fish bowl!

I know you are curious about the graphic so I will show you a close-up.

This is what the screen looks like in my CAD program.  I have rulers at the top and side, lines for every inch and dots for every 1/8".   I can set those lines and dots to whatever I want and I can also have all lines and not the dots.

My program will snap the new line to the "grid", to the end of another line,  to the center of a line, perpendicular to a line and a multitude of other "snaps".

You can adjust the line width (this is heavy so you can see it, but the lines can be as thin as the grid lines or as wide as you want them to be, and any color.

To read more about "AutoSketch CAD"  visit the home page. 

Now what do you do with the picture you made of  your bottle?

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