What is a bottle quilt?

You use novelty fabric ..like a piece of fabric that has  bugs on it... or jelly beans... or buttons, etc.

It is pieced to the shape of a mason jar or bottle.  The *jar* is a print for the "contents" of the jar.  You add a  fabric for the top lid.  After your done,  it looks like you have a jar with jelly beans inside... or  bugs or vegetables.  Get it?  You can pick all different novelty fabrics and make rows of  "jars".

You may "Can" anything your heart desires!

Here are some WWW sites with bottle/jar completed quilts and patterns  to tempt you~

Brenda's Quilting

Hickory Hill quits sells kits:
and on the same site:
Bottle quilt picture from quilters

Aljobritt's Quilt page and jar quilts.

Crazy Quilting Corner
A lovely picture of a bottle quilt here

Betty Reynolds:
There is a really nice bottle quilt up at:

Diary of making the above quilt:

Christine Thresh's page
Pattern for a baby jar here

EKTupper's Home Page
pattern for a jar here

Connie's Craft list
Pattern for a jar here

Lonnie's Bottle Quilt

Marcia's Web Page

If you know of any others let us know!

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